The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness (4 page)

BOOK: The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness
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“Chicken.  I don’t foresee this plan working.  Michelle will pick someone for you, if she has to.  I think you need to be straightforward, and tell her that you love her.  You do realize she is leaving soon.  You’re running out of time, my boy,” Uncle Bob frowned at him and tapped his fingers on the hood.

“Don’t remind me.  I get sick every time I think about it.  Do you really have to take her away so soon?  I’m thrilled that she’s getting out of here, but I don’t know what I’m going to do without her,” CJ kicked a rock in the driveway wishing things were easier with Michelle.

“I’m afraid so.  You and I both know she’s unhappy here.  She’s learned what she can from school and it’s time for her to take the next step.  I’m hoping that new surroundings will ease her mind and dispel some of her melancholy,” he hated the thought of separating the two of them, especially since they were so close.

“So you’ve noticed that she’s miserable.  I’m glad someone has noticed,” CJ held his breath and prepared to tell Uncle Bob everything.

“Dear boy, there are very few things that I don’t see when it comes to her.  You know I have no children of my own and I think of her as a daughter.  That is why I’m taking her away.  There are so many things her parents haven’t taught her.  I feel that I must enlighten her,” he saw the sadness on the boy’s face.  He had grown very fond of him over the years and hated to see him so despondent.

“I get it, I do.  It’s just that I’m going to miss her,” CJ decided to keep his mouth shut.  He hoped that spending time with her uncle would make her trust him enough to tell him what she was going through.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you.  Does she fancy another boy?  Is that why you are hesitant to ask her out?” he had never considered that Michelle might like someone else.

“Thankfully, she hasn’t shown any interest in anyone so far; otherwise, I’d be totally freaking out,” CJ hated the thought of Michelle with another guy.  It made him angry to picture her kissing someone.

CJ thought about Kevin Jones’ reaction to Michelle during lunch. Kevin had actually blushed when he thought Michelle was staring at him.  Thank God, he was too flustered to ask her out.  CJ was grateful that the bell had rung and Michelle had quickly left for class.  Kevin looked mad that he hadn’t taken his shot.  CJ decided to trip Kevin in the hallway the next time he looked like was going to make a move, or maybe spill some soda on him.

Uncle Bob nodded and turned to search for something in his car.  He pulled out a picture frame and stared at it for a moment.

“I suggest you make your move soon; otherwise, you will regret it someday,” he tried to encourage the boy, though it was odd he needed any encouragement.  The two of them were well suited for each other.

CJ sighed and nodded his head.

After dinner, Uncle Bob presented a 5 x 7 framed picture to Michelle.

The photo was of an enormous cliff overlooking a river that divided a mountain range into smaller mountains in the distance.  The skyline was breathtaking, even in the small picture.

“It’s beautiful, but why are you giving me a picture of a cliff?” Michelle touched the intricate wooden frame and committed the photo to memory.

“It’s the Preikestolen in Norway.  It requires a lot of hiking to get there, but it is well worth the trek.  The cliff was created during an Ice Age.  It’s my favorite place to visit and I thought we could start our journey there.  I’ve mistakenly captivated you with my tales of traveling, so I only have myself to blame.  I hope you will enjoy Norway since it’s very different from your itinerary in the autumn.  I know you plan to visit large cities, so I thought we could travel to scenic areas together,” Uncle Bob relaxed when he saw Michelle’s smile.

“This is perfect.  I want to see the world from your perspective.  I can’t wait to see it,” she imagined herself standing on the awe-inspiring cliff with her uncle.

“Though I love the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland for their beautiful sunsets, the Preikestolen has always been special to me.  You’d have to see it to understand.  Standing on the edge, you feel like you’re flying,” he ignored the look of bewilderment from his brother since his idea of traveling meant going to a paper conference once a year in Philadelphia and staying at a Motel 6.

