The Recruit: Book Two (12 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: The Recruit: Book Two
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Hannah kissed his shoulder, it was damp and
slick with sweat, and she inhaled deeply before letting him slide off her
body.  God, she had missed him.  As he spooned her, his large body taking up
most of the small bed, she lifted his hand to her mouth and kissed the palm of
it gently.

“That was incredible.”  She murmured.

He kissed the back of her neck.  “For me
too.”  He paused.  “Maybe we should talk about – “

She shook her head.  “No, not tonight okay? 
I know this was a mistake and I know you’re already having regrets, but just
for tonight could we forget all of that?  Please?  I’m not expecting anything
from you in the morning, alright?”

He nodded against her back and she sighed
with relief.  She was warm and relaxed and for the first time in weeks, she
felt whole again.  Tomorrow she and Will would go their separate ways again,
but for tonight he was hers and she was going to cherish every moment of it. 
She was sleepy but she fought against it fiercely.  She wasn’t going to waste
any of this night with Will by sleeping.  She let her body melt into his,
keeping her eyes closed and feeling the strong beat of his heart against her

Will kissed the back of Hannah’s shoulder. 
He should have been tired after his orgasm but he wasn’t.  Already he wanted
her again.  After months of not touching her smooth skin or kissing her soft
lips, he was aching to take her again.  She had already slipped into sleep; her
body was warm and limp against his and her breathing slow and even.  He would
let her sleep for a few hours and then wake her.  She had hinted that tomorrow
they would go their separate ways again and if this was his only night with
her, he would not waste it by sleeping.

He cupped her breast and kissed the back of
her neck.  She didn’t stir, and he stared into the darkness and finally spoke the
words he had only said to her in his dreams.

“I love you.”

He was so certain she was asleep that when
her soft voice drifted out of the darkness, for a moment he believed she was
talking in her sleep.

“I love you too.”

He froze as she turned in his arms and
stared up at him.

“I thought you were sleeping.”  He

She smiled a little.  “Nope.”  She tugged
his head down and kissed him firmly. 

“I’m sorry.”  He said hoarsely when she
released him.  “I shouldn’t have – “

“Don’t you dare say you shouldn’t have said
that.”  She frowned at him.

“It won’t work out for us, Hannah.  You
know that.”

“I know that you love me and I love you.”  She
said calmly.  “That’s all that matters.”

She kissed him again, her tongue probing at
his lips and he groaned and opened his mouth.  She swept her tongue inside,
licking and tracing his tongue until he was moving restlessly against her.

“Make love to me, Will.”  She whispered. 
“I need you.  I love you.”

He gathered her soft body against his and
as he began to caress her warm skin, he whispered again, “I love you.”

Chapter 13


Will ducked his head and let the hot spray
of the shower run down his back.  He had slipped out of Hannah’s room in the
early morning light.  She had been sleeping and although he felt like a coward
for leaving her like that, he didn’t want the others catching him with her.

She had overridden his concerns last night,
simply repeating that she loved him each time he tried to remind her that they
couldn’t be together.  He had given up, a secret part of him wanting to shout
with happiness every time she said the words, “I love you”.

He sighed deeply.  He wanted a fairy tale
ending for them more than anything, but he was well aware of the difficulties
they would face in trying to have a relationship.  It was better to –

He looked up, blinking the water out of his
eyes, as the shower curtain slid back and Hannah stepped into the shower.

She hugged him, pressing her naked body against
his wet back.  “Good morning, Will.”

“Hannah…” He cleared his throat, trying
desperately to ignore the way her nipples were like hard little pearls against
his back.  “What are you doing in here?”

She raised her eyebrow at him.  “I would
have thought that was obvious.  I’m showering.”

She slapped him lightly on the ass and
ducked around him, claiming the hot spray of water for herself.  She had pulled
her long dark hair into a messy bun on top of her head and he watched as
droplets of water clung to the dark strands that had loosened and curled around
her neck.  Once she was as wet as him, she handed him the soap and turned

“Wash my back for me would you please?”

“Hannah, I don’t think this is a good
idea.”  He muttered.

She pressed back against him, rubbing her
wet ass against his erection.  “Really?  It feels like there’s a part of you
that thinks it’s a good idea.”

He groaned and rubbed the soap in his hands
before handing it to her.  “Hold this.”

She giggled.  “Yes, sir.”

He washed her back roughly, trying to keep
it from being sexual, but once he was done washing her lower back she moved his
hands to her ass.

She looked over her shoulder and winked at
him.  “Do you mind washing my ass, Will?  I’d really appreciate it.”

He stifled a groan and began to rub the
firm flesh.  She moaned and arched her back, pushing her ass against his
erection and with a muttered curse he pulled her back against him, reaching
around to cup her breasts.

