The Read And Weep Bundle: Anonymous, Perfectly Hopeless, Run (48 page)

BOOK: The Read And Weep Bundle: Anonymous, Perfectly Hopeless, Run
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July 9


The jeep came to a quick stop, nudging me out of my sleep. I tried to figure out what was happening still groggy. I closed my eyes as the sunlight flooded the car.

“So this is Jersey?” I asked. Mason stretched, letting out a loud grunt. Leonard finally came to as well. Even he got a nap in.

I had never been to Jersey. In all the years we had been on the run it was one place I had never seen.

“Yes, this is Jersey. It’s a blast you will love it,” Mason said pulling out our backpack. He leaned back into the jeep and told Leonard to get into the front seat.

“Mason are we here?” I asked looking up at the manicured bushes and two separate staircases that lead up to a breathtaking home that I was sure housed filthy rich people. It took my breath away. Windows upon windows all the way to the roof practically, the house even had two private balconies.

I grabbed the backpack Mason was shoving at me unable to pry my gaze away from the gargantuan home. My mind was working overtime trying to figure things out—like who lived there.

“You’re free to go,” Mason said shooing Lenny away. I turned finally. I was annoyed with Mason’s carefree attitude about his kidnapping. And just as I was about to let him have it a young guy came bounding down the staircase to greet us.

“Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is this the pretty boy himself on my doorstep?” The guy said totally happy to be laying eyes on Mason.

I laughed at the pretty boy comment. I wasn’t sure who this guy was, but he was stunning. He smiled at Mason and then took a look at me as Mason talked his ear off.

“Get inside and you can fill me in on the rest of your wild ride, man.” He ordered, heading back up the stairs in his designer jeans and vintage
t-shirt. He was trendy in a casual way.

Inside the house seemed to go on for miles in every direction. I felt like an ant.

I waited patiently for Mason to tell me his name. I kept staring at how cute he was. He was flawless and perfect. I couldn’t imagine he was that much older than I was.

“So Mason, were you going to introduce me to your
gorgeous sidekick, Mason? Or are you still that rude when it comes to beautiful girls?” He flashed a perfect set of white teeth in my direction, his crisp baby blues sucked me in further.

“This is Kendall. Kendall, this is Jay Archer,” Mason said leaving me in shock. I couldn’t believe this was Jay Archer. The guy I heard all the bad stories about.

I couldn’t believe what he looked like. The guy I had despised all these years was hot. And that was saying a lot because Mason was hard to beat in the looks department. Jay was gorgeous in an entirely different way. He was all American, wholesome even.

My heart sped up. My attraction quite possibly was obvious as I looked at him.

“Mason always talked about you. It’s almost like we’ve already met,” Jay said with a smile. He winked, leaning against the counter as Mason and I came into the kitchen.

“Good things I hope. Although with Mason you never know,” I joked. Mason gave me a weird look trying to figure out my sudden good mood.

“Nothing but. This kid has talked about you since the beginning of our friendship,” he told me cracking another mind blowing smile. Mason seemed a bit embarrassed Jay was letting me in on his little secret. It didn’t surprise me.

“Well then I’m glad,” I said, shooting him another smile myself.

Jay touched my shoulder sending a shiver through me.

“I love the accent.
You’re very southern. Like the southern Belles in the movies,” he said, his hand still in place on my shoulder. His smile remained as our eyes met, he wasn’t embarrassed about the way he was staring at me.

“Uh, thanks. I’ve never liked the way I sound. Makes me feel different,” I blushed. “I love the way you talk though.”

Mason cleared his throat breaking into our moment.

“Yeah, Kendall hasn’t shaken the hillbilly yet. Anyways, can we grab a bite to eat and a shower?” Mason asked helping himself to the refrigerator.

Jay backed off looking at Mason with concern. He was puzzled by Mason’s sudden change of mood. But I only wanted more of Jay’s dreamy stares. My eyes never left him as he helped Mason make sandwiches.

“Kendall, did you want a water?” Mason asked. I nodded, a little bothered he was disturbing me with silly questions.

Jay leaned across the counter grinning at me. He grazed my hand as he put the sandwiches together.

“Do you like pasta, Kendall?” he asked going to the stove to tend to the boiling water.

“Yeah it’s one of my favorite things to eat,” I bit down on my bottom lip drawing it in as he stirred the pasta. Mason dropped my plate on the countertop and headed for the dining room. My sandwich fell on the floor.

This brought me back to reality. And now I was pissed at his foul mood. I quickly started to clean up the mess Mason made all over the marble floor.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly. My face burned with embarrassment. I felt like one half of an old married couple.

“Why are you apologizing for Mason?” he asked taking the food out of my hands. He opened up a door on the cupboard and tossed the sandwich in the trash. It didn’t seem to bother him at all.

