Read The Sword of Sighs (The Age of the Flame: Book One) Online
Authors: Greg James
The ‘poor’ half of Highmount that faces out onto the Grassland Plains.
Ruth, Mistress
A Herb-Sister and close friend of Ossen.
Saltwine, Miria
(SALT-why-nuh, Mih-RHEE-ah)
Head of the Saltwine family.
Saltwines, The
A family of brewers and distillers in the Norn Valley.
The Seventh of the Thirteen Worlds that make up the cosmos.
A colossal mountain in the Nightlands that is the source of the Fallen One’s presence in Seythe.
The main summer festival in the Three Kingdoms.
Sword of Sighs, The
Also known as the Sword Without a Blade.
Sworn, The
A secretive order of trained warriors often hired for assassinations, mercenary duties and to protect travellers in the wildernesses of Seythe.
Sybylyn lake
A lake in the Grassland Plains.
Taproot, Elssa
(TAP-root, ell-SAH)
Wife of Esiah Taproot.
Taproot, Esiah
(TAP-root, ESS-eye-YAH)
Head of the Taproot family.
Taproots, The
A family of farmers in the Norn Valley and neighbours to Woran Bean.
Three Kingdoms, The
These were established after the last war against the Fallen One.
One of the few enduring outposts of humanity in the Grassland Plains.
Trotters, The
A family of pig farmers in the Norn Valley.
A loyal Kay’lo soldier and interrogator.
Veil of Remembrance, The
A sentient magickal veil of memories created to preserve and commemorate those who died in the war against the Iron Gods.
Sister to Jedda and Queen-in-Waiting of Highmount.
Watchers, The
Selected men and women of the Three Kingdoms who stand guard atop the outermost wall of Highmount, watching over the Grassland Plains.
Water Mark, The
One of the inns in Trepolpen. The proprietor is Master Jez.
Wayfarers, The
The Wayfarers are an ancient orders of male and female mages that can travel between the Thirteen Worlds using Paths.
Western Wastes, The
A wasteland wracked by monsoons and ice storms where the Fellhorn mountain stands.
The main winter festival in the Three Kingdoms.
Wyrlsorn, Mikka
(WEERL-sawn, MEE-kah)
The youngest member of the Highmount Council.
The witch who dwells in the Wood Beneath the Worlds.
One of the Three Kingdoms.