The Thief Redeemer (14 page)

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Authors: Leigh Clary Abdou

BOOK: The Thief Redeemer
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“It’s so nice to meet you both,” she says, but then senses
their hesitation. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re the girl who’s been kidnapped. We keep seeing your
picture on the television.” Mark looks at me. “Is it true you kidnapped her?”

I pause, not knowing what to say. I don’t want to lose what
little respect my brothers have for me. “Um…” I start, but I don’t know how to

“Yes, I was kidnapped, but now I’m helping Brandon out. He
will be returning me very soon. It’s nothing for you to be concerned about.”
Claire’s soft and sweet voice instantly lifts the turmoil in the air. She
motions us to the blanket, and I’m once again in awe of her. She could have
easily thrown herself at the twins and asked to be taken away, but she didn’t.
She stood by me. No woman has ever done that before.

We take our seats around the blanket and I start in on the
questions. I don’t think I have ever talked this much in my entire life. What
grades do you make in school? Where are you going to college…you’re going,
right? What kind of parents are the Peoples?

I find out that their new family, Gloria and Terry Peoples,
are decent parents and that both twins are enrolled at The University of
Georgia. They have plans to start in the fall. I have never been so proud.

But then the larger issues at stake circle our picnic when
Mark asks the loaded question. “What happened to you, Brandon?”

I swallow several times, laying my halfway eaten sandwich
down. What should I tell him? I decide on the truth.

“I don’t know what Gloria and Terry have told you about me.”
I run my hands down my face and hesitate before starting again. “You were both
too young to understand what happened, but after Gramps and Gran died, I tried
to win sole custody of you.” I see their eyes go wide. They had no idea. “We
all spent a year in foster care, and when I turned eighteen, I was considered
an adult. I didn’t want either of you to endure foster care any longer, so I
set out to gain full custody. I didn’t know it at the time, but Gloria and Terry
had already started the adoption process.”

I glance their way. They have both stopped eating, their
eyes glued to me. “I was really happy at first. I knew this would be a better
life for you than what I could offer, but when I asked for your new information,
I was told the files were sealed. I fought to have them opened. I only wanted
to be part of your lives. But they had a really great lawyer, and I had a state
lawyer who sucked.”

I don’t mention that the really great lawyer is Claire’s
dad. “The great lawyer brought up my troubled high school years. I don’t know
if you remember, but I was always in fights. I had…still have…a pretty bad
temper and it was no secret in school. Gloria and Terry’s lawyer brought that
up, and to make a long story short, I lost the case. The judge ruled in favor
of your new parents and…well, I lost it. I already felt so alone in the world,
and I couldn’t control my emotions. I went crazy right there in the court

Their eyes are still wide. I’m not trying to scare them, but
they need to know the truth. “I threw over tables, chairs, threatened the
judge. It wasn’t a pretty sight, and it’s nothing I’m proud of.” I exhale. “I
just felt so lost in that moment, and I didn’t know any other way to release
the pain. This obviously wasn’t acceptable in the courtroom, and the judge
sentenced me to thirty days. So now, not only do I have a record of anger
issues, but I have a jail sentence on me, too.”

I pause and look at the ground. “You two were all I had
left, and I had just lost you. Because of my ‘anger issues,’” I say the last
two words sarcastically, “The court ruled in favor of keeping the files sealed.
Gloria and Terry adopted you, and I didn’t know your new last name. I thought I
had lost you forever.”

Nobody speaks for a while. I’m terrified I have scared them.
“Please don’t hate Gloria and Terry for this. They did what they thought best,
and I’m sure you can tell from what you’ve seen in the news, I didn’t turn out
to be the best role model.”

“How did you get involved in the largest car theft ring in
Atlanta?” Mark asks timidly. I can tell they live an incredibly sheltered life,
and I don’t want to overwhelm them with too much information.

“Do you remember my buddy Marcus from high school?” They
both nod, and I’m shocked they remember him. “Well, we tried it one day,
stealing a car, I mean, and the adrenaline rush was wild. So we did it
again…and again. And before I knew it, I was running an entire ring of cars.
And I was good. Too good. Now I’m in too deep. I can’t escape. I want to,
dammit. I really do, but I can’t integrate back into society without going to
jail. And I’m not about to turn myself in. I need money, so this is what I do.
This is what I’ve become.” I pause for a second because I want them to hear
every word. I look into each of their eyes.

