The Pussy Trap (29 page)

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Authors: Ne Ne Capri

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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“Nah, I ain’t got no news. But I do have a question,” Aldeen said, looking Kayson in the eyes.


“What’s up?” Kayson asked.


“What the fuck is that on your finger, nigga?” Aldeen started laughing.


Kayson looked at his hand and smiled. “Oh this?”


“Yeah nigga, that.”


“Me and KoKo got married.”


“Get the fuck outta here! How the fuck did she get you to do that?”


“Nah, how did I get her to do it?” Kayson said, going into his memory bank for all the happy thoughts of how good he felt from the time she said yes.


Baseem busted out with, “Daaaamn. Y’all went and got married?”


“Yeah, she blessed a brotha. I have a lifetime supply of hot KoKo.”


Baseem and Aldeen started to laugh and shake their heads.


“I thought you were just training her?” Aldeen reminded him of a conversation they had two years ago.


“Yeah, and I trained her well and I can’t let the next nigga benefit from all that good lovin’.”


“Shit, I know that’s right,” Aldeen said, agreeing with Kayson.


“So enough of my business. What’s going on in the streets?”


Aldeen quickly got serious. “The streets are good, and everybody rolled over nice after the takeover. I haven’t seen or heard any ill will,” Aldeen reported.


Kayson squinted, giving him that death stare. “What do you mean you haven’t heard or seen any ill will? When is the last time you ran the beat and checked pulses?” Aldeen was off his square because he wasn’t used to Kayson talking to him like that.


“I sent Akbar,” he answered.


Kayson leaned his head slightly to the right and looked at Aldeen like he’d lost his fucking mind. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean to me?” he responded. The color in Aldeen’s face faded.


“Look, Kayson. Either you trust me or you don’t. I been keeping up with shit the way I know how for years.” He got quiet like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Kayson said his infamous line, “Is that right?”


“Come on, man, you know me. I’m loyal as hell and I handle everything you ask of me,” Aldeen explained with the quickness.


“Yeah that’s true, but sometimes comfort can sign a nigga’s death certificate.” Kayson sat forward making serious eye contact with Aldeen. Meanwhile, Baseem looked back and forth at them wondering where this shit was going next.


Kayson walked to his wet bar and poured himself a shot of Hennessey Black then turned around and said, “Make better runs. It’s no way every muthafucka that works for us is happy. It’s always a muthafucka trying to come up. How the fuck do you think we got where we are? Never second guess the next nigga’s greed.”


Aldeen nodded in agreement. “Yeah, you right.”


Kayson took his glass to the head, turned back to the bar, and set it down. Taking a deep breath, he turned back to Aldeen. “I have never guided you wrong. And I don’t have to doubt a nigga because when I feel like they ain’t worthy, the last thing they see is black.” He took another shot to the head and looked over at Aldeen. He glanced back at Kayson and for the first time, he was scared of him; he saw something in those eyes that he could only explain as terror. The room went silent for a few seconds. Kayson moved next to Baseem, put his hand on Aldeen’s shoulder, and locked eyes with him.


“Never question my trust in you.” After a short pause he said, “The streets are waiting.”


Aldeen and Baseem headed to the door. Once they were on the elevator, Baseem asked, “What the fuck was that about?”


Aldeen was still caught in the moment. “All this shit we are into is all about business. The moment you think it ain’t, you’re a muthafuckin dead man.” The elevator doors opened and they hopped in the BMW and were out.


Kayson watched the monitors to make sure they were gone. He hit all the locks and security system and then went upstairs. Exiting the elevator, he saw KoKo standing in the mirror fully dressed in jeans, a hoodie, boots, a bulletproof vest, and gun holster. She had snatched her hair into a ponytail and put on a baseball cap.


“Where the fuck do you think you going?” he asked.


KoKo heard his voice ring through the bedroom.


“I got to check on the streets,” she said, loading her two guns into the holsters.


“Nah baby, you ain’t going out there. I got them niggas on it.”


“That’s not what I heard.” She moved around continuing to get ready.


Kayson looked at her like, hold the fuck up. “What do you mean that’s not what you heard?” he asked.


KoKo bent over and placed her .22 in the ankle holster then said, “I came downstairs to see what you wanted to eat and I overheard Aldeen say some uncertain type shit and Baseem didn’t have a report at all. That nigga just sat up there co-signing. What kind of bullshit is that?” She turned around, went to the table to grab a gwap of money and two blunts she had rolled. Kissing Kayson on the lips, she said, “I’ll see you in a little while,” and headed to the door.


Kayson yelled out, “You’re going to have to give these streets up, KoKo.”


She turned to him and said, “When we get a reliable nigga to run shit, I will.” Winking at him, she said, “I love you,” and bounced.


At first, Kayson was going to make her come back, but then he remembered why he hired her in the first place. He had to admit she was the most loyal member on the team and if shit needed to be found out, she damn sure was going to find it. He had to remind himself that she signed up for the same mission he did. He couldn’t let his personal feelings get in the way of business because that is how muthafuckas end up dirt napping.


KoKo had been gone for about fifteen minutes. Kayson had already got into character and got dressed and was on her heels. Shit, he was no fool. He had the same taste for the streets that she did and he could feel something wasn’t right.


Once KoKo got to the block, she saw Akbar out there doing what she interpreted as negotiating with a nigga and it looked like Moe.


“What the fuck?” she said to herself. Her frown line deepened, and her heart was racing. Grabbing both guns out the holster, she prepared for a little killing time.


KoKo emerged from between two cars catching both men off guard. “Let me find out we got some snakes in our camp.”


Akbar put all his attention on KoKo then said, “Sheeit. Bitch, I ain’t Dee. If you’re going to pull a gun on me you betta use it,” he spat as he reached for a gat of his own.


