The Thief Redeemer (4 page)

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Authors: Leigh Clary Abdou

BOOK: The Thief Redeemer
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“Mine is
Gone with the Wind
. Margaret Mitchell. A
book that also contains my favorite quote.”

“Which is…” I’m intrigued because I love a good quote. I
watch her eyes and lips as she leans in to me and almost whispers the words.

Her lips on his could tell him better than all her
stumbling words

I can’t breathe and my eyes are definitely on her lips now.
I want to kiss her, but we’ve only known each other for three days. That’s
never stopped me in the past, but like I said, there’s something different
about Claire.

“What does that mean exactly?” I lean into her so our faces
are only inches apart.

She breaks our eye contact and does this move with her
bottom lip to let me know she’s thinking of the right words. “You know…when
your own words will just mess everything up. When there’s so much you want to
say, but you’re not sure how to say it exactly. When you’re in that situation,
a kiss can speak more than the words themselves. That’s what the quote means.”

She’s back looking at me, and without thinking, I reach over
to grab her hand again. I’ve never met a girl who’s into books and quotes
before. Most of the street girls I’ve met have never read a book.

“Do you do much reading?” I ask.

She sighs. “Before law school, I read a book a week, but now
it’s less.”

“I have every John Grisham book ever written, and a few
others that I like. My grandparents use to take my younger brothers and I to
the library every Sunday and we would pick out ten books each. We would take
them home and that was my assignment each week to read the ten books. I would
have all mine read by Wednesday.”

She looks into my eyes and her warmth radiates to my bones.
I’ve never spoken about these intimate details of my family to anyone before.
What is it about this girl that makes me want to spill my guts? It’s unnerving
and refreshing at the same time.

“And what about your brothers? Did they do their

I laugh at the question because I haven’t thought of my
brothers reading their library books in years.

“No. They both
to read and would lie and say
they had finished when they hadn’t. Of course, my grandparents believed every
word they said. They are twins and could literally get away with murder.” I
laugh again at the memories of my brothers. I could picture them lying to Grans
right now.

“What about you? Were you always the good kid who followed

Her words stop me in my tracks because there are several
answers to that question. I look into her eyes, and of course, I feel she sees
right through me.

“I used to be,” I whisper. “But I’m not any more.” I break
the eye contact with her and stare at my food. I remove my hands from hers and
sit back in the seat. I’m no longer the same person anymore because too much
shit has happened in my lifetime. Then it hits me why I’m drawn to Claire. She
reminds me of a simpler time. She reminds me of love. She reminds me of the
good that is in the world.

“Why aren’t you anymore?” She reaches across and takes my
left hand again. I refuse to make eye contact. Her question makes me realize
I’ve made a huge mistake. I should never have brought this girl to lunch, and I
should never have fallen for her. Where did I think this would end up? Did I
think she would sleep with me? Or did I think she would want to go out with me
again after she knew what I was? I’m such an idiot, and I acted on impulse. I
remove my hand from hers and I run it down my face.

“I’m sorry Claire. This was a mistake. I never should have
brought you here.” I can’t look at her, but by the way she sits back in her
seat, I know she’s offended.

“What do you mean ‘mistake?’”

“I mean exactly what I said. I’m not a good guy, Claire. You
shouldn’t be here with me, and I’m sorry.” I bravely look her in the eyes and I
can’t tell if it’s concern or anger on her face. I have just hurt the planet’s
most beautiful girl. I’m such a prick. “I’ll have them call you a cab, and I’ll
pay for the fare.” I don’t listen for her response. I slip from the booth and
walk to the hostess. I order the cab and walk back to the booth.

Claire is sitting with her hands crossed and she’s not
making any eye contact. I run my hand down my face again.

“And there’s something else you should know. My name’s not
Thomas. It’s Brandon.”

She doesn’t even look at me. I’m such an asshole.




“WHAT HAPPENED BACK there?” Marcus
is driving us back to the warehouse and I’m silently watching the houses pass

“Exactly what it looked like.” I really don’t want to talk
about the past hour. I actually thought I could have some sweet girl fall in
love with me. What was she going to do? Join my car theft circuit? Her law
degree would have been handy in my profession. I don’t deserve a girl like her.
I can’t believe I allowed myself to even think that for a second. Her beauty
and goodness blew me away and caused a serious lapse in my judgment.

“What did you get accomplished in that lawyer’s office? Did
you see any files?”

