The Pussy Trap (12 page)

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Authors: Ne Ne Capri

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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Baseem looked confused. How the fuck she know that? While he tried to recover from her last statement, she looked up and saw Al-Java walking up the street. Her blood started to boil. “When I ask you what the fuck is going on, don’t put shade on the shit. Give me the whole fucking story,” she said as she got out the car.


Baseem was thrown back because she didn’t usually talk to him like that, but she didn’t play with the reports. She needed her eyes and ears to serve their fucking purpose. Without even thinking, she jumped out the car, ran up to him, and pulled out The Black Night, her gun she used after hours. She busted him right in the head. Java was so caught off guard. He fell to the ground.


“What the fuck, Kok?” She stood over him pointing the gun right in his face.


“Why the fuck you think your punk ass need a raise? I should raise my foot up your ass.”


“Hold up, Kok. I was just saying; I been out here on the grind.” He was so shook up, plus, he saw Baseem and Darren approaching.


“You ain’t on no muthafuckin’ grind, nigga.” She ran through his pockets and came up with five hundred dollars. “What the fuck is this bullshit?” Her nostrils flared and her mouth twisted. “You been out here all day and all you got is five hundred funky ass dollars?” She smacked the shit out of him with the gun and then ran his day down to him.


“Your dumb ass got up at around 12 p.m., climbed up in Tanisha’s funky ass pussy, rode that for about forty-five minutes. Gotdamn shame. Played Nintendo, showered, got dressed, ate, and didn’t hit the block until 4 p.m. Grind, nigga? I’ll show you a fucking grind.” She busted him in the head again.


“Ahhhh . . . a’ight, Kok. A’ight.” Blood poured from four different places on Al-Java’s head and face.


“Don’t you ever think because you don’t see me that I don’t know what the fuck is going on. Punk muthafucka!” She kicked him in the mouth and his two front teeth flew out with a stream of blood. Al-Java hollered out in pain. She took the money and threw it at him. “Take this and get your shit fixed and your ass is on vacation. I better not see or hear about you being on the streets. Do I make myself clear?”


He could hardly answer. “A’ight, Kok.”


“Get his five dollar ass outta here before I make change.” KoKo took the opportunity to spit a line from her favorite movie New Jack City.


Darren signaled to the death squad. “Take him to the emergency room and tell them he got jumped at a party.” They picked him up and got him into a nearby van.


KoKo, Baseem, and Darren headed across the street. When they got out of earshot she said, “Get rid of him.”


Darren said, “Already on it.”


She spotted Wise and Aldeen standing next to a Benz. “Oh shit,” KoKo mumbled under her breath. Once she got up on them, Aldeen definitely looked disappointed. He had heard what she was told— Kayson needed her to calm down, which he made perfectly clear.


“Scared workers create disloyalty.”


“They are loyal because they fear me.”


“Let’s go. The Boss wants to see you.”


“Why is everybody all serious looking and shit? Y’all need to lighten the fuck up,” KoKo said as she opened the car door.


“Just get your hardheaded ass in the car. You are a fucking rebel without a cause. You know good and gotdamn well Kayson don’t want you out here smacking niggas around.”


“Shit, he ain’t my fucking daddy. I thought we cleared that shit up already,” she said as she shut the door behind her.


Aldeen looked at her like she was crazy. She got in the car, slid down in the seat, lit up a blunt, and zoned out. KoKo was tired of all this back and forth shit; she was about the streets. She loved everything about it, the smell, the sounds, and the action. All this other shit about calming down and being a lady, she wasn’t about it. She had planned to let Kayson know when she got there that she was flattered that he wanted to work close with her, but maybe he could find someone else. Plus, that shit he pulled a couple weeks ago fucked my shit up. I’m all catching feelings and shit. Man, I ain’t beat.


During the ride, KoKo was quietly thinking. As they pulled into the garage, her heart started beating faster. She was rehearsing what she was going to say. When they got off the elevator, Kayson stood there shirtless, eight-pack bumping and looking sexy as hell. The fresh haircut and the sweat pants showing off that dick print totally threw her off her game. “Damn,” she murmured.


He picked up a towel off the chair and wiped his face. It appeared that he just finished working out.


“What’s up, Boss?” Aldeen broke the silence.


“I can’t complain. You got any reports?”


Al gave him the look. That let him know that a private conversation would be needed.


“Y’all go chill. I’ll get with you in a minute.” With that, everybody headed down the hall.


“I have something I want to talk to you about, Kayson.” Koko was reluctant to give her little speech.


“Yeah? I was going to talk to you, too. I need you to spend the night. Go get the streets off you and we'll talk then. I put a towel, washcloth, and some shit for you to put on when you come out of my bathroom. Get on the elevator and go upstairs. I’ll see you in minute.” He looked at KoKo as if to say, “Just move, none of this shit is up for discussion.” With that, she moved out.


She waited for the elevator. What the fuck just happened? I was supposed to be on my way back to the Benz and back to the streets. How the fuck did I get sent to the gotdamn shower? I got to put an end to this bullshit.


Getting off the elevator, all she saw was money. He had his bedroom hooked up. Everything was black. The bed looked like four king-sized beds put together, but it was circular. The headboard was leather with a tinted mirror that went all the way across. Wall-to-wall carpet and floor-to-ceiling drapes. “Daaamn.” Mirrors were everywhere. Tall plants sat in every corner. Vases and shit rested all on the dresser. Two lounge chairs and a coffee table decorated a sitting area with a small wet bar. In front of it was the biggest couch she’d ever seen. Across from that, a large black and gray marble fireplace went all around the wall. It was lit and kindling. She guessed he needed all this big shit to go with that big ass dick he had. Koko looked around to see which door led to the bathroom. First, she walked into the huge walk-in closet.


