The Space Colonel's Woman (Dragonus Chronicles Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: The Space Colonel's Woman (Dragonus Chronicles Book 1)
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Chapter 4

Julia woke with a start and it took a few moments for the morning’s events to come into focus.  By the slant of the sun on the cave floor, it was early evening.  Mark moaned and shifted, testing his body as he came round.

“Careful.” Julia pushed herself from the wall and helped him sit up.

With consciousness came realization and Mark jerked away from her, scrabbling for his sidearm.

“It’s okay, we’re safe.  You’re safe.” She raised her hands in an attempt to prove herself harmless and moved slowly back, not wanting to startle him into shooting her. “I’m Julia, Julia Swift, but my friends call me Wings, or Julia, ah…yeah…so…”

Her embarrassing babbling must have done the trick, because he lowered his gun, holstered it and moved on to assessing his injuries with cautious fingers.

“I couldn’t lift you to strap your ribs.  Dragging you in here was enough of a job.” She offered a small smile.

“Where am I?” His voice was hoarse from disuse but still sexy as hell and she inhaled a slow breath before answering.

“Onemana, New Zealand – Earth.” She added, having no idea how to explain his arrival out of electrically charged air.  At least not in a way that would sound even remotely credible. 

He was definitely Mark Holden, season four maybe, alive and in the flesh; and staring into her soul with the whiskey-hued eyes that haunted her dreams.

“How’d I get here?” 

Julia swallowed, here went nothing. 

“Well…I was walking along the beach…there was a white electrical flash and blue lightning…and static…then you were just…lying…there.”

She sighed, and rested her chin in her palm.  As far as explanations went, it hadn’t been all that informative, but it was all she had.  Handsome men crash-landing out of thin air at her feet wasn’t something she was all that used to dealing with.

“I took some fire.” He twisted his left arm to check its range of motion. “Got thrown back through a portal.”

His hand went to his ear, eyes flicking to Julia in question, but she hadn’t noticed a radio when she rolled him over on the beach.

“Anora, Hayden, and Garrett, we were cornered by the…” He stopped gaze flicking over to her, wary of saying too much.


“And Darv-” He stopped mid word, in favor of asking. “You know about Arcadians?”

“Only what I’ve seen on the show.”

Mark blinked then wet his lips as if to say something, only to rub a palm over his face instead; confusion clear in his wide eyes when they met hers. “What?”

“Phoenix Rising
.  It’s a TV show here, one night a week for the past three years.  Just started season four, which I think is the best yet.  It’s got a sense of gritty realism that the previous seasons attempted but didn’t quite manage to bring to fruition, if you know what I-” Julia stopped, hid her flaming cheeks behind her hands. “Sorry, I tend to ramble about stuff I love, or, you know, when I’m nervous.”

He looked freaked out.  Julia didn’t blame him.  Had the situation been reversed she would have been too.  Based on current events it would be easy to call her own sanity into question.


He flinched.

“I’m sure they’re working on a way to get you back.  Stephen will figure it out.  In the meantime, you’re safe here, okay.”  She hoped she sounded confident and reassuring.

Mark appeared to ease back into the rock wall behind him as he took in his surroundings; Julia, the fire, the bandaging, his T60 lying closer to her than him.

“I took it off to check you out.” She blushed, realizing the double meaning in her words.

He smirked, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement as he removed the vest and rolled his shoulders, wincing when his ribs protested.  She moved away from her wall and closer to Mark’s side.

“I can help with that.” She rested her hand on top of his as he tried to pull up his tee.

Julia held her breath.  Their faces were so close, their eyes met and held; whiskey with deep ocean-blue.


With some difficulty, they got the t-shirt over his bandages and Julia tossed it on top of the vest behind her. 

“You’re welcome.”