“No.” Now is the time I have to answer to Marcus. Our
mission was a total loss. I dragged Marcus out in this, telling him I was
looking for my brother’s files, and I came up empty-handed. I was distracted by
Claire. I should have known after staring at her picture I would be attracted
to her, but I had no idea I would react the way I had.

I should have gotten rid of Claire and then searched the
filing room some more. I went in there on a mission and ended up a jerk. I
remember seeing tears form on her face when I helped her into the cab.
a loser.
I made her cry and I seriously feel like shit. I am shit. Who does
that to the world’s most beautiful girl? She probably has men lined up to date
her and I sent her away crying.

Marcus doesn’t ask any more questions and I know he won’t
push it.

“Today was a total bust, okay? I want to go back to the
warehouse, grab a beer, and forget about everything.”

Marcus nods, and we drive in silence back to our warehouse.
We park the car in the garage and head up the back stairs to the apartment up
top. I walk into the kitchen and head straight for the fridge. I grab a beer
and sit myself down on the couch. I ignore Tommy and Carlos who sit at the
kitchen table in discussion. I turn on the television to give me a place to
rest my eyes while I sip on the beer. Tonight is going to be a bad night. Good
thing there’s no roundup scheduled.

My phone buzzes. I don’t want to answer. I’m still wallowing
in self-pity on how close I came to love and purity today, only to have reality
snatch it from my fingers. I glance at the phone and moan. Can this day become
any worse?

“What’s up, Richard?”

“Hey man. Listen. I have an idea for you, but I don’t know
if it’s going to work. Hamilton and Birch are hot on your trail. They’re asking
around for you and everything. We need to give them a distraction that will
take their mind off you for a while, and I’ve got the perfect idea.”

“What kind of distraction?” He’s got my full attention now.

“Both Hamilton and Birch have daughters. I say we stage a
kidnapping. Take both the girls. I can arrange everything and have the girls
delivered to your warehouse. What you do with them from that point forward is
your prerogative. Maybe keep the girls like a month and then we can work on
getting new warehouses for you to move around in or something. What do you

“I don’t like the idea of getting new warehouses. I like the
set-up I’ve got.”

“Okay, then keep the girls for as long as you like, do what
you want with them, and then give them to me and I’ll take care of them. That
will distract Hamilton, and I know you have some vendetta against Birch.”

At this point I’ve lost all feeling. I usually don’t do
anything like this unless someone crosses my path. I’ve had plenty of
ex-employees that Richard’s had to take care of, and who cares about these
girls, right? Their dads are hot on my trail, and what are they to me? I can
bring them here, let the guys have some fun and then let Richard take care of
them so they’ll never be found. This will not only teach Hamilton and Birch a
lesson, but it’ll also keep them away from me and what I do. “Yeah, sounds like
a plan. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done.”

“Sure, Cuz. We’ll deliver them to you tomorrow night.”

“No, we’re not working tomorrow night. Deliver them two
nights from now. Make sure they come to my warehouse, not the other.”

I don’t listen for his response. I end the phone call and
look at Carlos.

“Hey. We have a shipment of girls arriving in a couple of
nights. Two girls to be exact. I’m putting you in charge. I don’t care what you
do to them, just make sure they’re out of the public eye. When you’re finished
with them, let me know and Richard will make them disappear.”

“We’re doing kidnappings now, boss?” Marcus asks with his
eyebrows raised high and a hard look in his eyes.

“Yep. Just started.” I take a swig of my beer and look back
to the television. Nobody will question me. They don’t have the guts. I’ve
never done a kidnapping before, but hell, why not add it to my stellar resume?



TO RECOVER EVEN more from my
pity-party, I decide to do what I do best. We have the night off and I need
something to remove the edge. Marcus and I sit on the apartment deck to smoke a
joint. The smoke circles above the lights and I’m feeling nothing, which is the

I’m pretty sure if all this car theft stuff doesn’t kill me,
marijuana will. My nerves are on edge with thoughts of Birch and Hamilton. I’m
still not sure about this kidnapping scheme, but I know I will see it through.
Birch needs to pay for what he’s done. I want to make him feel the exact pain
he caused me all those years ago.

I’m starting to feel the effects of the pot. This shit is
the shit when you’re looking to forget the shit that is your life.
Wait, did
I just use shit three times in a sentence?
I laugh at how hilarious I am,
as I lean back more in my chair. Marcus looks over at me, his eyes glazed even
more than mine. “What you laughing at, boss?” Are his words slurred? I really
can’t tell.

