The Thief Redeemer (13 page)

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Authors: Leigh Clary Abdou

BOOK: The Thief Redeemer
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She has recognized my mistake, too, and she looks down at
the table where we are sitting in the apartment kitchen. “Claire,” I say, and I
release an exhale. I run my hand down my face and then hold her hand. “I
promise I’ll take you back. I promise…but please, give me some more time.”

I can’t explain anything else to her. I can’t explain that
she is my sunlight and my orbit. I can’t explain that when she leaves, I won’t
be able to breathe. I can’t tell her this because I know it will freak her out.
I start to speak, but then I stop. “I just need more time.” I repeat the last
sentence, defeated, and I can’t look in her eyes. She doesn’t ask how much more
time I need, and I decide the least I can do is give in to her request. “Okay,
please come with me to meet my brothers.” Her face lights up, and I smile back,
knowing I’m the reason for that smile. It’s the least I can do for being a
total douchebag.

She pushes my cell phone towards me. “Go ahead. Call them.”

I gulp. I literally gulp as my hands start to sweat. What if
they hate me? I’m sure they’ve seen my picture all over the news. I’m sure they
know I run a car theft network and that my newest crime is kidnapping. They’ve
probably been told how dangerous I am by their new and improved parents.

“I’m right here with you,” she whispers, and I realize she’s
right. My peace and calmness sit beside me. I have done some seriously scary
stuff in my life, but this tops all the charts. My hands shake as I pick up the
phone. Claire calls out the numbers, and I type them into the keypad. I add the
number to my contacts, and I remember to block the call.

I hit send and wait for the phone to ring. My world is
silent as I hear one, two, three rings. When the voicemail picks up, I hear a
woman’s voice telling me to leave a message. I assume this is Mrs. Peoples, and
I hang up the phone.

“No one was there,” I say setting the phone down. Part of me
is relieved and the other part is sad.

“Try again tomorrow. Try every day until you reach them.”
Claire’s face is determined, and I nod back to her.

“Speaking of the pond,” I say, “how about you and I visit
there this afternoon? Especially since I’m not working today.”

“I could use some fresh air,” she says as she gets up to
walk into my room. She returns with a John Grisham book,
The Rainmaker,
and I laugh.

“I guess you’re back to your reading?”

“Yes, my mission here is completed,” she announces, putting
the book under her arm. I motion her towards the door and we descend to the
car. If Claire wanted me to buy her every damn book John Grisham ever wrote, I
would. I would buy her an entire library.



WE SPEND THE rest of the afternoon
at the pond. I have deemed this as “our pond.” I’ve only done this in my mind
because I know Claire doesn’t want to hear anything romantic from me. But if
were in two different people, in a different time, I would make love to her in
this place. I would take her and make her never forget Brandon Wilson or this
pond. She would forever remember this day, this time and this spot.

But instead, I watch her read and memorize her face. I know
my time with her is coming to an end, and I need to remember what she looks
like. I need to remember what she feels like; how soft her skin is and how her
best qualities are honesty and dedication. When everyone around me is dishonest
and only looking out for themselves, I’ll remember that the opposite does exist
in the world. I’ll remember that good is out there, after all. I’ll see blonde
hair and big blue eyes attached to a perfect face. I’ll remember a beautiful
body and how it molded perfectly to mine, her silky hair, with her small
widow’s peak and a scent that will linger in my mind forever.

Claire lies on her back reading, while I stare into the
distance thinking. At some point, I place my head on her stomach and fall
asleep. The wind and the music of the birds relaxes my body as I drift in and
out of consciousness.

After some time, I feel Claire’s hands playing with my hair
and I swear, this is heaven. Not only does it feel amazing, but it’s Claire’s
fingers running along my scalp. I melt into her touch and memorize the feel of
her fingers on my skin. The warm breeze swarms around us and I know this moment
will be etched into my memory forever. I have found our spot and our favorite
place. If I could meet my brothers out here, this place would be a piece of
heaven on earth. Especially since before Claire, earth seemed to be a living



I ATTEMPT TO call the house all
week, and I always receive the voicemail. I’m getting frustrated. Where I use
to be a ball of nerves, now I’m feeling anger. It’s Wednesday, and time to call
again. “Let’s see if they answer their phone today,” I complain under my
breath. Claire’s eyes look up from her book and she lightly places her hand on

“They’ll answer when it’s the right time,” she says, and I’m
instantly calmed. She’s right. I shouldn’t rush this. I push the send button on
the phone and hear the first ring, then the second. I’m preparing myself for
the voicemail, when I hear a male voice.


