The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series) (17 page)

BOOK: The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series)
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“Pack business isn’t my business,” Diablo said firmly
, “and I can understand why you would be worried about an unknown mate of someone you are close to.  Especially given that I am a cat shifter. But I would never do anything to hurt Griff and I hope your pack won’t put him in a position of having to choose between us, because it is not what I want.”  He ran his hand up Griff’s solid thigh that was leaning up against his. “Griff needs you guys and your pack and I won’t do anything to get in the way of that.”

Griff grabbed Diablo’s hand and raised it to his lips and kissed his knuckles as Shawn laughed and said to Kane, “See I told you Kane, you had been a real
ass hole to Diablo. Come on Griff, let’s get the meal dished up and Kane can talk to Diablo for a bit.”  Shawn and Griff got up from the table and started getting busy in the kitchen chatting between themselves.

Diablo looked at Kane and kept his face deliberately smooth.  Despite Kane’s apology Diablo still couldn’t
fully relax and inside he could feel his cat start to get twitchy the longer Kane looked at him. Kane finally broke eye contact and ran his hands through his hair.  Then he gave a laugh at himself and when he looked at Diablo again his face was a lot more relaxed and open.

“Shawn’s right, you know, I was an
ass hole to you especially given that you are Griff’s true mate.  You should have been accepted into a small pack like ours automatically without any questions asked regardless of whether or not you were a wolf.  I am sorry for that.” 

When Kane saw Diablo’s raised eyebrow he laughed.  “Yes, I am sorry.  Look Diablo I didn’t mean to hurt Griff
and make you mad, okay.  I just don’t know a lot about cat shifters at all and all of the internet research Troy did on big cats indicated they were solitary animals unless they were lions. I just hated the thought that the best friend I had in the world could be mated to someone who might not have the same sense of loyalty to their mate that we wolves have.”  When he saw that Diablo was about to say something he went on, “I know.  I should have known it was different with shifter cats. Griff really went to bat for you, you know, and explained how the mating bond for cats is actually more intense in some ways than it is in a wolf. He got real pissed at me and he had every right to even if I am his Alpha.”

“I didn’t want to cause any problems in your pack, Kane, you have to believe me,” Diablo’s tone was deadly serious. Kane nodded as Diablo continued. “I didn’t know I was going to meet my mate when I did.  I didn’t even think that I was ever going to given what I was doing for a living.  As soon as I left Griff that first night I put in my resignation from my job
and made plans to stay with Griff permanently even before he knew we were actually mated.”

Kane laughed.  “Yeah, I can’t believe you did that.  Mated him without telling him.  But then I can’t believe that Griff, who has been looking for his mate since we realized us gay shifters could have them didn’t notice when you were under his nose. Too many shots aye Griff?”  Griff mumbled something in the kitchen and Shawn was laughing at Griff as they started serving food.
  Soon the dining room table was laden with food and Diablo realized just how hungry he was.  It wasn’t until everyone had full plates in front of them that Kane started talking to Diablo again.

“So tell us, why did you quit your job.  I mean it was more of a career right
, being in the FBI.  That would be a hard thing to do for a guy who was originally just a hook-up in a club.”

Diablo smiled at Griff who was watching him.  “No it wasn’t hard at all.  I have had…er…problems with my job for a while but even if it had all been going really well I would have quit anyway.  I knew that Griff was looking for someone to share his life, not just swan in and out of it as my job would have dictated.”

“How did you know that if Griff was drunk when you met?”  Shawn asked.

“I just did,” Diablo said quietly. 
He looked up to see the three men looking at him.  “It was the way he was watching you two on the dance floor at Claude’s.  He wanted what you two share; that connection - togetherness. It was as clear as the nose on his face.  I didn’t realize it at that moment, that it could be me that could give him that.  But when I did cotton on to the fact that Griff was my mate and I claimed him, then it just followed that I would do what I could to give him what he wanted. There was nothing else more important in my life from that moment on.”  He blushed and focused his attention on his plate.  Magic produced or not the venison was perfectly cooked and the vegetables were crispy and done beautifully.  

