The Reaper: No Mercy (39 page)

Read The Reaper: No Mercy Online

Authors: Sean Liebling

Tags: #undead, #zompoc, #rangers, #post apocalyptic, #special forces, #marine corps, #virus, #force recon, #adventure, #zombies, #action, #armageddon, #the walking dead, #marines, #zombie apocalypse

BOOK: The Reaper: No Mercy
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"I know, but while we outnumber them, they have heavy weapons, which we don't. We wouldn't last long if we attacked," replied Ray, equally frustrated at the situation. It was an old argument between them. Both Chiefs and the men under them wanted to keep safe the people they were sworn to protect as civil servants but there just was not enough of them to go against a heavily armed religious cult sworn to eradicate the ungodly. Ray had no idea where they had gotten the weapons but had lost two officers when they had driven up to the front gate of the compound. The freaks had opened fire before Ray could even speak, and it was only by luck that he managed to escape. Just then one of Ray's remaining eleven officers rushed into the office where Harley and Ray were talking, blurting out.

"Chief! Wood's is here. He has another guy with him. Big rifle and looks military. They say they need to talk to you." The newcomer was Greg Jones, and before the end of the world had been a new trainee in the department. He was a good solid officer who rarely became excited.

"Calm Greg, what's got you all excited? This isn't the first time Gareth's come to visit."

"It's the new guy, Chief. He has military written all over him and I'll kiss your ass if that isn't a sniper rifle he's carrying. Maybe help is on the way, know who!"

"We'll see, but don't hold your breath, Greg. Invite them in after disarming them gently. We'll see what it's all about," responded Chief Ray before turning to his best friend of almost thirty years. "You coming, Harley?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the end of the world," quipped Harley, sarcastically.




As they drove further into the city, more and more people were seen. Some were in vehicles and others walking the streets in armed groups. There were also, quite a few armed patrols in evidence and every one of those patrols had at least one man with a badge of some kind fastened to their winter coats.

The entire central part of the city was blocked off with gates established on four sides. The city's forces held approximately sixty square blocks, all blockaded in with larger vehicles and armed guards spaced out along each side's interval. The gate they had been stopped at held ten guards, four of them men and the rest women. After verifying that it was Gareth attempting entry to speak to the Chiefs, they had allowed him to pass unmolested after radioing it in.

"How many people are in this group?" inquired the Reaper as they slowly drove north along Rubey Street.

"I guess, at least a thousand. It's hard to say. They took in many survivors fleeing the major cities during the first week of apocalypse. We're not getting as many groups coming in now though."

"Mostly children?"

"Of course."

"Where's all the food come from?"

"Well, Macon does have big box stores, you know; a super Wal-Mart and others, which the city grabbed early on."

"That won't last forever."

"Too right, that's why we're looking for a big farm come spring, or earlier."

"Wise decision, Gareth."

Gareth turned right after about four blocks then pulled over to the side of the road into an angled parking space and gestured for the Reaper to get out. "We're here."

To their right, was an open paved lot filled with several police cruisers and an emergency response vehicle. A large L shaped building occupied the far corner, and it was towards this, that Gareth led him. The front entrance was built up with sandbags to resemble a guard post and it was manned by two armed men, one of whom held a German shepherd on a leash and in the near distance, the Reaper could hear a generator running. As Jason moved closer, he saw the canine focus on Gareth and him, its attention alert and the muscles in its forearms and thighs tense, indicating a trained K-9 unit. The rifle in the other guards hand trained on him and Jason saw that it was a typical small police force AR-15.

"Bill. We're here to see the Chief if possible. I have someone that would like to meet him," said Gareth as they came to a stop. The Reaper made sure he made no sudden movements and that his body was relaxed, as the man Bill, the guard with the dog, responded.

"He's expecting you Gareth, and I'm sorry for your loss. A couple of our guys were near the area, but by the time they arrived it was already over."

"Thanks, I guess it's the thought that counts," commented Gareth ironically.

"I need you gentlemen to leave your weapons and equipment here," responded the guard, ignoring Gareth's comment. A low table was indicated and the Reaper carefully laid his rifle and munitions bag down, then his colt, and finally the machete strapped to his side. His rucksack he shrugged off and set on the ground beside the table after removing a packet from a side pouch, as Gareth did the same with his own weapons. A quick pat down was performed and they were finally allowed inside the well-lit interior where another guard waited for them.

"Follow me."

"Nice to see you also, Officer Michaels." Gareth ground out as they followed the uniformed officer deeper into the complex. "Officer Michael's insists on being called 'Officer Michael's' instead of by his first name Stan. He gets quite upset if you don't show him the respect he deserves," stage whispered Gareth to Jason.

"You're not funny, Gareth. Get in there, the Chief's are waiting for you two," scowled as he opened a side door and pointed inside.

Inside a large spacious office were three desks, two of which were occupied. Behind one was an older, heavyset balding man wearing the uniform of a Fire Chief and behind the other occupied desk was a muscular middle-aged man with short crew cut. This second man's uniform was that of a Police officer bearing the insignia of Chief of Police. Before their desks were several chairs and the Police Chief stood while indicating two chairs in front of the other.

"Thank you Officer Michael's that will be all. Gentlemen, have a seat please. I do not recognize your friend, Gareth. By the way, I'm sorry for your loss, but please introduce us to your friend," he said indicating the Reaper.

"Thanks Chief. This is the Reaper; he just arrived, but has some major skills and helped us out in a tight jam when a herd moved in on our group. Reaper, this is Chief Ray Thomas and Chief Harley Dunnon," he said as he indicated each man in turn.

