The Recruit: Book Two (2 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: The Recruit: Book Two
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The wolf made a loud chuffing noise, it was obvious enough
for even Reid to hear the disbelief in it, and he shrugged.  “I wasn’t
expecting a giant dog to be roaming the woods.”

The wolf chuffed again and Reid glared at him.  “You calling
me a liar?”  He couldn’t believe he was arguing with a wolf.

“Both of you shut up.”  Hannah snapped.  “We’ve only got ten
minutes left before we need to meet Mannie.  We need to turn back.”

Without looking at either of them she began to pick her way
carefully through the trees and, after a moment, both Reid and the wolf
followed her.

Hannah could feel tension in her belly that had nothing to
do with the darkness and the possibility of more vampires on the loose.  She
hadn’t been this close to Will since the day he had broken her heart, and even
in his wolf form he was highly distracting.  Part of her wanted to smack him
over the head with her sword, and another part of her wanted to drop to her knees
and bury her face in his soft fur.

Keep it together, you idiot
He doesn’t want you
anymore, remember?

She walked faster.  She had been out here for over an hour,
and the cold was leeching into her bones.  Every part of her exposed skin was
covered in goose bumps, and her nose and ears were red with the cold.  She couldn’t
suppress the shivers that were racking her body, and she looked up in surprise
when a jacket was dropped over her shoulders.

“You look like you’re freezing to death.”  Reid smiled at her. 
She gave him a nod of thanks and slipped her arms into the sleeves of his
jacket.  It was too big, but it had retained his body heat and she was grateful
for its warmth.

“You know,” Reid moved his lean body closer to hers, “they
say that sharing body heat is the best way to keep warm.”

She rolled her eyes as Will growled loudly and shoved his
large body between hers and Reid’s, nearly knocking Reid over.  He glared at
the man, his eyes glowing ominously, and bared his teeth in a silent snarl.

“I don’t think your dog likes me very much, sweetheart.”  Reid
winked at her.

“He has a low tolerance level for assholes.”  She said

Reid snorted soft laughter.  “He just doesn’t know me yet.”  He
reached down to pat the wolf’s head and Hannah stabbed her sword into the
ground and caught his hand.

“I wouldn’t do that.”  She warned softly before dropping his
hand.  “He doesn’t like to be touched.”

As if determined to prove her wrong, the wolf nudged his
large head between her hip and her arm.  Reid watched as Hannah hesitated and
then briefly ran her fingers through the thick fur on the side of his head
before tugging her sword from the ground and starting forward.  The wolf paused,
giving him an impudent look, and Reid could have sworn the beast was grinning
at him.

The wolf gave a soft ‘woof’ and then trotted after Hannah, catching
up to her easily and walking so close to her that her hip brushed against his
side with every step.  Reid hurried after them both.

* * *


“Anything?”  Mannie asked.

Hannah shook her head as she entered the shack, Will and
Reid close behind her.

A recruit, Hannah thought his name was Danny, said, “Will
and I found two, you found two and Chen and Hannah ran into three.  Seven
vampires all in the same area.  That can’t be a coincidence.  Do you think
we’ve been found out?”

Mannie locked the door of the shack and pushed the elevator
button.  “I don’t know.  If I had to guess I’d say no.  They’d send a hell of a
lot more than just seven if we were.  We’ll meet with Richard in the morning
and discuss it with him.”

Reid spoke.  “Uh guys, I know I’m new here but y’all realize
that Will is missing and there’s a giant wolf just hanging out with us right?”

Before anyone could respond he slapped himself on the head.  “Never
mind – just got it.  Good to see you again, Will.”

The wolf chuffed, his version of laughter, and Reid flushed
a little.  “Yeah, I forgot that this facility has lower standards and allows
supernaturals to be instructors.

Will growled, the fur standing up on his neck, and Hannah
pushed on his large shoulder.  “Really?”  She said.  “You’re going to make it
that easy for him?”

