The Source Field Investigations (13 page)

BOOK: The Source Field Investigations
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It appears there is an “energetic” component of our bodies that may be withdrawing from each and every cell, and projecting to other locations—either at death, when remote viewing or when having an out-of-body experience. As we sit inside an electrically shielded room, we can create photons in a remote location we are viewing—even if no visible light can get into that area, as we saw in the Chinese experiments. This gives us a compelling insight into how light may actually be appearing inside the pineal gland. A surprisingly high number of people who have out-of-body or near-death experiences see a silver cord that attaches their astral body to their physical body. In the majority of cases the cord appears to be attached to the exact location of the pineal gland, and emerges either from the front or the back of the head.
It may very well be that we all have an
energetic duplicate
of our physical body that is constantly traveling outside ourselves, as in remote viewing, and reporting back what it sees to the pineal gland—through the silver cord. Ecclesiastes 12:6 seems to refer to this energetic cord: “Remember him—before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken.”
Experiences After Death
A surprising number of people experience a continuing consciousness when they are clinically dead—again suggesting that some part of our thinking mind is strictly energetic, and does not need a physical body at all. In order for a person to be considered clinically dead, the heart has to stop beating, the lungs stop breathing and there is no measurable brain wave activity due to the lack of oxygen. By any conventional medical account, our minds should no longer function—or even exist. However, a variety of people report having vivid near-death experiences (NDEs) during this time. According to Dr. Sam Parnia and his associates at the University of Southampton, many studies have concluded that being clinically brain dead does not interrupt the continuity of our thinking minds—in a surprising number of cases.
A number of recent scientific studies carried out by independent researchers have demonstrated that 10–20 percent of people who go through cardiac arrest and clinical death report lucid, well structured thought processes, reasoning, memories and sometimes detailed recall of events during their encounter with death.
The largest hospital-based study of NDEs was led by Dr. Pim van Lommel, a cardiologist in the Netherlands. Dr. Van Lommel heard his first NDE report in 1969, where a patient reported a tunnel, a light, beautiful colors and wonderful music. Dr. Raymond Moody’s groundbreaking description of NDEs did not appear until seven years later, in 1976, and Dr. Van Lommel’s interest wasn’t piqued again until 1986—when he read a more detailed account of an NDE that occurred during a six-minute period of clinical death.
After reading [this] book I started to interview my patients who had survived a cardiac arrest. To my great surprise, within two years about fifty patients told me about their NDE. . . . So, in 1988 we started a prospective study of 344 consecutive survivors of cardiac arrest in ten Dutch hospitals with the aim of investigating the frequency, the cause and the content of an NDE. . . . Results: 62 patients (18%) reported some recollection of the time of clinical death . . . In the core group 23 patients (7%) reported a deep or very deep experience. . . . In our study about 50% of the patients with an NDE reported awareness of being dead, or had positive emotions, 30% reported moving through a tunnel, had an observation of a celestial landscape, or had a meeting with deceased relatives. About 25% of the patients with an NDE had an out-of-body experience, had communication with “the light,” or observed colours, 13% experienced a life review, and 8% experienced a border. . . . Patients with an NDE did not show any fear of death, they strongly believed in an afterlife, and their insight in what is important in life had changed: love and compassion for oneself, for others, and for nature. They now understood the cosmic law that everything one does to others will ultimately be returned to oneself: hatred and violence as well as love and compassion. Remarkably, there was often evidence of increased intuitive feelings.
For further information, the Web site
has an excellent list of fifty-one different proofs that support the reality of NDEs.
At the very top of the page they mention the groundbreaking studies of Dr. Kenneth Ring, who investigated cases where people reported accurate observations of real events—sometimes far away from the location of their physical bodies—while they were clinically dead. They saw the events taking place and also overheard the conversations, in some cases, and their reports were later verified as being stunningly correct. In other examples, the clinically dead person appears in a ghostlike form to a loved one—and both people end up reporting the same experience once the patient has been resuscitated.
Where do we go and what happens to us after we die? In his wonderful books
Journey of Souls
Destiny of Souls,
Dr. Michael Newton reports his detailed investigations into this fascinating subject. Dr. Newton conducted thousands of deep hypnotic regressions, where he would bring people back through the events of their lives, eventually return them into the womb and then further regress them into the “life between lives”—and he found remarkable consistency in the reports.
In the introduction to
Journey of Souls,
I explained my background as a traditional hypnotherapist and how skeptical I had been about the use of hypnosis for metaphysical regression. In 1947, at age fifteen, I placed my first subject in hypnosis, so I was definitely old school and not a New Ager. Thus, when I unintentionally opened the gateway to the spirit world with a client, I was stunned. . . . After more years of quiet research, I was able to construct a working model of spirit world structure. . . . I also found that it did not matter if a person was an atheist, deeply religious, or believed in any philosophical persuasion in between—once they were in the proper superconscious state of hypnosis, all were consistent in their reports. . . . I built up a high volume of cases. . . . While these years of specialized research into the spirit world rolled on, I worked practically in seclusion. . . . I even stayed out of metaphysical bookstores because I wanted absolute freedom from outside bias.
Newton’s first book,
Journey of Souls,
is organized sequentially, in terms of time and location, to walk us through all ten stages from initial death to final reincarnation: Death and Departure, The Gateway to the Spirit World, Homecoming, Orientation, Transition, Placement, Life Selection, Choosing a New Body, Preparation and Embarkation, and Rebirth.
I highly recommend these books, as the number of commonalities Dr. Newton points out among his participants, and the depth of inspiration their accounts provide, is quite profound. Dr. Newton also found that souls displayed visible colors that were relative to their level of advancement—falling neatly in line with the spectrum we see in the rainbow.