Elise shot Robert a disapproving look and scooped more mashed potatoes onto CJ’s plate.  “Make sure you bring a jacket.  It looks like it will be cold.”

CJ tried to be cheerful, but he was upset that Michelle was going to be in the middle of nowhere without a phone.

Uncle Bob saw the grief on CJ’s face.  He shifted in his chair and cleared his throat.  “I was thinking maybe CJ could join us, if you are okay with it Michelle.  I know he will be heading off to NJIT in the autumn, so I thought the two of you would like to spend one last summer together,” he hid his amusement when CJ quickly looked up at him and accidentally
knocked his plate halfway across the table.

Michelle nearly fell out of her chair.  She would do anything to have more time with CJ.  “Yes, I’m okay with that.  CJ, do you want to come?”

CJ suddenly felt guilty for being a jerk.  “Sure, yes, as long as I’m not intruding.”

It would put a kink in his plans to ask her out, but it was worth it.  He would have to wait until after they left; otherwise, she might kick him off the guest list.

“Nothing would make me happier.  Thank you, Uncle Bob!” Michelle’s summer plans were now perfect.  She didn’t know how to thank her uncle.  He had given her the best present of all, two and a half more months with CJ.

Michelle’s parents were surprised by the offer, but didn’t say anything.  They rarely disagreed with Uncle Bob and his spur of the moment decisions, though her mother quickly got up to wash the dishes to hide her displeasure.  Michelle knew her parents couldn’t say anything since she and CJ were both eighteen.

The three traveling companions spent the last few hours of the evening talking about the trip and deciding what CJ would need to pack.

Around eight o’clock, Henry retired to the study to read the evening paper, and Elise excused herself so that she could plan the meals for the following day.  Michelle sat by the window and watched the last bit of light disappear into the darkness.  The evening dread came over her, knowing she would have to sleep soon.  She took a deep breath and hoped that tonight would be a good night.

She listened to Uncle Bob tease CJ about his video game obsession.  While he was playing
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
, he was eagerly trying to finish the game so he could move on to
.  She listened to the two of them banter over the practical applications of video games in the real world.  CJ won the argument when he stated that video games had taught him battle strategies, what kind of weapon worked best in a fight, and how to stake vampires.  Uncle Bob cheerfully conceded defeat.

After CJ went home, Michelle went to her room to relax.  She picked up her book about vampires and tried to forget her problems for a while.  It was easier reading about death through other people’s eyes.  Vampires were a safe subject since she had never encountered a vampire in her version of Hell.  While she didn’t really like vampires, she was willing to let her mind drift off into a fantasy land where the undead were the biggest concern.  At least no one would say the main character of the book was insane and have her committed.  She tried to imagine a sexy vampire and failed miserably.

A knock at the door pulled her attention to Uncle Bob, who was standing in the doorway with a glass of milk.  She laughed at the sight of him, still in his suit.  He had taken off his jacket, and his pristine light blue sleeves had been rolled up.  He looked very out of place in her flowery wallpaper-clad room with pink frilly decorations.  She was embarrassed that she still had a nightlight in the corner, which she used every night.  She hated waking up in the dark, trying to figure out where she was.

“Reading anything good?” he handed her the milk and sat down in her desk chair.

“Nah, just vampires, nothing of interest,” she threw the book down and accepted the milk.

“You like vampires and such?  I had no idea,” Uncle Bob was curious as he watched her reaction.

“No.  I don’t understand drinking someone else’s blood.  It’s gross and I think it would hurt.  Besides, they don’t exist.  I have other things to worry about like Shakespeare and finals,” she shrugged.

Uncle Bob chuckled and watched her wave away the possibility of mythical creatures.  “I wouldn’t be so quick to turn your back on such ideas.  There are many things in this world that people don’t believe in, yet truly exist.  You will see many unique and amazing things before your time is done in this world.”