I freeze. I stop breathing and I can’t speak. This is a
younger voice, and I know it has to be Mark or Luke.

“Hello?” the voice asks again, but I can’t seem to find
words to answer. I should end the call and try again next week, but when I look
up, I see Claire’s blue eyes and gain the confidence that I need.

“Um….don’t hang up.” I don’t recognize my own voice. I’m
glad Tommy and Marcus aren’t here to witness this weak moment. “Is this Mark…or

The boy on the other line doesn’t say anything at first.
Then: “Who wants to know?” Great. My own brothers are going to be hard asses.

“Listen,” I swallow and run my hand down my face. Damn, this
is harder than I thought it would be. “It doesn’t matter which one you are.
This is Brandon. I’m not supposed to be calling you, but I’ve been trying to
find you for the past ten years. I’ve finally located you, and all I want to do
is see you both. I promise I won’t do anything stupid. I just want to say hi
and make sure you’re both okay. Is that too much to ask?” I wait for an answer,
but I get nothing. “And you can’t tell your mom or dad about this because, like
I mentioned earlier, this is slightly illegal. You still there?”

“Yeah.” His voice has become softer. I’m not sure if that’s
good or bad. “I’m Luke, by the way.”

“Luke, do you remember me?” Silent tears are rolling down my

“Yeah. Everyday.”

“Can I meet you and Mark somewhere? I promise I won’t hurt
you. I’m not sure what you’ve heard about me, but I promise I would never do
anything to hurt either of you. I love you both. I’ve been trying to find you
for so long. I just want to talk to you both. That’s all.” I’ve told Luke that
I love him, and I know it’s the truth. I would do anything for either of those

“Where and when?” Luke’s voice is quieter now, and I’m not
sure if his mother is home.

“This Sunday. At the pond Gramps used to take us to. Noon.
Do you know where that is?”

“Yeah. We’ll both be there.”



“Don’t tell anyone. They’ll come after me if you do.”

“I know.”

So he does know all about me.

“See you Sunday. I love hearing your voice.”

“You too. Love you, Brandon. Bye.”

His confession brings more tears to my eyes, and I sit on
the sofa. I hit the end button and bring my hands to my face. Claire is
instantly beside me, rubbing my back. She doesn’t say a word, but allows me to
cry and process my thoughts. When did I start to cry and have this many

I haven’t
during the past ten years. Anger and
rage have taken over my soul this past decade, and now that I’ve experienced
hope and love, I don’t know if I can return to who I’ve been.

I really don’t care if they bring the entire police
department on Sunday. If this is how I go down, I’ll go down with a smile on my




WE RUN TWENTY cars through my
warehouse alone on Saturday night. Simon is running fifteen through his. We
will make a killing when the night is over, but I can barely concentrate on the
job. I know in less than twenty-four hours, I will see the twins. Guys I
haven’t laid eyes on in ten years. My body is a ball of nerves and excitement.

“Dude, what’s with you tonight?” Carlos asks, handing me a

“Nothing. Get back to work.” I try to act all badass because
I’m getting a bad reputation around here for going soft. I glace at Claire, who
is now reading
The Chamber,
and realize how much my life has changed in
three months. In three short months, she’s managed to turn my world upside

Everyone assumes we’re having wild hot sex, and that’s why
she has this hold over me. No one knows I’ve done nothing more than hold her
hand and give her a hug. They would laugh and call me a pussy for the rest of
my life if they knew the truth. They wouldn’t understand how you could fall for
a girl based solely on her heart. I’m not insinuating Claire’s not hot, because
damn, that’s what I noticed first about her. No, Claire is one of those rare
types of women who is hot on the outside and sweet on the inside. That’s why I
claimed her as mine on that first day. That’s why I’m not sure if I’ll be able
to let her go.

She reminds me of my own mother, at least of what I can
remember of her. My mother was one good-looking woman, and she loved my
brothers and me. This is knowledge I will take to my grave. My mother loved us
more than life itself. She was one of those one-in-a-million types of women,
just like Claire.