On one side, he had all suits and dress shirts hanging. It must have at least two or three thousand. In the middle of the closet were several pairs of shoes in a glass rotating shelf case, which looked like it held four hundred pairs. On the other side were street clothes, jeans, and sweatshirts. Another shoe case had all sneakers and boots; everything looked new. In the corner was a tie rack with about two hundred ties on it. In the center of the room was an island with drawers, they were see thru as well and contained all kinds of jewelry in them. What the fuck is he into? She left out impressed as hell.


KoKo finally reached the bathroom. It blew her mind. This shower is big as hell, a walk-in the size of a fucking bedroom! The decor was black and burgundy marble and glass. Ten showerheads came from different parts of the walls and ceiling. There was a little bench with a cushion. Across from the shower was a large in-floor tub that looked like a small pool with a headrest pillow that read 'The Boss.' “Well, damn,” she said. Koko undressed and folded her clothes up and put them on the chair. She picked up the body sponge and little shower bucket containing body wash, shampoo, a douche and a razor. “What the fuck is he trying to say? Whatever!” She walked into the shower to begin the process and the water automatically came on forceful and warm.


“I could get used to shit like this. He’s trying to spoil a bitch,” she said, and began shaving her under arms, legs, and panty line. She douched and sat the empty bottle in the bucket. She washed her body, pouring Victoria’s Secret pear body wash on the sponge lathering her whole body. The steam and the aroma had her feeling relaxed. She was in heaven. KoKo turned on the built-in wall unit music system and dimmed the lights. “Sheeiit. A bitch ain’t ever going home now!” she said.


While KoKo was in the shower, Aldeen was down there giving Kayson the low. “Yo, you got to speed up the process. KoKo is crazy. She beat the hell out of Al-Java. We got to put his ass to sleep.”


“Is that right?” Kayson was quiet for about a minute. He had just planned to tease her again, but he could see she needed the full treatment. “A’ight. Don’t worry, I’m about to handle it. Is there anything else?”


“Yeah, one last thing; she loves the streets too much. You have to show her how all this shit is to her benefit. She is a straight up beast out there; she can’t live without it. If she don’t calm down, somebody is going to kill her.”


“She will be a different person in the morning. Trust me. The enforcer got some shit for that ass tonight.”


All Aldeen could do was laugh. He knew that once Kayson put that shit on her, she would be seeing shit his way. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. Trust me; she’ll be straight by then. I’m going to knock that ass out.”








Chapter 11

Hard Head Makes a Soft Behind





Meanwhile, Koko didn’t even see or feel Kayson when he entered the bathroom. He watched her perfect petite 5' 6” frame as the water rained all over her body. She put her hands on the wall and let the water run down her back. It slowly ran between the crack of her ass. She turned around, grabbed the shampoo, and washed her hair. Kayson admired her perky erect breasts staring back at him. Her cocoa brown skin was flawless. The bubbles from shampooing her hair ran between her breasts, continuing across her pussy and down her legs.


“Damn, all that was under them baggy jeans?” Kayson stood there stroking his dick. He wanted to make sure 'The Enforcer' was wide-awake once he stepped foot in the shower. He knew once she saw it, that would start his reign of terror. Kayson entered the shower then walked right up on her. She opened her eyes, shocked that he was right there.


“I’m almost done. I will be right out of your way,” KoKo stated, trying to get the last of the soap off her body.


“You ain’t going nowhere.”


Koko looked down and said, “Damn!”


Kayson smiled. “What’s up?”


“Your dick.”


“Don’t worry about him, he’s harmless,” he said, moving toward her.


“Shit, I can’t tell. He looks like he is more than harmless.”


Kayson ignored her, quickly changing the subject. “Why don’t you do what I tell you to do?”


“Look, that was what I wanted to talk to you about.” She ran her hands over her face. Kayson’s eyes roamed all over her body. She put her hand under his chin and brought his eyes back to hers.


“I’m listening. Go on,” he said, continuing to stare at her body like she was his next meal.


“As I was saying.” She wanted to finish the sentence, but was caught off guard.


Kayson put his strong arm around her back, placed his mouth on one of her nipples, and began to suck gently.


KoKo released a small sound from her lips. The water rained down on them as he gave her chills all over her body. R. Kelly’s “Honey Love” blasted from the shower radio.


“There’s something in your eyes, baby, its telling me you want me baby, tonight is your night,”


He stopped briefly and said, “And you were saying . . .”


KoKo couldn’t get her thoughts together. “I was trying to tell you tha—”


Kayson zoomed in to give the other breast the same treatment. This time, he grabbed her leg and placed it up to his waist so he could slide his dick back and forth starting at her clit and taking it all the way back. “Continue,” Kayson said.


How the fuck can I say anything with him doing all this to me? KoKo thought.


Kayson kissed her lips then her shoulders, and back to her breasts. He put her up against the wall and grabbed the other leg so that she was now up in the air and he had full control. Kissing her passionately and roughly at the same time, giving her some of that thug love. He turned and walked her over to the shower bench. “Stand on here,” he commanded.


She did just that. Standing there with her hands on his shoulders not knowing where he was going to take it next. Kayson took some time to stare at her naked body and her perfectly shaved pussy staring right in his face. In one move, he put his arms under her legs lifting her up and placing one leg on each one of his shoulders, positioning her pussy right in his face. He took another minute to gaze at it. The lips were pretty and glistening and her clit was calling him, so a nigga had to answer.

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