The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series) (26 page)

BOOK: The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series)
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“Is that what they are calling it these days,” Scott grinned as he took in Griff’s dazed expression and hardened prick clearly outlined in his leather

Griff growled and glared at Scott.
“Don’t mess with me.  And you,” he said striding over to stand chest to chest with Diablo.

“Yes darling,” Diablo said sweetly.

“I haven’t finished with you, yet.” Griff snarled again.

Diablo laughed and slipped past his obviously horny mate.  “We will take this up later, my lover, I promise, but for now we have friends waiting and you promised me a night on the town.”

Grabbing his muscle shirt left on the bed, Diablo slipped it over his head and smoothed it into his pants. Then catching Griff’s hand they left the suite.

“So it’s Angel tonight?” Kane asked as they made their way to the elevator.  Griff
, somewhat appeased and prepared to accept the change of topic, ran his eyes over his pack, his friends and nodded.

“Yeah, seeing as that is how we came into Baton Rouge that is probably best.  For the record Diablo and I are now married and he is also my business partner so if anyone happens to ask then that is all you need to tell them.
  That all cool with you guys?”

Scott laughed.  “Hell
Griff, Angel, Sir, for another ride in your limo I’ll call you anything.  That ride is really hot.”

Punching Scott on the arm, Griff said, “Watch yourself tonight though guys.  We don’t know if the other perps that Diablo was trying to put away have actually been arrested yet and we haven’t had any intel on what is actually being said about the FBI raid on Georgio’s club after our own little intervention.  Let’s just stick together and if you want to hook up,” Griff looked at Scott as he said that, “Let one of us know where you are.”

“Don’t worry about me,” Scott said.  “Not too interested in a hook up right now.”  Seeing the other men all look at him in surprise he continued, “What, I can’t hold out for something like what you guys have?”  He pointed to Kane and Shawn, Griff and Diablo and Troy.  “Maybe I need to curtail my behavior a bit if I want to meet my own mate.  Doesn’t mean I can’t look and have a bit of a dance though, but random hook ups just don’t do it for me anymore.”

Linking his arms with Troy and Dean, Scott led the way to the elevator.  “Come on guys, let’s show the boys in Baton Rouge how the men from Angel’s entourage can party.”


Twenty Five

By the time
the men had settled in the limousine Griff had settled down enough to ask Diablo, “So what are we potentially facing here?”  The other men looked up in askance as Diablo thought for a minute.

“Okay ‘Leathers’ is a typical gay dance club.  No BDSM as such although there are back rooms available for hire by patrons.”  Diablo scrunched his face as he thought some more.  “Owned
by Petrov Backov, human, 34, 5’10 and a solid bugger.  No known permanent partner, openly gay which is unusual given his Russian origin. Three arrests for assault but no convictions. Reputed ties with the Russian mob but not confirmed.  No known drug or prostitution activity through the club although the family Backov runs with is known for that type of shit.  Bouncers at the door, security by the bathrooms, offices run on a mezzanine floor with the staircase guarded at all times.  Entrance to the club is open most nights but they do run private functions.”  He tailed off and looked up to see the other men looking at him stunned.

Griff just shrugged at them and smiled, “Diablo knows his stuff,” he said quietly.  Now looking at the man concerned he asked, “What about ties for you and possible problems.”

“Not sure,” Diablo said pensively.  “I haven’t had much to do with Backov.  He didn’t like Georgio although I know he did do some business with him.  A couple of drug deals.  He is one of the guys most likely to pick up some of Georgio’s territory now that man is dead especially if the other arrests have also been carried out.”

“How come if you know about those drug deals you didn’t get Backov put away as well?”  Troy asked.

It was Diablo’s turn to shrug.  “He isn’t the top dog in his organization.  He is a decent player, yes, but he doesn’t run his own territory - yet.  My mission was to bring down Georgio as he was the biggest crime lord in this area so that is where the focus was.  I used to see a lot of crimes I couldn’t get anyone booked for - it’s just part of being an undercover agent.  You have to learn to differentiate between those crimes you can do something about and those you just ignore for the time being.”  He could see that Troy wasn’t convinced so he continued.

“What would normally happen is that after the major arrests have been made then other people connected with the criminal activity identified will be picked up at a later stage.  I did collect some information on Georgio’s drug dealing but I was more concerned with people trafficking and his distribution network.  I also wanted him for murder.  So it is a possibility that this Backov might get some heat from law enforcement for the drug issues, but it is unlikely unless there is a separate sting going on for him and his family specifically.”  Diablo looked at Griff who shook his head.

“No, it didn’t seem so at the moment,” Griff said quietly.  “Yours was the only case going on in Baton Rouge.”  Diablo nodded as that confirmed what he had already thought.

