The Santinis: Leonardo, Book 1 (2 page)

Read The Santinis: Leonardo, Book 1 Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

BOOK: The Santinis: Leonardo, Book 1
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Leo could tell from her voice she was joking but he knew that she had done it to save his friend the embarrassment of being lifted in front of Leo. His opinion of her went up a notch.

The curtain opened quickly and he found himself face to face with her again. Well, face to chest because she was so much shorter than he was. And in that short minute, he couldn’t think. She was looking up at him with those amazing eyes and his brain just stopped functioning. Her mouth opened slightly in surprise and all he could think was that he wanted a taste.

She recovered faster than he did.
“Make a hole, Santini.”

She barked the order like a drill sergeant. Years of being raised by a Marine and years in the military came raring up and he acted immediately. Once he did, he noticed she let out a slow breath.

“Markinson will be back in about forty five minutes if he isn’t too much of a wimp today. Come on,” she said and marched out the door.

“You don’t have to wait around, Santini,” Jeff said. “I’m not that much on company when I get back.”

“Do you have any physical therapy tomorrow?”

Jeff chuckled and looked up at the orderly who answered. “No, you can avoid Maryanne tomorrow.”

Then, he wheeled Jeff out the door.

“She’s not as bad as she seems,” Smith said.

Leo nodded, his brain still clouded with the scent of her. What the hell had that been about?

“You need anything?”

Smith smiled and shook his head. “Naw, my mamma lives just outside of San Antonio. She makes sure I have everything I need.”

Leo still gave him his cell number and told him to call if there was anything he or Jeff needed. Then, he decided it was time to get back to work. As Leo walked down the hall, his mind went back to the physical therapist. It might seem silly, but he wanted to make sure that she was as good as they said she was. He owed Jeff a lot and he wanted to make sure that he was taken care of. And while his body might be attracted, he couldn’t let that get in the way. Jeff was on his own since his divorce. Both his parents were gone and he had been an only child. Someone had to look out for him.

Leo knew he owed the man at least that much for saving his life.


“I know you said he’s okay, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t push him too hard,” Maryanne said into her cell phone as she tried to pull a basket free. The little plastic seat was stuck between two carts. She jiggled it a few times before giving up and moving onto another one.

“He’s fine, MJ,” Freddy, her supervisor said. “He’s tired, but you did right by him today. He needed to be pushed. He’s getting a little lazy. I have a feeling someone has conflicted feelings about going back in the field.”

She had seen it too many times to count these past few years—even with her own brothers. She didn’t blame any of them for questioning if they wanted to go back in the field, but the truth was, she couldn’t have Markinson get too lazy. He wouldn’t be able to recover properly from his surgery if he didn’t continue to move forward.

“Okay. Well, I’m going to pick up something for dinner here at HEB and then I am going to head home.”

“You need a life, girl,” Freddy said. “And a social life.”

“Don’t I know it, but I work for some pain in the ass at BAMC.”

“I will ignore that because I love you. I know a great guy I could set you up with.”

“I doubt you know a man who would be interested in me, Freddy.”

“No, I promise, I have it on good authority that this one is heterosexual.”

Freddy was the sweetest gay man with the worst gaydar. The last setup had been with a man who was more flamboyant than Liberace.

“No. No more setups. Call me if you have any issues with Markinson.”

She clicked off the phone before Freddy could retaliate with guilt and pushed her way into the grocery store. It was already dark outside and she wanted to get home. She had stayed late to keep an eye on Markinson. Plus, she’d had a lot of paperwork to do. Before she knew it was after eight on a Friday night. Freddy was right, she thought as she looked around the produce section.
She needed a life. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a real date, let alone any kind of sex. Maybe that should be her mission for the summer. The mission for booty.

She chuckled to herself. She would settle for a nice night out with an attractive man. If she could find that, Maryanne was pretty sure Freddy would get off her back.

She started going through the oranges and her mind went back to Markinson. He seemed like the perfect soldier but she knew there was something holding him back. If she could figure it out, then she might be able to help him more.

Normally, the first person she would ask would be Santini, but that wasn’t an option. The moment she had seen him, her body had reacted. Those wide shoulders, the buzz cut, the bigger than life presence.

She shivered.

From the time she was a teen she had a thing for military men. Military brats often went one way or another. They wanted nothing to do with the military or they were enamored with every sexy military man they could find. She wished she hadn’t been in the latter category.

She was not going down that path again. Military men were not for her. Still, when he’d focused those golden brown eyes on her, she had lost all ability to think for a second or two. And that was saying a lot. Hell, she had to fight the urge to fan herself right now thinking about him. All those muscles, that bright smile, and he was tall—at least six feet.

He was in good shape thanks to his job. Markinson had told her Santini was a medic he had served with in Iraq, and that definitely showed in those massive arms. She shivered. They were the kinds of arms that made a woman feel safe.

No. No. No!

She had too many military men in her life. Her father was a marine, her brothers were all marines, and she worked daily with military men.
She knew the only thing that would come out of any kind of attraction was heartbreak. It wasn’t like he was going to ask her out. From his reaction to her, he probably would have some kind of background check done on her. Not that he would find anything.

She put the bag of oranges in her cart, turning she ran smack dab into a man.

