The Unwilling Ambassador (Book 3) (25 page)

BOOK: The Unwilling Ambassador (Book 3)
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Fred jumped and jerked his head up. "Oh, it's just you."

Ned raised an eyebrow, but smiled. "For an apprentice to address their master as such is almost an insult."

Fred shook his head. "I didn't mean anything, I was just-" Ned held up his hand.

"I know you didn't, but you had something on your mind. What was it?"

Fred sighed and nodded at the stone. "I was just thinking what that one dwarf said to us about how the stone came alive only when we were around it. What if he's right?" Fred looked into Ned's face. "What if we're the ones causing the stones to wake up?"

The smile slipped off Ned's face. "That's not what's bothering you. You're not worried about the others. You're worried that
are the cause of the stone's awakening." Ned looked at him out of the corner of his eyes and the young man cringed. "Am I right?"

Fred shrugged. "I don't know if you're right, or if we're both wrong. I think that's the worst part about this.
I don't know
," Fred told him. He looked down at his upturned hands. "What if I
the one making them come alive? What if it's because I don't know how to use my magic?"

Ned set a heavy hand on the boy's shivering shoulder, and Fred looked up at him with large, scared eyes. "What if you are?" Ned challenged him.

Fred tilted his head to one side and blinked. "What?" was his intelligent response.

"What if you are the one awakening these stones? What will you do about it?" Ned asked the young man.

"I-I don't know. Maybe leave the group," Fred replied.

"And if you're wrong?" Ned countered.

Fred frowned. "But what if I'm right?"

"Then you have nothing more to fear."

"How can I have nothing more to fear? We have three more stones to destroy," Fred reminded him.

"But if the reason is because of your ignorance with your abilities then you have overcome that," Ned pointed out. He swept his hand over the ruins of the stone. "No one but a competent castor could have stood up for so long against the stone." Ned glanced down at the boy and a smile filled with pride stretched across his face. "You've come a very long way since we first met on your former master's manor, and I expect you to go much far with your abilities. Don't stop here on your adventure. Keep going and don't be afraid of the consequences. Not all of them will be bad."

Fred sighed and shrugged. "I guess I don't really want to quit here, anyway. I don't think I could survive on dwarf food."

Ned chuckled. "No, I couldn't either, but let's get back. Pat is worried about you."

Fred glanced up with wide eyes. "She is?"

Ned nodded his head. "Yes. I'd go so far as to say she's very fond of you."

The young man scoffed. "She just wants someone to punch," he argued.

"Perhaps, but she would miss her punching boy if he left her."

"Well, tell her I'm not going," Fred replied. "I'm going to keep going and see this out to the end."

"No matter what?" Ned asked him.

"No matter what."

Ned laughed and patted Fred on the back. "That's the spirit I knew was in you. Now why don't we go back and see if they have served anything edible to eat?"

"I'll be there in a moment. I just want to think a while longer."

Ned bowed his head. "Very well, but don't dawdle or I'll let Pat find you," he warned him.

"I won't," Fred promised.

Ned left the young man, and when he'd gone Fred pulled out his stick. It transformed into the staff, and his eyes traced a path along the smooth, white wood. There was so much power inside that small, broken stick. He wondered if he would ever really master it, or if he would continue to wing it. Fred frowned, and lifted the staff into the air. A barrier burst from the tip and surrounded him. He smiled and lowered the barrier and his staff.

Maybe winging it was his strength, and why not? It worked for him so far.




Bullfalo: bull-buffalo creature of unknown description located to the north of the region of Dirth. They have large horns that can be used as instruments.



Cadwaladr: leader of the Stars who reside in the western marshes of the Dirth region.



Canavar: a powerful dark castor who is using the Region Stones to create chaos and destruction throughout the world. Why he does this and who he is is unknown.



Cantankus: a hairless dog-beast that was used as steed-of-war by humans. They proved difficult to breed, so humans replaced them with horses. Dwarves still use the cantankus for their mounted divisions. Like dogs, they are extremely loyal and will die for their master, but abuse will lead them to abandon their owner. Riders communicate with their cantankus via a set of collars around their neck and their cantankus' neck that allows them to feel each others' commands and became as one in the mind.



Canto: an old dwarf and cantankus trainer who resided in Galaron after his banishment from the city of Dirth. He follows the companions for the adventure and fights with an ax.



Castor: people who are capable of harnessing the natural magic in the world for their own uses. Current castors use staffs to focus their powers, but ancient castors used stones to connect with the natural world.



Cedric Osgood: deceased protege of Ned and previous owner of Fred's castor staff.



Cousin Fingle: leader of the dark Priests of Phaeton who reside in the hills to the north of Galaron.



Danto: the dwarven Captain of the Guards in the city of Dirth. No relation to Canto.