Mark was magnificent.  His torso was golden in the firelight, firm pecs and abs etched in blue-tinted shadow, and toned biceps.  Julia imagined breathing in the masculine scent of his skin as her tongue followed the line of crisp black hair to where it disappeared below his waistband.  She looked up and their gazes locked, desire there for all to see; his pupils dilating as dark heat flooded amber-gold, before they both looked guiltily away.  Their little glow of firelight was warmer than it had been a moment before.

“Let’s get you taped up.” Julia croaked, leaning away from him to reach for the vest on her hands and knees.  But the hitch in Mark’s breathing had her looking back over her shoulder. 

His eyes were focused on her ass as he reached for her, telegraphing his intent, giving her ample time to reject him.  But in that moment of eager anticipation and hunger coursing in her blood, there was nothing Julia wanted more than Mark’s hands on her body.  The first touch of his palm on her knee sent a tremor through every inch of her; teeth biting soft lips in an attempt to hold back a whimper as he followed the seam up to the curve of her hip.  She pushed into the feel of a large masculine hand sliding over the curve of her ass, knuckles dragging down the back of her thigh.

All thought burned to nothing in the trail of heat Mark’s touch left behind.  The spark of lingering connection solidifying itself to her cells and waking something dormant within her, something Julia had never felt before.  It was strange, yet welcoming in the way a hot bath was after a long day.  How its heat bled into your bones and eased an ache you hadn’t realized was there; an understanding like the unity that bloomed between her and this stranger.  A connection she had no words for and was only just now becoming aware of how much she craved what he offered.  It was a promise, a satisfaction beyond the lure of sexual gratification. 

She felt embarrassed and vulnerable, and not a little foolish.  How was it that a simple moment, an insignificant touch, could leave her feeling the way she did?  Now that Mark had removed his touch, her body hungered for its return; like something essential to survival had been denied.  It made no sense.  It was the kind of knowing that developed after years of being with someone, not minutes.

Julia turned back with the tape in her shaking hands, letting the fall of her hair hide the flush painting her cheeks.  He lifted his arm and rested it on her shoulder.  She could feel his eyes feasting on her as she taped his ribs but she couldn’t bring herself to meet them.  His skin was smooth and hot beneath her fingertips, and the urge to explore his entire body filled her with a heady rush of desire that pooled low in her belly. 

Mark hissed a quick breath through his teeth.

“Ohshitsorry, I’m sorry.” She gasped, embarrassed, eyes flicking from where her fingertips scribed tiny circles at the edge of the tape. “Did I hurt you?” 

He was radiating heat and strength, and she’d been distracted by visions of how that strength would feel used against her in the throes of passion.  The idea that she’d allowed her feelings to deter from her standard of care, made Julia’s insides twist up.

“No.” He murmured; husky sweet and hot gravel. “But your touch is driving me crazy.”

She felt the rapid press of his chest against her palm and shuddered as warm breath tickled the delicate shell of her ear.  Her body leaned close, driven by the sensation that bore no name.  Mark chuckled, deep in his throat, and Julia wanted more, wanted to hear that sound for as long as she lived.  She was wedged against his side, pinned by the arm tightening around her; drawing her closer.  Julia wound her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in the black strands of his hair.

“Touching you is driving
crazy.” She confessed on a soft chuckle, and hid her face in her palm. “Oh, God, you have no idea.”

He hummed as he lowered his head, blocking out all but the scent and feel of him.  His lips were hot, and softer than Julia had imagined; coaxing, exploring, as he deepened their kiss.  Mark’s fingers were entwined in her hair, tugged with a pleasant tightness she hadn’t known she liked.  He held her still as he tasted her, clever tongue leaving nothing unexplored.  Blood pounded in her ears, color flushed her skin, and the heat between her thighs making her squirm in his arms.  It had been a long time since a man had kissed her like she was all they could ever want, or need.

Julia broke their kiss with a gasp and cool salt air rushed to fill her lungs.  A stark contrast to the warm puffs Mark breathed into the crook of her neck.  Her hunger was all-consuming and she craved the smooth hot taste of him on her tongue.  She leaned forward, crushing her breasts against solid muscle, and mouthed soft kisses along stubbled jaw.  He manhandled her to sit astride his lap and she couldn’t help the way her body pressed into his as he tightened his embrace.  One hand splayed between her shoulders, the other curved low on her hip.

