The Recruitment: Rise of the Free Fleet (41 page)

BOOK: The Recruitment: Rise of the Free Fleet
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These Mechas were scarier than any pirate he’d ever seen, they didn’t gloat or even speak as they took down attackers with only enough rounds to drop them. They were cold and silent like statues, more poured into the room behind them working with those inside to create the most damage.


He remembered seeing holovids of trained Union storm troopers he’d thought of them silly hiding behind cover and firing blindly as others advanced. These humans were constantly firing and hiding but any thoughts of them as cowards were lost as his hand shook.


Each shot hit its target as they advanced like an unstoppable tide killing his personal crew the baddest pirates that he’d garnered over the years. Pirates with genetic and technological advancements that put them on par with a Mecha without a suit themselves were dropped like dogs as teams of two worked together taking out targets before searching for more.


He felt the pistol fall from his hands numbly as Welick charged them with an unseen blaster a hail of rounds causing his gel like form to bubble and explode over Jorsht. The fighting was over except for those that had surrendered.


Even here these humans were different as with the commonwealth that killed their prisoners outright they stayed their weapons binding those that had surrendered up. They even tended to their own wounded and those pirates still alive not placing one above the other.


Their leader obvious from the way the people moved away from him in respect and the way a group congealed around him in protection marched into the room his eyes locking with Jorsht’s. There was power behind those eyes, which kept Jorsht rooted where he was.


He took in the sight of the man, dried blood covered his face and his Mecha which was slashed and melted in places the servos and pneumatics whining as armour plates grated with the mass of the fighting Mecha. In one hand he carried a plasma rifle, his other hand with a plasmid sword attached where his hand should have been.


No less than four rifles pointed at Jorsht as the man came closer his face kept together with a strip of space tape—his Mecha letting out a hiss of air as it stopped.


“I am Commander Salchar of the Free Fleet and
I am
taking this station.” His voice like granite.


“The syndicate will hunt you to the corners of the universe for this. You will never be able to hide from them.” Jorsht said in a bare whisper, his eyes wide and scared.


Commander Salchar’s face broke into a grim grin as his eyes became dark and deadly, making Jorsht want to soil himself.


“Who said I was going to hide.” Again Jorsht had to fight the need to go to the bathroom as he saw the truth in this man’s eyes and felt fear in his gut. He swallowed against his dry mouth as Salchar came close to Jorsht as if sharing a secret. “Let them come.” He said in a deadly whisper his grin a thin white line.


“Now tell your people to surrender, to throw down their arms, get out of their armour and lie face down on the ground and they will not be killed but put into service with the Free Fleet.”


“What?” Jorsht couldn’t believe what he was hearing.


“Don’t try me; it’s been a long day.” The man said; moving what remained of his left arm with its plasmid blade attached.


“You’re not going to kill us?”


“No, but I’ll make you damned well wish you had with hard work.”


“We’re going to be slaves?”


“I prefer to call you conscripts; paying off your time with service. Call it what you will.” He said with a wave of his hand.


“Now get out of my seat.” Jorsht did so slowly wary of the amount of weapons pointed at him. He knew when he’d lost and he’d prefer to stay alive.


“Jeremiah make sure he sends the message. Also detail someone to get Rick in here.” Commander Salchar took a stick from his leg, inserting it into Jorsht’s universal jack before sitting in his seat.


“Yes Commander Salchar.” Then to Jorsht. “Follow me.” He said before talking into his helmet.


Jorsht tore his eyes away as he saw the one called Jeremiah was guiding him to a communications console that a human was already in opening a channel to the entire station. Who were these humans to learn all of these systems so fast? Jorsht could swear the communications tech was doing the job that his own operators had taken minutes to do in seconds as screens opened and closed in rapidity and he was put in the chair.


“Here are the main points of what you are to say, and this is the talk button.” The tech that had vacated the seat said indicating a box of words in Jorsht’s home world dialect and a green button. He felt his eyes open wider in shock again.