Too late. KoKo shot him in the hand causing his gun to go flying.


“Just like Dee, you sleeping on a bitch.”


“What the fuck is wrong with you? Bitch, you betta kill me.” Akbar bent over, holding his hand and moaning in pain.


“Oh, be patient. It’s coming.” She turned her energy to Moe. “I knew you were a bitch made nigga, but damn, plotting behind our back with this no account nigga is weak as hell.”


Moe took a long pull from his blunt, careful not to do too much too fast. Then he spat out, “Our back? You ain’t got no investment in my money. My only loyalty is to Kayson, not the bitch he lay pipe to. As far as I’m concerned, I put my work in. Now I’m moving on.”


“Is that right?”


“Yeah bitch, it is right,” Moe said, plucking the blunt into KoKo's face trying to get her off guard. He was successful. That move brought him a small window, so he leaped at her going for her guns. They tussled back and forth. He head butted her causing her to fall to the ground. KoKo was a little dazed. When she looked up, Moe stood over her with both of her guns pointed at her.


Akbar stood up in pride and smiled at the situation. “Yeah bitch, it don’t feel good staring down the barrel of two guns, now does it?”


“Fuck you! I ain’t scared to take a life and I damn sure ain’t afraid to lose one. All I can say is, don’t miss, muthafucka.”


“You know what? You sexy as hell. Laying up there trying to be tough with death hovering over your head. I see why Kayson is pimping you so hard.” He clicked the gun back releasing one in the chamber.


KoKo started laughing, then shook her head from side to side. “Yeah, all y’all niggas is the same. It’s all about good pussy. If you weren’t such a bitch ass nigga, you could have found out for yourself.” Slowly, she raised her left leg, giving him a shot of her pussy print. Moe took a minute to look then said, “Damn shame all that good pussy is about to go to waste.”


In one move, she grabbed the .22 and squeezed, hitting him in the pelvis. He yelled out in pain then tried to squeeze off a shot that hit the sidewalk inches from KoKo’s face. He went to release again but was stopped in his tracks. The whistle of the bullet that hit his head was from Kayson’s gun. He had shown up just in time. Moe’s lifeless body fell right beside KoKo. As Akbar hit the ground taking cover, he went to KoKo's side. “You a’ight?” Kayson asked.


“Yeah.” She rubbed her forehead and felt a small cut from the head butt. There was a little blood but no need for the hospital.


“Go get in my truck. Go over to the twin’s house so she can look at that cut. Call all them muthafuckas and tell them to meet me at the uptown underground spot in an hour and not one of them had better not show up late. I want you there, too.” He helped her up, gave her a nasty look, then turned his attention back to Akbar, who had taken a shot and was on the ground pleading for his life.


Kayson helped him up and then called a cab. An hour later, he was walking into the building. Everyone was sitting around looking paranoid. Kayson held a black duffle bag. He was quiet as hell with an evil look in his eyes that no one had ever witnessed. In his hand was a 12-inch machete. He walked over to KoKo and looked at her forehead. Twin had put a butterfly stitch in her forehead and gave her an antibiotic and pain medication. Kayson kissed her forehead and that would be the last moment of kindness the room would witness. Kayson then went into rare form.


“I had you muthafuckas at my house asking you what the fuck was going on and everybody was acting like everything was gravy.” He paused, placing the duffle bag in the middle of the table. He unzipped it, pulled Akbar’s head out, and placed it on the table. All you could hear was “oh shit!” ringing out of several people’s mouths. One of his top dogs threw up.


Kayson yelled at the top of his lungs, “Y’all tell me why the fuck this punk muthafucka almost killed my wife? My wife!” He looked around the table for a sign. “Nobody? Not a one of you can explain to me why Akbar and Moe was plotting a side deal right up under y’all nose?”


The only sound in the room was breathing and heartbeats. Kayson waved his machete and growled out, “Can’t. None. Of y’all niggas tell me why this dead muthafucka right here was plotting behind my fucking back?” He looked around the room and then caught the eye of Justice; he was the one that ran Harlem. He had a look in his eye that Kayson wasn’t comfortable with. It screamed guilt and fear. Kayson pointed the machete at Justice and said, “Why the fuck is you so jumpy?”


“I'm good. I’m just trying to see where all this shit is going?” He tried to sound concerned, but Kayson could see right through him.


“Who hired that nigga, Akbar?”


Aldeen spoke up. “Justice brought him in.”


“Is that right?” Kayson said as he began to walk slowly around the table. When he got to Justice, he said, “Did you know this muthafucka was plotting on me?”


“Nah Kayson, I swear. He never talked to me about nothing.” Justice was trying to look over his shoulder, but just as he got ready to turn around, Kayson grabbed him by his dreads and cut his head off. Then he sat it next to Akbar’s head and said, “Well, now y’all can talk about it. Greasy muthafuckas.”


As Kayson looked around the room, the fear and uncertainty was heavy. He could see that everyone in attendance was fucked up over what they had just witnessed.


Kayson walked around the table and stopped at Aldeen. “I got mad love for you and that's the only reason why I am counting two instead of three. I don’t know what the fuck got your head all fucked up, but you betta right this wrong.” Kayson walked back over to KoKo. She had a look in her eyes that read: this nigga ain’t no joke. Kayson didn’t want her scared of him, but he definitely needed her to be there to see he had stepped back but not off. Kayson turned to the rest of the crew. “Remember. I run this shit. I know what the fuck is going on before it happens. Don’t make me come down here again because the next time, I’m a hit y’all so hard you'll think I blessed y’all the first time. Now go and reorganize Harlem and tighten this shit up. If you think we got an enemy, kill ‘em.” As he walked out the door, he yelled back, “Aldeen. Fix this shit.”

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