“I think he’s mad at me,” I said, trying to find the words to explain what was going on. I really wasn’t so sure I even had them.

“You did nothing wrong. And you’re a guest in my home. So take my food, eat, nap, do whatever you want. Don’t worry about Mason,” he touched my hand trying to comfort me after Mason’s tantrum.

“I don’t feel so hungry anymore,” I said pushing the plate away. I knew I needed to find Mason and smooth things over.

“Bull, you look hungry to me. Don’t bullshit me eat. Mason will be over this in no time. Mark my words,” he said giving me a wink.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” I told Jay. Mason knew I was attracted to Jay. So unless he could turn ugly things weren’t going to be so simple.

“Guys are jealous of just about anything. He’ll be okay,” he squeezed my shoulders and didn’t let go until I agreed with him. I finally nodded and smiled.

“Okay, I’ll let you be right this time. But that doesn’t mean I don’t know him a lot better then you,” I insisted, taking the sandwich, he was right, I was starved. It had been days since I had anything close to food.

July 10


It was almost morning and I still hadn’t slept.

I was sitting outside on the patio chewing my nails obsessively. Aunt Wanda and I were no longer together. Even though I hated her it still didn’t stop part of me from feeling like I was incomplete. I didn’t trust anyone like I did her—besides Mason.

My thoughts ran wild with what kind of trouble we were in. I wondered how many police were on the lookout for us. I wondered if there were sketches out there that resembled me. Was it accurate even?

I feared my life was going to be cut short. That I wasn’t going to get a chance at a good one. I was scared of everything. I knew so much, but I hadn’t a clue what to do with everything I knew. I was stuck holding pieces to a screwed up puzzle.

Someone touched my shoulder, I jumped. My endless worries slipping away as I laid eyes on an older woman. Her crystal blue eyes looked me over. She pulled the shawl she was wearing closer. It filled her fragile frame with color.

She took a seat in the chair across from me. She smiled and pushed her hair behind her hair, several rings adorning her knobby fingers.

“It’s just amazing out here,” she said letting out a breath of air as she smiled into the night. The sun was ready to come up. I agreed, watching her soak in the beautiful view.

“Everything about this place is amazing,” I said. I loved the smell of the water nearby, and the way that even in July there was still a coolness that gave me goosebumps.

“I grew up ten minutes from here in a little town called, Oran. My father was a fisherman. And a good one.”

“I’m sure it was a good life living so close to the water,” I smiled at her. She seemed at ease talking to me about her life.

“It was the best life one could ask for. What is your name?” she said. “In all my ramblings I forgot to ask.”

“Kendall,” I said.

“Mason always talked about you in all the years him and that tramp of a mother passed through,” she said. She tightened her grip on her shawl as the wind grew stronger. “Pardon my French, but I have always thought that woman was just awful.”

“No problem. She is and probably always will be,” I said with a nod.

“Mason is such a good boy, a really good boy. It’s a shame he has such a mother to deal with. He’s sad and lost. I’ve always told Johnny that.” She nodded her head in confirmation.

I knew she was right. Mason was lost in a lot of ways and I knew that made him sad. He just never let it show.

“Johnny?” I asked curious.

“Oh, he likes to be called Jay. He’s my grandson, I’m sure you’ve met. He takes care of me. He’s a sweet boy despite his actions at times,” she said, looking away from me.

“He seems to be,” I agreed.

“I think a mother’s role is very important in a young man’s life. And Johnny and Mason never had very good ones. Which is why they are on the wrong paths, it’s my dying wish to see them do well for themselves,” she said.

“I think a mother could be good for a girl too, if you don’t mind me saying so.” I stared at my feet.

“There’s nothing wrong with saying so, sweetie,” she said trying to read my somber expression.

“I never had one since I could remember. And I know I probably would have turned out a lot different if I did. Maybe life wouldn’t feel so bad. Do you think that’s possible?” I asked, letting out a sigh, on the verge of tears. For some reason talking to her made me feel vulnerable.

“Who was there for you, sweetie?”

“My Aunt Wanda and she’s not a good person,” I said catching sight of the sun as it started to come up.

“I’ve heard my share about her as well. The only words of advice I can give you are these, live your life to its fullest. And make sure you find some kind of happiness in it or it will all be for nothing,” she stood up. “I’ve been on this earth for sixty two years a
nd I am happy where life has led me. I’m sick and I’m not going to be around much longer, but I’m happy and that’s what counts the most.”

I smiled at her. She walked away, squeezing my shoulder in passing. I thought about her words. She had seen a lot in sixty-two years, but probably nothing like what I had seen. And that was morbid.

“Gran, what are you doing outside? You’re going to catch a cold or something,” Jay said taking her by the arm. He shot me a glance taking her back inside.

I waited around hoping he would come back out and pay me a visit. Maybe send some life back into me. Maybe make me smile for a moment.