“Read quickly.” Jeremiah said his tone promising what he’d do to Jorsht if he didn’t speed up the process.


“To all Syndicate personnel this is Captain of the Parnmal station Jorsht. The control centre of the station has been taken by the Free Fleet. This includes all internal and external weapon systems.” Jorsht’s eyes boggled at this, these humans where filed with surprises!


“If you try to run you will be killed, resist and you will be killed. Every ship has a battery aimed at it, if the main engines light up the batteries will destroy the ship. Your only option is to surrender. You will be treated in a manner fitting your species and tried according to the acts you have committed. Depending on your crimes you will serve the free fleet for longer or shorter terms. To surrender get out of your Mecha and throw down your weapons. Lie on the ground away from any weapon with your upper limbs spread to either side. Any other action will be regarded as hostile and you will be killed.” Jorsht finished as the communications tech leaned in close again their armoured neck inches from his face. It would be so easy for him to snap his neck as they put the message on repeat through the station and then the ships attached.


“Don’t think about it. Get up.” Jeremiah said just far enough away that Jorsht couldn’t hit him but no one could hear his whisper. Jorsht’s blood went cold as his survival instinct came to the fore and he stood up from the seat keeping far away from the tech as they took his position. The other stations had already been taken over by people and could see that it didn’t take ten minutes to warm up weapon systems which were already active and roaming.


“I want communications with every ship set up. Rick?”


“Yes boss I’m here!” A man said as he stowed his weaponry taking off his helmet and pulling out a data pad.


“Please link me into the systems.” He said to one of the techs as they produced a jack inserting it into the pad.


“Going to need a second boss!”


“Get it done. Work with Eddie to get the drones to work. Have Min Hae’s people check to make sure there aren’t any extra—surprises shall we say in the computer systems.”


“Agreed, make it so comms.”


“Yes chief of staff.” The tech that had sat in the seat Jorsht had been in seconds ago.


“Hands behind your back.” Jeremiah said as Jorsht complied feeling something tightens on his wrists with a clicking noise. Now incapacitated he was dragged out with a vice like grip on his wrists and elbow from the room and out through his station.

Chapter How did we do it?


I heard the whine of turrets coming online as Resilient now had full control of the stations inner protection. I heard the heavy caliber weapons firing throughout the station. I saw on the command screens as pirates wearing full Mechas were cut down before they reached my Commandos. There were still a difference of force about eight to one against my people, but we had the heart of the station and all of the ships.


“Begin cutting off pirate forces and draining oxygen till they all pass out.” I ordered as techs worked the commands terminals as blast doors enclosed pirates.


Drones were still taking the many injured and dead back to the Free Fleet ships.


“Rick, co-ordinate with Henry gets people through the medical chairs and rested, three hours then wake up so we can round up prisoners.”


“Where should we put them?”


“Hangars for now strip them of clothing.”




“They did it to us and we survived. Plus they will have fewer places to hide weapons then.”


“I’ll handle it, Boss; do you want to get medical attention now we’re done?” He said.


“Fine, you’ve convinced me.” I got up slowly feeling much more tired than when I’d sat down as I felt my blood seemingly rush out of my body and then make my arms, then stomach weigh more as I broke into a cold sweat.


“Rick you have Command.” I said feeling sick, barely hearing his reply as I fought darkness as I fell to the floor.


Well shit not the most wonderful victory celebration I thought as darkness took me.


It wasn’t the slow coming to that I hoped for as fire laced through my body as I arched in pain from Hellfire running through my body.


My drug addled mind however forgot that Hellfire existed and thought someone was using my pain implants to kill me.


I saw Yasu and the Sato sisters next to the doctor who was holding my drug bag.


I trusted you.
I thought as I looked at Yasu and the pain, diminished.


I thought as I pulled the needles out of my arm and saw the stump that looked back at me. I forgot the people in the room as I looked at it, touching it and cradling it.


Henry burst in to the room.


