The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (5 page)

Read The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Online

Authors: Bethany Michaels,Cheryl Brooks,Elizabeth Raines,Mellanie Szereto,Niki Hayes,Morgan Annie

BOOK: The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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The pleading in his voice brought tears to her eyes. She’d bared her soul to him by offering him her total trust. Now he was baring his, showing that despite his wild side and this wonderful night they were sharing, the man was still a gentleman at heart. “Fuck me, Noah!”

One hard thrust, and he planted himself deep inside her at the same time his mouth claimed hers. Although she’d often closed her eyes when they made love, now all she wanted to do was look into his eyes to see if the love reflected there was as deep, as fathomless, as the love she felt for Noah at that moment.

The blindfold was jerked away, and Noah’s face loomed over hers in the dim candlelight. He pulled back until his dick almost left her body, then thrust inside her again. “God, Angie. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.” She arched her hips to take him deeper. His groan hit her hard, and suddenly he started moving, fast and furious, slamming into her again and again as she matched his rhythm.

Noah reached for the rope binding her hands, gave it a good tug, and suddenly her wrists were free. She would have shouted her thanks, but she was too busy being ravished and enjoying every damn minute of it. Her hands roamed his back, his ass, his shoulders.

Angie wrapped her legs around his hips just before her orgasm took hold. Her pussy contracted as she screamed his name, clutching at his shoulders until she was sure she’d left him marked with fingernail trails. A few frantic thrusts and he cried out, his cock pulsing inside her, bathing her in his heat. For a few moments, all she could do was cling to him, waiting for the storm to pass. He collapsed on top of her, his head buried beside hers on the pillow.

“Damn, Angie. I think you killed me,” he mumbled into the silk.

She chuckled as she ran her hand lazily up and down his spine, too content to budge. Every muscle in her body felt totally relaxed, and if Noah hadn’t moved, she could have easily fallen asleep in that position. But he broke their connection, rolling onto his side. He took her into his arms, brushing her disheveled hair away from her face and kissing her forehead.

Normally, they’d both nod off, but Angie was too full of love and life to even consider sleep. “You’ve got quite an imagination.”


“All of…this. Took a lot of imagination.”

He chuckled. “And planning.”

“And you did it all for me.” Lifting her head, she kissed his chin. “Thank you.”

“No need for thanks. I think I enjoyed it as much…if not more…than you did.”

She decided not to argue with him, but no matter how much he liked it, she’d never forget this night—the most erotic and loving of her life.

His fingers stroked her upper arm as they lay side by side, until his hand stilled and his breathing grew deep and even.

As she idly rubbed the crisp hair on his chest, her eyes settled on the white ropes hanging from the footboard. The man had a way with slipknots. He’d probably been a Boy Scout. Yes, he could sure tie one…but…

Can he get out of one?

Suddenly, this night of trust was taking on a different flavor as she gently wiggled out of his embrace.

* * * *

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Angie’s voice seemed to come from a distance, and Noah yawned. His body was still so relaxed, so sated. Damn, but the orgasm he’d had—coupled with a night of zero sleep—sure wiped him out.

“Wake up,” she coaxed.

He tried to stretch, but something dragged at his wrists and ankles. His mind immediately snapped into full awake as a quick panic raced through him. Then he saw her beautiful blue eyes staring down into his, the coy smile on her face telling him the tables had been turned while he was catnapping. The panic died, and he couldn’t help but grin up at her. “Why, Angie…You’ve been a busy girl.” He gently tugged on the ropes and grinned at her.

“Payback’s a bitch, honey,” Angie said as her fingers tickled down his stomach to his dick, which was rapidly springing back to life.

“I guess I’ll just have to suffer through it.” Noah tried to lift his head to kiss her, but she just shook her head. Then she slipped the blindfold over his eyes.

Until the world went dark, he hadn’t realized just how much trust she’d put in him. Now,
was entirely at
mercy. For a man, it was unnerving. For a woman, it had to have been terrifying. “Angie, I’m…sorry.”

“For what?” Her voice sounded genuinely surprised.

How odd to struggle to figure out what was happening when one of his senses was lost. Since he couldn’t see her, he had to depend on her tone, and he wasn’t sure if he was reading her emotions correctly. “I’m sorry if tying you up and blindfolding you…frightened you.”

“Are you afraid, Noah?” she whispered in his ear, her warm breath making his now rock-hard cock jerk. “Don’t you trust me?” Her hot tongue flitted over his ear before tickling the small hole.

“I do,” he answered without hesitation. “Kiss me.”

“Ah, ah, ah…” Her fingertip circled his navel, making him suck in a quick breath. “You don’t get to call the shots now. You can only do what I tell you. Your rules, not mine.”

His lips bowed into a grin when he realized how much she was loving having this kind of power over him. Was having someone you loved splayed out before you, trusting you with their body, as big a turn on for her as it had been for him? “Fine.”

“That’s a good boy.” Angie’s fingers wrapped around his cock as her lips brushed over the head. Once. Twice. Then she took him into her mouth.

Noah strained, tugging at the ropes. He’d never expected her assault to be so direct, so when the heat of her soft lips had touched him, she’d stolen all his self-control. And when her wet mouth surrounded him, he’d almost come then and there.

She left him, and he tried to relax back against the slick sheets. “Shit, baby… That was

A soft chuckle came from his left, and he heard her moving around the kitchen. A quick inventory of what he’d brought from La Trattoria flashed through his mind as he scrambled to figure out what she could possibly find to use in this little bondage scenario.