“So does that mean we can just go in there and have some plain old fun,” Kane asked.

Grabbing Diablo’s hand, Griff started pulling the man out of the limo behind him as they pulled up outside the club. 

“Of course my friend,” Griff said quietly.  “Even Angel Bandures can
have a night off for dancing.”  He looked at the other men as they got out of the car.  “This Backov might have some words for me and Diablo but let’s just keep this low key and enjoy ourselves.”  He looked over at Dean who was eying the huge bouncer at the door with some anxiety.  He put his big hand on the smaller man’s shoulder.

“It will be okay Dean, there are no
other shifters here.  Just stick with Scott and Troy and try and have some fun, okay?”  Dean nodded and pasted a smile on his face.

“No problems,
I haven’t danced in years so maybe it’s time I reminded myself that I can.”

Diablo looked at Griff in askance but didn’t say anything.  Griff strode towards the club entrance nodding at the bouncer who watched them approach.

“Mr. Bandures’s party.  We are expected,” Diablo could always tell when Griff was in his role as Angel.  The whole tone of his voice changed into one of arrogance and entitlement.  From the way the cocky look on the bouncer’s face changed to one of friendliness and plain suck up material, Diablo could see why he used it so effectively.

The bouncer called to another smaller man and whispered in his ear.  The man looked up in shock as he took in Griff complete with leathers.

“Er, Mr. Bandures, Sir, we are honored to have you visit our club.  I am Michael and I will take care of your needs this evening. Were you wanting to see Mr. Backov?”

Griff smiled coldly.  “As you can see from our attire this is a social call, rather than business.  Mr. Backov’s club comes highly recommended as a place where men can…let their hair down and have a bit of fun.
  Is that a problem?”

“No, no, of course not,” Michael blushed.  He was about 5’8” tall and of slight build with light brown hair that flopped over his face and clear pale skin.  He was good looking in a geeky sort of way although when he flashed a look at the other men with Griff his gaze settled on Dean the longest.  Griff cleared his throat and Michael’s focus returned to him.

He flashed a professional smile as he indicated for the group to follow him.  “I will of course let Mr. Backov know you are here as I am sure he would love to come over to say hello.  Oh,” he said unnecessarily, “here is Mr. Backov now.”  Over Michael’s shoulder Griff and Diablo could see a short barrel chested man with dark hair cut military style and a cold look in his eye striding towards them.

“Mr. Bandures, I am Petrov Backov.  I am honored you have decided to visit my humble establishment.”  The words were polite and fawning but the look on the man’s face was anything but.

Griff put his hand out and smiled, “Mr. Backov, a pleasure I am sure.  Please, call me Angel as this is a social rather than a business call.”

Petrov takes the offered hand grudgingly as he replies.  “Angel it is and I insist you call me Petrov.”  He turned to Michael,
“Mikey take Mr. Bandures’s men to their table.  I will escort Angel and his protégée, personally.”  Kane looked over to Griff who nodded and Michael led Kane, Shawn, Scott, Troy and Dean deeper into the club.  Over the heads of other patrons Griff could see they were headed for a large table that was set up higher than most at the back of the club as part of a VIP section.  Hmmm, the man has some manners at least, Griff thought to himself.

Petrov in the meantime was focused on Diablo and the look on his face was anything but pleasant.  “I see you are moving up the food chain boy,” he snarled
.  “What are you trying to do, suck your way to the top?”

Griff growled and went to respond but Diablo placed a hand on his arm to stop him and stepped forward himself, drawing himself up into his full height so he was effectively looking down on the man.

“As you can clearly see, I am not a ‘boy’ any longer, Petrov and how well I suck will never be a concern of yours,” he snarled, the menace in his tone as clear as the evil look on his face. “Angel and I are married and I am now his business partner as well as his closest advisor.  I suggest that if you ever want to consider doing business with
my man
that you learn to treat
with a bit of respect.”

The change in Petrov was instant.  His sneer dropped right off his face and he immediately plastered on a smile.  It might not have quite met his eyes but it was probably about as happy as Petrov could get.  “You are married now Diablo?  To Angel?  Please accept my heartiest congratulations.
Come,” he gestured to both men, “Let me take you to your table and please, your food and drinks and anything else you might enjoy are all on the house this evening - for your whole group of course,” he added to Griff.

Griff and Diablo shared a puzzled look but started following Petrov across the club floor.  Although it wasn’t very late and many patrons were still eating, the place was busy with the music booming through huge speakers that were placed strategically around the room.  Once they reached the table Griff went to sit down but Petrov tugged Diablo’s arm and pulled him aside.  Diablo looked down at the hand on his arm but followed the man anyway, knowing that Griff was watching closely.

