The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1) (3 page)

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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“I think at some point it will hit you. I want someone to be there for you when it does. Promise me if no one is around you’ll call me.”

“Whatever,” she said, throwing her hands up in the air.

She turned to leave again and Steven strode up in front of her and grabbed her by the arms. “Promise me.” With the firm set of his mouth he gave her a good squeeze.

Her heart boomed in her chest. His firm hands on her and the aggressive tone he took just about undid her. She gasped in acknowledgement as wetness pooled between her legs. “I-I promise. Now let me go. I have appointments to keep today.”

He hesitated a moment and then released her.

What the hell?
Confused feelings swirled around inside of her.




Kristy looked at three apartments and none were to her liking. They were either too large, too much money, or not in a good neighborhood. She gave up for the day and went to work out some of her pent up frustration.

Entering the gym dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, she spotted the attractive young man behind the counter that Sherry always teased her about. Jake co-owned the gym, and was also a personal trainer, who she once declined assistance from because he was too damn sexy and way too young. She didn’t want to have fantasies over a near-child. This day however, she felt a little spunky and stopped to talk to him.

Approaching him, she took extra notice of his good looks. He almost seemed like an average guy until he looked at you, and he made you melt. Something about his defined facial features, his neatly cropped brown hair, sparkling brown eyes, and his body made women weak in the knees. He stood about eight inches taller than her, and had a nice muscular build, but not like the body builders that worked in the weight room all the time. His skin was slightly tanned from the nice weather they’d been having. There were distinct lines of muscles along his arms and legs, and what’s under the clothing had to be just as defined. Kristy’s stomach fluttered at the thought.

Jake looked her way when she came in, smiled at her, and then he turned his attention back to the health and fitness magazine in his lap.


His head snapped up at her greeting. She wasn’t surprised. She'd never actually spoken to him since joining the 24 hour gym years before.

“Good afternoon. How may I help you?” He tossed his magazine aside and gave her his undivided attention.

“I’m interested in a personal trainer. I know I’ve declined the offer before, but I think it’s still in my contract.” She smiled warmly.

“Yes ma’am, from what I remember you have the premium membership. That entitles you to everything we have to offer. Trainer included.”

She didn’t like being called ma’am; it made her feel older than her thirty nine years. “Please, call me Kristy.”

“All right…Kristy. Did you have anyone in mind you’d like to work with?” He almost looked hopeful in a boyish way, reminding her of his age.

“I don’t really know the other trainers that well. Are you available?” Her heart thundered in her chest as he typed a few keystrokes into the computer.

His lips pulled into a smile. “I have a few early mornings and one late evening slot open this week. If you’re flexible, then I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

“I’m sure we can make it work.” A swell of happiness raced through her.

“Great, I have some time right now. Let’s go do your initial assessment to see where you stand and discuss your goals.”

After weighing in, checking her BMI, and measuring her strength and flexibility, they discussed what she wanted to achieve. His hands were all over her in a professional manner and she didn’t once have carnal thoughts. She was proud of herself.

“I understand as we age we lose muscle mass and bone density. I’m getting old and want to maintain a healthy body and my strength.” Her age was something that bothered her the past few years.

Jake glanced lazily over her. “Kristy, you have a great body, and you are not old. Some of your muscles are stronger on one side than the other. We will try to get you evened out and build up your core strength. How does that sound for starters?”

She loved hearing him speak of her body. “Thank you, that sounds great.”

“Okay, so why don’t you go over to the treadmill with Sherry, and walk for fifteen minutes to warm up. Then we’ll hit the machines.”

She did a double take and sure enough Sherry was there. How did he know her? Must be from the gym, but she never saw the two talking.

Once on the treadmill, Sherry gave her a sly smile but didn’t say a word.

“It’s not what you think. I thought I could use a personal trainer.”

“Uh, huh. And you just happened to choose hot sexy Jake.” Sherry continued to grin away and plugged up with her ear buds before Kristy could get another word in.

When her time was up, the machine beeped, and Jake came over. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be. Let’s do this.”

She stepped off the machine, looking to the ground to be sure not to trip. When she glanced up, a look passed between Jake and Sherry. As if they had a secret. She and Sherry never kept anything from one another before. At least not that she knew of, but now she had to wonder.

Jake led her to the hip adductor machine to work on her hip and thigh area
, he showed her how to adjust the bench and the weights. Starting her off light, he explained, “We’ll add more weight and repetitions as you progress.”

Jake motioned for her to sit on bench. Once she was seated, he told her to put her knees around the pads. She did as instructed and he leaned over her to grab a lever. When he pulled on it, the pads spread her legs wide. “There, that should be good. It’s not too much, is it?”

Her cheeks felt hot at having her legs spread apart. She felt exposed. “No, it’s fine. Thank you.” She fought to focus on her workout and not on being distracted by the ceiling to floor mirror before her. Part of the machine obstructed the view of her body, but she could clearly see Jake watching her. Heart rate pounding, she knew it was part due to her exertion, and part Jake. He drove her crazy.

After spending thirty minutes on machine tutorials, he took her into the aerobics room and showed her how to stretch and cool down. As she bent over, her legs must not have been in the right position, and she couldn’t understand what he meant even after he showed her a particular movement.

“May I?” He held out a hand behind her leg, indicating he wanted to touch her.

Her skin tingled near where his hand hovered. “Of course.”

His warm hand pressed against the back of her thigh to push it forward and his other hand braced her knee. “You need to bend a little here. You should never lock your legs.” For such a strong man his touch was soft. He was a very patient, gentle man.