She shrugged out of Reid’s jacket, handing it to him and, as
the elevator doors opened, stalked to the back of it, leaning into the corner with
her swords held loosely in her hands.  The others followed her, and Reid
watched as Will angled his thick body between Hannah and the others until he
had effectively blocked them from standing close to her.  If Hannah noticed,
she made no indication.  She was staring at the front of the elevator with a
bored look on her face and paying no attention to Will or the others.

* * *


“Master, if we’re done I’m going back to my room.”  Hannah

They were standing in the hallway just outside of the common
room.  Most of the others had already left, leaving just her, Chen, Mannie,
Reid and Will.

Chen nodded.  “We’re done.  Shall we meet at seven

She bit her lip.  “I was going to go for a run with Selena.
Can we meet after that?”


“Good.”  She stared down at her arms and hands.  They were
smeared with dried blood and bits of ash.  “Uck - I really need a shower.”  She
started down the hallway.

“I can wash your back for you, sweetheart.  I don’t mind at
all - just give me the word.”  Reid called after her.

Without turning around, Hannah raised her right hand and
flipped him the bird.  Reid laughed and turned back to the others.  “Oh, I like

The wolf growled softly and Reid gave a short bow.  “I
believe that’s my cue to leave.  Good night, gentlemen.”  He walked down the
hallway with a confident swagger, whistling softly.

There was a soft popping noise as Will shifted into human

“Asshole.”  He muttered.

Mannie clapped him on the back.  “Don’t worry about it,
Will.  You’re just as good-looking as he is.”

“Please don’t say that to me when I’m naked.”  Will grunted.

“Right, sorry.  Listen, all I’m trying to say is that it
doesn’t matter that he’s tall and handsome and funny.  Or that he’s the
program’s number one weapons instructor, or that his kill rate for vampires is
higher than mine.  I mean he’s still just a human.  You’re a Lycan – the girls
go crazy for you.”

When Will didn’t reply, Mannie pressed on.  “Sure, he’s got
the good looks of a model and you’re more of a, participated in a few bar
fights and have the scars to prove it kind of guy, and maybe his IQ tested near
the genius level, but it still doesn’t mean anything.”

“I’d sleep with him.”  Chen remarked softly.

“Yeah, me too.”  Mannie said dreamily.

Will and Chen looked at him and he shrugged.  “What?  He’s
good looking, smart

Chen laughed as Will sighed deeply and Mannie clapped him on
the back again.

“Seriously, man.  Don’t worry about it.  Hannah likes her
men dark and angry, not blonde and funny.”

“What was she even doing out there tonight?”  Will asked
Mannie accusingly.

“She asked to go, and I said yes.”  Chen replied.

Will turned on him.  “It’s only been a month since the
factory.  She isn’t ready yet.  Hell, Selena still can’t even hold a gun
without hyperventilating and Jeremy is a walking bundle of nerves.”

“He did okay tonight.”  Mannie interrupted.

“She’s tougher than them.”  Chen said quietly.  “You can’t
keep her locked up in here forever, Will.”

“I’m not trying to keep her locked up.”  He protested.  “I
just don’t want her freezing up out there and dying because you’ve sent her
hunting too soon.  She needs more time.”

Chen arched his eyebrow at him, his accent thickening
slightly.  “She’s my student – not yours, Will.  You need to remember that.”

He turned and disappeared into the common room and Mannie turned
to Will.  “He’s right, Will.  She’s more than ready to be hunting.  I’m
surprised Chen is even insisting she needs more training.  I bet by the end of
this month she’ll no longer be a recruit.”

When Will only grunted, Mannie gave him a cautious look.  “I
thought that would make you happy.  Who gives a fuck what Richard says about
Lycans and humans being in a relationship.”

“It’s too late.”  Will replied.  “I said terrible things to
her.  I – I hurt her deeply and she’ll never forgive me for it.  She shouldn’t
forgive me for it.  I made her think I was just using her, and that I didn’t
care about her at all.”

He shook his head.  “I’m going to bed.  Good night, Mannie.”

“Good night, Will.”  Mannie gave him a troubled look as Will
walked away.

Chapter 2


“I know it seems strange but I really do think it was just a
coincidence.”  Mannie scratched the scruff of hair on his jaw.