“Going to wash my front too?”  She laughed.
 “How nice of you.”

He growled in reply, dipping his head to
lick the water from her neck as she reached up and clutched the back of his
neck.  He stared greedily over her shoulder, watching her nipples harden as he
tugged on them.

He massaged the soap into her skin, rubbing
and circling her breasts until she was moaning, before moving down her flat
stomach.  When his hands dipped lower, she parted her legs, leaning back
against him and making small noises of encouragement.

He ran his hands over the tops of her
thighs, tracing small circles until she snorted impatiently and grabbed his
hand.  She pushed it between her legs, gasping loudly when he immediately began
to rub her clit. 

She turned her head and they kissed, their
tongues tangling together as he teased and stroked the small pink nub until it
was hard and swollen and she was rocking her hips against his hand.  She cried
out into his mouth when her orgasm rushed through her.  He wrapped his arm
around her waist, holding her steady, as she trembled against him.  He moved
her body directly under the warm spray, rinsing her clean before he pushed her
up against the wet tile of the shower wall.

He lifted her up, his large hands gripping
the back of her thighs as she wrapped her legs around him.  He entered her in
one smooth stroke, the water spraying down his shoulder and side, as she clung
to him and whimpered softly.

He pushed in and out of her, their wet
bodies slapping together, and the sound echoing in the small shower.  She
kissed him hard, her breath coming in short gasps as he rocked harder against

“I love you, Will.”

“I love you too, honey.”  He whispered.  He
groaned as she squeezed her muscles around him. 

“Does that feel good?”  She murmured as he
slowed the pace, pinning her against the wall and moving within her with slow,
deep thrusts.

Before he could answer there was a knock at
the bathroom door.  He froze against her, staring at her with wide eyes as her mother
called through the door.

“Hannah, are you going to be much longer? 
Breakfast is almost ready.”

“Be out in a few minutes, mom.”  Hannah
grinned at him and squeezed her muscles once more around his cock.  He sucked
in his breath, giving her a frantic look as he tried to keep from moaning.

“Stop that!”  He mouthed at her. 

“Okay, dear.  Do you want bacon or sausages
with your eggs?”  Her mother asked.

Giving him another wicked grin, Hannah
reached between them and pinched his flat nipple; this time he was helpless to
stop both the quiet groan and the jerking of his hips against her pelvis.  “Bacon
would be great, mom.”

“Alright.”  There was a pause and then
Natalie, her voice tinged with amusement, said, “Will?  What about you, dear?
Do you want bacon or sausages?”

Hannah could barely keep the laughter in as
Will’s face turned a bright red. He buried his face in her neck as Hannah
giggled and snorted.  “He’ll have bacon as well thank you.”

“Alright.  Hurry up and finish your shower
or the food will get cold.”  Natalie said sweetly.

“Oh my God.”  Will groaned.  “How did she

Hannah grinned.  “I don’t know but you
heard the woman – hurry up before our breakfast gets cold.”

* * *


“Why didn’t they attack last night?”  Reid
took a sip of lemonade and glanced at Chen.

“I don’t know.”  Chen watched as Selena
stretched out on the grass of Hannah’s parent’s back yard.  Reuben, his small
tail wagging furiously, crept through the grass and licked Selena’s face.  She giggled
and petted his small head roughly before he ran back to Jim who was stretched
out in a hammock in the shade. 

Jeremy, leaning against the fence and
staring silently into the woods, glanced back at the sound of Selena’s laughter. 
He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a package of matches from his pocket and
lit one, inhaling deeply.

“They should have attacked us by now.”  Reid
said.  “There’s no doubt they know Hannah is here.”

He frowned and looked around.  “Where is
Hannah anyway?”

“In the house, I believe.”  Chen replied
mildly.  He had seen both Will and Hannah slipping into her room over an hour
ago but he wasn’t going to tell Reid that.  They were obviously trying to keep
it hidden and he would be the last person to reveal their secret.

The screen door opened and Will descended
the deck stairs to join them at the small patio table.  He sunk into the chair
next to Chen.

“Is Hannah in there?”  Reid asked.

Will nodded.  “She’s talking with her mom.”

“I was just telling Chen that they should
have attacked us last night but didn’t.  Don’t you find that strange?”

Will shrugged.  “Everything about this
entire situation seems strange to me.  Why are they so determined to go after
Hannah?  How did they get past five of our best men?”

Chen sighed.  “I do not believe they will
stay away tonight.”

Reid shook his head grimly.  “Nor do I.  We
all need to be alert.  Danny and Jeremy said it was quiet last night during
their watch shift and Selena and Ryan said that other than a stray dog that
wandered through the yard around three, there was nothing at all.”

