The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1) (2 page)

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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As he approached his front door, he heard music and laughter. Throwing the door open he stomped to a halt. Kristy was the last person he expected to see. He figured she would’ve grabbed some stuff and gone somewhere else for the night.

Kristy and her friend Sherry sprawled out on the floor with empty wine bottles scattered about. Anger boiled through his veins. Here he felt guilty, and she was partying it up.

The women looked up at him and erupted in another round of laughter.

“What the fuck is this?” His voice sounded harsh even to his own ears.

“What does it matter, you broke up with me?”

“Yet, you’re in my house.” He glared down at the mess surrounding them. “And drinking my wine.”

“As if I have somewhere else to go.” She spat the words at him.

“You have friends.” His voice came out hard and stern. He’d never spoken to her that way before and damned if he couldn’t stop himself.

Kristy looked away. “They have lives, I refuse to disrupt them. I will find a place of my own and be out. Until then the guestroom is mine. You owe me that much.”

He looked at her through narrowed eyes. “You have one week!”

Kristy shuddered and Sherry glanced sideways at her.

She didn’t seem frightened.
Why had she shuddered?
He growled, slammed the door, and headed to his room slamming that one too.




Kristy jumped at the sound of Steven’s bedroom door, and she took a deep relaxing breath.

“Are you frightened?” Sherry’s green eyes were wide peeking out from her auburn bangs.

“No. That was fuckin’ hot.” She fanned herself with her hand. “I’ve never seen that side of him before. So in charge. So demanding.” Her insides clenched in need.
Must be the wine.

Sherry narrowed her eyes at her long time friend, and then they popped open. “I knew it. You’re submissive!”

“Oh, cut it with that crap. I don’t want to hear any more about how you and your Dom are forever happy with your arrangement. It’s too weird for me.” She averted her gaze and focused on her wine glass, swirling the liquid around inside. “Nice collar by the way.”

She looked up just in time to see Sherry flinch at the mention and
reach up to stroke the petite choker around her neck. “H-how did you know?”

“I’m not stupid. When you and Dan got serious in all this BDSM crap, I went online and read about the lifestyle. So that’s how I know it’s not for me.” She offered her friend a warm smile. “But if you’re happy, then I’m happy for the both of you.”

Sherry reached out and hugged her. “Thank you. I’m glad. Your blessing means everything to me.”

“He’s a good man for you or I wouldn’t have stood up for you at your wedding.”

Sherry tapped her fingers against her choker. “I’m sorry I forgot I was wearing it. I like to wear it to the meetings. You know this lifestyle is only for the bedroom, and the club, right? That’s our arrangement, and we’re both content with it. Aside from being his submissive during those times, I’m in charge of everyday life.”

She shook her head. “I know, but let’s stop talking about this before I get too many visuals of you in ropes, nipple clamps, and butt plugs.” She clenched her eyes tight and faked a shiver.

“Okay, moving on…So how about the gym?” Sherry asked, with a glint in her eye.

“What about it? I’ll be going every night after work to avoid Steven.” Kristy didn’t like where the conversation was heading.

“And for no other reason?” Sherry waggled her eyebrows.

“Oh come on. Jake’s a baby. I could be his mother.”

“If that’s what you’re into,” Sherry winked. “But seriously, have you ever seen the way he looks at you?”

“Sherry, just stop, will you?” She smacked her friend hard on the thigh and froze as an afterthought. “Sorry. I guess Dan should be the only one spanking you.” She looked down to see her pink handprint forming on Sherry’s skin, and she blushed.

That caused her friend to lose it. She busted out in a belly laugh with tears running down her cheeks. “Oh shit…oh shit…I can’t…I can’t breathe.” Sherry forced the words out through her hysterics. After a moment of watching her friend, Kristy joined the laughter.

Steven ripped his bedroom door open and glared down at them.

Kristy looked up from rolling around on the floor, writhing in laughter.

“You two! Shut it now!” he barked.

Kristy’s stomach dropped at his tone and her insides fluttered in excitement.

Sherry gripped her stomach, and shouted at Steven, “I’m going home now anyway. And if you keep yelling, Kristy is gonna need to take care of business.”

Kristy gave Sherry a hard look.

“Okay, okay, I get it. I’m leaving. I’ll see you at the gym tomorrow. And don’t worry; I walked over, so no driving for me tonight.”

“Text me when you get in so I know you're safe.”

“Okay.” Helping each other
up from the floor they hugged and off Sherry went.




Steven watched Kristy for a moment while she cleaned up the living room. Her petite frame usually moved gracefully, but the wine hindered her. Sighing, he pushed off the doorframe where he’d been leaning and started to help.

“No, no, I got it. I made the mess I can clean it.” She flipped her long brown hair away from her face, and swayed side to side.

“It’s fine. You’re drunk anyway.”

“Am not.” She pushed her chest out and tried to steady her body. The motion made her sway more, and she started to tilt toward the floor.

“I got you.” Steven scooped her up, holding her close. “I’m gonna put you to bed, and I’ll finish cleaning.”

“I’m sorry.” Her hand reached up and stroked the side of his face as her brown eyes fluttered with sleep.

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t blame you for getting smashed. I probably would’ve done the same.”

“No, not that. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the woman you needed me to be.” Her eyes looked sad and it broke his heart. They reached her bed and he placed her down gently. He sat on the edge while she snuggled in under her blankets.

“Kristy, it wasn’t you. I was the one with the problem. I needed so badly to be with Mona. I didn’t even try to make things work with you.” He smoothed the blanket over her.

