The Room (26 page)

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Authors: Jr Hubert Selby

BOOK: The Room
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He adjusted his body until he found a comfortable spot on the kennel floor, made sure the wires were tight enough so that the slightest movement would awaken him, then completely surrendered to the peace and security of his exhaustion.

His sleep was calm and restful and his awakening was a warm drifting to consciousness. He could feel a smile on his face as he slowly opened his eyes and sat up. He could feel a change before his eyes were fully
opened and focused. He looked first at his dogs, their positions only slightly changed, their bodies twitching in a restless and painful sleep. As he looked at their jerking bodies he became aware of the fact that there had been a great change in color. After the encounter they seemed to be entirely red of varying tones, now there was less red than any other color. There seemed to be more grayish white with splotches of dull red. There was also a lot of burning blues and purples. But what attracted his eyes the most were the crusty and caked browns. They completely fascinated him. They looked like deep tire-tread ruts in mud that had been trampled on. They seemed to pulse and grow and the longer he stared the more animated these areas seemed to be, the deeper and more jagged the cracks and furrows. And soon he could see new ruts forming and could hear the scabs crack and feel the pain throb through the bodies of his doggies.

Then, after many long and beautiful moments, he became aware of his heart beating in perfect unison with their throbbing pain and he felt the excitement once again start charging through him. He could feel his body tightening with the excitement and could hear the air rushing through his nostrils. The more animated became their pain the more his body became alive, the louder the cracking of the crusty scabs the more aware he was of the beating of his heart until he was completely involved with every throb and tick of their bodies, every sensation registered in their brains and the excitement charged through all of him until he tingled and vibrated with the old exquisite joy and he suddenly jerked his head toward the audience and instantaneously absorbed their horrifying apprehension and then his joy became sublime.

He sprang erect and tugged his wired doggies awake. UP UP UP. Youve slept enough my noble beasts. Its time for action. Youve got to get with it. If you keep moping around like that youll stiffen up and wont be able to perform. And we wouldnt want that, would we? Hahahahaha. Not now. No. Not now. We must save the stiffening for later. Hahaha. Aint that right my lovers? Hahaha. What you need is some action. Take your minds off your booboos. That nasty little rat hurt my doggies and we have to take care of that. Later. Hahahahaha.
Right now the best thing to do is to take your minds off it. Frolic and cavort and youll forget what that mangy old rat did. Some good food, cool water and a little fun and you wont even notice the throbbing pain thats banging at your bones or the fires that are shooting through you and burning your guts and your bowels. Will you? No. Not in the least. So lets get on with the fun and games. But we need energy to play. Dont we? Yeah. Good food makes fido a peppy pup. Here you are my kay fucking nines. Some nice fresh horse meat and a nice big bowl of water. That’s it, sniff it first. Make sure its good. Thats the way. Now lick it a little bit before you take a nice big bite. O, you want some water first. O.K. Go ahead. Wet your little whistles first. Whats the matter little doggies, having trouble swallowing? Did that nasty little rat bite you all up and give you a fever? Haha. You sure did get even with him. That poor sonofabitch aint never going to swallow again. You should be thankful for what you have. At least you can swallow. Even if your throat does feel like its filled with burning carpet tacks. You just take it easy and let some of the water trickle down. Pretty soon youll be able to swallow. But youd better not take too long. The show must go on you know. We havent much time before the next scene. So youd better hurry up. Thats it, force it down. It only hurts when you laugh. Hahahaha. And youd better chomp down some of the energy-giving horse meat. Dont forget, the audience is waiting breathlessly for the passion play. Hahahaha. Thats it. Get it down. Good doggies. Your throats arent being slashed with rusty razor blades. It only feels that way. Hahahahaha. And just think, pretty soon youll be in a lovers embrace. Now doesnt that make you feel better? Now doesnt it? Hahahaha. Thats a good title for the next scene of our little show. Love makes the world go round. Thats perfect. Absolutely perfect. Love makes the world go round. It also makes little doggies go woof woof and sniff sniff. Hahahaha. I really must admit that you dont look like lovers. You sure dont look lovely, anyway. What did you guys do while I was sleeping? You look like you got caught in a meat grinder. Hahahaha. But thats all right. Love heals all wounds. Or is it wombs. Hahaha. Look mommy, the poor doggie is wombded. Hahahaha. Relax before you get all wombed up. Hahahaha. Did you ever play tennis at wombledon? Hahahaha. I think my doggies are just wombderful. Haha. O.K.,
enough wombing around. Lets cut the umbilical cord and get on with the show. O.K. Lets nose those dishes out of the way. You take the food dish and you push the water dish. Thats the good boys. Thats it. Right there. Thats good enough. O.K. Lets get on with the show. And remember, its not loves labors lost. Its love makes the world go round.