“What do you want Petrov?  We are here to have a good time this evening, nothing more.”

“I realize that Diablo,” the smaller man said quietly.  “But did you hear what happened to Georgio and his crew?”

Feigning ignorance, Diablo shook his head.  “No, Angel and I flew out of Baton Rouge the day Georgio gave me to him.  We were married the next day and have been er…holed up since then.  We have only come back to pick up my stuff as I will be moving back to Florida with Angel.”  He looked at Petrov and then frowned at the man’s almost apologetic expression. “What happened Petrov?”

Petrov looked around nervously before leaning into Diablo.  “Word on the street is that Georgio met a nasty end in his club - he’s dead, man.  There was FBI in there and everything.  Next thing you know the FBI are back the next day, just the next day man
, and they round up six of Georgio’s men and have taken them away.  My source tells me that there is basically nothing left of Georgio’s operation and that even some visiting foreign crims were also arrested or are dead.  They found slaves man, slaves in the basement of the club.  Seems Georgio was selling people to foreigners.”

Diablo kept his face blank which wasn’t a hardship because of course Petrov wasn’t telling him anything new. It was good to hear that obviously Tony had come through with the arrests that Diablo had set up as part of his sting and the fact that the FBI found some of the people Georgio had been using as product was equally heartening.  That was one area of the business Georgio kept very close to his chest although Di
ablo was aware it was going on - he just hadn’t been able to get many details on where these people were being held.

“Well, that’s all good for you, isn’t it Petrov?  Sounds like maybe your business can expand some if you play your cards right,” Diablo said softly. Petrov looked at him closely and then laughed.

“We will see what happens, Diablo.  I am not worried about that now.  I want the FEEBS out of town before I do anything rash.  But you don’t look surprised.”

Thinking quickly Diablo said, “I am surprised about the whole thing but hey Petrov, I stopped thinking about Georgio the minute I met Angel.  I mean look at the man,” He indicated to Griff who while looking the picture of elegance and power even in leathers, was watching them closely, “Can you blame me?”

Laughing, Petrov said, “No, I can see your point.  Who wouldn’t be blown away by the great Angel Bandures?  But hey I also wanted to apologize for the way I spoke to you when you came in.”  The man blushed and looked at his feet for a minute before looking up at Diablo again.

“Yes, what’s with that Petrov, I never did anything to you.”

“Er, it’s this guy, you know Georgio’s driver, Ben?”  Petrov started.  Diablo nodded.

“Yes, well, you know how it is.  I have had a thing for him for ages and it seemed every time I got the chance to talk to him all he would talk about is you and how much he hated the way Georgio was treating you.  I was well kinda jealous that he would think some boy of Georgio’s was more important than a club owner, you know.”

Diablo shook his head laughing quietly.  “Oh Petrov, Ben was a friend of mine that’s all.  In fact he was probably the only friend I had while I was with Georgio, but believe me he is not my type in any way shape or form.  Hell I didn’t even know he was gay.  So what are you going to do about it now you know I am safely married off and happy with my new man?”

Shuffling his feet Petrov looked embarrassed. “Well, I gave him a job as my driver as soon as I heard Georgio was dead.  Erm, what else am I supposed to do?”


“Yes, I mean I own the club man.  My men come to me.  I don’t do no chasing of anybody.”  Petrov almost yelled and he flailed his arms about.  Diablo could see that Griff was getting agitated
and was ready to come over.

It’s okay lover, he’s not shitty at me.  Settle down. 

Griff eased back into his seat at Diablo’s words but Diablo was getting tired of this conversation.  He wanted to be with Griff.  Looking at Petrov steadily he said quietly, “Look Petrov if you want Ben then employing him as your driver was a dumb move.  He couldn’t make a move on you now if he wanted to because he could lose his job if you weren’t interested.”

“So what, I should fire him then?”

“No, Petrov.”  Diablo shook his head, thinking quickly.  “Look, where is he now?  Is he awaiting orders?” 

Petrov nodded, “Yes he is out the back in the staff room.”

“Right, well why don’t you call him to drive you to somewhere nice.  Order a table at a nice quiet restaurant for dinner for the two of you and invite him to come with you when you go to eat.  Face it, now you are his employer then you are gonna have to make the first move.  He is not going to risk getting fired no matter how much he might be lusting after you.”  Diablo could see that Petrov was thinking about the idea and a few seconds later the smaller man said decisively, “I will do it.”

“Great,” said Diablo, “now can I go back to my man now?  He seems to be getting a bit impatient.”

“Yes, go, enjoy, it’s all on the house,” but Petrov was already moving off, his cell phone pressed to his ear.  Diablo grinned and went and plopped down in the booth next to his lover.  He picked up Griff’s hand and kissed it.

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