The other three men were quiet for a bit and eventually Diablo looked up to see they were watching him.  “What?  Did I say something wrong?”  He looked at Griff whose eyes were so full of love.  “No love, you said everything right,” Griff said softly. “And you are everything I want.”
Diablo smiled at him and then looked across at Kane and Shawn.  They were also smiling at him and Kane said, “And that is why you are officially a member of our pack.  Because from the moment you were mated you started thinking about what Griff needed and no mate, or pack could ask for more.  I am sorry I was such an idiot not to realize it sooner.”

Diablo was stunned.  “But what about the other guys, Scott, Troy and Dean?  Don’t they get a say as well?”

Shawn laughed, “Oh they have already had their say and they backed up Griff when he was protecting you last night.  It seems your skills at getting people to talk about themselves were duly noted and appreciated and while you didn’t share a lot about yourself, you did make an excellent impression on them.”

Shaking his head Diablo laughed.  “Yes well after seven years undercover work, believe me there isn’t a lot in my life to share with others.  I was lucky if I had up to a week off at a time with long periods of work in between
and I would spend a lot of my down time sleeping.  But there are a few things I would like to do now my resignation is basically final.”

“Like what
my lover?”  Griff really wanted to know.  He wanted to be the one that Diablo built his new life with and he realized there was so many things about his man that he didn’t know.

“Well start up my
security business for one thing.  That will take a bit of time but I do have quite a few contacts I could use and Troy said he would help with the computer side of things.  But before I do that I would love to do a road trip on the bike.  Go see my Mom, but also just go and see places.  I have worked all over the States but it would be so neat to go and see places like a tourist for a change.  You’d come with me right?” He looked at Griff.

“Definitely.”  Griff grinned. “I haven’t had a real vacation for years and going on the bikes would be fun. What else.”

“Well…get my tattoo definitely…start a project bike because I do love the older bikes…and…I know this might sound a bit weird but I would also love to open a small art gallery.”  The three men all looked a bit surprised at that.

“Yes, I know
its a bit weird. But talking to Dean yesterday reminded me that although I don’t do anything artistic myself I actually love art in all different forms.  Seeing as the FBI is going to give me a payout then I would have the cash and I would like to showcase local artists like Dean who haven’t really thought about trying to sell their work before.”

“Shit,” said Kane, “that is something we could all get on board with especially if you wanted to do it in town here.  Cloverleah is a small place but we do get our fair share of visitors and we definitely don’t have anything like an art studio or similar in town so I could see how it would work. There is definitely enough art talent in this
area to keep you busy for a while.”

The men all chatted for a bit about possible buildings in town that could be used for an art studio, where Diablo could get his tattoo - Dean; and where Diablo could run his security business. Diablo felt he should just rent or buy another building in town but Griff had a better idea.  “Why don’t we build onto the house here,” he said.

“Great idea,” said Kane.  “You have plenty of room at the back of the house and you could build it round into an L shape and put in a few more car spaces into the garage for additional vehicles or whatever else you needed.”

“You wouldn’t mind me having the business at home?”  Diablo was focused on Griff.  Personally he thought it was a great idea but he couldn’t believe his mate would want to turn his house upside down to accommodate such a thing.

“Shit no, Diablo.  I think it is the best idea out.  We both know that a security business isn’t a typical nine to five outfit.  This place is remote enough without being too remote.  We have plenty of room.  The infrastructure is all here and we can keep it secure.”

“Yes,” said Shawn, “and you mentioned bringing in other shifters for different jobs.  Well our house is just up the road and we can probably put a couple of them up when they need it, so that’s covered.  And if you needed a hand with anything then we are all here to watch your back.”

“Wow, I don’t know what to say.”  Diablo was stunned.  He had gone from a loner agent in one of the biggest agencies in the country, with very little support or help, to a situation with his mate where the whole pack was getting in behind his idea and providing valuable help.

