The Right Words (21 page)

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Authors: Lane Hayes

BOOK: The Right Words
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I nodded and sighed heavily. “Thanks, Bran.”

“You know the saying about kissing a bunch of frogs before you meet your prince?”

“I think you’re using artistic license. It’s not—”

“Hush. Just hear me out. I don’t think it’s the frog or the prince that matters much. I think it’s the journey in between. You know?” He sounded rather sage, though his tone was joking. It was pure Brandon. He was adept at putting on an act to please his customers but in truth he was a very shrewd and wise old soul under his fabulous Armani shirt and perfectly pressed trousers.

“In between frogs?” I joked as I slung my arm around his waist and hugged him impetuously.

“Maybe. Life is full of disappointments, Luke, and you may stumble but you cannot stop. Ever. So, baby, go kiss a couple of frogs and see what happens.” Bran leaned over to kiss my cheek before jumping up to greet one of his loyal customers. “Oh my, look who’s here!”

He made it sound so simple. If life knocked you down, you brushed yourself off and kept going. I had begun by small measures to slowly and steadily climb out from the rock under which I’d buried myself. Moving to LA was a step. Seeing a therapist and working at Brandon’s store was another step. Michael’s project and my blog were my most recent significant steps. I was definitely moving in a positive direction. Maybe Brandon was right. As long as I kept my heart intact, I could see no problem with having some sexy fun with my handsome client until I met the next frog who might just be my own Prince Charming.



Thursday night, I was upstairs in the studio above the garage, lying with my back against the headboard, listening to music with my headphones on while I made notes on my laptop for my blog. A movement near the door startled me. I looked up to see Michael standing in the doorway with one hand on his hip and a scowl on his handsome face. I whipped my headphones off and smiled in greeting, though I wondered what he was doing there. Sure, he owned the place, but I hadn’t seen much of him and certainly wasn’t expecting him to show up without knocking. Since our night together in his condo more than a week ago, we’d stolen a couple of furtive moments, but I sensed an unspoken desire on his part to keep any physical act between us as casual as possible. Which meant we hadn’t slept in the same bed since that night. I was frustrated initially but then decided it was probably best. So I’d only kissed this particular frog a couple times, and yes, I wanted much more than I’d had. However, I knew our time together was limited. I certainly wasn’t going to ask for more if he wasn’t interested. I looked up at his handsome face and swallowed hard.
Geesh, it’s hard not to beg sometimes

“I knocked. You didn’t hear.” He sounded cranky as he stepped farther inside the smallish space and sat heavily on the love seat facing me. “Looks like we’re roommates for now.”


“The water’s off. Remember? The plumber told me one of the pipes sprang a leak in the master bath. He said he told you too. Looks like I need to relocate.” He waved a hand in front of me. “Hello?”

I must have been staring at him blankly. Roommates? Um… this could be interesting.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. He mentioned a leak, but he didn’t say which bathroom and… shoot. Well, if you want, I can get my stuff together and head out. The roads should be clear by now.” I was trying to bide my time to better gauge his temperament. He seemed to be in one of his frustrated moods when you could practically see the waves of annoyance and resentment surrounding him. Maybe he needed to be alone. I hoped he didn’t.

“Don’t be stupid.” I raised my brow at him in irritation, and he rolled his eyes in return. “Sorry. Look, it’s late and there are two beds here. This love seat is a pullout too. You sleep in the bed and I’ll sleep here. No big deal. I’m going to use the bathroom.”

I stared after him like an idiot while I tried to process this new twist. Two beds? Oh. That’s not quite what I had in mind. His mood was darker than I realized. Perhaps I should go to Brandon’s and give him some space. I heard the water running in the bathroom and made a quick decision. I shouldn’t stay here with him. It was hard enough pretending I wasn’t totally infatuated. Fuck Brandon’s advice. Michael wasn’t one of the frogs I was going to kiss. He was too—


My hand was on the doorknob. I took a deep breath before turning to face him.

“Don’t go.” I opened my mouth to speak, but he held his hand up. “It’s a long drive and there’s no need. We have two beds and hey, I’ll even promise not to snore. Just… stay. Okay?”

It wasn’t the most eloquent plea, but it was enough to stop me in my tracks. He looked so tired and mentally drained. He looked like he needed someone to talk to. Or at the very least he looked like he didn’t want to be alone.