I found that typically, pure white denotes a younger soul and with advancement soul energy becomes more dense, moving into orange, yellow, green and finally the blue ranges. In addition to these center core auras, there are subtle mixtures of halo colors within every group that relate to the character aspects of each soul. For want of a better system, I have classified soul development as moving from a level I beginner through various learning stages to that of a master at level VI. These greatly advanced souls are seen as having a deep indigo color. I have no doubt even higher levels exist, but my knowledge of them is restricted because I only receive reports from people who are still incarnating . . . it is my subjects who use “level” to describe where they are on the ladder of learning. . . . While in a superconscious state during deep hypnosis, my subjects tell me that in the spirit world no soul is looked down upon as having less value than any other soul. We are all in a process of transformation to something greater than our current state of enlightenment. . . .
There certainly is structure in the spirit world, but it exists within a sublime matrix of compassion, harmony, ethics and morality far beyond what we practice on earth. . . . There is a value system here of overwhelming kindness, tolerance, patience and absolute love. . . . Advanced subjects talk about the time of conjunction when they will join the “Most Sacred Ones.” In this sphere of dense purple light there is an all-knowing Presence.
Dr. Linda Backman received training from Dr. Michael Newton and since 1993 has conducted her own research into the “life between lives.” Her work serves as a valuable source of independent, professionally obtained data that corroborates the results Newton gained in his own practice—although she focuses on the more highly advanced souls. One of her main conclusions is that these people often take on very difficult lives as a way of dramatically increasing their own rate of spiritual growth.
Have we lived before? Is there any proof that we return to a new body, in another lifetime, after we die? In this case we have very reliable and extensive scientific data. Dr. Ian Stevenson, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, spent more than forty years tracking down over three thousand children who experienced specific, detailed memories of their alleged “past lives.” Many of these children were able to tell Dr. Stevenson what their names used to be, as well as who their alleged friends and family were. They often revealed how and where they died, along with many other astonishingly specific details that could easily be proven or disproven by investigation. Personality and behavioral quirks carried over from one apparent lifetime to another, and the children bore a surprising facial resemblance to whomever they said they had been before.
Over and over again, Dr. Stevenson found the names the children gave were correct. The surviving relatives could be tracked down. Their faces looked similar to their suspected past lives, and the specific details all checked out. One Lebanese girl was able to remember the names and precise interrelationships of twenty-five different people she claimed to have known before, without ever having had any contact with them, or anyone who knew them, in her current life. Respected academics like Dr. Jim Tucker, medical director of the Child and Family Psychiatric Clinic at the University of Virginia, have said that “reincarnation is the most likely explanation for the strongest cases.”
Dr. Tucker is considered the worthy successor to Dr. Ian Stevenson, and has continued his research, including many new cases, with a focus on documentable evidence such as specific details that can be verified from the children’s memories. Or matching birthmarks. (Our new bodies often have visible birthmarks in areas where our alleged former selves were mortally wounded.) And facial recognition software—allowing Dr. Tucker to prove that they do both look the same.
Since these cultures believed in reincarnation, the children did not receive any “hypnotic suggestions” telling them to overlook or dismiss any memories they may have had.
Skeptics can and do write off such accounts as anecdotal and unverifiable in nature, but Dr. Ian Stevenson’s forty-plus years of scientific research provided solid proof that reincarnation is real—just as the adherents of Hinduism, Buddhism and even Orthodox Judaism have often believed. The implications are stunning, and absolutely central to our main theme in this book—it means you can look yourself in the eye, standing in front of a mirror, and say “I will always exist,” with a deep inner knowing that this is true. Without the hidden fear of non-existence hanging over your head, you will soon lead a much happier life. If you are willing to try out certain practices, you can have personal experiences that will confirm this greater truth for you—and which may ultimately cause you to wonder if we are all living in a “global lucid dream.”
Are We Living in a Lucid Dream?
acteria, plants, insects, eggs, animals and humans all appear to be sharing the same Mind—thanks to a non-electromagnetic energy field. We now know that if you have trouble concentrating, and someone else in a remote location tries to help you think, then soon you will be able to focus much better. Scientific breakthroughs all over the world consistently seem to happen in parallel. Organ transplant recipients may pick up thoughts, behaviors and habits from their donors. Humans and animals appear to draw from a common databank of information—which in our case includes written words in foreign languages, Morse code and crossword puzzle solutions. Remote viewers can make detailed observations of distant locations, and create measurable signals of their presence in those areas—including surges of visible photons. Our bodies lose small but measurable amounts of weight when we die or have an out-of-body experience.
An energetic conduit seems to exist between our astral body and our physical body—the silver cord—and it may be sending visible images from distant locations directly into our pineal gland, not unlike a fiber-optic cable. Floating piezoluminescent crystals in the pineal gland may then release these images in a three-dimensional matrix of light. The retinal tissue in the pineal gland might be capturing these photons and sending them to the brain, where they are unscrambled into visual images if they remain stable enough. Ancient mystery schools and religions seemed singularly obsessed with pineal gland symbolism—and believed that awakening this gland was the ultimate key to spiritual advancement. Many people continue to be able to observe their environment and think normal thoughts while they are clinically dead, showing no brain waves whatsoever. Some people have appeared in a ghostly form to their loved ones while having a near-death experience, and both people report the same sequence of events afterward. Dr. Michael Newton found remarkable consistency in reports from the afterlife among thousands of people he had hypnotized into a superconscious state. Dr. Ian Stevenson identified over three thousand children who gave specific, detailed and accurate memories of past lives—and even looked like the people they claimed to have been before.

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