“Nothing, man. Just thinking how incredibly funny I am.”

“Yeah, you’re pretty funny.”

He says this sarcastically, and I start to get pissed off
because hell, I’m funny when I want to be. I’m about to tell him this, when the
door swings open, and out walks sex on legs. It’s Maggie Smith, and I both love
and hate this woman. She’s been with all of us, which makes her nothing
special, but she says that I’m her favorite. I know what she’s here for, and
it’s not to swap recipes with Sally. She’s screaming what she wants by the way
she’s dressed; a short black skirt and a halter top that’s pushing her cleavage
up to her neck.

“What’s going on out here?” Her voice is high-pitched and
annoying as hell.

“Marcus and I are just chilling out,” I answer because I
know I’m the one she’s here for.

“Care if I join?” She slightly acknowledges Marcus as she
walks over, straddles my lap, and removes the joint from my hand. She takes a
drag and lets the smoke fan out from her thick lips in that seductive way she
has about her. Her long black hair frames her tits, and I notice that her black
skirt is almost pushed up to her ass by the way she’s sitting on me.

I hate this, and I know I’m going to regret my decision
tomorrow, but I can never tell this girl no. She has some unspoken power over
me, and she knows exactly what she’s doing. I take the joint from her hand
without saying a word and take another hit.

“This stuff is good tonight. Where’d you get it?”

“Carlos picked it up for us. I’m not sure where.” I don’t
say anything else because it’s not like Maggie and I have much to talk about.
We only use each other for sex. I won’t say no, because she’s good in bed, but
I know that as soon as I wake up, I’m going to hate myself even more.

She’s drawing me in with her coal black eyes and her tiny,
seductive body and I know I won’t be able to resist. I swallow and try to pry
my eyes off her body, but I’m too high to even pretend I’m not checking her

“You look good tonight, Maggie.” I don’t even speak to her
face. I’m talking to her tits, but I don’t think she cares. She doesn’t say
anything, only takes a few more hits off my joint. I feel my body heat start to
rise and between the two of us, we finish the pot.

She starts rubbing her fingers across my chest while I lean
over to cup her face with my hands. We start to make out right there on the
porch, but if anybody complains, I don’t hear them. I’m too high to care
anyways, and it’s not like I mind if anyone sees Maggie in all her glory. She’s
nothing but an easy girl, and who hasn’t seen what she has to offer?

I hear a door slam behind me, and I notice that Marcus has
left. At least we won’t have an audience as our bodies become more heated. I
push her skirt all the way up and she stands to remove her panties. She
unbuckles my belt, and I stop her to pull a condom out of my wallet. Rule
number one in life, always be prepared. Rule number two, always use a condom.

We complete the act and I’m too high to care that I just had
mindless, meaningless sex with one of the neighborhood hoes. She rests her head
on mine but she knows I’m not one to cuddle. I push her off and remove the
condom. I slip my pants back on while she dresses herself, too.

“We’ll have to do that again,” she says, her voice deep as
she walks over to snake her hands around my back. I look down at her because,
as much as I want to say we will
happen again, I know we will. I
will cave into her again and again because she’s good and easy.

I don’t say a word as I remove her hands from my body. I
leave her standing on the porch and walk back into the den. By this time it’s
getting late, and I’m too stoned to do anything else. I walk back to my bedroom
and close the door.

I know I need to bathe to remove the smell of Maggie, but
I’m too high and uncoordinated right now to work the shower. I strip down to
boxers and climb into the bed. I close my eyes, and sleep quickly finds me.

When I wake the next morning, the first thing I remember is
giving in to Maggie the night before, and as predicted, I hate myself.



DUSK HAS APPROACHED, and it’s time
for me to report to the warehouse. I slip on my boots and my eye catches the
one memory from my past I care to remember. It’s a picture of my entire family
on a beach in Florida.

Everyone is all smiles and laughter.

This is when we were a whole; an entire family unit. This is
before tragedy struck and I lost everything I ever loved. My brothers are the
spitting image of my mother with their brown hair and dark brown eyes. I’m more
of a mother and father mix. I have my mother’s brown hair, but I have my dad’s
hazel green eyes. I’m also built like my dad. His build was from years of
playing wide receiver in high school and college. Football was his life and he
was constantly teaching me how to catch. Maybe he had big dreams for me to play
in college. Maybe he knew even then that my body would have his lean, muscular
build. The only difference is that my muscles come from stealing cars and
living life in the fast lane, not playing football.

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