“Okay.” My voice was low, but I set my bag down and nodded once in agreement.

“Good. Just help me pull the bed out from the love seat. Those stairs almost killed me. My knee’s done for the night.”

“No. I’ll sleep on the sofa bed. You take the bed.” I gave him a “don’t argue with me” look when he started to protest. “Seriously. I’m shorter than you and your knee is healing. You should probably be propping it up, right? So just… go on. Lie down.”

The ear-to-ear grin he flashed at me made my heart skip a beat. I gazed down and fussed with the cushions on the love seat to hide my certain blush.

“You’re cute when you get all bossy.”

I glanced at him sideways under the fringe of longish blond hair covering my right eye. He had changed into pajamas when he’d gone into the bathroom. They were light blue with a subtle white pinstripe. His snug T-shirt showcased his beautifully toned muscular arms and broad chest to perfection. I swallowed hard and turned my full attention back to converting the love seat into a bed. I hoped this was as simple an arrangement as he suggested, but I had a feeling I was in for a rotten night’s sleep.

I was right. It was reminiscent of the night I’d heard Michael with Jovan. My eyes were wide open and every nerve in my body was humming though I was bone tired. I’d grossly overestimated my ability to compartmentalize and keep things in perspective. All I could focus on was the man sleeping soundly in the queen-sized bed a couple feet away. His very presence robbed the room of oxygen. I couldn’t relax, and I couldn’t think of anything but him.

“Luke?” Michael’s deep voice was thick with sleep.


“What’s the matter?”

“Nothin’.” I rolled on my side, facing him. This was an odd situation for sure. I was reminded of being teenagers with Bran, whispering in the dark in our sleeping bags. Only I was a grown man now, and the man in the bed next to me was a super-sexy hunk.

“Is that bed uncomfortable?”

“Uh, well… kinda.” It was actually, though that was hardly the problem.

“Come here, then.”

My eyes were already open but they sprang wide.


“You’re rolling all over the place and neither of us is getting any rest now. C’mon.” I heard the laughter under his groggy tone but I still didn’t move a muscle.

The bed springs creaked as he turned. I couldn’t see him clearly, just his silhouette in the shadows, but I could tell he was facing me and he sounded as awake as me now.

“I… I’m sorry. Maybe I should go back to—”

“Luke, shut up and get over here. Don’t make me have to get out of bed to get you.”

Laughter bubbled up inside me at the mockingly stern warning.

“Shut up,” I chuckled softly.


“Michael, seriously.”


“Why are you counting? I said I—”

“Three. That’s it.”

Michael was out of bed and at my side in seconds flat. He obviously had better night vision than me too. He scooped me in his arms from the sofa bed and tossed me like a rag doll onto the larger bed before climbing in next to me. I landed with a surprised “oomph” followed by a fit of uncontrolled giggling.

“Oh Jes— It’s time for bed, little guy. No more talking, no more silly time. Are you fucking five or what?”

That did it. A renewed round of laughter had me clutching my side.

“What is so damn funny?”

“Sss—sorry,” I tried again in between sniffles. “Nothing. I didn’t realize you were so strict.”

I heard the smile in his voice when he spoke. “I’m very strict. No foolin’ around here.”

“No foolin’ around? At all?” I whispered hoarsely.

I turned on my side and reached out to touch him without thinking. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness but I wanted to know more than my vision could tell me. With a steady hand I traced the contours of his muscled biceps. Michael didn’t flinch or move in the slightest. Feeling bolder, I let my hand roam over his shoulder and then higher to trace his jawline. He licked his lips and broke my trance-like state.

He reached out to tenderly caress my face. His fingers gently traced my eyebrows, cheekbones, and jaw before he cupped his hand around my neck and drew me close. He stopped just as our noses touched and stared deeply into my eyes. I licked my bottom lip in anticipation. Michael groaned lustily as though that small motion was all it took. He yanked at my hair, forcing my
head back before plunging his tongue inside my mouth, greedy and
demanding while his hands held my face still.

I molded my body as close to his as possible, wanting more friction. My cock was painfully hard and my underwear was wet with precum. Michael pulled back slightly and leaned over to turn on the bedside lamp. I heard him murmur something about seeing the show before he let his hands roam down to my ass. He ground his thick dick against mine, and he reclaimed my lips, kissing, licking, and sucking in a frenzy.