“Sir we have five syndicate ships that have entered the system.” He said without pause as he gave me a data pad. I looked at it in question as my brain started to actually work.


They weren’t trying to kill you, they were trying to get you up to lead them. Dolt
I thought as some wounds still stung from the hell fire.


Wished they hadn’t used that crap though.
I thought as I scrolled through the data with one arm,


“Get me my Mecha.” I said as I started to walk out. The Sato sisters sidestepped blocking my way—I only noticed it as I walked into them.


“What?” I said displeasure clear in my voice as I looked up.


“Our mistress desires a word.” One of them said touching her blade and looking up at me. A wicked smile playing across her lips as my eyes became harder.


Going to have to try harder to impress me after the shit I’ve been through.


“Well that is all fine and fucking dandy but if you don’t mind I have a station to save and nearly three thousand human lives! SO GET OUT OF MY WAY!” Rage radiating off of me as I bodily pushed her aside and began marching out of the med bay.


Henry pausing for a second, thinking I was out of earshot. “You threaten Salchar again and I will personally rip your head off.” He said with such silent fury I felt a warm shiver go up my spine as he quickly caught up with me. I didn’t have time to deal with my wife’s minion’s games.


“Henry, Mecha.” I said as he joined me, “I honestly have no idea where I’m going.” I muttered under my breath.


“Follow me sir.”


“Thanks.” I said as I continued checking the data pad, not only getting information on the syndicate ships, but also the station and what had happened while I was out. Only to hear someone running up from behind me.


“The hell fire I just gave is nowhere near enough!” The doctor said as I flashed them a look, making sure it wasn’t the Sato sisters coming up on me.


“Well doc it’s going to be necessary. I need your headset,” he gave it to me before turning and going back to his med bay. He clearly knew when his time would be wasted.


“Henry, communication codes please.” Henry touched his palm to mine as we walked as he transferred the codes.


“Rick?” I asked, using the communications headset.




“Yeah, I want everyone in their mechas, everything locked down and find me berths to fit those ships, and get the guns around them up and running. “There was no denying the command in my tone.


“Yes commander.”


“Keep me updated.” I ended the channel.


“Your Mecha’s being fixed, Shrift is displeased to say the least, he says he’s debating on just re-issuing you one.” Henry said as we walked, having talked to


“Damn it! I just got the padding how I liked it!” I said looking at the hospital gown I was still wearing and shrugging, after months of people seeing me in the nude, I didn’t much care.


Three protection Commandos fell in around me as we walked.


“I guess Shrift wasn’t the only one you talked to.”


He shrugged “You get into more shit than my most idiotic team member. Plus with your constant leading from the front mind set.” He said as I snorted.


“Alright, well you better go make sure they don’t mess up, go get into your mecha. I’ll run this one from the command centre.”


“Sir.” He said, taking off at a run. As I continued to garner more information, making it to a transport car and taking it within a hundred metres of the command centre.


“Commander of the free fleet on deck!” Rick said bolting up from the command chair and snapping a two finger salute so suddenly it made me think that he hadn’t been awake when he’d first seen me. Mechas on either side of the door slapped their rifles in salute. I nodded to Rick as I leaned against the Station Commanders chair; with my as in the breeze I did not want to be sitting on uncomfortable and cold seating…




“We’ve taken the station fully and put certain syndicate members to work fixing areas of the station damaged. Eddie has the Kuruvians and the army of drones working on the ships and watching the syndicate members to make sure they aren’t doing anything fishy. We’ve assigned squads to them for each company worth of workers. The Sarenmenti have for the most part come on board. A few of them committed suicide for their crimes. They’ve sworn fealty to us and wish to free their home planet. Every ship has been taken and its status listed, the crews of Kuruvians on them are at half strength to fix them, the other half are working on the station. We still haven’t released the Sarenmenti due to tensions.” WHOS TALKING THIS IS TOO LONG TO NOT HAVE A THIS PERSON SAID


He had to pause for a moment and then took a deep breath. “We have two and a half thousand humans remaining from the attack.” It felt as if he’d punched me in the gut. I knew it was not going to be a lot, but the number was astounding, eight thousand human had died doing what I asked. I thought of the people that like Steven Robertson wouldn’t see Earth again or would be like Hitomi Robertson grieving the loss of their trusted partner, maybe thrust together by criminal aliens but partners still. It stuck in my heart like an icy spike.
I never wanted it but I’ll have to live with it.
I mentally shouldered the weight of their losses as I took a shaky breath.