“As much as I complain about my boring life, I don’t think I could handle too much excitement.  I definitely don’t believe in monsters, and I wouldn’t want to meet one if they were real,” Michelle pulled her knees to her chest.  She had enough things to worry about.

“That’s your parents talking.  I hate to say it, but you are sheltered here, which is good and bad.  There is a lot you need to learn.  I always feel like time is against me.  You are growing up so fast.  There is never enough time to talk to you,” Uncle Bob sighed.  He watched the confusion play across her face.

“We have time.  I promise I will learn anything you want me to.  I can’t wait to learn as many languages as I can and eat a ton of different foods.  I want to see museums and plays, and take tours of castles and ruins.  You say I’m sheltered, but I feel more like I’m being held prisoner.  Don’t get me wrong, mom and dad are nice, but they look at me as if I’m some stranger under their roof.  I’m someone that they cook and clean for but they don’t really understand me,” Michelle tried not to feel angry, but couldn’t get past her resentment.

“I know it isn’t always easy for you here, but they are good people.  They care more about you than you think.  Teenagers always think their parents don’t understand them.  It’s a part of being a teenager,” Uncle Bob tried to cross his legs and relax in the small pink chair.

Michelle laughed when Uncle Bob nearly fell on the floor when the small chair shifted under his weight.

“I know.  I’m sure I’ll miss them when I leave.  Thanks for helping me talk them into a year of traveling.  Mom almost had a heart attack when I suggested it.  I have to thank you again for letting CJ come with us.  It means more to me than you know,” Michelle smiled and leaned back against her fuzzy pink pillow.

“I thought it was important to give you more time with CJ before you have to leave him.  I know he is special to you.  I would never forgive myself if I separated the two of you.  I see how he acts around you.  He takes care of you.  Everyone needs a person in their life that helps them get through the good and the bad.  Now, it’s time for you to rest.  You have school tomorrow.  Elise will have my head if I keep you up too late,” Uncle Bob stood up from the chair as gracefully as he could and leaned over to kiss Michelle on the forehead.  He ruffled her hair and left her room.

“Good night,” Michelle pulled the covers down and fluffed her pillow.

Uncle Bob stopped at the doorway and turned to face her.  “I forgot.  CJ mentioned an English presentation.  How did it go?  He complained that you were the only one excused from writing a paper.”

Michelle blushed when she heard that CJ had snitched on her.  “It was ok.  I had to reenact Lady Macbeth’s speech when she goes mad.  I thought I would be nervous, but I think I did all right.  Mr. Timmons said that I expressed regret about the blood and the death on my hands, yet remained in command when telling Macbeth that they had nothing to fear because the dead can’t hurt them.  He said that I understood her guilt, but also portrayed her commitment to what she had done.”

Uncle Bob smiled slightly, but he looked sad.  “I’m glad that your teacher liked it.  You’ve learned so much.  I’m very proud of you,” he turned and left her room.

She lay in the bed for a long time thinking about Norway.  She wondered what it would be like to travel with Uncle Bob and CJ.  As much as she wanted to go to the Prom and walk down the aisle at Graduation, she desperately wanted to get to the end of school and start her life.

In the morning, Michelle awoke to the smell of Elise’s pancakes, instead of the fear induced panic attack that welcomed her most mornings.  She was happy for the first time in forever.  Traveling with Uncle Bob for three months might grant her peaceful nights, so that she could be an ordinary girl for a while.  She could finally focus on CJ and get up the nerve to tell him how she felt about him.

After breakfast, Uncle Bob hugged Michelle goodbye.  “I’m sorry that I have to leave, honey.  However, I will be back for Graduation in June.  I promise.  It’s only a little over a month away.  Look at the picture of Norway and think about our trip together.  Tell CJ to take good care of you while I’m gone or I’m coming after him,” he hated to leave her, but he knew he had to.

“I love you,” Michelle whispered into his jacket before she let go of him.  This time she didn’t shed tears at the thought of him leaving.

