Read The Rules Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

The Rules (27 page)

BOOK: The Rules
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I finally found my ability to breathe, my channel accommodating his girth. And then I rocked forward.

“Stay still, baby. Don’t move. You okay now?”


Cade pulled almost out and then thrust back into me. “So tight.” I could hear the way he gritted his teeth. “God, baby. You’re gonna kill me with that pussy of yours.”

I pressed into him.

Cade pulled out again and then set a rhythm, plunging in and out until my vision blurred. I was so close. I needed contact with my clit. I would have told Cade, but I couldn’t find the words.

He pushed faster. Suddenly he came, his cock buried to the hilt inside me. I could feel the pulsing at the tip. I couldn’t find oxygen again. I was on the edge. He didn’t take me with him. Did he know?

Cade pulled out just as quickly and flipped me to my back. My legs fell wide. He kneeled between them. I reached with one hand toward my pussy. I never would have imagined masturbating in front of him, but I needed release so badly it hurt.

Cade swatted at my hand. “No, baby. My pussy. My rules.”

I almost came from those words alone. So possessive. Demanding.

I thought I might cry if he didn’t let me finish.

Cade’s face was intense, his gaze narrowed on me, roaming up and down my body. “Set your hands over your head, baby.”

I lifted them heavily, doing his bidding. I also lifted my torso off the bed.

“I know you need to come, baby. But I want you to understand how this works.” His hands landed on my thighs pushing them wider. He leaned in closer. “You’re with
now. Got it?”

I nodded. My mouth was dry.

“You don’t leave me again without an explanation. Understood?”

I nodded again. “Yes, Sir.”

“I can’t explain myself if you don’t give me a chance. You can’t just run from me to a different city and change your name.”

“Sorry, Sir.”

“It’s done. And I understand your side. But I want you to understand how I felt.”

I gulped.

“Hurt. Lost. Alone. Pissed even. All the stages of grief. You had all the cards. You knew where I was the entire time. You left me.”

I had.

He stroked his thumbs through my pussy. “This is mine. I’m glad you didn’t share it with anyone else.”

I was too.

“Don’t. Ever.”

“Okay, Sir.” Like I had intentions of sleeping with other men…

Cade set his thumbs on both sides of my clit and pinched.

I yelped. It was too much. And not enough.

Cade leaned in and watched my face. “I love it when you moan for me.”

It was easy to fulfill that request.

Cade released my clit, but only to hold the hood back and stroke it with his other hand. “Mine.”

I moaned.

Cade pressed his thumb into the space below my clit and continued flicking over the distended nub. “Forever.”

I came. Hard. Not as hard as I would have if he’d been inside me, but hard enough to release the tight ball of need. I dug my heels into the mattress and lifted my pussy into his hands.

“That’s it, baby. Take what you need.” He kept stroking until I lowered my body and collapsed. “That’s my girl. So fucking hot when you come, baby.”

I didn’t move a muscle.

Cade climbed off the bed and padded away. I knew he needed to dispose of the condom, but I hated his absence. A minute later, he was back and a warm cloth landed on my pussy. He wiped me gently and then set the cloth on the nightstand. I rolled to my side as he flattened his front to my back and pulled the covers over us. “Rest, baby. You’ve had a long few days.”

I fell asleep to the brush of his fingers against my cheek.

Chapter Twenty-Two

I awoke a few hours later to the smell of food making my mouth water. I was starving, so it wasn’t difficult to drag myself to sitting. I was alone. In Cade’s bed. In the hotel. Our hotel.

I swung my legs to the side and stood to pad toward the bathroom. After using the toilet and splashing water on my face, I headed back to find some clothes. The closet I opened contained nothing but Cade’s belongings.

I spun around to search the room. We’d tossed everything we were wearing to the side. None of those clothes were still around. I snorted. Of course.

Easy enough.

I headed back to the closet and grabbed one of Cade’s dress shirts. It was huge on me, but it covered my ass and breasts. That’s all I needed. I rolled up the sleeves and buttoned the front, leaving the top several undone. No reason I couldn’t make the shirt sexy.

When I opened the door to the living area, Cade was standing at the table arranging plates around steaming dishes under metal lids. He lifted his gaze and chuckled. “You’ll find anything to wear in a pinch, won’t you?”

“Yep.” I wandered to his side. “Where’re my clothes?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around his middle.