From the confines of her pillow, she mumbled, “Honestly, I don’t think we could have fixed things anyway, if it makes you feel better.”

“Not really.” He put his head down in his hands. Feeling tears at the back of his eyes, he fought them off.

“So, was she worth it?”

He turned his head slowly and saw the sincerity in her eyes.

“Do you really want to talk about this?” He waited a long moment for her answer.

She looked to the ceiling as if the answer were there. “Yes. Tell me. I need to hear it.”

“Well, ah…” The lump in his throat thickened.

“Tell me, Steven. Please.”

“I think, yes. We had a nice time together.” He looked away from the scrutiny of her gaze.

“How was the sex?” She cut right to the chase.

“What! Really?” His head spun back around to see her expression.

Her face appeared solemn. “Yes, really. I need this to move on. So spill it.” She sat up and rested against the headboard.

He figured she drank too much and probably wouldn’t remember the conversation anyway. “I can’t believe I'm going to tell you this but, it was amazing. My dick is twitching just thinking about it.”

He heard her intake of breath as she looked away.
How could he be so tactless?

“Shit, that was stupid and insensitive. I shouldn’t have said that. What the hell was I thinking?” He smacked his hands down on his thighs.

Her hand wrapped around his shoulder in a consoling way. “Don’t worry. I asked, and I’m glad you’re happy with her. Steven, I will find my happy one day.”

“I hope you do.” He swept his knuckles gently across her cheek. “I still care about you and always will, but like I’ve said, it’s not enough. I’m sorry. Can we still be friends?”

“I care about you, too. You’re in my heart, and it won’t be easy to get you out, if I ever do. I understand about it not being enough, because I guess I was there too. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but I can see it now.”

He looked into her eyes and saw nothing but love. “So, friends then?”

“Yes, I’d like that very much.” She leaned and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. He held her tight, afraid he’d never be able to hold her again.

She sniffled. “I’m gonna miss this. You give great hugs.”

“Friends can still hug,” he said.

“Good. Now get some sleep. Sun's up soon and you have to work tomorrow,” she said.

“You too.” Steven didn’t let go yet.

“No. I’m taking the day off to apartment hunt.” To his dismay, Kristy pulled
back a little.

“About that, forget what I said earlier. Take your time and find a nice place. I’m good with you staying here as long as it takes, if you still want to.”

“Sure, thank you. That would be helpful.”

He released his hold on her and tucked her into bed once more. “Good night, Kristy.” He turned off her light and closed the door. Once it latched closed, he leaned up against it and his
tears began to flow.

She is a wonderful woman, why couldn’t it work between us? God, I hope she finds someone to love her the way she deserves.

Chapter Three


Morning came too soon as Kristy woke with a splitting headache from too much wine and not enough water. Dehydrated. She felt it in her cotton-dry mouth, and saw it in the creases the bedding left imprinted on her skin.

Thankful that Sherry helped her move her things from Steven’s room to the guest room, she went to shower in her own private bathroom.

After her shower, she walked from her room to the kitchen in only her bra and panties and froze in surprise. Steven stood by the counter pouring two glasses of orange juice.

“Uh, good morning.” He pushed a cup in her direction, gave her body a once over, and then averted his gaze.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were here. I would have dressed." She stepped forward and took a quick sip from her glass. "I’ll be right back.” She didn’t feel embarrassed by being half naked in front of him, only uncomfortable. Her body wasn’t his to look at anymore, but she did sense his gaze on her ass as she walked away, so she walked slowly letting him get one last look at what he’d never have again.

Closing her bedroom door, she felt a little awkward over being drunk around him last night. She slowed her pace, giving him time to leave. She’d rarely acted that way before. She always drank responsibly and never had more than a slight buzz.

Remembering their conversation the night before, her stomach knotted. She thought about her life without him, and then her nerves settled when she recalled they would still be friends. What they had might be over, but the times they did have were special.

When she opened her bedroom door, the scent of bacon and eggs tickled her nose. “Steven?”


“You’re still here?” She edged toward the kitchen tucking her hair in a clip.

“I’m going in late today. I wanted to make sure you were all right. I made you breakfast.” He gave a lopsided smile.

She stood there, mouth parted, not knowing what to say, and just stared at him. Who was this man and what did he do with her ex?

“Kristy?” He walked over to her and waved a hand in front of her face.

She blinked. “Isn’t the point of breaking up to move on and put some distance between each other?”

“Well, yes, but we are still friends. So that makes our situation a little unusual. Come eat before it gets cold.” Steven headed toward the table.

She couldn’t move so he came back around behind her and nudged her in the direction of the table. “I still don’t get it,” she mumbled.

“Okay, I talked to Sherry this morning and asked her how she thought you were doing.” He continued to lead her to the dining area. “I explained we were going to remain friends. She’s against that decision by the way, but we both love you and want to make sure you’re handling this.”

“You had absolutely no right to bring her into this mess.” She slammed her hand on the table and walked away. Before leaving the room, she turned around unable to let it go, and charged right back over to where she left him. “What is this all about? What is it you want from me?” She jabbed her pointer finger into his chest.

“Sherry said she didn’t think you were dealing with our break up. That you were avoiding your feelings, and you had no breakdown or emotional upset. Nothing. I don’t think that’s healthy. Hell, I even cried.” His cheeks flushed slightly with his admission.

“You did?” Her eyes popped open wide.

“Yes. I did.” He nodded slowly.

Her chest felt heavy at his words, almost painfully. “Sorry, I guess I’m wired different. I don’t feel the need to cry. I’m disappointed, but not sad.

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