“I love you too, my dear,” Uncle Bob waved and walked out the front door.

Chapter 3


Two weeks had passed since Uncle Bob’s visit and Michelle was counting the days until he returned, though the days seemed to be getting longer and harder.  Each night was worse than the last and the nightmares were taking a toll on her.  Since the day he had left, she had started having nasty migraines, which worsened each day.  She was popping aspirin like candy, though they eventually stopped working.

CJ grimaced at her on the way to class.  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look worse than I have ever seen you, and that includes the night you tangled with the Realm of Burning Seas and the Realm of Fire back to back.”

He watched her stumble through the hallway into class.  He desperately wanted her to laugh or hit him or do something other than stare at him blankly in pain.  Maybe he had been wrong about not telling Uncle Bob.  He wasn’t sure if the nightmares were related to the headaches, but he didn’t want to rule it out.

“Actually, that night was a cakewalk compared to what I’m feeling now.  I never thought I would say this, but I prefer the realm where your skull is crushed instead of this migraine.  I feel like if my head split open it would relieve the pain,” Michelle mumbled before slumping down into her seat in English.  She put her head down on the desk, wishing she could fall asleep.

“Go home,” CJ groaned, frustrated that she was pushing herself so hard.

“I can’t.  Finals start next week.  I have to be here for the reviews.  My mother said I could go to the nurse after 7
period and skip gym.  She’ll pick me up and take me to the doctor,” she squinted to keep the fluorescent lights at bay.

The chattering in the classroom echoed through her head.  It felt like shards of glass were being shoved into her brain.  Everyone sounded like the adults in the Peanuts cartoon.  It took her a second to realize that someone was addressing her.

“Miss Black, are you ready to start class?” Mr. Timmons sounded annoyed.  Apparently, he had started the lesson, unbeknownst to her.

“Sorry Mr. Timmons, I’m not feeling well,” Michelle tried to focus on the front of the room to find Mr. Timmons, but settled on the general direction where his voice might have come from.

“Are you all right?  You don’t look good,” his voice was suddenly louder.  He quickly appeared a few inches in front of her.

“I feel terrible,” she whimpered.

“What’s wrong?” he replied softly.

She’d never heard him sound concerned before.

“Migraine,” she mumbled.

“Look at me,” he knelt in front of her and looked into her eyes.

Michelle stared into the blue eyes in front of her and shivered.  The pain had inexplicably moved from her head to her chest.  Instead of her head feeling like it was going to explode, something inside her chest burned.

She felt compelled to reach out and touch Mr. Timmons, but instead she grabbed the desk for support.  The feeling inside of her chest grew and clawed at her.  Her body was shaking and it felt like the top of the desk would snap under the strength of her grip.

Mr. Timmons put his hand on her forehead, presumably to see if she had a fever, when a jolt of electricity roared through her body.  He jumped back as if he had felt it too.

She slammed her hands down on her desk and tried to steady herself in her chair.  Her body felt like it was breaking apart.

“Nurse.  Now.  Mr. Jeffries, will you please make sure she gets there?”  Mr. Timmons was professional in his words, but he sounded extremely anxious.

“Of course, sir,” CJ got Michelle to her feet and helped her to the door.

The farther she moved from the room, the more control she had over her body.  The swirling and clawing in her chest calmed and the pain drifted back to her head.  Her migraine was back in full force by the time they reached the nurse’s office.

The nurse took one look at the pair of them stumbling into her office and didn’t hesitate to call Michelle’s mother.  She guided them to the chairs along the wall and ran off to get an ice pack.

“What was that about?” CJ whispered.

“What are you talking about?” she leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes, trying not to vomit.

