The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (23 page)

Read The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Online

Authors: Bethany Michaels,Cheryl Brooks,Elizabeth Raines,Mellanie Szereto,Niki Hayes,Morgan Annie

BOOK: The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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He leaned his forehead against hers and groaned. “You feel hot. Do you have a fever? Maybe you should take off your jacket.”

His hands settled on her shoulders, then moved to the button at her waist. He was undressing her. Surely, that was a sign of interest.
This isn’t going according to plan. What do I do now?
Flying by the seat of her pants didn’t work well for her organized mind, not that she had any experience being the aggressor. She barely qualified for submissive. The one unsatisfying anti-event in grad school four years ago had very nearly missed taking her virginity.

“Did you know skin temperature rises in humans when they’re sexually aroused?” That stupid on-off switch in her brain must have broken.

Gunnar’s chuckle tickled her tummy. “Dr. Fetter, I’m well aware that you make me hot.”

He was sexually attracted to her? How idiotic would she look if she jumped up and down for joy? “Are you also aware you make my skin temperature rise?”

“So you won’t slap me and file a sexual harassment suit against me if I kiss you? Because I really need to kiss you before I suffer a stroke.” His lovely hazel eyes burned into hers, begging her to allow him this favor. Begging wasn’t necessary.

She grinned, gaining some measure of self-confidence from his show of interest. “I might slap you if you

Chapter 2

What about more than a kiss?
Gunnar wasn’t sure he could stop at simply kissing Andromeda. Months of attraction had driven his fantasies far beyond a simple meeting of lips and possibly tongues. He wanted to strip off her hideous suit, baring her body for his pleasure and hers. Touching, tasting, burying himself inside her. But first things first. Best to go slow, so he didn’t frighten off the woman of his dreams.

Pushing the brown jacket down her arms, he let it fall to the floor. Next, he lifted the glasses from her nose, setting them on the desk. He cradled her face between his palms. Her electric-blue eyes drifted closed as he lowered his mouth to meet her lips. So soft and supple like he’d imagined. Her flower-garden scent surrounded him. She scraped her teeth across his lower lip. A groan escaped his throat as his balls tightened, and his cock threatened to burst the zipper of his pants.

Fingertips brushed his stomach, making his muscles shudder. She was removing the same garment he’d taken off her. Her lips parted, allowing him access to the sweet, moist home of her beautiful pink tongue. He dove inside, not willing to pass up the opportunity.

She’d recently eaten her favorite candy. The package he’d left for her earlier?
Sugar Babies.
He’d love to share a bottle of caramel topping with her. On her lips. On her fingers. On every part she hid beneath those ugly suits. Then he’d lick it off her a centimeter at a time.

She tugged at his tie. It shushed out from his collar, landing somewhere over his left shoulder. Nimble fingers loosened his shirt buttons. Was she giving him permission to do the same? Deciding to test his hypothesis, he worked the top button free. An encouraging moan vibrated through his skull.

Her tongue stroked his with new vigor, and he unbuttoned several more in the vertical line from neck to hips. Cotton, satin, or lace? At this point, he no longer cared. That knowledge wasn’t on his need-to-know list right now. The silky texture of her skin, the taste of her succulent mouth, the purring noises she made when he parted her blouse—those were important. Having her naked beneath him was a top priority, followed by a thorough examination of that always hidden body.

Her mouth pulled away from his, panting breaths caressing his cheek. “The outer doors—did the lock reset when you entered?”

“Mm-hm. The night guards told me everyone else in Section B has gone for the night.” He kissed her neck as he slid her blouse past her shoulders. It landed on her jacket. He breathed in more of her flowery scent. “I have a condom in my wallet. Are we going to need it?”

She pressed her still bound breasts against his bare chest. “I have one in my purse. I’m hoping we’ll need both.”

Had she
to seduce him? Smart, beautiful, self-reliant.
And wickedly sexy
. She far surpassed any of the numerous X-rated dreams he’d had. He grinned. “Did you bring me here under false pretenses, Dr. Fetter? Not that I mind.”

She nibbled his earlobe, sending a jolt to his already aching erection. “No. I want to conduct an experiment with the strong coupling constant bands.”

Before or after they made a coupling of their own?

She absolutely had to get her heart rate under control. Andromeda fought the introverted side of her personality. She couldn’t surrender to her fears. Her fantasy stood no chance of becoming reality unless she went through with her plan, and she couldn’t wait another day to know if he felt anything for her.

Gathering her courage, she leaned back to look at Gunnar. “Take off your pants and sit in the chair. Make sure that condom’s handy, too.”

His eyes darkened, and his jaw tightened.

Maybe I should’ve said please?
No. She was in charge of this…this…interlude. It had been her idea after all. She’d even tolerated the embarrassment of buying condoms last night in preparation for her experiments.

With his hand going to his waistband, his expression didn’t change. “Do you know how many times I’ve imagined you riding me in your chair? At least a hundred. Every time I come in here to confer with you.”

Her ego high-fived her sweltering libido. He’d get his ride and more. “Then perhaps you should do as I asked.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He toed off his shoes as he jerked down his zipper. Handing her his wallet, he removed his suit pants, underwear, and socks in swift procession. “Condom’s in the side opening.”

His erection sprang free, nestled in tight, caramel-brown curls. Her favorite flavor. If he wasn’t attracted to her, he faked far better than any man in the universe. His penis jutted out at her, twitching and bobbing as she studied the thick, veined shaft. A drop of moisture glistened on the head. She couldn’t wait to taste him.