It was too hot suddenly, and I was too keyed up. I bit his lower lip hard, and he pulled back in surprise, his eyes darkened with carnal desire. Then his mouth twitched at one side, giving him a somewhat dangerous air before he took over completely. He impatiently plucked at my T-shirt, rolling the fabric up my chest while he kept my hips anchored with his own. I pulled at his hair and at his snug tee, desperately wanting to feel the press of our naked skin. Thankfully he got the message. Michael sat up and flung his T-shirt over his head before turning to help me with mine. Then he pushed me back against the pillows and climbed over me. He bit my shoulder hard, and I gasped in surprise. I tried to pull myself up on my elbows only to fall flat on my back again as he hooked his fingers under the elastic of my underwear and pushed the fabric away, leaving me completely naked. I looked up to see him kneeling on the bed, stroking his hard, thick shaft. He’d pushed his pajama bottoms down so the fabric clung low on his hips as he moved his right hand leisurely over his cock, up and down, up and down. His gaze was fixated on my equally hard member. He said something in Spanish as he moved closer. And then switched to English.

“Fuck, you are so pretty, Luke.” His words were spoken low and reverently.

He grasped both of my hands and held them above my head as he moved over me to straddle my thighs. I moaned in pleasure at the feel of his weight and our bare cocks throbbing between us. Michael covered me, leaning over to rain kisses along my jaw and up the column of my neck as his hands moved back to caress my side and cup my ass. I writhed underneath him, loving the feel of his worshipping hands, but I wanted something else.

I pushed at his chest to get his attention.

“Michael, let me suck you.”

His nostrils flared slightly as he stared down at me hungrily and gave me his sweet, lopsided grin before flattening me to his chest and rolling onto his back.

“Go for it, honey.” He propped a pillow under his head and opened his legs, inviting me in.

I knelt between his thighs and reached out to stroke the silken skin covering his impossibly hard shaft. I took a firm hold at the base and made an upward motion with my fist just as I opened my mouth over the leaking head of his dick. I sucked and then pulled back slightly to lick at the precum, tracing my tongue along the slit before swallowing him whole again. Michael bent his good knee and rested his hands on either side of my head, giving me room to play and the encouragement to keep doing it. I breathed him in as I bathed his balls in saliva and then gently sucked them clean. I loved the sounds of pleasure he made somewhere above me when I turned my attention back to his thick cock. He stopped me and moved to sit up. I sat back on my heels, watching him curiously.

“Stop. I’m gonna cum if you don’t… and I want….”

“Me too.” I licked my lips and stared up at him, still holding him firmly.


“I’m sure, Michael. You don’t have to ask me.”

He nodded once and leaned over to grab supplies from the nightstand drawer beside the bed. I lay back and watched him through hooded eyes as he sat back on his knees between my legs and liberally coated his fingers with lube. He lifted my right leg over his shoulder and looked up at me as if seeking permission. When I nodded, he shifted slightly and gently rubbed his thumb over my hole. His expression was wondrous and worshipful, as though he couldn’t believe his luck. I felt exactly the same as I basked in the glow of his adoring gaze.

The moment he slipped his finger inside me, the look turned primal. My eyes rolled back as he added more lube and curled his finger to pass over my prostate. I drew my knees up to give him better access. He added a second finger and leaned down at the same time to lick at the precum at the tip of my dick.

“Please. More.”

He kissed my nose sweetly and moved off me completely. He chuckled at my groan of protest as he crawled over my body to lie down next to me.

“Put the condom on me, honey.”

I nodded, quickly unwrapping the condom. I stopped just before sliding it over his thick cock and decided to taste him again.

“Oh fuck, Luke.”

The hand in my hair told me he was pleased, but when he pulled a little harder I got the message he was ready to move on to the main event. I took care of the condom, added more lube to the latex and to my ass before positioning his rigid dick at my hole. I hadn’t been with anyone since Neil. Michael was bigger and thicker, so I was careful to let my body slowly adjust to his girth. I flattened my hands over his taut abs and admired the contrast of our skin tones. Light and dark. So pretty. When he took hold of my cock and rubbed his thumb over the slit, I closed my eyes in bliss. He stroked my cock and played with my nipples while I slowly moved down his shaft trying to take in all of him.

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