The Room (15 page)

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Authors: Jr Hubert Selby

BOOK: The Room
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Jesus loves me this – what a crock of shit. Theyre out there now riding around in their fucking prowl car talking about how they fucked me up. Bragging to all their friends how they put the fucking screws to me. Just riding around laughing their fucking asses off and stopping women drivers and threatening to give them a ticket if they dont let them pinch them on the ass or squeeze their tits. Cruising around the street looking for some young broad driving alone so they can turn on their fucking red light and force her over to the curb and get out of their fucking prowl car and hitch up their guns and adjust their hats and swagger like a couple of baboons and stick their fucking heads in the window and come on with the same old shit. Excuse me miss, but I have to ask for your registration and drivers license.

Why? Is there something wrong officer?

We/re not sure mam, but your car matches the description of a car reported stolen a few hours ago.

But there must be some mistake, this is my car.

Then there shouldnt be any problem in proving it. Would you take the key out of the ignition and give it to me please, shining his flashlight on the dashboard and the woman, peering down the front of her blouse as she leans over to get the key. He lowered the light as he took the key from her hand, slowly, and looked at the bottom or her skirt, just a few inches from her hips, and her long thighs. He shone the light on her license and registration then on her face. You Mrs Haagstromm?

officer, I am. But I really dont see what this – thats all right Mrs Haagstromm. We/ll just call in and see if we can clear this up. He went back to the prowl car and leaned in the window. What did we get this time Fred? A living doll Harry. 5,5, a hundred and 25 lbs, and all tits and ass. How old is she? What the fucks the difference. Shes a good piece of ass. They laughed. I/ll drive her car and you follow. The place in the hills? Yeah.

He walked back to the car and leaned on the window. Im sorry Mrs Haagstromm, but there seems to be a discrepancy of some sort. Im afraid we/ll have to drive to the station and try to straighten this out, opening the door and letting her know she should slide over by pressing against her. But I have to pick up my little girl at the baby-sitters. I really dont understand what this is all about. Thats all right Mrs Haagstromm. It shouldnt take too long. You just relax.