And around and around they went. Without benefit of wired pressure. Nose and tongue sought out and thoroughly investigated asshole with complete acceptance. There was nothing to fight. There was no desire to fight. Through submission to pain and exhaustion they simply, automatically, did what they were trained to do. And they were trained to pursue their love-making with animalistic desire whether it was real or feigned. And so nose and tongue continued to pursue asshole with the required amount and degree of excitement and sound and sight.

Isnt that lovely? Isnt that just beautiful? You notice how the nose sniffs and quickly zeros in on the asshole? Its really quite remarkable when you think of it. When you think of how small the actual hole is. When you consider the fact that it is only a small part of the larger expanse of ass and is completely hidden from sight. Yet a few twitching sniffs and the nose is nestled in the unseen hole. And notice the technique with which the tongue explores that area between the cocksus and the cockbut. And keep in mind the fact that he has a pair of hairy balls to contend with. Yet love knows no boundaries or barriers. And theres something else you should keep in mind and that is that the tongue is used for more than one reason. Of course its obviously exciting. You can see that easy enough just by their reactions and their excitement. Having a warm wet tongue licking her ass and crotch is exciting to the bitch and certainly gets her twitching, but its also exciting to the male too to feel his tongue roaming around her ass and to feel her hole quiver around his tongue as he sinks it in deeper and deeper with relish. Hahaha. Thats pretty good, isn’t it? With relish. Maybe theyd like it better with mustard. Hahahaha. Thats a good one. Musturd, custurd, and you you big shit. Hahahahahaha … Well, anyway, you can see the joy it brings to both animals when he sinks his tongue into her hole.

But excitement isn’t the only purpose this tongue in cheek serves. Hahahaha. From dancing cheek to cheek, its nose in cheek then tongue in cheek. Don’t think it will go over in the ballroom too well though. Hahahaha. Always did wonder how you could talk with your tongue in cheek. Hahahaha. Speak boy, speak. Thats a good dog. Did you hear that little bow-wow? Very good. Thats called talking with tongue in cheek. But theres more to it than dancing a fang dong go. There are other considerations. Considerations of accessibility. You see dogs are not civilized the way we are. They dont wipe their asses after they shit and keep their holes clean with baths and showers. The tongue is used for this. And when two dogs love each other they like to wash each other. I guess its basically a show of affection. But it also helps get this hole ready for action. You know, gets those shit-matted hairs out of the way and softens up those little balls of shit that block the road to pleasure. And of course it helps juice up the old shit chute

suddenly one of the audience spewed forth a river of puke that splattered on the heads of the children and flowed and dribbled down their faces.

Goddamn it. Just when hes mounting the bitch. He yanked hard on the wires and the stiffened dick was buried in the bitches hole as they yelped and jerked and more vomit wrenched itself from a gaping mouth and splattered on the little heads and another mouth sprang open and the vomit shot out with a groan and the bodies knotted and snapped with screeching, retching as the puke was followed with bile and snot and phlegm dribbled from their noses and he watched the gentle streams flowing and listened to the music of nature as he yanked again on the wires – fucker. Fucker. Plow the shit out of the bitch – and the exciting yelping and howling joined the other woodland sounds and charged through him exciting and animating him more and more and he screamed with pure and absolute joy as he listened and watched and yanked the wires – to the hilt. To the hilt. Turn the goddamn bitch inside out. Shove it out the top of her head and flow lovely rivers flow, and he waved his hands and arms urging the gurgling brooks to flow and flow and his dogs to fuck and fuck and all the joy of life was his
and he experienced it through all of his body, every cell of his being until it filled his soul and he could feel it, and see it, glowing with the brightness of a sun and he was aflame with warmth, a warmth that was pure and whole and grew warmer and warmer and ever warmer even as the rippling brooks became deep spastic groans and his spent dogs could only cringe as the yanking wires tore at their balls and they lay on their sides with their tongues and pricks limp.