“I’m not proud of what I’ve become. I don’t want to be this
person, but my options are limited. I want to be in your lives, but because of
my choices, I will always be at a distance. I want better for you. Go to
college. Get a degree and an honest job. Always be honest.

“The thing is, one day this lifestyle is going to catch up
with me. I am a ticking time bomb, and soon, it’s all going to come to a head
and explode. I don’t know when or how much longer I have, but I’m not stupid. I
know that it’s coming.

“I want you to know that I love you, and I want better for
you. Whatever you do and whatever you become, make Mom and Dad, Gramps and Gran
proud. I didn’t do this, and the opportunity for me is all but gone, but you
still have the choice. You still have the opportunity.”

Their brown hair blows in the wind, and I’m looking deeply
into their brown eyes. I mean every word I say. This might be the only chance I
have to speak with them, and I want to put all my cards on the table.

“We still love you, Brandon. We think about you every day,”
Mark says, wiping his eyes. “We didn’t know what happened. Mom and Dad don’t
ever speak about you. We know who you are…we see you on the news, but we aren’t
allowed to ask questions.”

“We want you in our lives again, too,” Luke says in a
whispered tone. “We’ve missed you.”

A feeling of warmth floods through me. They don’t hate me.
They want to see me again. “Maybe we can do this another time in a couple of
months,” I tell them. “This is a safe place. We can meet up and you tell me all
about college. You can tell me all about your college girlfriends,” I smirk,
hitting Luke in the arm playfully. He smiles back and I sense these two have
the girls coming from miles around. They look just like our beautiful mother.

“I have a small gift,” Claire speaks, and I’m shocked
because I forgot she was here. She reaches into the bag and pulls out two
pictures. She hands them to each of my brothers. I’m speechless. This is the
same picture I have by my lamp in my room.

“How…?” I ask, attempting to formulate the words.

“That day I went to the library. I took your picture and
photo-scanned copies. After I found what I needed, I knew we would have this
moment, and I knew they would want this.”

She gives us all her gorgeous smile, and in that moment I
think I might be in love with her. I’m not totally sure because I’ve never been
in love, but if I’ve ever wanted to kiss her, it’s now. Since the beginning,
Claire has put a glitch in this entire kidnapping scheme. I was never supposed
to fall in love with her, protect her, or care for her.

What has she done to me? Before she came into my life, I
only felt anger and vengeance. Today I feel love and remorse. Who is this tiny
blonde that has such an immense power over one of Atlanta’s most wanted

I realize I’ve been letting her get to me little by little,
night by night. This didn’t happen all at once, but she has weaved her way into
my body and soul. Returning to the Brandon I once was is no longer an option.
Once someone’s soul has been intertwined with yours, it’s impossible to remain
the same person. The past few months with Claire are unfolding before my eyes,
and like an open book, I see her breaking down my walls page by page. What’s
even more terrifying is that I love this feeling.

“Thanks, Claire,” Luke says. They are torn up over this

I can barely keep my eyes off Claire. I can’t believe she
did something like this. Why does she do this for me?

“How old are we here?” Mark asks, tearing my gaze away from
the angel on the blanket.

“You two are two, and I’m twelve. This is us at a beach in
Florida. It’s actually the very picture I keep on my nightstand.” They continue
to stare and comment on the picture. We are such babies in this picture. We had
no idea what a hard road lay ahead.

“We should get going,” Mark says, and I notice that it’s
after three. Where has the time gone? We all four stand and have one final
embrace. “When can we see you again?” Mark’s voice is desperate with need. They
have needed me just as much as I have needed them.

“Soon. I’ll call you again before the summer is over, to
make sure I have your contact information at college. Then we can set something
up. We can’t meet too often, but every couple of months is better than
nothing.” I can promise them this much.

“Love you, Brandon,” Luke says as he slips his picture into
his pocket.

“I love you, too. Both of you,” I whisper as we embrace
again. They walk away, glancing behind every few feet. I sense their youth and
their knowledge that the world is at their fingertips. When they reach the last
set of trees before they are lost to my sight, they turn around for one final
wave. I wave back before sticking both hands in my pockets. I walk back over to
the blanket and lie down, looking into the sky. I allow my thoughts and
emotions to run circles in my head.

This has been one of the best days of my life.

I look over at Claire to see her cleaning up the picnic. I
can’t quit staring at her. I’m still in awe that she gave them the picture,
that she took the time to scan a copy and bring it here.