“When Mr. Timmons touched your head, you looked like you were going to break the desk.  I’ve seen you intense before, but you looked downright scary when he knelt in front of you.  Michelle, you scared the man half to death.  I saw his face.  He looked terrified.  You were staring at him as if you were going to hit him.  After he touched you, I thought he was going run out of the room.  I’ve never seen him freak out before.  What happened?” he asked.  He’d known her to do weird things before, like look at a person in the mall and know if they were a criminal or stare at a bully like she was planning to hit him, but this was new territory.

“I don’t know.  Something happened when I looked into his eyes.  My headache stopped, but it felt like my chest was going to explode.  I can’t explain it.  I think I almost yelled at him, but I don’t know why.  When he touched me, time stopped and it felt like I’d stuck my finger in a socket.  I’ve never experienced anything like that before and I hope it never happens again,” she put her hand on the back of her neck and tried to block out the loud ticking from the wall clock.

“That wasn’t normal, Michelle.  I don’t know what’s going on, but you have to tell someone.  There has to be someone who can figure out what’s wrong with you,” CJ shifted in his chair, desperate for an answer.

Anger surged inside of her, despite the pain.  “Go back to class, CJ,” she snapped.

“What?  Why?” CJ turned to look at her.

She pried her eyes open and glared at him.  “I’m not normal.  We both know that.  Stop pretending that I am.  Nothing about my life makes sense and talking to a psychiatrist isn’t going to change that.  I don’t know what’s happening to me, but you can’t fix it.  No one can.  Do you think I want to be like this?  Do you think I like knowing when people have done terrible things?  Maybe I am crazy or delusional, but for once, I don’t care.  You can’t fix me CJ, so stop trying.”

CJ saw the anger in her eyes.  He knew he had finally crossed the line.

“I’m sorry.  I’m just trying to understand what happened.  Relax.  I’m here for you.  Your mom is coming and you can go home and rest.  I know the nightmares are worse and this headache is getting to you.  Michelle, you’re tougher than anyone I know.  You’ll find a way to deal with this.  Please calm down.  Let me take care of you until your mom gets here,” he refused to leave her alone and in pain.

Michelle took a breath and settled down.  She realized she was being cruel, but the pain was clouding her senses.  “I’m sorry I yelled at you,” she sniffled and leaned down to put her head on his lap.

CJ stiffened when Michelle fell sideways into his lap and rested her head on his thigh.  He unconsciously pulled the hair from her cheek and patted her head.  Under normal circumstances, he would be shivering with anticipation seeing Michelle’s head in his lap, but now he was borderline hysterical while they sat waiting for her mother to arrive.

The nurse tried to send CJ back to class, but he refused.  He gave her the excuse that Michelle might have trouble walking to the car.  He would carry her if he had to, or even if he didn’t have to.  He wanted her safe.  He pressed the ice pack to the back of her neck, hoping it would do something.

“I apologize in advance if I vomit on you,” Michelle muttered.

CJ chuckled.  “You can vomit on me as long as you don’t yell at me again.  I hate when you’re mad at me.  For a second I thought you might punch me.”

“If I could see that far, I might have,” she chuckled.  “I’m glad you finally chose your Prom date, though I still don’t understand why you didn’t ask anyone.  Jenn is a lucky girl.  I’m sure the two of you will have fun.  Make sure your mom takes pictures.  It’s doubtful that I will feel better in two days, so I might not get to see you in your tux.  Maybe you can explain to Kevin why I’m not going.”

CJ cringed.  His plans of asking Michelle to a slow dance evaporated before his eyes.  Kevin Jones had finally gotten up enough guts to ask Michelle to the Prom, after which he anonymously tossed Kevin’s gym clothes into the toilet.  Despite his plans to wait until the summer to discuss their relationship, he desperately wanted at least one dance with her.

“Sure, I can tell him, though he saw what happened in English.  He probably figures you won’t make it,” CJ felt bad that Michelle would miss the dance.

“Thank you for waiting with me,” she snuggled into his leg, happy that he was with her.

Taking slow breaths, she tried to move her head slightly to relieve the pressure.  That’s when she heard the voice.