Richard folded his arms and leaned back in his chair.  “Chen,
Will – do you feel the same.”

Will glanced at Chen before nodding.  “Yeah.  The
bloodsuckers seemed surprised to see us, and Chen found them feeding from a
deer.  If they had known humans were close by they wouldn’t have bothered with
the deer.”

Reid shifted in his chair.  “Just out of curiosity, why is
it we only have motion detectors around the facility?  The Los Angeles facility
has motion sensors, night vision cameras and a 24 hour watch guard.  Not to
mention the ability to communicate with each other via satellite so we don’t
accidentally try and kill each other.”

He dropped a small grin at Will who ignored it.

Richard sighed.  “We were the first facility in the
program.  Since then, we’ve developed better ways of doing things, better

Reid frowned.  “That you’re not implementing here?”

“Until recently, it didn’t seem necessary.  We’re miles from
a small town, and we’ve kept a low profile since we first opened.  We operate
more as a training facility.  There hasn’t been a lot of vampire action in this
area in the last few years.  The facilities in the larger cities have a more,”
he hesitated, “difficult time keeping hidden and therefore require a better
defense system.  We’ve been lucky.”

“Until one of your own betrayed you.”  Reid said softly.

Richard nodded.  “Yes.  I’m sure you were well-briefed on
the situation before you arrived.” 

He stared steadily at the younger man.  “We don’t believe
that Isabelle revealed the location of our facility.  If she had, we’d have
been attacked by now.  The vampires are anxious to begin their uprising and
they would do everything they could to destroy any threats to that.”

“Well, they obviously know about us.  Just because they
don’t know where the facility is doesn’t mean they won’t try and draw us out
into the open.  They must know their best plan of action is to try and take one
of us and turn us to get the information.”  Reid said.

“In the last month there have been a record number of
vampire attacks within our area.” Richard acknowledged.  “So many humans have
disappeared that they’ve brought the FBI in to investigate.  We believe they
are trying to draw us out,” he paused and glanced at Will, “one person in

“What are you talking about?”  Will leaned forward in his

Richard cleared his throat and then turned his laptop around
so the others could see the screen.  “In the last month four families have been
attacked in the same manner.” 

He clicked a few buttons and a screen popped up, the
photograph on it shown in horrifying clarity.  Will sucked in his breath and
Mannie swore softly.

The picture showed a young woman and man bound to chairs. 
They were dead, their eyes bugged out and their mouths open in silent shock. 
They both had ragged cuts on their necks and their clothing and the floor
around the chairs was drenched in blood.  Behind them, written in blood on the
wall was a single word, “Hannah”.

“They made it look like home invasions, cut their throats
and let the blood flow.”  Richard said quietly.  “They went to great trouble to
make this look like humans did it, yet they’ve been snatching other people from
the town and surrounding areas like they’re catching sheep.”

“It’s exactly what they’re doing.”  Reid said quietly.  “Building
themselves an army of hungry, bloodthirsty sheep.”

“What the fuck, Richard?”  Will gave him an angry look.  “When
the fuck were you going to tell us about this?”

“The Board of Directors thought it would be wise to stay
quiet about it until we knew for sure it was a definite message to her.”

“A definite message?  A definite message?”  Will stood and paced
the room angrily.  “What about her parents?  Have you – “

“We’ve had a 24 hour watch on them since the night in the
factory.  So far no vampires have even gone near them.  We think they decided
to start with less immediate family.”

“Jesus Christ – that’s her family?”  Mannie said horrified.

Richard nodded grimly, and pointed to the first picture.  “This
is Maria and Peter Traverse.  Maria is her third cousin.”

He clicked to the next picture.  It was eerily similar to
the first with two people tied to chairs in front of a wall with Hannah’s name
written in blood.  This time the couple was older and Richard sighed.  “This is
Hannah’s uncle and aunt on her father’s side.  From what we can tell, Hannah’s
dad and his brother had a falling out and they haven’t spoken in years, despite
living in the same area.”

He clicked to the next.  “This is Hannah’s cousin, Andrew. 
He was twenty-three, lived alone, and was studying finance.  A week ago they
found him dead in his apartment, same method, Hannah’s name on the wall behind

“Richard, we need – “ Will began.