Will stared moodily across the yard.  “I
don’t like this, Chen.  It feels like we’re in the trap, rather than setting it.”

Chen nodded as Hannah and her mother joined
them outside.  Although Will was careful not to look at Hannah, Chen could see
his body tensing as she drew closer.

“What are you handsome boys talking so
seriously about?”  Natalie smiled at them and Reid stood up quickly.

“Nothing of importance.  Would you like my

“Thank you dear, but I think I’ll join my
husband in the hammock.”  Natalie smiled and, humming softly, walked over and
carefully climbed into the hammock next to Hannah’s dad.

Hannah nodded to the three men.  “I’ll be
right back.”

She crossed the yard and stood next to Jeremy. 

He glanced down at her.  “Hey.”

She looked at the cigarette in his hand.  “I
didn’t know you smoked.”

He shrugged.  “I smoked most of my teens. 
Quit when I joined the Marines.”

“Why did you start again?”

He laughed a little bitterly.  “Considering
the line of work I’m in, dying from lung cancer is the least of my concerns.”

She gave him a troubled look and he
shrugged again.  “Don’t worry about it HB.”

“Jeremy,” she touched his arm tentatively,
“have you thought about talking with Alan again?”

Jeremy shook his head.  “I’m fine.  I don’t
need to speak with him again.  Christ, we talked to him enough after the

He took another drag from his cigarette and
looked behind them, blowing the smoke out through his nose.  “You’d better go
back.  Your boyfriend’s starting to look a little worried.”

Hannah glanced behind her.  Will was
staring silently at them and he raised a questioning eyebrow at her.  She gave
him an almost imperceptible head nod.

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

He grinned.  “Did you know that Ryan, Danny
and I are bunking in your sister’s room?”

Hannah blushed to the roots of her hair. 
Sara’s room was right next to hers and she tightened her grip on Jeremy’s arm.

“Jeremy, you can’t say anything.  Please.”

He frowned.  “You’re not a recruit anymore.
 You’re not going to get kicked out for it.”

“I know but – well, it’s complicated okay?”

He nodded.  “Yeah.”

She rubbed at her forehead.  “I’ll have to
speak to Ryan and Danny.”

“Don’t bother.  Ryan was on watch when
there was uh – the most noise - and Danny is a heavy sleeper.  Neither of them
have a clue.”

Jeremy tapped his ash on the ground before
inhaling again.  He blew the smoke out and as it drifted away in the breeze,
said, “Do you love him, HB?”

“Yeah, I do.”

He nodded.  “That’s good.  He loves you

She smiled a little.  “I know.”

He surprised her then by planting a rough
kiss on her forehead.  “I’m sorry for the things I said to you, Hannah.  I was
just hurt and surprised.”

“I’m sorry too.”

He nodded pensively and stared into the
woods again.  “It’s going to happen tonight.  You know that right?”

“I do.”  She confirmed.

“Yeah.”  He sighed and butted his cigarette
before reaching for the pack again.

“Jeremy, if you don’t want to do this – you
don’t have to.”  Hannah frowned at him.  “This is about me, not you, and you
don’t have to put yourself in danger for me.”

He laughed.  “Don’t take this the wrong way
HB, but it’s not always all about you.” 

He lit another cigarette, shaking the match
out and squinting at her through the haze of smoke.  “Tyler was my best
friend.  I watched Ben and Lucy and Aaron be – “he swallowed thickly “torn
apart in front of me all because of this goddamn Marcus.  You’re not the only
one who wants revenge.”

“Jeremy, I –“

“Go back to Will.”  He said softly.  Hannah
kissed him briefly on the cheek before walking back to the others.

She sat down in the empty chair next to
Will.  He gave her a worried look as she said, “They’re going to attack tonight,
aren’t they?”

“We’re assuming so.”  Reid replied.  “We
can’t figure out why they didn’t attack last night.”

“Maybe to lull us into a false sense of
security?”  Hannah guessed, glancing at Will.

He shrugged.  “I don’t know.  But we need
to be ready tonight.”

Chen finished his water.  “I’m going to
call Richard.  I think we should have more people brought in.”

Will frowned.  “Too many people and they
won’t attack.  They’re not stupid, Chen.”

“I know.  We won’t bring them to the
house.  We’ll station them down the street, maybe even a block or two away. 
Close enough that we can call them in if we need help.  The vampires won’t
strike until it’s fully dark.”

Reid sighed and stood up.  “I’m going to
tell the others the plan.”

As he walked away Chen glanced at Hannah
and Will, smiling a little when Hannah quickly squeezed Will’s thigh before
standing up.  “I’m going to take a nap.”

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