Or maybe just stand there as Fred leaps off the witness stand and just sort of duck under his punch and let him have it right in the fucking gut. Yeah, and listen to him groan as he crumples then lift my knee in his face and let him have it on the back of his neck and look at him on the floor with his whole fucking jaw hanging from his cheek. And not stomp on his fucking head or kick his balls up into his gut, but just stand there and look at him. Not even spit on the sonofabitch. Just stand there and watch them drag him out of the court.

And maybe just turn my back slightly to the cameras so they can see me standing over the rat prick.

Too bad I cant put my foot on his chest and make like tarzan

mary, mary, quite cunttrary, how does your garden grow

or like David and Goliath. Yeah, with a slingshot in my hand and a rock in his head

and a huge two-handed sword raised over my head and I/ll smite the circumcised dog thus

No. Not like that. Stick the tip in his fucking gut and slowly twist the sonofabitch in until it crunches against his fucking spine

No, thats no good. Just stand there and look down at him.      Yeah, with my shadow across him. Yeah, with the camera over my shoulder and my shadow over his fucked-up face. The rat bastard.

But unfortunately there is nothing that can be done about this your honor. Mrs Haagstromm has only brief moments of lucidity and she is the only witness to this outrageous crime. Legally there is nothing that can be done about bringing these men to trial. What I am endeavoring to accomplish is to prove that they are not fit, in any sense of the word, to be police officers and have the responsibility of enforcing the law. I feel it is my obligation to help bring this about. It would be simple enough for me to prove my innocence, but I believe I would be remiss in my duty as a citizen if I did only that without exerting all possible efforts on my part to have these men discharged from the force.

What does the district attorneys office know about this Mr Stills?

Im afraid that I, personally, know nothing at all about the implications that these 2 officers may have been involved in the Haagstromm incident. I find myself shocked at the possibility.

Then you have no idea what the official position of the department is?

None whatsoever, your honor. Of course I can check if you would like me to.

Excuse me, but that may not be necessary. I feel confident that just a cursory psychiatric examination and evaluation will prove these men to be unfit to serve as police officers and as such they can be discharged from the force. I seriously doubt, in view of what has happened during this trial, that they will protest their dismissal in any way whatsoever. Especially if it is implied that no criminal charges will be pressed if they do not contest their dismissal. Of course, there is no need to tell them that there is no way that criminal charges can be brought against them.

Do you agree Mr Stills?

Well, naturally I cant speak for the department, but I do think that, under the circumstances, it will be wise to ask for a postponement until the reports from the psychiatrists can be evaluated.

Do you concur?

Yes, your honor.

Yeah, you bet. By the time the head-shrinkers get
through with those pricks they wont know which side is up or backward. What they should do is lock them in a cell next to the broad and let them listen to her whimper and cry all day and night. I bet that would drive them up a wall. Yeah, hahahahahaha, a padded wall. Those sonsabitches would be at each others throats in no time. Just like a rat at a dogs throat. Or a mongoose on a snake. Yeah, the fucking snakes. Rotten fucking snakes. But theyll get theirs. You bet your sweet ass they’ll get theirs, the rotten – the cell door clanged open and he strode forth from his cell and down the corridor – mothers cunts.

mary, mary, quite cunttrary, how does that fucking garden grow

and marched into the mess hall and took his place on line and stepped forward as the line shuffled along the wall

with silver fucking bells and cockle fucking shells

and picked up his tray and silverware and passed before the food dispensers then walked to an empty seat, deposited his tray on the table then sat in front of it and ate his fill

and empty scum bags all in a row

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