Richard ignored him and clicked to the last picture.  “And
two nights ago, Hannah’s Aunt Cynthia and her husband Garry were discovered in their
bedroom.  Both of them were dead.”

“I don’t get it.”  Reid frowned.  “Why are they going after
Hannah?  How do they even know about her?”

“We’re assuming that Isabelle told them about Hannah.”

“Why?”  Reid asked.

Richard shrugged.  “We don’t know.  Anyway, there’s one
vampire in particular, Marcus, who seems to want her.  Isabelle sent Hannah and
the others to the factory so that Marcus could take Hannah.  They went in
expecting less than ten vampires and were attacked by more than fifty.”

“Shit.”  Reid breathed.  “And that’s how the two instructors

Richard nodded.  “Yes, Darren and Aaron, and we lost three
very promising recruits.  Isabelle told us where she had sent them before she –
she killed herself.  Mannie, Will, and Chen took a team and saved the three
remaining recruits – Hannah, Selena and Jeremy.”

“Bullshit.”  Will grunted.  “Hannah saved all three of their
asses and you know it, Richard.”

Richard ignored him.  “Like I said, we have a team on Hannah’s
parents but it would seem that the vampires are leaving them to the last,
hoping to draw her out.”

“Do the local police have a detail on them?”  Mannie asked.

“Yes.  They figured out very quickly the pattern and
contacted her parents after the death of Hannah’s uncle.  Her parents are
understandably distraught.  Hannah has been presumed dead for months and they
have no idea why someone would be going after their family.  The police have
assigned a unit to watch them but they don’t know what they’re dealing with.” 
Richard said.

“How many more family members does she have in the area?”  Chen
spoke for the first time.

“Just her parents are left now.  Her mother has another
sister in Arizona and the local police have contacted her but I doubt very much
the vampires will go after her.”

“She needs to know.”  Will said harshly.

Richard nodded.  “The Board has decided it’s time Hannah
knew about this.  They’re even going to allow her to have contact with her

“They’re using her as bait.”  Reid said quietly.

“No fucking way, Richard!”  Will suddenly roared.  “You are
not using her as bait.”

“We don’t have a choice, Will!”  Richard shouted back.  “If
I don’t tell Hannah, the Board will send someone else to tell her and we both
know that she’ll agree to it.  They’re desperate to use any leverage they can
against the vampires, and they believe that this Marcus is someone who is close
to the head vampire.  Hell, they suspect he might even be the head vampire

“She isn’t ready.”  Will snarled.  He gave Chen a sudden
pleading look.  “Tell them, Chen.  Tell them she needs more training and more time.”

Chen hesitated.  “She could use a few more weeks.”

Richard rolled his eyes.  “Really?  Because two days ago you
and I were talking about how she was more than ready to graduate from the

“I was mistaken.”  Chen said softly.

Richard shook his head.  “The Board has been getting regular
reports on Hannah’s progress, just like they do with all the recruits.  Based
on what those reports say, they’re not going to believe that she isn’t ready to
graduate.  I’m sorry, but they’re going to approach her.”

“Send her on another hunt.”  Chen suggested.  “If she does
well, we’ll speak to her about her parents.  If she doesn’t, we’ll have solid
proof for the Board that she needs some more time.”

Richard nodded.  “Fine.”

“Fine?”  Will said in disgust.  “So our decision is to send
her on a hunt and hope that she nearly dies so that the Board won’t use her as

When Richard just stared at him, Will snorted in disgust. 
“I’m going on the hunt.”

Richard shook his head.  “No, Will.  We don’t need – “

Will slammed his hands down on Richard’s desk and Reid
watched as the Lycan’s body swelled.  When he spoke, his voice was thick and
rough with barely-concealed hatred.

“I told you once before that I will not be told when I can
and cannot hunt.  Do you remember, Richard?”

Richard swallowed.  “I remember.”