He nodded at the other bedroom. “I wasn’t sure how long we’d be here or how much space you might need.”


“Sit, baby. You have to be hungry.” He pulled out a chair, and I peeled reluctantly from his warm body to sit.

“Smells good.”

He pulled off lids to reveal an assortment of meals. “Wasn’t sure what you might want.”

I laughed. “So you ordered for six?” He’d done that at breakfast too.

He shrugged. “It’s just food. Eat what you want.”

I had never lived in a wasteful world. It made me cringe thinking about how many people wouldn’t have dinner tonight while I indulged in one bite out of six meals.

Cade leaned over me and kissed my forehead before taking his seat. “I know what you’re thinking. Stop it. I give significantly to charities. Don’t fret over one excessive meal.”

I tried not to think about it as I reached for a roll and took a bite. I was hungry.

“How long are we going to stay in this hotel?” I asked.

“Until the weekend. I’ll talk to your landlord about your lease sometime this week. We’ll move into Riley’s condo on Saturday.”

I nodded around a bite of ravioli. Fantastic ravioli. “What is this?” I glanced down at the plate.

“Lobster ravioli with a cream sauce.”

“God, that’s good.”

Cade hadn’t taken a bite yet, but he reached for the bottle of Sauvignon Blanc in the ice bucket to the side and poured us each a glass. “I hope this one is up to your standards. It’s not the 2009, but the 2008 is a darn good substitute.”

“Ha ha. I’m hardly a wine snob. I learned everything I know from you.”

Cade lifted his glass. “To new beginnings.”

I picked up mine and clinked it against his. “To new rules.”

Cade chuckled. “What new rules are you going to lay on me, baby?”

“Oh, I have a list.” I took a bite of salad, eating everything directly from the containers and ignoring the plate in front of me.

Cade lifted out some chicken from one dish and set it on his plate. “Lay it on me, baby.”

At least when he called me
, I knew he wasn’t pissed. I set my fork down. “First of all, you can’t mess with my job.”

He smirked.

“I mean it, Cade. Don’t come into my office and order me around. Don’t pop into my meetings and take over. Don’t do anything that causes me to have to apologize for your behavior or gives the impression that I’m getting preferential treatment.”

“You could quit.”

I was taken aback. “What? Hell no. Erase that idea from your head right now. I worked hard for this degree, and I earned the respect of my employees. I’m not quitting.”

He chuckled. “Relax, baby. I was just giving you shit. I know what your job means to you. Hands off. I hear you. What else?”

He was making this too easy. I wondered when he would lower the gauntlet. “No sex in my office. No making out. No bringing me to orgasm. No touching me inappropriately.”

Cade rolled his eyes. “Not sure I can oblige on that one, baby. If you spend too much time there, you might find me popping in for conjugal visits.”

“Cade,” I warned.

“I’m just sayin’.”

“Cade, I’m serious.”

“Me too, baby. You come home at night to my bed and leave at an appropriate time in the morning, and I’ll do my best.”

“Okay.” I could do this. Compromise.


I took a sip of my wine. “I’m messy, Cade. I leave clothes on the floor and dishes in the sink. It’s who I am.”

“It’s who you

“It’s who I
, Cade. And I won’t have you bullying me to be someone I’m not. I’ll get to my messes. In my time. Not yours. And you’ll learn to live with it. I can’t have you rolling your eyes every time I leave a sock on the floor.”

“You won’t be able to see my eyes from your spot in the corner, baby.” He grinned as he stuffed a bite of rice in his mouth.

“Yeah, about that.” I waited for him to look at me. “I’m not a child, Cade. You can’t put me in time out. I know I let you spank me before. And I won’t deny it turned me on. I’ll probably let you do it again. It was hot. But standing in a corner doesn’t make me warm and fuzzy, Cade. It just makes me feel pissed.”

“It’s supposed to make you feel pissed, baby. It’s to correct behavior.”

“And it’s reserved for small children, not twenty-four-year-old women. I don’t need you to correct my behavior. Are you listening to me?”

He set his fork down. “I’m listening, Amelia. I’m just not sure I agree. Can we come back to this one? Maybe you’d be willing to try it one time? Or maybe you’d be willing to not do anything to earn you a time out in the first place.”

I took a deep breath. I could see this was going to be a tough one. “Cade—”

He cut me off. “Leave it, Amelia. Let’s come back to that.”