"Chief's," responded the Reaper as he shook each man’s hand, then handed over the packet containing his commission and orders. Slowly the others read the proffered documents before handing them back. There was silence for a moment before Thomas spoke.

"So you're a Captain in the military, and an advance scout. We know all about the rogue government and Newaygo. We have a shortwave receiver. It was from their general broadcasts we knew to secure a dairy farm, fuel supplies and plant all the edge of town nurseries. We also know the general status of America and that no help will be arriving anytime soon. What is it you're here for?"

"To take down this cult north of the city!" growled the Reaper.

"Good luck with that. You will need an army for they have some serious firepower. The compound they call Magog and there's no way to take it. We're barely holding on here against them."


"Yes, Magog and they call themselves the Children of Mesoch and their leader refers to himself as Rho's, the prince of Mesoch. They claim to be descends of the original Magog, whatever that is.

"Ahhhh that explains everything." the Reaper murmured as he nodded.

"What do you mean?" asked Dunnon as he leaned forward in his chair.

"You do realize that they intend to eliminate you soon?" answered the Reaper with a question of his own. His stare was hard as he sized up both men.

"No, we do not know that! We currently have an armed truce which looks to last until at least spring." Chief Thomas had jumped into the conversation, and was glaring at the Reaper.

"They won't wait. They need to be taken out now."

"How do you know that?" Harley now asked in frustration.

"Because if they are indeed followers of ancient Magog, then they'll follow the prophecy's written in the bible.

"Okay, I see it just became complicated. Explain," barked Thomas, as Jason sighed then continued.

"It is complicated, and it depends on which scriptures you read. Most indicate they will gather a host of armies that Satan has deceived, and rise against the true people of god. There are also a few passages that indicate that the peoples of Magog, are really the chosen ones of God and that all will follow them or suffer God's wrath."

"What in Hell's name does that have to do with us?" interrupted Dunnon who had risen to his feet in agitation.

"Because they won't wait. All the scriptures are clear, from the books of Amos, to Ezekiel, to Revelations. The sign for them to act is when the apocalypse occurs and locusts devour the land, which could be loosely mean, the undead. At that time, they are to act. If they believe in their prophecies at all, they must act. They will attempt to recruit you to their version of Old Testament God and mark each believer with a 'sign'. They cannot wait for if they are of that particular prophecy, then God has told them to act now. Time is of the essence." The Reaper paused briefly as he saw the Chief's looking at each other. "Tell me, have they approached you with the idea of assimilation and do their followers wear a mark somewhere upon their bodies?"

"Yes," muttered Thomas after a full minute of silence had ensued. "A capital G branded into their chests over the heart."

"Most scholars would say that 'mark' is the sign of the beast as spoken in Revelations. They are also reverting to Old Testament practices with crucifixions and slavery. That must be stopped before we revert into anarchy!"

Chief Thomas rubbed a tired hand across his face before responding. "Look, Reaper, or Captain Scott, whoever you are. Even if what you say is true, there's nothing we can do. It's possible we might be able to take their compound. Very iffy as they have heavy weapons, but still possible. We have numbers are on our side, but we would likely lose a majority of our capable shooters if it came to that. They tried early on to breach our north gate with some sort of heavy machine gun that one of my guys said was a .50 caliber, but we were able to take out the truck as it was closing. There were several other vehicles behind it which turned around after we filled them full of holes."

"Did you recover the .50?"

"No, damnit, it exploded as one of my men climbed into the bed of the truck. I lost two people that day along with a half dozen wounded. They booby-trap everything and yes, I know they're crucifying people on that big cross of theirs and are keeping slaves. One escaped; she's still recovering at the hospital."

"You have a functional hospital?"

"Yes, the Samaritan Hospital. We protect them, so get our medical free of charge, but all other outlying groups need to pay. They have several doctors and nurses, including other staff; it's a pretty decent sized hospital."

"What about the girl? Any Intel from her?"

"Limited. We haven't been able to question her much. A high powered round took her down, just as my men were taking her in. Maybe one of those .50's, because it blew a chunk out of the underside of the patrol vehicle after it almost took her thigh off. They had to finish the amputation at the hospital and currently she's still in recovery."

The Reaper nodded, as he thought for a moment before responding. "What are your long range plans?"

"You'll have to talk to Douglas Atwood, the serving city manager. Used to be on the council but the others either died or turned into those creatures. He's the planner but we're hoping to make the community viable. The shortwave out of Newaygo has good tips on getting started. New programs every day, and repeated. We just need power beyond generators in order to get more of the infrastructure back online."

"Newaygo can help. They helped Paris and there's an away team present right now getting power back on. That same power source can also be directed to Macon."

"Paris? That's only ten miles away. What's going on there? Power, as in electricity?"

"Yes, and a lot, and you need to start combining your separated communities together. Rebuild America. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for everyone!" intoned the Reaper.

By now both Chief's were looking at Jason with a combination of desperation and suspicion and bent their heads together to indulge in a whispered conversation before Wilson turned back to the Reaper, as he spread his hands.

"Provide a viable solution and we'll consider it. But right now we can't attack the cult. We'll lose over half our people just getting inside and we are not willing to risk the loss of life on that scale."

"Granted, but let's check in with Newaygo and let them know what's going on. Then I need to contact the other larger groups just outside your perimeter." The Reaper had been glancing at his watch to see where the satellites would be in relation to his position.

"How can you contact, Newaygo? We only have a receiver."

"I brought along some equipment, but we need to be outside and I'll need my ruck." he finished.

Another, brief whispered conversation between the two men in charge of Macon, and he received an affirmation. "Let's go outside and contact your superiors." Wilson said as he opened his desk drawer to grab, and then holster, his .40 caliber Glock 22.

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