He remembered the crème brûlée a moment before her finger touched his lips. “Taste,” she said as she slid her dessert-coated finger into his mouth.

Twirling his tongue around her digit, he sucked it deep into his mouth. For some reason, she’d always liked him kissing her hands, especially when he’d draw one of those slender fingers between his lips. Her soft coos told him she was enjoying herself, especially when she pulled her finger back for a moment before returning to his mouth, again covered in the crème brûlée.

After he licked the sweet treat off her finger, she drew it out of his mouth. He waited, tense with anticipation to see what she’d do next. Damn, but he’d never realized how much the buildup could heighten a sexual experience. Foreplay had always been nice, but he’d always concentrated more on the sex. He’d never make that mistake again. About to tell her that, he could only gasp when her cool and slick finger traced the tip of his cock. Was she really smearing crème brûlée on his dick? Holy shit, when the woman let loose, she
let loose.

She answered his unasked question when her mouth covered his cock, her tongue licking and swirling around the sensitive head. A groan slipped out as his hips moved of their own volition to mimic the act he so desperately wanted. Angie acted like she had all the time in the world, like a child who wanted to make a sweet piece of candy last and last. She licked. She nipped. She sucked. Until he thought he couldn’t take it anymore. “Angie…I want you.”

Her lips touched his navel, forcing fluid from him. She licked the trickle from the slit of his cock. “I can see that.
. Isn’t that what you told me, Noah?”

He gritted his teeth, realizing how easily she could turn his word back on him and how difficult it was to comply. “All right.”

Soft fingers ran over his scrotum, weighing each testicle in her palm before her lips touched his skin. Hissing breath streamed from his lips, changing to a moan when her tongue licked each ball. Before he could let her know just how much he enjoyed her attention, he felt the mattress shift on either side of him.

“I can’t wait. Fuck me, Noah.” Angie impaled herself on his cock.

He wanted to rip the blindfold off to see again how sexy she looked in the red lingerie while she rode him. He wanted to grab her slim hips to hold her while he rammed inside her. He wanted to brace his heels against the bed while he increased their rhythm, knowing it would drive her over the edge. Instead, he thrust the hardest he could with limited leverage. About to shout that he needed to move, he groaned in relief when he felt Angie reach over him. The ropes on his hands gave up their slack.

Greedily taking advantage, Noah didn’t even bother with the blindfold, blindly reached for her waist, and slid down the bed far enough he could plant his feet against the footboard. Then he set a hard, fast tempo while Angie rocked her hips against him in reply.

She pulled the blindfold away and leaned in to kiss him, rubbing her tongue over his. Damn, she tasted sweet. Like crème brûlée and Angie.

And she was purring.

He bucked into her again and again, waiting for that moment when her pussy would tighten around him so he could let his own orgasm overwhelm him. Her purr grew louder until she sat up, let her head drop back, and called for him to join her as she came.

Semen blasted from him as spasms rocked his body. The orgasm made his heart slam against his chest, and his breath came in deep pants. She seemed to be just as indisposed, collapsing against his chest and gasping like she’d just finished one of her workouts.

Noah stroked her back, letting his fingers play with the lace of her red panties, content to let the cool air soothe his fevered skin. “You look great in this,” he finally said, giving the elastic a gentle tug.

“Thanks. You picked well. Didn’t know you liked red.”

“I like you in any color. Red just seemed…right for this occasion.”

Her breathing returning to normal, she slid herself off his softening dick and moved to his side to snuggle up against him. “That was…fantastic.”

“Words just can’t describe,” he added. His body was content. His mind, however, was racing. This evening had been so perfect, he figured there was only one way to properly cap it off. Gathering his courage, and holding every hope she’d agree—especially after what they’d just shared—he tried to find the right words. “Speaking of color, I actually think there’s one you’d look better in.”

She leaned up on an elbow. “You don’t like the red?”

He lifted his head to give her frown a quick kiss. “I
the red. Very sexy. I just think you might look better in…white. Especially if we’re going to do this around friends.”

around friends? You don’t mean…this?” She nodded at the bed.

“No, no.
is just for us. I mean…when we…get married.”

“Married? You want to get married?”

Noah savored the look of surprise when he hopped off of the bed, retrieved the little black box, and knelt on the mattress at her side. “Marry me. Please.” He popped the lid open, revealing the diamond set on the platinum band. It had taken him four jewelry stores to find the right setting. “Angie?”

Tears spilled over her long lashes. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

“Because you love me?”

The shake of her head came as a surprise.

“You don’t love me?” He refused to believe it.

“Of course, I love you! But that’s not why I’ll marry you.”

“Then why?”

“Because I trust you, Noah. With all of my heart.”




Elizabeth Raines makes her home in the Midwest. A fan of all genres of fiction, she enjoys blending her love of science fiction with romance in the books she writes exclusively for Siren Publishing. Her favorite movies are
Pride and Prejudice
Love, Actually
, and she spends far too much time watching shows like
The Tudors
Mad Men
. Elizabeth has been happily married for almost thirty years and tries to express that kind of enduring love in all her stories, hoping to help all her heroes and heroines have their own happily ever afters.

Also by Elizabeth Raines

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 1:
Locked In

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 2:

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 3:

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 4:

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 5:

Siren Ménage Everlasting:
Wicked Missions 6:

Siren Ménage Everlasting:
Wicked Missions 7:

Also by The Sextet

Siren Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1:

Siren Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 2:

Dirty Dancing

Siren Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 3:

Occupational Hazards

Available at


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