Her breath hitched at the feel of his skin on hers just below the hem of her shorts. She hoped he hadn’t noticed, but when she looked into his eyes, they looked seductive and inviting. Inhaling a shaky breath, she closed her eyes. “I’ll try to remember that.” Boy was she going to like working out more than ever. If this wasn’t incentive,
she didn’t know what was.

With her workout complete, Jake showed her the file cabinet where he would keep her folder. He explained she needed to update her log each trip to track her progress. Then they walked over to the counter to schedule a few more dates so they could work one on one in the next couple of weeks.

“Hey, Kristy!” Sherry called out. “I have to get going, but call me later.” She made a phone motion to her ear.

Kristy smiled and nodded.

“Bye, Jake. I’ll see you later.” Sherry walked out of the door.

Kristy felt her forehead crease and Jake gave her an odd look. “Is everything all right?”

“Yeah, do you know Sherry?”

He hesitated a moment. “Sure, just like I know you, from here at the gym. Why?”

“Oh, she said she would see you later.” Kristy looked toward the door. Something didn't fit.

“A figure of speech? Later, probably as in later tomorrow when she comes back for her
work out.”

“Oh, okay. Well, I guess I’ll be going now. See you later.” She smiled as she walked away feeling a niggling of doubt about Sherry and Jake’s acquaintance.

Chapter Four


Jake Foresman thought it was a good thing his shift ended when Kristy left. He waited until she stepped out of sight to walk away from the counter. Otherwise, his bulging erection might’ve given him away. Ever since the day she showed up at the gym inquiring about a membership, he'd dreamt of working with her on the equipment. He gave explicit instructions to all who worked there that she was his. To his disappointment she declined working with a trainer for the two years since she joined, and he’d all but given up on her.

Sherry told him of Kristy’s recent breakup, and he had to assume it’s what caused her to want to work out more seriously. In his business he’d seen it time and time again; the woman gets dumped and usually starts to work out aggressively for a couple of reasons; one, to work out the anger, stress and frustration, and two, to try to look better so they could rub it in their ex’s face. He couldn’t be sure which reason Kristy was there for, but selfishly he didn’t care.

Kristy’s request that evening came from nowhere. So he wasn’t prepared to spend time with her so closely. Watching her move on the equipment, seeing her blush at some of the positions, and hearing her grunt toward the end of her repetitions, were almost unbearable.

Kristy obviously didn’t know that Jake knew Sherry and her husband from outside the gym. They were all into the local BDSM scene. From what he’d heard, Kristy was very vanilla in all aspects of life, but a man could dream. In fact, he would tonight after he took care of his raging hard on while thinking of her. But first he had to meet up with a few people at the local bar.

Jake entered the club and spotted Sherry and
Dan immediately. He walked over and sat with them. They said their hello’s, and she started in on him immediately. “Come on Jake, you’re a Dom without a sub. It’s time. You need someone. I hate seeing you so miserable. You’re going through the motions lately, and I can tell your heart isn’t into it.”

“I know. It’s just a dry spell. I’ll snap out of it soon.” He offered her a weak smile.

“I’ll keep an eye out for you. There’s got to be someone out there for you.”

God, he hoped so. At twenty five, he was starting to feel the pressure. He wasn’t a kid anymore, and wanted something more out of life.




Kristy called and texted her friend to no avail, Sherry didn’t respond. Her first thought was something horrible must have happened, but then she remembered Sherry and Dan could be doing their thing, and as a sub, Sherry wouldn’t be able to use her phone while she pleased her Master. Kristy shuddered at the thought.

At Steven’s place, the house was empty. Then she remembered Steven went out with Mona. With things nice and quiet, it was good for reading. She went to her bed, snuggled in, and opened to where she last left off in her paperback romance novel. After reading the same sentence three times, she groaned and tossed the book on the nightstand.

The gym crossed her mind. Even though it wasn’t her scheduled night, maybe she should just go in for a run on the treadmill. Thinking about the gym made her tingle all over. Well, it wasn’t that exactly, but images of Jake.

He’s too young!
But her body didn’t care about his age. It responded to the images playing in her mind. She thought back to the hip adductor machine and how it spread her legs wide. What she wouldn’t do to be in that position with his tongue buried inside her.

Her clit throbbed. She threw her shirt across the room, wiggled out of her cotton panties, and tossed them on the floor next to her bed. Then she reached into her nightstand for her discreet pocket personal massager. Setting it to the lowest speed, she spread her legs and began working it on her already wet folds.

She tried to shed the image of Jake from her overactive mind, but he wouldn’t leave. “Fuck it.” She groaned and pictured him naked and touching her, wanting her. She increased the vibrator to the medium setting, closed her eyes, and let the images come freely. Her breathing increased, and her moans echoed throughout the room as she teetered on the edge of orgasm.

She needed a little more to get off so she adjusted her toy to the highest setting. She knew it wouldn’t take long after. Slowly she teased the toy around the hood of her clit and immediately began bucking and whimpering.

Slipping her purple little dildo directly on her sensitive clit she let out a yell. “Ohhh shit!”

She thought she heard someone but couldn’t quite make out who it was, or what they were saying, and really she didn’t care. Her main goal was to get Jake out of her mind with one big hard orgasm.

“Kristy? Are you—”

Her eyes opened before her ears could register the voice.

Steven stood frozen with one foot over the threshold of her bedroom door. His eyes were wide in surprise.

“Go away,” she moaned, not stopping. The two held eye contact and she didn’t stop and he didn’t move, but him being there had bumped the intensity down a notch. She reached up to tug and pull at her nipple while still working her nub.

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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