After they had driven for a mile or so and the area became less and less populated, she asked him where they were going. It doesnt look like theres a police station anywhere near here. We/re not going to a police station Mrs Haagstromm. We/re going to a special office of the motor vehicle bureau thats open all night for this kind of emergency. Theyll be able to check out your registration and license in a matter of minutes. I hope so. My little girl has a cold and Im late now. Soon they were driving along completely deserted streets in a heavily wooded area. He suddenly turned down a side road through the trees and parked in a small, flat area just off the road. She stared at him with her mouth open. The door of the prowl car slammed shut. You just keep quiet and everything will be all right Mrs Haagstromm, looking through her purse. I only have a few dollars, but you can have it, all of it, her head and body trembling. Thats very kind of you mam, but I dont need your money, taking a handkerchief and tissues from her pocketbook and shoving them in her mouth as Harry reached through the window behind her and grabbed her by the arms. You just relax mam, and everything will be all right. Tape was put over her mouth and the bulb taken out of the overhead light before the door was opened. Harry continued to hold her, as they stood in the small clearing, Fred unbuttoning her blouse. Now you
just stay still, mam and it will make everything a lot easier. You keep wiggling around like that and Im liable to rip the buttons off your blouse. Harry squeezed her arms harder and she stopped wiggling and stood still and trembling as Fred slowly unbuttoned her blouse, tears whimpering from her eyes and muffled sobs coming from her taped mouth. When Fred finished opening her blouse he cuffed her hands behind her back and unhooked her brassière. They stood in front of her, smiling. Fred lifted one of her tits in his hand, moved it around a bit then bounced it up and down in the palm of his hand. I told you she had a nice pair. Yeah, youre right. You sure can pick them. I gotta hand it to you, they laughed, she whimpered, and Fred tweaked the nipple of the tit, hard, with his fingers. Lets see what the rest of her looks like. That sounds good to me. She started to fall away from them and Harry grabbed her and kept her tilted back against him as Fred continued to remove her clothes. He took her shoes off and tossed them aside then unbuttoned her skirt and pushed it down as he slowly slid his hands down the sides of her thighs and then her legs, feeling the trembling of her flesh. Then he slid her pants down, slowly, and when he stood up he tossed them to Harry. Chew on them a while. Shes just what youve been looking for. A blonde with a black lace garter belt. Well, how about that. She sure has got a black lace garter belt. Its about time. Yeah. Now you can fuck a broad without taking her stockings off. Yeah, I wish my old lady would get rid of that pantyhose shit and start wearing garter belts, staring at the garter belt and light pussy hair while he massaged his crotch. He flipped a tit around a few times then twisted the nipple hard, digging his fingernails into her flesh. A groan gurgled in her throat and tears dripped from her bulging eyes as she staggered back a few steps. Dont go way honey. Im gonna fuck the ass off you. Fred laughed. Lets save that for later. O.K. hahahahahaha. Dont get shitty about it. They laughed as they pushed her toward a clump of small bushes. This looks like a good spot. Yeah. Harry kicked her feet from under her and she thudded on her back. Now thats what I call a groovy broad. Just cant wait for the action to start. They laughed and Harry rolled her over on her stomach and opened one of the cuffs. They put another pair on the other wrist then flipped her over
on her back, spread her arms and cuffed her hands to the bushes. Careful there, you dont want her to get a run in her stockings, do you? Sorry about that. They laughed and stood over her, massaging their crotches. You know, she must really like the scenery. Look at the way her eyes are bugged out of her head. Yeah, must be counting the stars. They chuckled and Fred massaged a tit with the sole of his shoe. Hey man, dont get it all dirty. I might want to bite on that later. Dont worry about it, she has another one. He watched her eyes bulge and her head roll back and forth as he pushed harder and scraped his shoe across her tit. Hey, whats that funny noise shes making? Is she singing a love song to you? Hahahaha. No. Shes just counting the stars. Hahahaha. Well, while shes counting stars lets get down to business. Looks like shes trying to keep the doors to the shop closed, looking at her legs tightly crossed. Krist honey, thats no way to run a business, shoving his foot between her thighs, her legs snapping apart as his shoe scraped and pinched her legs. He stood between her legs and shoved them apart with his feet. You know, I think shes just about the blondest broad Ive ever seen. Yeah, kneeling down close to her snatch, each kneeling against one of her legs, and shining a hooded flashlight on her bush. Krist, they are. Theyre almost as blond as her hair. Maybe we should take a few back to the boys. Yeah, thats a good idea. They plucked hairs from her bush chuckling as they watched her belly tremble. One thing you have to admit. Its more fun than plucking a chicken. Yeah, hahahaha. Goddamn it. I cant get this sonofabitch out. It keeps slipping through my fingers. Well, if at first you dont succeed, try, try again. Well, Im not going to give up until I get the sonofabitch out. There. There it is. You happy now? Yeah. O.K. I/ll flip you for first. No, thats all right. Be my guest. You may never have a chance to be first with stockings and a garter belt. Haha. Youre a real friend. Hold the light closer while I get it juiced up. They forced her legs further apart and Fred held the flashlight closer to her cunt while Harry prodded it with a stick. He poked and whirled and jabbed for a few minutes then told Fred to get her in the position. Fred grabbed her by the ankles and lifted her legs and straddled her head as he bent her legs and leaned heavily against the inside of the knees forcing her legs apart. Harry spread
her skirt on the ground so he wouldnt get his uniform dirty then dropped his pants. He knelt then prodded her cunt a few more times with the stick then threw it away. Its still kind of dry. Im not going to take any chances on burning my joint on a dry snatch, wiping her cunt with spit. Now she should be ready. He hunted for her hole with his prick and let his body fall heavily on hers as it sunk in. She sobbed and moaned and tried to twist and turn as Harry tried to bludgeon her with his cock, but the harder she fought the harder Fred leaned on her legs, spreading them so far apart she thought they would be torn from her body. Harry pressed hard and heavy on her body and face, telling her to move it. Comeon bitch, move it. Wiggle that goddamn ass, and she groaned and sobbed, fighting against the tearing pain in her legs, the weight of Harry on her body and face, fighting to suck air in her nose and let her muffled agony out through her taped mouth. I said move it bitch, reaching down and twisting the flesh of her ass between his fingernails. Thats it. Thats the way baby, continuing to twist her flesh between his fingernails as her body jerked from the pain. Harry continued to twist her flesh, twisting even harder as he felt her blood between his fingers, and thrust his cock harder and harder into her spit-lubricated hole, until he dropped his load.