I exhale, looking over at Claire. She’s in her own little
world, reading in a room full of criminals. I guess she knows she has little to
worry about. If any of these men even glance her way, I’ll rip their eyes out
of their sockets. She knows she’s safe with me.

We wrap up the night, and I pay out the guys. We made a load
of cash and I’m happy for the business.

“You realize you haven’t been out in over two months,
right?” Carlos decides to give me hell one last time before we break.

“There’s a reason I can’t go out anymore, jackass.” I’m sick
of his attitude. I turn to look at him square in the face. This shit is
stopping tonight. I don’t care how soft I’ve become, I’m not taking this from
him anymore. “What’s the problem?” I’m bigger than he is, and I show my dominance.
He’s hit the last nerve.

“I think Marcus is missing his partner, that’s all.”

“I can’t be out in public. You know this.”

“That doesn’t seem to be a problem when you’re with your
woman. You take her out all the time, but when it comes to jacking cars, you
need to stay here and guard her like a watchdog.”

Okay, so he has a point. “Shut the hell up, Carlos.” My
voice is getting louder and I’m about to lose my temper.

“Let me bring in another worker, then. I’ve got someone in
mind, and he’s good at this stuff. He could work with Marcus. He’s quick on his

Another worker? Carlos never brings in another worker. “You
know what it takes to work here. You know we can’t just hire and trust anyone.
Anyways, we had Sean taking my place. Why this guy?”

“He’s my buddy. He needs the money. He’s clean, Brandon. He
would never rat us out.”

I pause for a second. “Let me think about it, Carlos. We
can’t have just anyone stealing cars. He’s got to prove himself. I’ll get back
with you next week.” I turn and walk away, not waiting for a response. What’s
he trying to do? Replace me?

I immediately forget my confrontation with Carlos when I see
a sleeping Claire. I do my morning ritual of picking her off the sofa and
carrying her to my bed. Marcus stays with me in the stairwell.

“What was that all about with Carlos?”

“He wants to bring in a new man. He says you need someone
quick on their feet to replace me. Apparently Sean isn’t up to par.”

Marcus grunts. “We just packed twenty cars here tonight. Why
does he think we need someone else?”

“It’s his buddy and he wants to help him with some money. He
used me as an excuse,” I answer, carrying Claire through the doors. Our
conversation ends as I walk into my room. I lay her on the bed, and watch her
rest peacefully. I set my clock for ten thirty. I only hope I can sleep as
quietly as Claire, knowing I will be seeing my brothers in a few hours.



I ATTEMPT TO open my heavy eyelids
and glance at the clock. It’s eight am, and I’ve only been asleep for two

I knew sleep wouldn’t be possible.

I look over at Claire, and she’s on her side facing me, her
blonde hair draped across her pillow. I can’t believe she went through the
trouble of locating my brothers. I watch her rest, and once again, I’m enamored
at her beauty. Maybe I could steal one kiss while she’s sleeping? She wouldn’t
have to know. I have longed to taste her lips and kiss her every day during the
past three months. I lean my head closer to hers and stop.

What if I start kissing her and can’t stop? What if she doesn’t
want this and draws away? I can’t bear the thought of losing her as a friend
and confidant. A simple stolen kiss has the power to open all these fears. I’m
inches from her face and feel the heat of her body radiating into mine. I’m
debating what I should - or shouldn’t – do when her eyes fly open. She must
have felt the weight of my stare.

I freeze, my own eyes wide open. Shit, she’s caught me red
handed. There’s no explaining this. I’m like a kid with his hand in the cookie
jar. She eyes me for a few seconds and then tilts her head to the side, like
she’s thinking some deep dark thought. I’m not sure what to do. I’m scared that
I might have just ruined what we have. I grab her head with my hands and bring
her forehead to my lips.

I’ve kissed her like this several times, but I don’t know
what she makes of the affection. It doesn’t matter anyway. What was I thinking
trying to steal a kiss? I smell her scent while I place the kiss on her skin
and roll over onto my back. I stare at the ceiling. No words pass between us.
She doesn’t move. I run my hand down my face, exhaling.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I mumble as I roll out of bed.
I’m embarrassed by my actions.