He huffed. “Because I’m a Dom, baby. That’s why. I dominate. That’s what Doms do. And you submit. That’s what submissives do. I’m trying to be reasonable, baby. I’ve agreed, for the most part, to all your other requests, but I feel strongly about this one. When we’re at home alone, I want you to bend to my will. It makes me hot, and it makes you horny. That’s why we fit together so nicely. If I don’t have any means of correcting your behavior, I’m not really a Dom, am I?”

I could see his point. I chewed on my lower lip. “Okay, how about this—I’ll let you control me any way you see fit as long as it pertains to our interactions with each other, not my messiness or how the toilet lid is placed, or whether or not my toothbrush makes it to the holder.”

“Hmm.” He considered my suggestion. “You’ll let me put you in time out?”

“I’ll consent to one trial time. Use good discretion when choosing it. If I don’t like it, I won’t do it again.”

He paused a moment. “You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Kensington.”

“Yep.” I resumed eating, stabbing into the same chicken dish he seemed to be enjoying.

“Okay. One time. I choose when and where and for what misdemeanor. Afterward, you don’t get to dismiss it so fast. We reopen discussion on this issue.”


We finished dinner in companionable silence. The food was good. And surprisingly, we ate more than a reasonable amount.

When we left the table, Cade led me back to the bedroom, stripped his shirt off me, and sat me on the bed. “I need to feel your mouth around me.” He slid off his pajama pants and stroked his cock in front of my face.

I wanted that too. My sum total of blow jobs consisted of the one I’d given him months ago. I wanted to taste him again. He spent a lot of time with his mouth pressed to my pussy. It was only fair.

Cade stepped between my legs, and I wrapped my fingers around his hips, drawing him closer. I tentatively stuck my tongue out to taste the come on his slit, feeling the power I wielded when he groaned. The vibrations reverberated through his body, making his cock twitch at my lips. I licked a line down the thick vein along the top of his length and then sucked him into my mouth.

Cade grabbed my shoulders and held me steady.

I leaned closer and sucked him deeper, swirling my tongue around his cock as I thrust on and off. It didn’t take long for Cade to stiffen, his entire body rigid beneath my hands and mouth.

When he reached the edge, he grabbed my head and held me to him. He came deep in my mouth while I swallowed him, loving the way he trusted me and seemed to genuinely enjoy my ministrations, experienced or not.

When he pulled out, he leaned my head back, his hand at my neck, and kissed me soundly. “Love that mouth, baby.”

I smiled.

“Climb to the center of the bed. I’ll be right back.” He released me, and I scooted back on my ass.

I was just leaning back when he returned, holding the cuffs he’d bought me—or rather had me run around collecting that first morning of our relationship. I shivered. He’d only used them once, but the memory had kept me up at night. The control he had over me when I lay spread on his bed attached to all corners was heady. I enjoyed giving him that. Immensely. If Cade Alexander needed to tie me down and fuck me to orgasm, I was game.

Cade watched my face as he circled me, attaching first my wrists and then my ankles. “Trust me?” he asked.

“Of course.” My voice was hoarse as though I’d been shouting.

Cade opened the drawer on the nightstand and pulled something out. When he held it up for me to see, I flinched. “Have you ever used a vibrator, baby?”

“No, Sir.”

He smiled. “I really do get all your firsts, don’t I?”

“Apparently, Sir.” And this was a huge first.

Cade turned a dial on the side and the dildo came to life, buzzing in his hand. “This won’t be like my hands or my mouth, baby. It’s much faster to elicit response.”

I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. I didn’t really need faster. I was already horny every time he entered a room.

Cade tapped my nipple with the vibrator, making me buck my chest instantly.

“I think she understands now.” He smiled and shifted to the other nipple, making it instantly as hard as its twin. When he applied more pressure, I gritted my teeth. He teased my nipples back and forth, never using the same amount of force.

My knees were wide, my pussy wet. I could feel it dripping down to my ass.

Cade finally left my breasts to lower the dildo to my core. He tapped the hood of my clit first. I moaned, my eyes rolling back in my head. That thing was amazing. He wasn’t kidding. I could come a hundred times if he wanted me to. The thought made me roll my head. This was Cade’s game. I wouldn’t put that idea past him.

BOOK: The Rules
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