“Good.”  Will snarled softly.  He turned around and Reid
jerked back a bit at his full beard and yellow eyes.  Will stormed from the
room, slamming the door behind him, and the three men stared silently at each

“Well,” Reid broke the silence, “he seems a little unstable
to me.  I think I’m beginning to understand why my previous facility didn’t
allow Lycans through the door. ”

“He’s perfectly stable.”  Mannie said defensively.  “He’s just
having a bad day.”

“Uh-huh.”  Reid replied dryly.

He looked at Richard.  “The rumour is that you two are
friends, good friends.  Doesn’t seem that way to me.  In fact, it feels like he
might hate you.  Maybe you should be sending him to another facility for your
own safety.  Hell, maybe he needs to be let go entirely.  I haven’t met a Lycan
yet that is trustworthy.”

Richard gave him a hard look.  “There are two more Lycans
arriving this afternoon and you’ll be working closely with them.  I suggest you
work on changing your feelings about the Lycans.”

* * *


Hannah stood next to Selena in the main training room.  They
had gathered everyone in the facility into the training room to introduce the
new instructors and she was a bit surprised at the amount of new recruits. 

“Why so many babies?”  She whispered to Selena.

Selena glanced disinterestedly at the obvious group of
newbies.  “Because we die so often, remember?”

Hannah gave her a worried look as Jeremy joined them.  She
repeated her question to him.

“I’m not sure.  All I know is there’s so many now that the
new stakes and knives teacher is also going to double as an instructor for the
newbies.  She’ll be working with Will and Mannie on training the babies.”

“She?”  Selena gave him a look of surprise.  “I’m shocked
they’re hiring another female instructor, especially after that bitch Isabelle
went all fatal attraction on our asses.”

Jeremy shrugged.  “She’s a Lycan, just like the guy who’s
replacing Isabelle.”

“Oh great, because we all know how well Lycans control
themselves around the recruits.”  Selena said bitterly.

Hannah squeezed her arm.  “Selena, are you – “

“I’m fine.”  She pulled her arm away irritably.  “I swear to
God if you ask me one more time if I’m okay I’ll punch you, Hannah.”

Hannah nodded and perused the room again.  Although she
refused to admit it, she was searching for Will and she bit at her lip
nervously when she couldn’t find him.  It was the day before the full moon, she
reminded herself.  Perhaps he left the facility early.

There was a loud, piercing whistle and Hannah looked up to
see Mannie standing on a chair near the front of the room.  “Quiet!”  He

The crowd quieted down obediently and Mannie jumped down
from the chair, helping Richard to take his place.

“Good evening.”  Richard smiled at them.  “I’m going to keep
this short and sweet as I know it’s almost dinner and you’re all starving.  I
want to introduce our three new instructors.  First up, we have Reid Byron.  He’s
our new weapons instructor and he comes highly recommended from the LA facility.”

There was a polite smattering of applause as Reid stepped
forward and waved briefly. 

“Next we have Douglas Warren.  Douglas will be teaching the
history and theory of the supernaturals.”

Hannah stared curiously at the older, white-haired man who
chopped his hand in the air before stepping back next to Reid.  Richard had
made no mention of him being a Lycan, something she wasn’t surprised by.

“And finally, this is Constance McKay.  She’s an expert in
the field of knives, stakes and pretty much anything else you use to kill a
vampire.  She’ll also be helping out Will and Mannie with the babies.”

Hannah heard Jeremy suck in his breath as the woman stepped
forward and waved to the crowd.  She was beautiful.  Her dark hair was shiny
and hung nearly to her waist in a thick mass of perfect curls.  Her skin glowed
with colour and even from the back of the room Hannah could see the gorgeous
green tint of her eyes.  She was tall and curvy with full breasts and a tiny
waist that widened into the perfect set of hips.

Lycans like their women with curves.  She remembered Will’s
words bitterly.  He had whispered them to her while she was lying naked in his
bed, his warm hands and mouth touching every part of her skin. 

She shook her head.  The months of training had thinned her
previously chubby body into one she almost didn’t recognize.  For the first
time in her life she had the body of an athlete and while she enjoyed her new
body, there was a small part of her that mourned the loss of her soft curves. 

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