“Claire.” She looks up from the basket, her blue eyes
matching the sky behind her. “Thank you.” I pause because this is important,
too. “For everything. I can never repay you.” She nods and comes to lie beside
me. I grab her hand and release a sigh. And then Claire does something
completely unexpected. She leans up on her elbow, looks into my eyes, and
kisses me.




. Claire
is kissing
! I don’t think much beyond that thought except to react to
her advances. I can’t believe she has initiated this, but I don’t question it
for long. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly on top of my body.
It’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone, and I’ve never been with someone
I might potentially love. I feel her silky hair wrap around my face, and I
deepen the kiss.

The connection I felt between us all those months ago is
back in full force. The connection I thought I would never experience again
swirls around us and overtakes my body. I am a slave to my desires, wants and

I take her tongue in my mouth and lift her shirt to
experience her skin. I flip us around so she is beneath me, and start kissing
her neck. “You smell so good, you feel so good, Claire,” I say in between
kisses. She throws her head back to allow greater access and I release all the
feelings I’ve had for her in that moment.

My life has been one huge hurricane, and I have found my way
to the center. She’s the eye of the storm. She calms, anchors and soothes me. I
don’t know how long the center will last, because the calmness in the eye
doesn’t last forever, but I know she is my peace.

I ravage her neck, her mouth, her skin, her tits. I’m trying
to be gentle, but I’m finding it too difficult to hold myself back. She doesn’t
seem to mind as she responds to my touch. I make our moment all about her,
unable to keep my hands off her body and when I slip on the condom, she’s ready
for me.

Once inside I know letting her go will be almost impossible.
For the time being, she’s mine. I’m going to be selfish. I don’t know how I
will get her to stay, but I have to think of a plan and fast.

This is so different from anything I’ve ever experienced
before. Who knew having sex with someone you cared about would be so intense?
She has been taking over my soul bit by bit for the past three months, and now
I realize she owns me.

Claire owns me. Claire Peters is mine.



FROM THIS POINT forward, Claire and
I can no longer keep our hands off each other. My bedroom is no longer the same
mundane place, and I’m finding it difficult to go to work. I could spend days
and days here with her. It’s Sunday night, and she has just given herself to me
again. We lie in the moonlight, her on my chest, and I decide to ask her what’s
been on my mind since the pond.

“Claire?” She lifts her head, while continuing to run
circles on my chest with her fingers.



“Why what?”

I see her puzzled look and smile. I take my fingers and ease
the worry lines from her face. “Why did you do all this? You know who I am. You
know what I am. Why?”

She’s silent for a moment as she looks at my chest. “Because
you’re a good man with a good heart.”

I can’t respond to this. Maybe I heard her wrong, but “good
man” and “good heart” do
describe me. Does she have the right guy?

“Claire, I run the largest car theft ring in Atlanta. I’ve
kidnapped you to avenge myself on a lawyer and a cop who are trying to make
things right. How can I be a good man or even more, have a good heart?” I give
a small laugh at my words because Claire has this all wrong.

She looks me in the eyes, and her face is serious. “You’re a
good man with a good heart, Brandon Wilson, and don’t let anyone tell you
differently. You’re better than this. You’re better than this lifestyle, but I
understand that you’re stuck.” She pauses for a minute. “I think you should
remove yourself from this business. I don’t know how, and I don’t have all the
answers, but you’re better than this. You want to become an honest man, and I
know you possess the drive to make the change.”

“I don’t know how, either,” I whisper because I truly have
thought of this before - Marcus and I leaving this shit behind and starting
over. “I’m beyond redeeming, Claire. There’s no hope for me, for people like
me.” I look up at the ceiling to avoid her gaze.

Claire takes her tiny hand and places it under my chin. She
pulls my head to hers, causing our eyes to meet. “I love you, Brandon. You’re a
person worthy of being loved. And that is

Her words are a bucket of cold water on a dry and barren
desert. This angel loves me? Is that possible? I’ve had plenty of women tell me
they love me, but never like this. How could someone as good as Claire love
someone as evil as me? But she’s telling me the truth. Claire isn’t capable of
lying and besides, I sense she means this with everything in her soul.

Can I say it back? Do I love her? I’m not completely sure
because I’ve never been in love before. And if I were in love with her,
wouldn’t I release her? I hold her tight and kiss the top of her head.