In a hurry, was he? He was in for a surprise. She unfolded the wallet, separating the layers of leather to find a slightly worn foil packet next to a twenty-dollar bill. The wear hadn’t happened quickly. Surely that meant he didn’t sleep with every woman he met. She wasn’t fond of thinking about another woman touching him, or him touching anyone but her.

Setting her prize on the desk, she picked up the rubber band-like representations of a strongly connected string loop and kept them hidden behind her back when she turned to face him. She watched him settle into the padded ergonomic chair, smiling as she stepped closer. Lovely electrical charges zinged from her breasts to her clitoris. Why hadn’t she thought of this experiment sooner?

His penis changed from pink to a purplish red, growing harder before her eyes. Was it begging for her touch? She wasn’t ready quite yet. Her plan had a preliminary step that needed completing. “Hands on the armrests.”

He complied without hesitation, his hands gripping the curved ends. Would he allow her to control the situation? To do the things she wanted to do to him? To live out her fantasy?

She leaned forward to reward him with a passionate kiss.

Never in a million years had Gunnar dreamed his prim colleague would be an aggressive sex partner. Yes, he’d imagined she hid passion under those unattractive clothes—but this Amazonian persona?
No way
. Not that he didn’t like her bossy attitude. In fact, this controlling side turned him on even more. It proved he wasn’t the only person in the room with enough desire to ignite a Bunsen burner. If she didn’t touch him in the next few nanoseconds, he might die from lack of blood supply to his brain.

He reached out to pull her back for another kiss, another taste of that sweet mouth.

“Ah, ah, ah. We have an experiment to conduct.” Her blue eyes sparkled with something he’d never seen in them before tonight.
Mischief? Wickedness? Or maybe simple lust?
She placed a hand over each of his. “I expect your full cooperation.”

A narrow strip of…latex?—No, not latex but the new compound she’d invented—dug into his wrists for a moment, then loosened slightly when she removed her hands. The loops? What? Was he supposed to break free? Or had he overstepped the boundaries of their professional relationship and she felt the need to punish him? Not likely since she had initiated the scenario.

Hell, he’d turned into a freaking pervert—because the thought of her dominating him sent a thrill straight to his dick. Visions of ropes, scarves, and handcuffs danced in his head, along with an incredibly sexy physicist. Damn, but he wanted to do the same to her after she finished with him.

She stood a couple meters from him, a mischievous grin on her normally sedate face. His brilliant colleague had a wild side.
Hot damn.
He finally got a good look at her bra. Lace. Thin, white lace, with dark hints of her nipples showing through the tiny holes and two mounds of creamy flesh overflowing the undersized cups. If she bent forward, those irresistible tits would tumble free.
Laws of gravity, don’t fail me now.

His cock twitched again.

She kicked her shoes under the desk. Then she worked the button of her trousers, and the zipper. She eased her pants down slim, toned thighs and calves to reveal matching white lace panties. A thatch of coal-black curls formed a triangle behind the fabric.

His lungs seized, cutting off his supply of oxygen.
Don’t let me die yet. I have to be with her at least once. No, twenty thousand times.
Full breasts over a narrow waist. Hips curved out ever so slightly. Sexy. Gorgeous. And smart enough to know he couldn’t keep his hands off her if the bands were her way of slowing him down.
Breathe, damn it! Breathe!

“They aren’t too tight, are they?” She nibbled her lower lip.

He’d love to be her teeth. “Snug but not cutting off the circulation. I have to admit I’m a little concerned. Why the bindings?”

Her cheeks colored. “I want to know if the loops are strong enough to hold your arms in place while I…explore your body.”

She’s into bondage?
The thought triggered images of Andromeda lashed to his bed. He had never tied up any of the women he’d slept with, but the vision raised his skin temperature several more degrees, and his lower abdominal muscles quivered. Did she find the situation as hot as he did?

He tested the bonds. Not stretchy enough to free his hands. Not so rigid he couldn’t move. No, he wouldn’t escape while she
his body. He hoped that included being inside her.

“If the coupling constant is high enough to resist the closed loop breaking into an open loop, I can move on to the next step of my experiment.” She leaned in for another kiss, this one longer and deeper than the last.
that lacy bra. It held.

Next step?
He was in for the night of his life. With his adrenaline level rising, Gunnar couldn’t rein in his reaction to her. His tongue warred with hers. Another taste of Sugar Babies. Her flowery scent surrounded him, wrapping around him and dragging him under her spell. He wanted,
, to touch her. He pulled against the bands, his biceps and triceps straining. The thick elastic gave no more than a couple millimeters then seemed to tighten around his wrists. A very strong coupling constant.

That word.
. Its simplicity turned him on more than any more blatantly sexual term. He couldn’t wait to couple with this naughty vixen. “Andromeda.”

Feathering touches sent tingles from his shoulders to his balls. Her palms brushed over his chest, her fingertips flicking at his nipples. Sensation flooded his groin. His cock swelled even further.
Shit, much more of her hands and I’ll shoot my load before she ever gets to my dick.
Planting his bare feet on the floor, he struggled to free his arms. The harder he worked to get loose, the tighter the bindings seemed to trap him. What the hell had she used to make the compound? It seemed almost alive.

She nipped at his lip, the sting ratcheting his pulse higher. “I love the movement of your flexing muscles. Impressive physique. Like a sculpture of Adonis.”

Her voice whispered over his skin, and her hand followed the indentation in his abdominals to his belly button and lower. When her fist closed around his dick, he sucked in a breath. A few more seconds of her stroking him and he’d embarrass himself. “Let me touch you, Andromeda.
. I want to make you come.”

She backed away, lowering herself to her knees in front of him. Her wicked smile said more than any words could.

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