The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down (60 page)

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Pirates on the ramparts of Fort Nassau, gallows:
p. 43.

Rogers reprieves Rounsivell:
Rogers to Secretary Craggs, p. 24 December 1718.

Morris's final words, execution:
Trial at New Providence.

Coup attempt against Rogers:
CO23/13, No. 28, Rogers to Secretary Craggs, Nassau: 24 January 1719.

Strength of Eleuthera, Vane's attack:
Rogers to the Council of Trade, 31 October 1718, p. 375;
p. 620.

Capture of E
CO 142/14: A List of all the ships and vessels that have called at Kingston in His Majesty's Land of Jamaica from the 29th day of September to the 25th day of December 1718;
p. 24.

Vane's men live "riotously":
p. 620.

Cruising in Windward Passage:
p. 24;
p. 138.

Encounter with French man-of-war:
p. 24;
pp. 138–139.

Vane deposed, replaced by Rackham:
p. 24;
p. 139.

Vane's final captures:
pp. 24–25; CO 142/14: A List of all the ships and vessels that have called at Kingston in His Majesty's Land of Jamaica from the 29th day of September to the 25th day of December 1718;
p. 139.

Vane at Guanaja (Bonaca):
p. 25;
p. 139, Chris Humphrey,
Moon Handbooks: Honduras,
3rd edition, Emeryville, CA: 2000, p. 154.

Vane shipwrecked:
pp. 139–140.

Vane's capture:
pp. 140–141.

Vane's trial, execution:
pp. 36–40; "New York Dispatch, May 1," Philadelphia
American Weekly Mercury,
4 May 1721, p. 2.


Rogers learns of war, commissions privateers:
CO 23/i, No. 14Ü: Bahamas Council Minutes, Nassau: 31 March 1719.

Most forgotten conflict," Spain's war aims:
Little, p. 191.

Rogers pays colony's debts:
CO23/12/2: Rogers Appeal to the King, 1726.

Spanish invasion fleet diverted to Pensacola:
Little, p. 191; Rogers to Secretary Craggs, Nassau: 27 May 1719 in
CSPCS 1719–1720,
No. 205, p. 97.

Rogers's comments on work at Nassau:
Rogers [to Secretary Craggs?], Nassau: 24 January 1719 in
CSPCS 1719–1720,
No. 28, pp. 8–9.

Rogers's credit problems, lack of contact with London:
Rogers to the Council of Trade and Plantations, Nassau: 20 April 1720 in
CSPCS 1720–1721,
No. 47, p. 30; Governor and Council of the Bahamas to Secretary Craggs, Nassau: 26 November 1720 in
CSPCS 1720–1721,
No. 302, p. 201.

Naval visits; Whitney's comments:
ADM 1/2649 fin: Thomas Whitney to the Admiralty,
at Port Royal, Jamaica: 26 October 1719; Rogers to Craggs, 27 May 1719, p. 97.

Rogers's defenses, 1720 invasion:
Rogers to Council of Trade, 20 April 1720, p. 29; Nicholas Laws to the Council of Trade and Plantations, Jamaica: 31 March 1720 in
CSPCS 1720–1721,
No. 35, p. 21; Little, p. 193; Lyons, p. 36.

Rogers to Charleston, fights a duel:
John Lloyd to Secretary Craggs, Charleston, SC: 2 February 1721 in
CSPCS 1720–1721,
No. 372, p. 252.

Rogers quits, sails home:
Rogers Appeal to the King; Little, p. 198.

Rogers deposed, goes to debtor's prison:
Little, pp. 198–201.

Hornigold's fate:
ADM 1/2649 fii: Thomas Whitney to the Admiralty,
off Cape Canaveral, Florida: 3 June 1719.

Burgess's fate:
pp. 640–641.

Jennings's fate:
"Shipping News, New York, Oct. 10,"
Boston Gazette,
17 October 1720, p. 4; "New York Dispatch, August 15,"
American Weekly Mercury,
18 August 1720, p. 2;"New York Dispatch, October 23,"
American Weekly Mercury,
19 October 1721, p. 2; Report via Captain Styles of Bermuda,
Pennsylvania Gazette,
Philadelphia: 4 July 1745.

Ashworth's piracies:
CO 23/13, No. 53: Deposition of William South, Nassau: 27 May 1719.

Rackham captures K
Nicholas Lawes to Council of Trade and Plantations, Jamaica: 31 January 1719 in
CSPCS 1719–1720,
No. 34, p. 18;
p. 622.

recaptured, Rackham to Nassau:
"Port Royal Dispatch, February 10,"
Weekly Jamaica Courant,
Kingston, 11 February 1719, p. 3;
pp. 622–623; Nicholas Lawes to Council of Trade and Plantations, Jamaica: 24 March 1719 in
CSPCS 1719–1720,
No. 132, p. 64.

Rackham at Nassau, romance with Bonny:
pp. 623–624.

How Read and Bonny were said to have met:
pp. 153–158.

Bonny and Rackham steal Ham's sloop:
"Woodes Rogers' Proclamation," Nassau: 5 September 1720 in
Boston Gazette,
17 October 1720, p. 3; Lt. Lawes to Captain Vernon, 20 October 1720 in
CSPCS 1720–1721,
No. 527xxxiv (e), p. 344; "New Providence Dispatch, September 4,"
Boston Gazette,
17 October 1720, p. 2;
pp. 624–625.