Deadly Sins: an assassin-for-hire who is employed by Percy as a bodyguard. He uses a unique dagger in battle, and can appear and disappear at will.



Dirth (city): the capital city of the region of the same name. It is located in the center of the region in a sunken hole to the east of a wide swath of marshland. The streets and the castle are a labyrinthine mess built up over several generations of poor planning.



Dirth (region): a region in the northwest of the continent and located to the north of the Sterning region. It is inhabited by dwarves and ruled by royalty. The south of the region is a rocky mountain range while the interior is primarily a stinking marshland infamous for its smells.



Dirth beetle: a large beetle from the Dirth region. It is capable of releasing large amounts of stinking fumes that leave a grown human incapacitated.



Ezekiel Tramadore: hereditary ruler of the city of Tramadore and the region of Ralcott. He is one of Ned's oldest friends.



Fluffy: an abandoned cantankus who is befriended by Fred. He becomes the boy's loyal steed and they are aided in their riding by the magical collars created by Canto.



Fred: a former serf and current castor who was dragged from his former life through Ned's meddling. He now learns the art of castoring from Ned and uses an enchanted staff to perform his magic. He owns a cantankus by the name of Fluffy, and has a close affection for Pat.



Galaron: an ancient city ruled over by the royal family of the same name. It lies in a valley with hills to the north, east, and west. To the northeast lies the Valley of the King where a great battle occurred between Galaron and its enemies. It resides in the region of Sterning, and the city is located in the south of that area. The city of Tramadore to the east is its closest neighbor and ally.



Hawkins, Alexander: Captain of the Guards for the city of Galaron.



Hywel: the Captain of the Guards for the Stars in their city located in the marshes of Dirth.



Ned: an old castor with a long history of traveling the world. He was once known as Edwin. At one time he traveled with a young man by the name of Cedric Osgood.



Patricia (Pat): a young girl who's real name is Elsa Lamikan. She is a knight of the Priests of Phaeton, and was prophesied to take control of the army of Galaron and marry a dead man. With the city destroyed, she now follows Ned to avenge Galaron against Canavar. She avoids the topic of marrying a dead man.



Percival Clavier: known as Percy. He is the son of the traitor of the city of Tramadore, Lord Sturgeon, and wishes to make amends by traveling with the companions. He uses a sword in battle.



Piako: the king of the dwarves and ruler over the region of Dirth.



Priests of Phaeton (dark): those priests who follow the teachings of the destructive powers of Phaeton, the god of fire and reigning religion on the continent.



Priests of Phaeton (light): those priests who follow the teachings of the healing powers of Phaeton, the god of fire and reigning religion on the continent. The priests fostered Pat and protected her until Ned took her to Galaron for her coronation as leader of the Galaron army.



Ralcott: a region in the south central of the continent with its capital located at Tramadore. The region is long and narrow, and is abutted by the Sterning region to the northwest. It is inhabited by humans.



Region Stones: boulder-sized stones placed in each region on the continent by ancient castors. Over time they have absorbed the essence of the people and environment of that region. Lord Canavar uses them for his own dark purposes and unleashes the negative forces of the regions on their inhabitants. It is unknown how the stones are activated, or what purpose Canavar intends for them.



Ruth: a female gargoyle and daughter of the leader of the gargoyle clan, Sampson. Their clan hid themselves beneath Galaron for fifty years to avoid the genocidal intentions from the royal family of Galaron. She owes a life-debt to Pat and Fred for their saving her life.



Salaron: the name of both the plains and bridge that divide the regions of Ralcott and Sterning, the former to the southeast and the latter to the north. The bridge crosses over the Greater Conchero River. The Lesser Conchero River is a small creek that runs from the city of Tramadore westward to join the Greater Conchero just above Salaron Bridge.



Shilo: a female dwarf who resides in the city of Dirth. She raises and breeds crows as messengers. Wife of Thino.



Spalding: Captain of the Guards of the city of Tramadore.



Stars: glowing balls of light with transparent wings similar to those of dragonflies. They reside in the marshes of Dirth, but are captured and used to light the forges and lights for the dwarves. They are related to pixies.



Sterning: a region ruled over by the royal family of the city of Galaron. The region is located in the western part of the continent and is northwest of the city of Tramadore. The region abuts the Tramadore region to its southeast, and the Dirth region to its north. It is inhabited by humans.



Thino: a dwarven stone carver who resides in the city of Dirth. Husband of Shilo.



Tramadore (city): a large city in the western central of the Ralcott region ruled by the family of the same name. The family refer to themselves as lords rather than kings, and rule by popular majority. The castle and defensive walls were hewn from a stone mountain by the ancestors of the inhabitants. The city is famous for its Uncomfortable Chair and the prophecy attached to it.

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