You are growing weaker.  You won’t be able to resist me for much longer.  You will join me

Michelle jerked herself out of CJ’s lap.  She frantically looked around for an explanation or an escape route, which ever worked best.  CJ jumped in surprise but managed to regain his balance and put his arms around her.

They cannot help you.  They cannot protect you from me.  They are meaningless.  You are what I want and nothing will stand in my way.

“What’s wrong?  What happened?” CJ saw the wild look in her eyes.

“I’ve officially lost my mind.  I can hear the voice,” Michelle tried to stand up, but CJ held her back.

“Okay, breathe.  There’s nobody else here.  The voice isn’t real.  The headache is messing with you,” he knew they had just entered into dangerous territory.  He had never known her to hear the voice while awake.

She looked at CJ.  His face was etched with worry, though he looked like he would kill anything that came near her or threatened her.  If only he could protect her.  She didn’t know how to fight someone who she couldn’t see.  What was CJ supposed to do about someone who he couldn’t see or hear?  She needed an exorcist or a CAT scan.

“I’m scared,” she felt tears welling up in her eyes.  She looked at the floor and contemplated what she should do. 

CJ pulled her head against his shoulder and hugged her.  “No matter what happens, I’m here for you.”

He wanted to distract her by kissing her, but knew it wasn’t the best time.  He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but he knew she wouldn’t believe him.  She would think he said it out of pity.

Looking at her pain-filled eyes and disheveled hair, he realized that a true test of love was seeing someone at their worst and still believing they looked beautiful.

After an excruciating afternoon at the doctor’s office and two bowls of homemade chicken soup, Michelle felt even worse, if that were possible.  She was a little lightheaded after the medication had kicked in, but the pain was still there and growing.  The laughing, or perhaps taunting was more appropriate, echoed in her head.  Time seemed to lose meaning as she drifted in and out of consciousness.  She remembered there being a three o’clock at some point and yet it seemed to be three o’clock again.  This time it was a sunny version of three o’clock.  Michelle realized she had slept an entire day.

She tried to get up, but the room spun and the voice got louder.

I have waited a long time for you, too long.  I will not wait any longer.  The fools you surround yourself with cannot help you.  I can take away your pain.  I can give you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams.  I can give you everything you have ever wanted.  All you have to do is join me.  It is so simple, so easy.  All you have to do is come to me.

Michelle shook her head to make the voice stop, but it got louder.  He kept promising her pleasure or threatening that the pain would worsen.  The voice was so loud she couldn’t hear herself think.

That’s it
, she decided. 
I have completely lost my mind.

The voice went on for hours, maybe days.  She vaguely remembered her mother checking on her and CJ trying to talk to her.  The pain increased and yet she couldn’t seem to find her voice to scream for help.

Come to me.  Deep down you know it is what you want.  You belong with me.  I can ease your agony, and take away your loneliness.  No one understands you, no one really knows you.  I understand you.  I know the real you.  All you have to do is come to me and everything will be perfect.

The voice became hypnotic and pushed every other thought away.  Yes, he could ease her pain.  She had been in pain for so long, suffering from all the horrors that had plagued her and having no one to help her.  They would condemn her for her strange abilities.  They would lock her away, and take her freedom from her.  Not only would her nights be unbearable, but so would her days.  Sitting in a room, doped up on meds for the rest of her life would be worse than the nightmares.  They would fear and hate her if they knew what she could do.

Yes, he understood her as no one else could.  Yes, everything would be perfect.  All she had to do was join him.  But how, how could she join him?  The image came quickly to the forefront of her mind and blinded her for a moment.  Yes, it was so easy.  Join him, and make the pain go away.

Michelle looked into the bathroom mirror, unsure how she had gotten there.  She saw her reflection for the first time in days, or maybe weeks.  She was pale and gaunt.  She had lost so much weight and the agony was reflected everywhere in her features.  She was trembling and dizzy.

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