I cross the room and close the bathroom door behind me. I
turn the shower to cold and step inside, trying to calm every nerve ending in
my body. When I return to the room, Claire has gotten out of bed. She gives me
a small smile and makes her way into the bathroom while I dress.

I decide to wait for Claire in the kitchen. She probably
needs her space after waking up to my face in her face, my lips near her lips.

I pack our lunches while making small talk with Sally. All I
can concentrate on are my brothers and my almost-kiss with Claire.

“How’s the other girl? Sarah?” I ask, remembering the girl’s

“Still skittish,” Sally answers and I wonder what they’ve
been doing with her for the past three months. I’ve been so involved with
Claire that I’ve neglected this other hostage.

“Make sure you keep her away from Carlos,” I say, and Sally
nods in agreement. “I don’t want her hurt. She’s Claire’s friend.” At that
moment, Claire walks into the room, all beautiful in jeans and a tight fitted
shirt. I swallow a few times, remembering her scent from this morning.

“Morning.” She starts picking up items and helping me pack
them in the picnic basket. “Are you nervous?” She looks up, and I see concern
in her eyes. I guess she’s forgotten about our near kiss experience this
morning. Either that, or she’s found it in her heart to forgive me. I’m
suddenly very embarrassed again, thinking of her wide blue eyes when she caught

“Yeah.” That’s the only answer I give as she pulls me in for
a hug. I’m momentarily stunned, that
…again, but
I reciprocate, feeling her genuine concern. I feel her body mold against mine
and I hold her tight. “Ready to go?” I ask, my voice muffled by her hair.

“Whenever you are.”

I reluctantly release her and grab our basket. I hold my
hand out for hers and she slips her soft, delicate fingers into mine. She gives
me a tight squeeze, and I take a deep breath.

This is it. After ten years, my dream is about to become a
reality. Am I ready? Will I ever be ready?

“Let’s go. It’s now or never,” I say, leading us out the
door. I have no idea what the next few hours will entail. I could be in jail in
the next hour if my brothers don’t cooperate. I wouldn’t blame them if they
told the police. I wouldn’t blame them a bit, but I really hope they didn’t.
All I want right now is to talk with them. I want to hug them. I pray to God
they will give me this chance.



CLAIRE AND I hide in our spot,
overlooking the pond. My palms are sweating and I’m pacing back and forth. Claire
and I have a get-away-plan if the police arrive. We have parked the Beamer in
the woods behind our favorite spot. We can make a quick escape if needed. I
take deep breaths and run my hand down my face till the skin feels raw.

“Brandon, calm down.” Her voice gives me peace as I take in
another deep breath. She grabs one of my hands and gives it a quick squeeze. I
close my eyes and rest my forehead against hers. I feel her fingers on my face
as her thumb caresses my cheek.

I am instantly relaxed, the fear of seeing my brothers
vanishing. Her power over me grows each day, and I’m not sure how much longer I
can hold on without giving her my entire soul. “Feel better?” she whispers, and
I nod against her forehead. “They’re here.”

My eyes open and I snap my head around. I see them.

My brothers.

I don’t know which emotion I am feeling right now - hope or
excitement - but I do know I’m about to break into tears…again. I don’t even
care if the cops are right behind them. They are at the pond, looking around,
waiting for me. I tear away from Claire’s embrace and almost sprint in their
direction. They see me and both of their faces break into big smiles. Wow, they
look like our mother.

The tears are falling down now, and when I reach them,
there’s no holding back. I stop right in front of them, not knowing exactly
what to do.

“Hi.” My voice is small and almost unrecognizable. They are
my best friends and complete strangers, all mixed together.

Mark doesn’t hesitate a second longer. He lunges for me and
grabs me tight. Luke follows afterwards and the three of us stand in a close
embrace, nobody uttering a word. The tears continue to fall down my face, and I
hear Mark sniffle.

I pull back and nod my head in the direction of Claire.
“Come over here. I have us a spot and some lunch.” I walk in between them with
my hands on their shoulders. “You both look good.”

“You too, Brandon,” Luke says, wiping the tears from his
face. We venture behind the trees and the twins stop dead when they see Claire.
She’s down on the blanket, setting out the food. She doesn’t seem to notice
their hesitation as she stands up and walks over. She shakes Mark’s hand and
then Luke’s.

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