Rackham terrorizes Turnley, attacks fishing vessels:
pp. 8–10;
pp. 625–626.

Eyewitness descriptions of Read and Bonny:
pp. 18–19.

Bondavais and Barnet encounter Rackham:
Ibid., pp. 10–11.

Pirates flee to hold, Bonny and Read stay:
Ibid., p. 32–33;
p. 156.

Bonny's words to Rackham:
p. 165.

Rackham's execution:
"St. Jago de la Vega Dispatch, November 22,"
Boston News-Letter,
27 February 1721, p. 2; Black, p. 115.

Bonny and Read's pregnancies:
p. 19; "New York Dispatch, January 31,"
American Weekly Mercury,
Philadelphia: 7 February 1721, p. 2;
p. 165.

Read's death, burial:
Black, p. 116;
p. 159.

Bonny not executed:
p. 165; Black, p. 116.

90 percent collapse in pirate population:
Rediker (2004), pp. 29–30.

La Buse and the S
ADM 1/1879 f5: Deposition of Thomas Heath, St. Christopher: 5 July 1718; ADM 1/1879 f5: Francis Hume to the Admiralty,
at St. Christopher: 6 July 1718.

La Buse in Africa, Indian Ocean:
Letter from Captain Mackra, Bombay: 16 November 1720, in
pp. 118–120; Adrien D'Epinay,
Renseignements pour servier a L'Histoire de L'Ile de France,
Ile Maurice (Mauritus): Nouvelle Imprimerie Dupuy, 1890, p. 88; Madeleine Philippe & Jan Dodd,
Mauritius Reunion & Seychelles,
Victoria, Australia: 2004, pp. 194–195.

Williams at Sierra Leone:
William Snelgrave,
A New Account of Some Parts of Guinea and the Slave Trade,
London: James, John & Paul Knapton, 1734, pp. 216–217, 257–259.

Williams's son a peruke maker:
Genealogies of Rhode Island Families,
Vol. II, Baltimore: Clearfield, 2000, pp. 405–406.

Howell Davis and B
"New York Dispatch, November 17,"
Boston News-Letter,
24 November 1718, p. 2; "Piscataqua Dispatch, April 17,"
Boston News-Letter,
13 April 1719, p. 2;
pp. 167–176, 191–193.

Roberts's 400 vessels, capture:
Rediker (2005), pp. 53, 169–170.

Kennedy's fate:
Hayward, pp. 34–38.

Anstis' fate:
pp. 288–296.

England's career:
pp. 114–134; "London Dispatch, April 9,"
American Weekly Mercury,
Philadelphia: 30 June 1720, p. 4; CO 142/14: A List of all the ships and vessels that have called at Kingston in His Majesty's Land of Jamaica from the 29th day of September to the 25th day of December 1718.

Chamberlaine's fate:
"New York Dispatch, July 25,"
Boston Gazette,
1 August 1720, p. 3; John Hardy,
A Chronological List of the Captains of His Majesty's Royal Navy,
London: T. Cadell, 1794, p. 25.

Hume's fate:
Hardy, p. 33; John Charnock,
Biographia Navalis,
Vol. IV, London: R. Faulder, 1796, p. 46.

Pearse's fate:
Charnock, p. 58; Lewis Morris to Mary Morris Pearse, Trenton, NJ: 22 May 1742, in Eugene Sheridan (ed.),
The Papers of Lewis Morris,
Vol. III, Newark, NJ: New Jersey Historical Society, 1993, pp. 192–194; Lewis Morris to Vincent Pearse, 1 May 1742 in Ibid., pp. 186–189; Lewis Morris to Euphemia Morris Norris, Trenton, NJ: 14 May 1742 in Ibid., pp. 189–192; Eupehmia Morris Norris to Lewis Morris, Bois, Buckinghamshire, England: 15 June 1742 in Ibid., pp. 196–204.

Maynard's fate:
Syrett, p. 614; Hardy, p. 44; Lyons, p. 50.

Eden's fate:
Lee, pp. 63–65.

Spotswood's fate:
James Grant Wilson and James Fiske,
Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography,
Vol. V, New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1888, pp. 635–636; Brock (1882), pp. xii–xvi.

Hamilton's fate:
"London News Item," London
Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer,
31 August 1717, p. 321; Minutes of the Commissioners for the Trade and Plantations, London: 6 June 1721 as appears in Kinkor (2003), p. 266; Sir James Balfour, ed.,
The Scots Peerage,
Vol. IV, Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1907, p. 7.

Woodes Rogers in London:
Woodes Rogers Appeal to the King.

Mist as author of A G
Arne Bialuschewski, "Daniel Defoe, Nathaniel Mist, and the
General History of the Pyrates," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America,
Vol. 98 (2004), pp. 21–38; Advertisement for the
General History, American Weekly Mercury,
29 December 1724, p. 2.

Rogers's petition, redress:
"Rogers Appeal to the King," 1726; Little, pp. 202, 208.

Hogarth portrait of Rogers:
Woodes Rogers and his Family,

Rogers's final term:
Little, pp. 210–222.

Motto of the Bahamas:
Little, p. 210n.


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