“What about your boyfriend?” I know his name, but I refuse
to acknowledge him. I really think I might hate this guy more than I hate her

“Jonathan?” She waits for a moment before speaking again. “I
was never in love with him, Brandon. I do love him, but I was never in love
with him. I realize that now.” We remain silent for a while and when she
speaks, her voice is small. “You don’t have to say it back, Brandon. Say it
when you’re ready.” She whispers her words into my neck and I hold her even tighter.

I want to say it, I really do, but how can I love someone
I’m holding prisoner? She thinks she loves me, but would she leave if given the
opportunity? I think she would. We have a messed up situation and because of
that, I remain silent. I’m not sure if she really loves me and I’m not sure I
truly know what love means. How can what I’m feeling be real if the woman I
love is here against her will?



workweek, and things between Claire and me are forever changed. While before,
she wouldn’t take her eyes off her novel, now, she keeps stealing looks at me
and smiling. Tonight she’s reading
The Litigators
and those blue eyes of
hers continuously steal glances from behind the book.

I love it.

It used to be me staring her down to make sure she was okay.
Now, we’re stealing looks and smiles all night long. I have a grin on my face
from ear to ear. If I see Carlos roll his eyes one more time, I will take him
out in the middle of the shop.

“Did you think anymore about my friend?” he asks when the
night is almost finished.

“I need to meet him first. What’s his name?” I have a bad
feeling about this, but Carlos is the one who brought me Simon all those years

“Stan.” He doesn’t say anything else, just looks at me with
his cold black eyes. How have we worked together all these years? He’s really
starting to get on my nerves.

“No. I don’t think we need anyone else.” I say that just to
piss Carlos off, and it works. He’s instantly angry.

“We need someone to replace you! You’re too into the girl
now!” He’s yelling and I turn back to face him.

“Why? We’re running plenty of cars through both warehouses
each night. And anyways, Sean replaced me. Why the extra person to pay?” I’m in
his face and he knows the drill. He starts to back down because he wants to
keep his job.

“He’s a friend, man. I need to help him out.” Carlos’s voice
has dropped and I take pity. What has happened to me? I don’t take pity on

“Fine. Bring him by tomorrow for an interview. I need to see
what he can do.”

Carlos nods and returns to his work. When did I start
helping people out and taking pity on people? Maybe the guys are right. Maybe I
am becoming soft. I look over at Claire and I catch her blue eyes on me. I walk
over to her and push the book down so we’re face to face. I kiss her on the
lips as a smile forms over her face. “Thank you. That’s all I needed.” I smirk
at her and walk back to my station. All the guys are giving me the look, but I
don’t care. That tiny, blonde angel owns me and I’m no longer afraid to admit
my feelings.



“I KNOW THE perfect place we can
go,” I say, taking Claire in my arms and giving her a kiss on the head.

“But don’t you think it’s too dangerous?”

“No. This place is a hole-in-the-wall. Marcus and I grew up
eating here, and I think the owners are always high anyway. They’ll barely know
we’re there.”

She laughs at my statement and I smile, knowing I just made
her laugh. “Is the food any good if the owners are always high?”

“Yeah. Of course. It’s the best burger in town. They don’t
call it the Burger Bar for nothing.” I grab her hand and kiss the temple of her
head. We walk out of my room and down the hallway. Marcus is there, sitting on
the couch watching the television. “We’re going to the Burger Bar. Wanna come?”

“Yeah. Sounds good.” He picks his massive frame off the
couch and follows us down into the garage. I decide on the Beamer because of
the dark tint and within minutes, we’re on the road to the best burger joint in

“How long have you two known each other?” Claire asks. I
think Marcus has started to grow on her too. Of course, who doesn’t love

“We’ve been friends since freshman year of high school,”
Marcus explains from the backseat.

“Yeah, I was trouble, and Marcus was trouble. We met in the
principal’s office and the rest is history,” I smile one of my grins at her,
and I see her cheeks blush ever so slightly. I love it when I affect her.

“So, you were both in trouble?”

“Yeah,” I smirk. “You can say that. What about you Claire?
Were you ever in trouble in high school?” I already know the answer, but I want
to pick on her some. I love to give her a hard time.

“No. I was the perfect A student. I’ve always made the right
grades, never in fights. I was a cheerleader.”

I laugh this time, a deep hearty laugh because I can totally
see her as a cheerleader. “Your answer doesn’t surprise me,” I say with a
twinkle in my eye. Who would have put the two of us together? We are polar

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