The door shut quietly and he appeared in front of me. His smile returned as he got closer.

“I like your gran,” I told him.

“Yeah. Most people do. She’s really sick and we brought her…well, you know,” he said unable to say the word.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Are you okay?” I asked, trying to read his smile.

“I’m scared to death of what it’s going to feel like when she’s not around anymore quite honestly. I don’t usually say that to anyone, so you’re lucky,” he said, crossing his arms.

“She said she’s had a happy life. And I think that is amazing to be able to say that. I know if I died tomorrow I couldn’t say that.” I looked away.

“Yeah, well me either. And I’m sure Mason couldn’t either. He barely said anything to me tonight. I really don’t know what his deal is,” he sighed.

“I told you I know him better than you,” I said with a grin.

“Oh I know what upset him. I just don’t understand why,” he said looking at me, our eyes locked and I couldn’t look away.

“Well then, why don’t you tell me what you think upset him?” I said.

“I told him I wanted to learn more about you. And how gorgeous I think you are. I just don’t get why that didn’t fly with him.” He blinked, waiting for me to say something.

My cheeks warmed, and my heart crashed in my chest. A million and one butterflies raced through my stomach. And then I broke our staring contest realizing who I was in the world.

“You don’t want to learn more about me believe me. But thanks for saying you think I’m gorgeous,” I said shyly.

He took my chin, closing the distance between us and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. His lips lingered for a quick moment. His warm breath warmed my cheek. I touched his face, stuck in the moment, staring deep into his eyes, trying to figure out what a guy like him wanted with me. We locked lips; his kiss was slow and soft. My heart melted. He wasn’t trying hard to impress me; he was just there with me enjoying the moment.

I pulled away. “I should get to bed.”

He stared down at me, his hand finding the back of my neck. He laid one more kiss on my cheek and let me go.

“Goodnight, Kendall,” he said, watching me stumble for the stairs.

I hurried up the giant staircase that wound all the way to the top in a glorious fashion. I was in a hurry to get to my room to stop my heart from beating out of my chest.

I screamed as I came in the door. “Mason! Don’t do that to me.”

I shut the door quickly before anyone came asking me if I was okay. Mason stayed sprawled out on my bed, his arms behind his head. He stared at the ceiling as if I wasn’t there at all. But at the same time I knew he wanted to look at me.

“All this time I thought you wouldn’t buckle,” he said his voice low, almost angry sounding.

I balled my fist knowing where he was going with his comment. “Don’t you dare say it!” I moved forward giving him a hard whack in the chest I was so angry with him.

He sat up in a flash. “He’s a bad guy. He’s the one I got in trouble with all the years you’ve known me. But one look was all it took for you to see past that. He’s scum like all the rest,” he said, looking me over in disgust.

I stood still, my hands balled in tight fist. There wasn’t a lot I could say to defend myself. He was right.

“I just want to go to bed, Mason,” I said instead. He stood up, letting me lay down. I turned away from him on my side and curled up into a ball on top of the beautiful blue comforter.

“You don’t want to face the facts. That’s your problem, Kendall. He is scum and you know it. But you’re never going to admit it,” he said, pressing the issue that I so badly wanted to be over.

I closed my eyes hoping he would just go away. I knew I was wrong, but the more I denied it the less I had to think about who Jay really was.

“Another fun fact for you…we are all over the news,” he said dryly.

“What?” I said, sitting up in bed. My breath escaped me, I clutched my stomach. Fear took over; it was as if someone had socked me in the gut.

“Yep. But you were too busy outside making out with Jay to realize your life just got a billion time worse. I don’t know, maybe it doesn’t matter if your being an idiot,” he said raising an eyebrow. “We are screwed anyways.”

I yanked my sandal off and threw it as hard as I could at Mason’s head—missing of course. He ducked just in time. He shook his head and slammed the door shut, shaking the pictures on the wall beside it.

I didn’t lie back down. I pulled my knees to my chest and held on for dear life. Tears slid down my face and saturated my jeans as I cried.

I sobbed softly taking careful breaths trying to control the panic overtaking my body.

I jumped from the bed and grabbed the phone that sat on the
end table.

“Yes, I believe its Alberta. A-l-b-e-r-t-a. The Matheson hotel, could you look up a Laurel Edgerton,” I asked the lady on the other end of the phone. I knew many of Aunt Wanda’s aliases and when she found each one suitable to use.

The phone was silent. I stared at the windows trying to digest that the worst had finally happened. And now I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to feel like. You never imagine your worst nightmare actually coming true. This was new to me. And all I could think of was finding Aunt Wanda.

“Hello Miss?” The operator said. “Mrs. Laurel checked out just an hour ago. I’m very sorry. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

I couldn’t speak. I hung up the phone.

“I’m dead. I’m totally dead,” I said softly at first and then louder each time the words came out. I paced the room.

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