“Whoa, there, Ms. Johnson.”

Dammit, she knew that voice. She would probably think about it when she was…never mind thinking about that.

She tipped her head back and found Santini smiling down at her.

“Do you always run around like you’re hell bent for leather?” His lips curved into a lopsided smile that had her brain shutting down. “Cat got your tongue?”

She shook her head and tried to step back. It was then that she realized he had those massive hands wrapped around her forearms.
His thumbs were caressing her skin ever so slightly. This close she could smell the fresh clean scent of him. All soap and hard, sexy man.

Mother help me

He looked down at his hands then back up at her. “Oh, sorry. Wanted to make sure you didn’t fall down.”

He hesitated then released her.

She studied him realizing that he hadn’t changed out of his BDUs.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Shopping?” he said with amusement as he tipped his head toward his buggy. She eyed all the fruits and vegetables.

“That’s a lot of food for one guy.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and she tried to ignore the way his pecs flexed—but she failed. She swallowed—hard—and forced her attention from them to his face.

“I like to eat.”

She rolled her eyes and turned to leave. She needed to get away—far away—from the temptation of Santini. If she were lucky he would leave her alone. His footsteps behind her told her she wasn’t so lucky.

She stopped and he almost ran his cart into her. With a sigh she turned to face him.


His eyes widened and she realized that she had raised her voice. A glance around the department told her she had gained the attention of the few people shopping.

Maryanne slipped around his buggy. “I thought guys like you only shopped on post.”

Something that looked like guilt moved over his face before he hid it. Great, now he was coming up with a lie and they weren’t even involved. What the hell was wrong with her? This is what she found attractive? The perfectly nice accountant she had dated a few months earlier never lied to her but she just lost interest, mainly because he was perfectly boring.

“I had some work, which I’m sure you did too?” he said, his smile returning.

She did not want him smiling at her. She needed him pissed at her, being mean to her, and staying away from her. When he was smiling like that it just made her want to scream. And kiss him. She really, really wanted to kiss him.

“And you decided to drive all the way over here to Universal City to shop at the HEB? Isn’t there one closer to post?”

He nodded. “This one is closer to my apartment.”

Oh, so not good.

“Don’t tell me you live at the Live Oak Apartments.”

“I sure do. Just moved in two weeks ago.”

She narrowed her eyes as she studied him. Growing up as the only sister of three older brothers made her very good at detecting bullshit.

He seemed to be telling the truth, but there was that moment before that made her nervous. Worse, she wanted to believe him. Wanted to have him living near her so she could flirt with him, maybe kiss him…


She had no other choice than to chase him away.

“Listen, this might work with a lot of other women, but I don’t like stalkers.” She practically yelled it. He wore no expression on his face so she decided to get out before he could retort. Grabbing her cart, she hurried away.

Damn, she really did need to get a life.

Chapter Two

“Earth to Leo,” Vince said, amusement threading his voice.

Leo had to shake himself free of the thoughts that had been plaguing him for two days now. He glanced at his brother.

“Sorry, got a lot on my mind.”

Vince cracked a smile. “Thinking, soldier? I always thought you just reacted without thinking.”

It was a common comment from his brother. Controlling his impulses had been hard when he was a teenager, and for the most part, Leo was still that way. Except for work. Instinct ruled his life when he was at work.

“No, just getting settled in the new apartment, starting the new job.” He took the exit off 1604. “I saw Jeff yesterday.”

“Ah,” he said understanding. Vince was the oldest of the Santinis and had seen the most combat, so he knew where Jeff had been. He also knew what it was like to be in Leo’s shoes, as he had to watch some of his closest friends struggle with the worst of memories.

“Sorry. I pick you up at the airport and immediately bring you down.”

He shook his head as he studied the passing landscape of Universal City. “Nature of the job, Leo.”

All four of the Santinis were in the military, and all of them had seen action. They tried their best not to do shop talk when they were together.

“No. We need to hit the Riverwalk tonight. Should be a busy night. Hot weather brings out the hot women.”

The moment he said it, the thought of Maryanne Johnson sparked through his mind, leaving a trail of heat behind to tease him.
Damn, last night she had smelled so...delicious.

“Dammit, Leo, you drove through that red light.”

“What?” He looked up in his rearview mirror and realized he had. Damn, just thinking about the woman was going to get him killed. He shook his head. “Sorry about that.”

“I think you have something else on your mind other than Jeff or work.”

Vince always had a sixth sense when it came to their lives. He always seemed to know when they needed him to visit, needed a phone call, and he could sniff out any kind of embarrassing situation. It was hell to have an older brother who didn’t have a problem rubbing their noses in it.

“It’s just this woman. Jeff’s physical therapist. She rubbed me the wrong way.”

He crossed his arms. “Oh?”

Leo turned into the apartment complex and inwardly cringed. He knew he sounded too defensive and that would intrigue Vince. “Oh, nothing. Just, we got off on the wrong foot and now she might think I am…well, stalking her.”

Before Vince could react, Leo spotted her. She was walking, wearing a little pair of exercise shorts and one of those sports bra things. Her hair was up in a ponytail again. It swung from side to side with that sassy little walk of hers. Damn, he would love to see her hair free, flowing over her shoulders. He bet it would feel like silk against his flesh.

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