The True History of the Blackadder (77 page)

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Authors: J. F. Roberts

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Radio Active Roadshow
editing 124, 319, 320
Edmonds, Mike 284n
Edmonds, Noel 214, 253
Edmondson, Adrian (Ade)
4th series 307
20th Century Coyote 74–5, 77, 141
Manchester University74, 137–8
other work 101, 172, 217, 219–20, 308
writing 219
Young Ones, The
160, 219
Edward, HRH Prince 370
Edwards, Gareth 390
Elgood, Richard 20
Elliott, Paul Mark 217
Elton, Ben 138–43
1st series 161
2nd series 169, 170, 173–4, 180, 194, 202
3rd series 224, 229–30, 238, 240, 247
4th series 287, 289, 294, 316, 323
155–6, 158, 161, 165
Atkinson on 196
audience warm-ups 191–2
Back and Forth
axed 177
cameo 244
charity work 215
Curtis on 174–5, 241, 387
Filthy, Rich & Catflap
Girls on Top
Happy Families
171, 173
on Laurie 234
Laurie on 155
Lloyd on 173
music 163–4, 394
novels 342, 354
other work 162, 167–8, 215, 266–7, 302, 325, 342, 354, 377–9, 378n
392–4, 396, 404
Robinson on 183
Royal Family 373
Saturday Live
218–9, 222–3
Thin Blue Line, The
341, 343, 345
touring 171, 238n
uncle Geoffrey 315
writing 103, 138, 140, 143
writing with Curtis 163–4, 174–6, 241, 297–8, 341, 401
Elton, Geoffrey 170, 315
Emmett, Chris 48
Emmy, International 128, 246
End of Part One
Enfield, Harry 218, 227, 257n, 274n, 326n, 388n
English, Johnny 385
‘Eric Swannage of Liverpool’ 57
Evans, Mark 390
Everett, Rupert 101
Every Packet Carries a Government Health Warning
external sequences 98
Exton, Clive 348, 349
Fact or Fiction – Richard III
fans 205, 254, 303, 318, 387
Fast Show
Fat Chance
Fatal Attraction
‘Fatal Beatings’ 224
Fawlty Towers
47–8, 81, 192, 403
Feldman, Marty 50n
Fenton, Ann 236
Fenton Stevens, Michael 22
Ferguson, Craig 311
Fielding, Helen 24, 216, 239, 337, 380
Film 89
Filthy, Rich & Catflap
220, 221
Fincham, Peter 30, 216
Finlay, Frank 111, 116
First Casualty, The
Firth, Colin 364
Fisher, Bert 11
Flash Gordon
Fletcher, Mandie 178–81, 191, 195, 201, 202, 238, 275, 275n, 406
Fluck, Peter 47, 162
Footlights 6–10, 13, 30–1, 38, 53, 73, 93, 144, 148, 149, 152, 165
‘Foretelling, The’ 117, 302
Four Weddings and a Funeral
30n, 335, 337
‘Four Yorkshiremen’ sketch 50
Fox, Philip 96
Franklyn, Gretchen 120
French, Dawn 275n, 282, 284
Christmas Carol
French & Saunders
280, 338
Girls on Top
171, 172n
other work 227, 342, 389
Vicar of Dibley, The
French, the 248–9, 286, 365, 375, 385
French & Saunders
280, 338
Freud, Emma 311, 337
Friday Night Live
Friday Night, Saturday Morning
Frost, Stephen 6, 121, 217, 305
Fry, Stephen 143, 145–7, 218n
1st series 161
2nd series 174, 184, 194, 205
3rd series 230, 237, 249–50
4th series 288, 291, 293–7, 303
advertising 157
155–6, 159–60, 165
on Atkinson 195, 386
Atkinson’s wedding 326
Back and Forth
354, 359, 363
Bit of Fry and Laurie, A
281, 349–51
‘Blackadder in Bethlehem’ 271
’s legacy 391, 400
Bruges episode 352
Cavalier Years
Cellar Tapes, The
charity work 282, 311
Christmas Carol
Crystal Cube, The
on Darling 295
on Elton 155, 173
and horses 301
on Laurie 149
Laurie on 201, 281
on Lloyd 308
on Mayall 195
Only Fools
other work 176, 215, 216n, 227, 233, 248n, 280, 347–9, 352–3, 355n, 382, 384n, 390
on religion 385
on Richardson 189
Robinson on 235
Ronnie Barker on 221
Royal Family 369, 372
Saturday Live
217–8, 223
Sayle on 166
Sunetra Sastry 203–4
Thin Blue Line, The
on Tom Baker 199
writing 78n, 155, 298, 299
Fundation 75
Gaiman, Neil 13, 324
Gare, Sophie 266
Gascoigne, Bamber 166
Gates, Debbie 228
Get a Grip
Giedroyc, Mel 378
Gilbert, Colin 76
Gilbert, Jimmy 40
Gilliam, Terry 89, 119
Girls on Top
171, 172
Gittins, Jeremy 305
Glaister, Gabrielle 139, 173, 181, 182, 306, 308, 406
Goldblum, Jeff 267
Golden Jubilee concert 373, 375
Goodall, Howard 27–8
1st series music 123
2nd series music 181
3rd series music 251
4th series music 300, 320
on Atkinson 78
Back and Forth
Bernard & the Genie
Christmas single 279
Edinburgh 29, 55
honours 375
‘I Hate the French’ 248–9
Not the Nine O’Clock News
59, 79
other work 43, 341, 382
touring 69, 72
‘Goodbyeee’ 312, 313, 323
Goody, Bob 48
Gorman, John 46
Grade, Michael 29, 176, 177, 178, 270
Gran, Maurice 247
Granada 143, 154, 156, 165, 348
Grand Knockout Tournament, The
Grant, Hugh 337n, 362
Grant, Rob 13, 162, 249, 389
Gray, Elspet 93
Gray, Simon 280, 352
Green, Michael 258
Green Green Grass, The
Gulf War 301–2
Gun Seller, The
Gwenlan, Gareth 276–7
Gygax, Gary 37
Haig, David 345, 378n
Hamilton, Andy 12, 46, 129, 246, 390
Hanna, Vincent 245
Happy Families
171–3, 217, 249
Hardie, Sean 40, 42, 46, 48, 77, 80
Hardinge, Annie 180
Hardy, Jeremy 305, 406
Harry Potter
franchise 105, 384
Hastings, Ronald 204
Hat Trick 130, 228, 285, 326
Hatch, David 9, 10, 11, 36
Hawthorne, Nigel 101
‘Head’ 193
‘Hedge Sketch, The’ 353

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