He rested for a few seconds then jerked himself out and up. He wiped his joint with her pants then wiped the blood off his fingers. When he had fixed his pants he relieved Fred. O.K. I got her. Go to it. Shes all ready for you.

Fred kneeled on her stomach and massaged and squeezed her tits. I/ll be a son of a bitch, but you got some nice titties. Damn, you sure are crazy over tits. Why not? You like to pinch asses, I like to squeeze tits. Well, if you likem so damn much, why dont you get your old lady to grow you some big ones. That 2 peas on an ironing board bitch, she dont know what a tit is. Maybe I/ll just cut these off, twisting and squeezing with hands and finger tips, and paste them on the bitch. Hahahahaha. Paste them on her back then youll really be in business. Fred laughed as he straddled her and, as he continued to squeeze with one hand, he rubbed her nose with the tip of his cock. Hahahahaha. Look at her squirm. Youd better
take it easy bitch or those cuffs will cut your hands right off. They laughed and she continued to squirm as Fred shoved his cock up her nose and crushed her tit in his hand and her nipple between his finger tips, muffled screams gurgling in her throat, her body jerking with terror and the cuffs cutting deeper into the flesh of her wrists until they felt as if they were sawing through the bone and they continued to laugh as Fred continued to poke his joint up her nose and Harry leaned harder and heavier on her legs. Why dont you just lay still and enjoy it Mrs Haagstromm, hahahahahahaha, but she continued to fight the cuffs and the snapping pressure on her legs, her terror forcing her to continue writhing and increasing the pain. Fred gave a final squeeze and poke and positioned himself between her legs. Get her ass up so I can shove it in her nasty old hole. Harry raised her ass by leaning back while holding her by the bent knees. Hows that? A little higher. Yeah, thats good. Hold her just like that, her sockets feeling as if they were going to snap and her hands feeling like they were just about to be severed from her wrists. Fred grabbed big handfuls of tits then leaned on her heavily as he fucked her. I/ll be a sonofabitch if this aint the liveliest piece of ass Ive had in a long-ass time. As he fucked her he put his ear against her taped mouth. Speak to me bitch. She choked on her screams and the wadded handkerchief and tissues. Now thats what I call beautiful music. He leaned on her tits, digging his nails in deep, and raised himself slightly so that his face was a few inches above hers and let his saliva dribble from his mouth onto her face until his mouth was dry then coughed up phlegm, rolled it around in his mouth then let it splat on her face. Hahahaha, how come youre coming so soon, hahahaha, giving an extra tug on her torn legs. After Fred came he watched the heavy phlegm roll down her cheeks and neck before getting up.

