The Science of Shakespeare (58 page)

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The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

American Astronomical Society

Abbot, George

Ackroyd, Peter

The Advancement of Learning



Alae seu scalae mathematicae
(Digges, T.)

The Alchemist


Aldebaran (star)


Alfonso X (king of León)



All's Well That Ends Well
(Shakespeare, W.)

astrology in

medicine in

passages from

planetary movement in



The Ambassadors
(Holbein the Younger)

American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Amleth (fictional prince)


An Anatomy of the World

Andrews, John

Anger, Jane

animistic worldview

See also
authorship question

Antony and Cleopatra
(Shakespeare, W.)

book of nature in

first scene of

magic in

perspectives in

soothsayer's line from

stars in


Aquilecchia, Giovanni

Archer, Jayne

Aristarchus of Samos


influence of


armillary spheres

Artis analyticae praxis

As You Like It
(Shakespeare, W.)

atomism in

clocks and timekeeping in

influences on

school in

Asimov, Isaac

The Assayer

Astraea (star maiden)



decline of

Astronomia Nova

Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata

astronomical software

See also specific individuals

education in

references to

research in


atomism and

history of

Atlas (Greek deity)

Atlas of the Principal Cities of the World


atheism and

Lucretius and

authorship question


Bacon, Francis

The Advancement of Learning

The Great Instauration

life and career of

The New Atlantis

Baer, Nicholai Reymers (Ursus)

Baines, Richard

Baker, Brian

Baker, Humphrey

Bakewell, Sarah

Ball, Philip

ballad sheets


Bate, Jonathan


on physicians

on prostitution

on religion

on villains


bear stage direction, in
The Winter's Tale

Beard, Thomas

Becket, Thomas

The Belief in a Just World: A Fundamental Delusion

Bell, Millicent

Belleforest, François de

Bertram, Benjamin

Bethlehem Hospital

Bevington, David

See also specific books

references to

scenes and stories from

versions of

big bang (cosmology)

black bile; yellow bile

bishop of Paris

Bishop's Bible

black bile

Blackfriars Theatre

Blagrave, John



Bloom, Harold

Blount, Edward

Blythe House

Boccaccio, Giovanni

Bodin, Jean

Book of Common Prayer

Book of Joshua

“book of nature”

books and publishing

Boorstin, Daniel

Borough, William

Boswell, William

Bourne, William

Boyle, Robert

Bradley, A. C.

Brahe, Tycho.
See also
Tychonic system; Tycho's star

Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata

comet of 1577 and

comet of 1585 and

De Nova Stella

death of

deformity of

engraving of


on Hven island

influence of

Kepler and

life and career of

relatives of

solar system model

Braunmuller, A. R.


A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia

Brigden, Susan

Briggs, Henry

Brown, Agnes

Brown, Douglas

Bruno, Giordano


La cena de le ceneri

De innumerabilibus, immenso, et infi gurabili

De triplici minimo

on infinite space

On the Infinite Universe and Worlds

life and career of

at Oxford

possible connection to Shakespeare

religion and

statue of

Bryson, Bill

Buckley, George

Burbage, Richard

Burns, William

Butler, Martin

Byard, Margaret

Caesar, Julius, murder of

Calvin, John

Cambridge University

Camden, William

Campbell, Gordon



Capella (star)

Cardano, Girolamo

Cartwright, John

Cary, Elizabeth

Case, John

Cassini, Giovanni


The Castle of Knowledge


CBC Radio's

Cecil, William

celestial globe

La cena de le ceneri

Chancellor, Richard

Chandos portrait

Chapman, Allan

Charles I (king of England)

Chaucer, Geoffrey


Chelmsford witches

Other books

Time's Eye by Clarke, Arthur C., Baxter, Stephen
Pyramid Lake by Draker, Paul
Drawn to Life by Wagner, Elisabeth
Sweeter With You by Susan Mallery
Flesh Ravenous (Book 1) by Gabagat, James M.
Red Shadow by Paul Dowswell
KnightForce Deuces by Sydney Addae