“Just say yes, my mate.”  Griff gently held Diablo’s face in his hands so they were looking into each other’s eyes.  “You aren’t alone any more.  You have a mate, you have a pack and you have friends. We all want to be part of your life in some way or another.”
  Diablo nodded feeling a bit overwhelmed.  He leaned forward and gave Griff a long kiss and then stood up.  “I’ll just go get some coffee on,” he said as he walked out to the kitchen.  Shawn looked at Kane, who nodded, and Shawn got up to follow him.

Diablo was in the kitchen fiddling with the coffee machine.  It was already set up and the pot just needed filling.  He jumped when he heard Shawn’s voice behind him.

“It can be a bit overwhelming can’t it, when you have been alone for so long” the man said softly.

“Um yes, it is a bit. I’ve been on my own for a long time.”  Diablo glanced up at Shawn. “How did you know?”

Shawn gave a sad smile. “I’d been on my own for fifteen years when I met Kane.  Being a shifter, but different meant I wasn’t accepted in too many places and as I was being hunted for all of that time, I had to keep moving around a lot anyway.”  He started moving around the kitchen flicking his fingers and tidying things away.


“Yes, my Dad and then my uncle from my home pack.  But the Fates move in mysterious ways and I found Kane and the pack here and they wanted me to stay.  I found out about who I am, what I am and the love here gave me the strength to stop running and face my past. It wasn’t easy to accept help from anyone, but when I did the rewards were endless.”

“So what are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I’m a Shifter Guardian,” Shawn looked at Diablo to see if he knew what that was.  Diablo obviously did as he was nodding as he picked up the coffee pot. 

Shawn continued, “So yes I do know about being alone and different.  I know what it is like to have a power that exceeds other’s around you, just like you do.  I know the responsibility that comes with that type of power and you must be a strong man to look like an angel yet deal with all of the
shit you have had in your work without revealing your true self. You deserve some happiness in your life Diablo and despite what you think you are good enough.”

“Thanks Shawn.  I guess I just needed to hear that.” Diablo gave him a small smile.

“Well if you ever need to talk, you know where I am.  Now we had better get that coffee pot into the others - we have jealous mates.”  Both men laughed, “Were you getting that in your head too?” Diablo asked Shawn.  “Yep,” Shawn laughed again.  “You gotta love ‘em.”  And as Diablo walked back into the living room with the coffee he smiled, because yes, he loved Griff more than life itself and life was good.

The men
lounged around on couches watching a movie for a while and chatted about inconsequential things.  Griff had Diablo curled up beside him and Kane had Shawn in his arms on the other couch.  It was relaxed and quiet and a lot of fun and Diablo luxuriated in the feeling.  It was all totally new to him but he knew he could get used to it quickly.

It wasn’t until Kane and Shawn were leaving that Kane said to Griff, “So are you and Diablo coming with us to Mom’s tomorrow?”

Griff looked uncomfortable.  “I don’t know Kane.  Aunty Cheryl has only just got over my whole being gay thing.  What would happen if I turn up with a mate?”

“She’ll be thrilled,” Shawn said wryly. “In fact she already knows you have a mate and insisted that you come with us.”

“Oh guys.  Why did you have to tell her?  You know she will tell my Mom and then my Dad will find out and all hell will break loose.”

“Ha, Griff.  It’s not your Dad you have to worry about, it’s your Aunt.  She is livid you didn’t tell her yourself and she wants to know who will be planning your mating ceremony. She’s got plans for you two.”  Kane waggled his finger at Griff and Diablo.  Griff groaned.  “And your Mom and Dad are out of town apparently so they won’t even be in the area.”

“Come on Griff, you know you have to come.  She’s family and a very determined woman.  If you don’t come with us tomorrow, with Diablo
, then she will just come down here and get you.  You don’t want that, do you?”  Kane was still laughing as Griff groaned again.

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