Harry let go of her legs and they looked at her as she whimpered and struggled to relieve the pain in her legs, rolling them into different positions, trying to find one where they didnt still feel as if they were going to be torn from her body. Fred reached down and grabbed her nipples and tugged as hard as he could, lifting her off the ground. Goddamn if that aint one of the finest pairs of tits Ive ever seen, tugging, yanking
and whirling then squeezing the crushed nipples between his finger tips, the pain and searing from the deep gouges continuing for many minutes, the pain so intense throughout her body that for the first time she simply lay still sucking air through her nose. Damn, you sure did a job on those tits. She looks like shes dripping red milk. Hahahahaha, yeah, I tried to get the motherfuckers off, but I guess theyre stuck on good. Too bad. Haha. I guess youll just have to go back to those 2 peas on an ironing board. They laughed and she remained still, her eyes bulging, her body still burning with pain, her limbs being torn from her body. She sure does like looking at the stars. Look at the way she stares at them. Shes probably had a lot of experience. Yeah, hahahahahaha. I think shes looked at them long enough, grabbing her ankles, crossing them, and twisting her over on to her belly, a gurgle gagging her as her arms twisted and yanked on the cuffs. I want to grab a handful of that nice round ass, grabbing a large lump of flesh with each hand and twisting as he tugged her cheeks apart. I/ll be goddamned if her ass dont make me hornier than a motherfucker. Harry got up and unlocked the cuffs from the bushes. Lets get her up on her feet. They each grabbed an arm and yanked her into a sitting position. She lifted her head briefly as a scream screeched at her ears, then let it hang forward. Come on bitch, on your feet, tugging and yanking as she stumbled and hung between them, her legs and feet being scraped along the dirt, throbbing pain and screams thrusting her head in bobbing arcs. They dragged her to her feet and leaned her against a tree. Goddamn if she aint a raggedy ann doll. Goddamn bitch, stand up, slapping her across the face and shoving her against the tree, the bark grinding into her flesh. There, thats better. Fred supported her by leaning on her stomach and shoving her against the tree while Harry cuffed her hands to her ankles. They looked at her as she leaned against the tree, her body bent at a right angle, her legs buckling. Now isnt that a pretty sight. Shes all doubled up with joy. Krist, look at those tits. They hang like a couple of sacks. Yeah, she looks like a cow. Why dont you milk her. Fred tugged and yanked on her tits while they both giggled. Steer her over this way so I can wipe the dirt off her back. I dont want to get my uniform dirty. Fred stood in front of her
and supported her by wrapping his arms around her back, filling his hands with her tits, and backed her toward Harry. He wiped the dirt off her ass with her skirt. Fred held her tighter and tightened his grip on her tits as Harry rubbed his joint in the slime oozing from her cunt then slowly slid it up the crack of her ass until it reached her asshole then pushed it part way in and left it there and took a large strand of hair in each hand and wrapped them around his hands and as Fred shoved her against him he pulled as hard as he could on her hair and jammed his cock up her ass. She choked and her legs started to fold and Fred let go of her tits and locked his arms around her waist while Harry yanked on the hair reins and spurred his cock deeper into her asshole as her body was bent into a sharper angle, her head being yanked back and thrust into the back of her neck and down into her shoulders, her bent body hanging from Freds arms and on Harrys cock. The harder Harry rode his cock into her asshole the harder he tugged on the hair reins and the deeper the cuffs tore at her wrists and ankles the more impossible it became for her to withstand the agony of the cracking bones, the fiery pain and the horror of the struggle to get air to fight its way down her straining windpipe as her head was yanked back further and further with each thrust. When Harry finished he kept his hands wrapped tightly in her hair and his cock thrust deep in her asshole for a few seconds before unwinding his hands and telling Fred to let go. As Fred stepped back she slid off Harrys cock and crumpled into a manacled and muffled oval. She almost strangled as her head fell forward and the air jammed itself into her throat. She struggled to keep her face out of the dirt and not to choke on the rushing air as her head vibrated and shivered with panic. Her body tried to straighten itself so the air could flow freely into her lungs, but the cuffs yanked her back into the oval and the air fought its way down in huge, ragged chunks, feeling as though it would first rip through her face and head, her throat, and then tear its way through her chest, and then when it failed to rip its way through her chest it tried to fight its way back up her throat until another ragged chunk of air tried to shove it back down and they struggled and she swallowed and she could feel her stomach wrapping itself around her spine until the chunks of air
jammed themselves into her lungs and the others following kept them there. As more and more air flowed into her she struggled less to breathe and the suffocating panic subsided and the pain in her body burned itself into her brain along with their laughter.

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