The True History of the Blackadder (76 page)

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Authors: J. F. Roberts

Tags: #Humor, #General

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Blick, Hugo 307
Boat that Rocked, The
97n, 380, 401
Boden, Richard 275, 291, 319, 320
Bond, James 68
Bonneville, Hugh 30n
books 22, 60, 80, 216, 228
Boom Boom Out Go the Lights
‘Born to Be King’ 125
Bostock-Smith, Colin 57, 130
Bowie, David 72
Bradbury, Nicola 275
Brambell, Wilfrid 115, 239
Branagh, Kenneth 347, 364
Brett, Simon 9, 10, 37
Brewis, Peter 59
Bridget Jones’s Diary
British Comedy Awards 345
Broadbent, Jim 56, 101, 119, 120, 173, 201, 227, 274, 362, 380, 384
Brooke-Taylor, Tim 50n
Brown, Gerry 10
Bundle of Bungles, A
Burkiss Way, The
12, 14, 40, 44n
Bush, Kate 217
Byrne, John 251
Byrne, Patsy 184, 185, 189, 191, 199, 274, 284, 406
Callow, Simon 53, 54, 281
Cambridge University 5, 6, 146, 148
Canter, Jon 10
‘Cape and Capability’ 246
Captain Blood 390
‘Captain Cook’ 302
Carrington, Simon 368
Carry On
franchise 84, 89, 123, 244, 250
cars 60, 116, 370, 384, 395
cartoons 334
Castle, The
Cause Celeb
Cecil, Kevin 355
Cell Mates
Cellar Tapes, The
149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 347
Central School of Speech and Drama 95
Central TV 162
Central Weekend Live
‘Chains’ 202, 243
Chambers, Emma 340
Channel 4 129, 143, 160, 217, 357
Chapman, Graham 12, 50n, 53, 113, 148, 217
charity work 50, 72, 73, 167, 213–5, 254, 282, 372, 376, 402
Charles, Craig 389
Charles, HRH Prince 369–73
Chelmsford 123
285, 286, 363
Cheltenham Literary Festival 103
Children in Need 254–6
children’s television 43, 95, 228, 253, 282–3, 284, 390
chocolates 388–9
church organs 22, 28, 114
Clarke, Warren 246, 406
Clarke-Jervoise, Sophie 357
Cleese, John 6, 12, 27, 34, 39, 47–8, 50, 57, 73, 122n
Clement, Dick 68
Colin, Sid 86
Collins, Forbes 283
Coltrane, Robbie 76n, 103, 128, 155–6, 159, 165–6, 223, 240–3, 274, 384
Comedy Store 49, 73, 75, 77, 103, 141, 142, 155
Comic Relief 205, 213–7, 224n, 253, 256–8, 334, 361, 368, 376, 388, 401
and Curtis 213, 214, 229, 258, 282, 302, 324, 362, 380
Comic Strip 77, 99, 141, 142, 156, 219n, 384
Comic Strip Presents, The
143, 238
comics 324, 360n, 380
Common Pursuit, The
complaints 228–9, 279, 288
Complete & Utter History of Britain, The
compliance people 223, 279
Connolly, Billy 50, 73, 166, 217
Connor, Kenneth 244
‘Constable Savage’ 59
Cook, Peter 6, 35, 39, 50–2, 113–4, 157, 163, 167, 219n, 227, 282
Cook, Ron 98n
Corbett, Ronnie 217, 221, 350
Cornes, Lee 217, 223, 243, 406
‘Corporal Punishment’ 305, 306
costumes 47, 98, 106, 117, 180, 195, 230, 251, 307
Cotton, Bill 28, 36
credits 125, 181, 247, 251, 252, 300, 302, 367–8
criticism 125–6, 152, 226
Crocker, Jo 406
Cross, John Keir 232
Crossing, Peter 213
Cryer, Barry 215, 405
Crystal Cube, The
160, 280
Cumming, Alan 30n, 335
Curse of Fatal Death, The
Curtis, Richard 14–8
1st series 102–3, 106, 112, 124–5, 127, 128
2nd series 168–9, 170, 180–1, 186, 202
3rd series 202, 224, 230, 235, 241, 247
4th series 287, 289, 291, 296, 298, 305, 312, 318, 321
acting 72, 269
on Atkinson 20, 245, 268
Atkinson on 22, 31–2
Back and Forth
354–5, 357, 358, 361, 364
on Baldrick character 183, 292
Bernard & the Genie
‘Blackadder in Bethlehem’ 271, 273
in schools 323, 404
charity work 167, 213–6, 256–8, 324
Christmas Carol
273, 279
Comic Relief 213, 214, 229, 258, 282, 302, 324, 361, 362, 380
Doctor Who
Edinburgh 55
on Elton 174–5, 241, 387
honours 375
ideas for
81, 89, 90
an involved writer 299
on Laurie 234
‘Between the Lines’ charity script 402–3
Madness 167–8
on Mayall 194, 195
and McInnerny 92, 318
McInnerny on 241
movies 267, 325, 335, 337–8, 362, 380
Mr Bean
Not the Nine O’Clock News
58, 79
Oxford University 28–30
pilot 99
389, 391, 392, 394, 399
radio 40
relationships 24, 28, 216, 337
on Richardson 187
Robinson on 300
Royal Family 370
and Shakespeare 41, 82
‘Shakespeare Sketch, The’ 309, 311
Tall Guy, The
tension on
Vicar of Dibley, The
warming-up 302–3
writing 17, 57–8, 72, 128, 161–4
writing with Elton 163–4, 174–6, 241, 297–8, 341, 401
writing with Robinson 228, 282–3
Young Ones, The
Curtis, Tony 23
Dad’s Army
87, 163, 257, 288, 305, 342, 343, 394, 400
Daily Mail
69, 226, 373
Dale, Michael 69
Dance with a Stranger
187, 188
Dangerous Brothers 217, 219
Dark Ages
Darling character 294–6
Davies, John Howard 332
Dawkins, Patricia 345
Dawson, Les 247
de la Tour, Andy 171
Dead Famous
Dead on Time
Death on the Toilet
Deayton, Angus 22, 30, 31, 59, 224, 227, 268, 285–6, 326, 326n
Delve Special
Desert Island Discs
58, 150
Devil’s Whore, The
Dickens, Charles 275, 390
Dicks-Mireaux, Odile 117
‘Dictionary’ 240–1
Didn’t You Kill My Mother-in-Law?
directing 178, 188, 202, 275–6
‘Dish and Dishonesty’ 245, 274
‘Divorce service’ sketch 73
Do Not Adjust Your Set
Doctor Who
37, 361
Dodd, Ken 257
Dogs, Les
Double Take
Dr Snuggles
Dreyfus, James 345, 355n
Dudley, Anne 349
‘Duel’ 240
Dundee University Theatre Group 21, 29
Dungeons and Dragons 37
Dwyer, Penny 150
Dyall, Valentine 115
East, Robert 104, 107, 109, 113, 406
Eastman, Brian 348
Eddington, Paul 53
Edge of Darkness
Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Atkinson and 20, 27, 29, 32, 55, 68–9, 152, 224
Cellar Tapes, The
Lloyd and 9, 13–4, 32
Mayall and Edmondson 74

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