“Wanna take that off?”

She nodded, her fingers clumsy in their haste to free the buttons of her shirt.  The sound of his voice, hot and seductive behind her ear, sparked a shivery blanket of goosebumps and fiery want across every inch of her body.

He laid a chain of suckling kisses down her arched neck, continuing lower as more smooth skin revealed itself to his mouth.  Mark slipped his hands inside, pushing the fabric off her shoulders and down her arms, before tossing it on top of his; the fire bathing them both in flickering shadows and golden light.  She arched back, hands on his knees as he scooped her breasts from the red lace of her bra.  Her soft feminine flesh filled his palms, nipples hardening under the brush of calloused thumbs.

“So fucking beautiful.” Mark whispered, pupils blown wide and dark as he leaned in to suckle.

Julia couldn’t help tightening her grip in his hair as she held Mark’s mouth to her; the scrape of stubble harsh on her smooth skin.  He suckled harder, stealing her breath and soaking her panties with a single swipe of his tongue. 

His hands circled her waist and ground her onto him, fingers biting into her hips as she writhed, embarrassment lost to the demands of her touch-starved body.

“I want you.”

His voice was deeper, huskier, a thrill to her senses, a sound she would never forget.  He could ask anything of her and she’d give it willingly, so long as he asked in
voice; all whisky-drenched velvet and honeyed gravel, sexy and undeniable.

“Yes, oh God, yes!”

She smiled into the space behind his ear as Mark shuddered in her arms.  And reveled for a moment in the power she held over him; new and powerful and intoxicating, and filled with the glorious promise of all she could ever desire.  Julia whispered what she wanted, painted images in his mind.  If all it turned out to be was the best dream she’d ever had, there was no reason why she shouldn’t have what she wanted.

“Can you do that for me Mark?”

He held her hips in an iron grip that was sure to leave bruises. “Take your jeans off.”

She stood next to him, and wriggled out of her jeans, bra and lace panties; feeling warm and beautiful in the gaze of a man who watched every minute movement, committing her to memory.

Mark unclipped his holster and unzipped his BDUs with shaky fingers, and she couldn’t help wondering how long it had been for him.  As long as it’d been for her?  She held her breath, waiting, an empty pulse of urgency making her dizzy with need.  His cock was beautiful, thick and eager in his fist before he released it to strain against his abs.


Julia stepped close, eager to be in Mark’s lap, but his hands on her thighs stopped her, wary confusion meeting his gaze.

“Let me taste you.”

The back of his hand grazed up the inside of her thigh as she planted her feet on either side of his hips and leaned into the wall; embarrassment back in full force at the thought of what Mark could see. “Fuck, so goddamn beautiful.”

The hot echo of his words brushed over her desperate flesh and she couldn’t help the way her body leaned toward him.  The brush of his lips and the flick of his tongue gifted a gentle sip, a tease before he delved deep and slaked his hunger, offering pleasure in return.  Julia clawed at the rock, burying her moans in the back of her hand as she rode his mouth.

Anyone walking past their sanctuary would have seen her, legs spread as Mark played her body like no other had before him.  Two lovers, their bodies kissed by firelight as his clever tongue drove Julia to her end.  His strong arms catching her behind her knees when her shaky legs refused to hold her up.

She dropped into his lap, hands on his shoulders as she straddled him.  His shaft was hot and hard beneath her as she ground close, sliding along him; the scrape of zipper on the back of her thighs sparking her nerves.  Julia wanted control, wanted to give him what he’d given her. 

He thunked his head on the rock, eyes rolling back in his head, breath caught in his chest as Julia slid down his length; engulfed him in sweet wet heat.  She couldn’t believe how right they felt together, how empty she’d been without him; emotionally as well as physically.  Here was a man who had fallen into her life and seemed to feel the same way she did. 

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