The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (33 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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"Promise me."

"I promise."

"Thanks, Keira. I was just surprised."

A set of luggage had been delivered to the house earlier this morning filled with fall clothes. I called Keira to ask why. She said that she didn't want to disturb my vacation and had sent an email, which explained that I had appearances in Europe that required my attendance. Why? I was still working out that detail. She explained that per the contract and commitments, I was legally obligated to do them, but none of it made any sense to me.

I was going to fly directly from Honolulu to London at the beginning of next week for my first appearance. She seemed flustered trying to explain everything. I wasn't upset at her and told her that. It was just the shock of having the real world crash into me in full force. I didn’t mind the added appearances, but I wanted more time with Andrew.

I thanked her and hung up, then moped around for the rest of the day. At times like these, I wished that I had never signed a contract to make appearances. Andrew had to take a few meetings, so I took the surfboard out to practice what I had learned from our lesson the other day.

When I came in, Andrew was still on the phone, and I decided to use the time to take a much-needed nap. Later that evening, I woke up starving and ready to prepare dinner. But instead, I walked out to a candlelit table decorated with my favorite orchids. I knew Andrew didn't cook, but an incredible aroma was coming from the kitchen. I stepped in and saw him scurrying around the kitchen, dishing out food with a girly apron around his waist.

"Well, hello there?" I stood ogling him.

He turned around, cursing as he spilled something hot on his hand, before wiping it off and smiling. "You're up."

"I was hungry and about to make us dinner, but I see that you beat me to it."

"Sit. I made something incredible."

"Are you really going to lie to my face and tell me that you made this?" I crossed my arms.

"Well, I made this with Mamma."

"You went over there?"

He grinned slyly. "She came here."

I walked over to him, tasted the sauce he had just poured with my finger. "You are a very spoiled boy, Andrew Hughes. How did you help?"

"I carried the pots from the car."

I laughed, tasting the sauce again. "This is good."

He kissed my nose. "Go. Sit. Down."

"Alright." I sat and watched Andrew work around the kitchen. "You know, you look hot in that apron."

He looked down at himself and then flipped the ruffles up. I laughed and started to eat the fresh fruit bowl that he had placed in front of me. I thought that was best. The visuals that were floating throughout my mind of him naked underneath that apron would only have made us skip dinner. By the look of things, Mamma and Andrew had put a lot of effort into this meal.

I could wait, and play later.

Dinner was incredible. Afterward, Andrew and I took a walk along the beach and talked. It was a light conversation about nothing really, but I could tell that Andrew had something on his mind. First, he stopped my advances after dinner, suggesting this walk. And the entire time he had played nervously with his hair. When he came to a sudden stop, not saying anything, I knew that something was very wrong.

I looked up at him staring into his eyes as he remained wordless. He searched mine for a while before saying two words that again took my breath away. "Marry me."

Hearing those words again brought me back to the night he had proposed. "You know I will."

"Andria. I want you to marry me, tomorrow."

Okay, what now?

I stared at him for a while wrapping my brain around what I thought he had just said. "You want us to get married? Tomorrow?"

Andrew fell to his knees, and I knew that he was serious. "You are my heart. I do not want to face the world another day without you by my side as my wife. I know we still have things to work through, but like you said, there will always be obstacles. I will do whatever you want me to, go to counseling, see a doctor, whatever baby, but I
go another day without you being my wife. Marry me."

Andrew held my heart in his hands and instead of feeling scared like I did before, I felt reassured to know that this man loved
. Andria Moore. There was nothing more I wanted than to call him mine. "Yes, I love you, and I will marry you. Tomorrow."

I had tossed and turned all night while Andrew had slept like a rock. It was my wedding day, and I had thought about this moment for a while, but the reality of the actual day wasn't what I had imagined.

I was a little melancholy. Wishing that my family and friends could share in our day, but being just Andrew, and I gave me a sense of peace and calmness. Everything that we had been through had led up to this day…but still there were some reservations.

My mom was going to be sad that she wouldn't see her only daughter get married. That weighed heavily on me. I thought that when we returned, we could have a celebration. I didn't even think about my dad's reaction. He was the one who wouldn't care either way, but you never knew with him. For some reason, Andrew had rubbed him the wrong way.

I turned, staring at the man lying beside me. I was one lucky girl.
One hell of a lucky girl
. I will never take Andrew's love for granted and I will make sure he knows exactly how much I love him.

Mrs. Andrew Hughes. Mrs. Andria Hughes. Mrs. Alexandria Hughes. Mrs. Andria Moore-Hughes. All of these twirled throughout my head. This morning, I woke up as Andria Moore. Daughter, fiancée, friend and writer. Tonight, I would be Andria Hughes. Wife, companion, lover...mother…Oh, God!






Wide awake. The sun was beaming brightly, and Andrew was still asleep. I had bounced on the bed, tussled his hair and fake moaned. Nothing could wake him up. He looked peaceful, so I laid there staring at his beautiful face.

Then I heard a noise. I knew it had come from the other room. I had been laying there for a while analyzing the sounds that seemed to be coming from the direction of the living room. I heard a dog barking, and rustling from the sea, but this was a different noise. When I heard it again, I knew someone was in the house.

"Andrew." I frantically shook him.

"Mmmm," he hummed out, not moving.

"Andrew, wake up!" I shook him harder.

"You want some more?" he asked grinning with a sleepy smile.

I nudged him. "Someone is in the house!"

"No one is in the house." He stressed placing his arm over his eyes.

"I heard a noise in the other room. Go check it out."

He turned towards me, cupping his hand along my face as he reached up to place a kiss on my lips. "Tonight, you will be all mine." He smiled giving me another kiss.

I couldn't help smiling back, before stating. "I won't be if some serial killer is in the house and murders us first."

He laughed, unconcerned. "Andria, there is no serial killer in the house, baby."

"How do you know that?" Then I heard something drop. "Did you hear that?"

He said nothing.

I nudged him, and then pushed him to get out of the bed. "Go see."

He took his time—a little too slowly—if he kept that up, we would be dead soon. "I'm sure it's nothing."

I was not having any of that. I grabbed a pair of nail scissors and followed behind him.

He turned and looked at me as if I were crazy."What are you doing?"

"Shhh, they may hear you."

He shook his head as we walked into the living area. My heart dropped when I stepped into the room. I gawked at Andrew, speechless as I turned to look at what was causing the noise. My emotions got the best of me as tears started to fall from my eyes.

"We made too much commotion?"

Andrew nodded his head at Rebeca as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Oh, honey," my mom said as she grabbed me into a hug.

My dad walked in with Miles carrying suitcases. "Why is Andria crying? What did you do now?" He skulked as he directed the question at Andrew.

"Dan!" Pilar scolded.

"Andrew, it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding," Erin added.

"You guys need to head over to the hotel soon. I have the cars waiting." Owen walked past with a clipboard.

Keira had a matching one as she and Erin went over whatever it was they were doing.

"I need a manicure," Taylor said from the sofa she was laying on. "I didn't have time to get one."

"Andria?" I looked up into Rebeca's concerned eyes. "Are you all right dear?"

Andrew squeezed me into him. "Ummm, everyone," he voiced loudly to the room of people. "Andria? Remember?"

A collective, "Ohh," filled the room. "Surprise!"

"Okay, we have a lot of work to do," Erin added as she grabbed Keira and Owen.

"Did you think we would miss seeing you and Andrew get married?" Rebeca grabbed my hands squeezing them both.

I nodded my head.

"Andria, your father and I have dreamed of the day when we would see you walk down that aisle, honey," my mother added.

"Not sure if dreaming is the right word, Sophia." Dad huffed out.

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