“The incoming ships?”


“They entered the system thirty minutes ago we thought it a good idea to rouse you.” I nodded it explained why I was awake at least.


“How long was I out?”


“Four days.”


“Why wasn’t I awakened earlier?”


“The strain on your system was immense, they were hoping to regrow your arm before you awoke, but it will still take another four days.”


“Next time wake me up, I will not be getting my beauty rest while my people are doing the heavy lifting.”


“Yes boss, noted.” Rick said, looking away.
Don’t bite his head off, he was just trying to do what he thought was best for you.
This made me angrier at myself as I looked at a piece of decking before talking.


“What kind of ships are we facing?”


Taking it as his signal to continue Rick launched in as information scrolled over the main screens. “There are three corvettes a cruiser and a destroyer. They’ve broadcasted they have human Mechas to sell.” His tone cold as he finished.


“What’ve we got in ships and firepower?”


“The stations a mess, Eddie, Felix and Min Hae all had a fit when they looked at how the stations holding up, we have limited weaponry so far. Eddie’s focusing on the ships and getting their weapons online and keeping the station running, it seems that it’s more of a death trap than anything. Out of the now forty three ships attached to the station the Resilient is the only one that is in Eddie’s opinion serviceable. The rest, well, it isn’t a pretty picture.”


“Have you sent anything in reply?”


“Not yet boss.”


“Can we make a message with the ex-commander of this station’s face?”


“Comms?” Ricky asked the officer that had broadcasted Jorsht’s message through the station.


“Yes Commander it’s possible though we’ll need some time.”


“Do so, brag to them how we already have human Mechas in dock but are interested in seeing if their supplies are on par with those we have. See also what their prices are and give them a docking bay. Try and get it so that we have them in the same area. Move ships if need be but only smaller ones, we don’t want to make it seem irregular.” I turned coughing.


Rick grabbed water at his station giving it to me.


“Thanks Rick.” I said taking a sip. “And for before—sorry.”


“I can understand your frustration, you want to be helping out, but you’re stuck back and unable to control your circumstance.”


“Yeah.” I nodded.


“Just next time don’t get so beat up.”


“I’ll try.” I said with a grin. He grinned too as he moved back to his seat talking into his communicator headset cutting orders as ships started to warm up their engines.


Henry rushed in the room with my weapons. I quickly put them on disregarding my hospital gown as I touched the familiar and battle tested weapons, checking them over as I spoke.


“Put the syndicate members into lockdown and prepare for a boarding action. Battle suit?” I said to Henry.


“There are no extras.”


“Damn, very well continue.”


“Yes commander.” He said turning and running, his Mecha shaking the decking as he called out orders on his helmets communication unit.


“Run a countdown to when they’ll get here.” I said as someone put it on the main screen overtop the main plot of the system and the incoming ships as well as a side panel that showed the fleet captain talking to our made up Jorsht cutting them berths and asking about their Mechas supplies and their willingness to trade.


I had to give it to the communications officer they’d done well with their work. I sat down in the uncomfortably cold chair shifting around to get a comfortable spot. As I looked at the systems I knew what they did even as I hadn’t seen them before in my life. With all of my sleeping for a week the calendar on my personal screen my sleep training had continued. Weapons and hand to hand as well as system control and operation were all advanced. I added Military history and tactics to my training schedule,
Joy, more work
. I thought before pausing, actually looking at the force of people moving around the command centre and the Commandos waiting by the replaced blast doors.

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