The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945 (120 page)

BOOK: The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945
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Afghanistan 201

East Timor 361

peacekeeping operations 198–201

standing forces 121–2

territorial administration 575

Yugoslavia, former 407

Brasstacks military exercise (1987)
325, 326

Bretton Woods conference (1944)

Brezhnev, Leonid

Brioni Agreement (1991)

Briquemont, Francis

Bryant, Charles Gyude

budget and funding of SC
40–1, 169–70, 250, 503

Bulganin, Nikolai

Bunche, Ralph
301, 302–5, 323, 629–30

Bush, George HW
208, 314, 386–8, 390, 393, 395, 404, 411, 420–1, 432

Bush, George W
318–20, 396–8, 401–5, 462, 499, 557, 559, 597

Butler, Richard

Byrnes, James

Caetano, Marcello
348, 352

43, 54, 107, 175, 190, 192, 203, 351, 507, 537, 570
see also

Camp David Accords (1978)


and creation of SC 68, 71–2

Korean War 274, 276

rapid reaction capability (1995), study on 118–19

Suez crisis 291–2, 294

Caradon, Lord

Carrington, Peter
415, 419–20, 424

Carter, Jimmy
372, 429


Bosnia and Herzegovina 440

decline of, in international wars 44, 83, 512–14

international law 44

Iran-Iraq War (1980–8) 382–3

non-involvement in wars, SC 512–13

peacekeeping operations 128

resources 502–3

standing forces 128

Cawthorn, J


Afghanistan 455, 457

Arab-Israeli wars 303, 307–10, 321–3, 511

Bosnia and Herzegovina 428–9, 450, 511–12

Côte d’Ivoire 481

ECOMOG (Economic Community Ceasefire Monitoring Group)

Liberia 466, 471, 472–4, 486, 487, 491

Nigerian dominance 486–7

Sierra Leone 467, 469, 476–8, 487, 491

India-Pakistan wars 331, 332, 333–9, 342

Iran-Iraq War (1980–8) 373, 380–1

Korean War 274

Kosovo 438–9

Liberia 466, 471, 472–5, 486, 487, 491

monitoring ceasefires 191

Namibia 186

Nigeria 486–7

non-involvement in wars, SC 511

reconstruction, lack of incentive for 511

Rwanda 546

Sierra Leone 467, 469, 476–8, 487, 491

Somalia 540

Suez crisis 291–2, 294

Yugoslavia, former 415–16, 418, 421, 424

Cedras, Raul

CENTO (Central Treaty Organization)

Pakistan’s membership of 326

Central America

SC Res. 644 (1989) 185

SC Res. 653 (1990) 185

Chambas, Mohammed

Chamoun, Camille

chemical weapons
see also
weapons of mass destruction

condemnations 374–5

Gulf War (1991) 387–8

Iran-Iraq War (1980–8) 24, 374–6, 377, 383

Iraq, war in (2003) 397–8

Chen Shui-bian

Cheney, Dick
394, 400

Chiang Kai-shek

children in armed conflict


and creation of SC 66–8, 70, 74–9

East Timor 351

great powers, SC and 73–9, 141–2, 149

Haiti 542

India-Pakistan wars 325, 326, 335

Iran-Iraq War (1980–8) 380

Iraq 380, 389, 391, 393, 400, 539

Korean War 273–8, 500

Kosovo 549–50

non-involvement in wars, SC 497–9

nuclear weapons 497–9

Soviet Union 266, 277–8

Taiwan 266, 497–9, 502

UN, China’s seat at 266, 277–8

United States 498–9

veto 502

Yugoslavia, former 417

Chirac, Jacques
393, 397, 400–1, 484

Christopher, Warren

Churchill, Winston
64, 76–7, 80, 100, 286

civil resistance, rise of

civil wars
internal armed conflicts


civilian support missions 24

Iran-Iraq War (1980–8) 376–7, 378, 381, 383

targeting 376–7, 378, 381, 383

clash of cultures 577–8

Claude, Inis

Clinton, Bill
113, 208, 395, 404, 432, 446, 504, 543, 544, 547

Cold War

Afghanistan 453–4, 457–8

Arab-Israeli wars 305–6, 313, 314

changes in incidence of conflicts 512–13

China 500

Cuban missile crisis 496–7

East Timor 347, 352, 355

GA 500

great powers, SC and 136, 137, 140, 150–1

humanitarian intervention, use of force for 537–53

India-Pakistan wars 326, 345

Iran-Iraq War (1980–8) 382

Korean War 265, 267, 278, 495–6

New International Order’ 507

non-involvement in wars, SC 495–7, 499–500

P5 259–60

peacekeeping operations 175–6, 178–84, 187, 201–2

SC, strength of record of 54

Soviet Union 495–6

standing forces 100–6

terrorism 608, 609–10

UN Charter, provisions regarding use of force 87, 88–92, 94–7

United States 496–7

Uniting for Peace Resolution 156, 159, 164, 170–1, 496

veto 496, 501–2

collective security
see also
use of force; maintenance of international peace and security

Agenda for Peace

armed force 17

and creation of SC 61–2, 71, 74, 84

definition 13, 15, 16

departures from 13–14

enemy states, relations with 14

global context of SC 248–9

Gulf War (1991) 386

Iran-Iraq War (1980–8) 369

League of Nations 13–14

NATO, regional arrangements for use of force and 230–1

P5 6

Peace of Westphalia (1648) 13

post-war occupations, unilateralism in 14

regional arrangements 14

resources 255

SC 14–15

self-defence 14, 230–1

standing forces 106, 129

system, as 13–17

threats to international peace and security, determination of 14

UN Charter 12–17, 86–7, 90–2, 98, 251

UN High-Level Panel Report on Threats, Challenges and Change 15–16

use of force in UN Charter, limitations on 86–7, 90–2, 98

Uniting for Peace Resolution 156, 158, 168, 171, 173–4

Yugoslavia, former 407, 411–17

see also

changes in incidence of conflicts 44, 48, 508

extra-systemic armed conflict, definition of 45

international law 45

League of Nations 10–11

neo-colonialism 506

Suez crisis 297

Trusteeship System 575

UN Charter, provisions regarding use of force 94, 95

United Kingdom 285–6

wars, decline in colonial 48

283–4, 297

631, 632

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) (1996)

see also

GA Res. 1474 (1960) 160, 167, 172

Genocide Convention (1948) 524

humanitarian law, SC resolutions on 524

Katanga, secession of 629–30

mercenaries 628–30, 633, 635

missions 255

non-involvement in wars, SC 501

Opération Artemis
123, 198

peacekeeping operations 255

SC Res. 1484 (2003) 523

SC Res. 143 (1960) 182, 501,

SC Res. 157 (1960) 160

SC Res. 161 (1961) 182, 633,

SC Res. 169 (1961) 172, 182, 633

SC Res. 199 (1964) 633

SC Res. 226 (1966) 634

SC Res. 239 (1967) 634

SC Res. 241 (1967) 634

SC Res. 1279 (1999) 255

SC Res. 1291 (2000) 524

SC Res. 1304 (2000) 523

SC Res. 1355 (2001) 522, 523

SC Res. 1457 (2003) 221

SC Res. 1468 (2003) 525, 526, 528, 533

SC Res. 1484 (2003) 523

SC Res. 1493 (2003) 202, 522

SC Res. 1565 (2004) 215, 523, 524, 526

SC Res. 1592 (2005) 523

SC Res. 1635 (2005) 522

SC Res. 1649 (2005) 523, 526, 528

Soviet Union 160, 169–70, 172

United States 160

Uniting for Peace Resolution 160, 168–73

Connally, Tom

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