The Purity Myth (35 page)

Read The Purity Myth Online

Authors: Jessica Valenti

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality, #Self-Help, #Personal Growth, #Self-Esteem, #Social Science, #Feminism & Feminist Theory, #Women's Studies

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  1. 234
    the Purity myth
  2. Ibid.

  3. Melissa McEwan. “Dear Ladies: Please Stop Getting Yourselves Raped,” January 3, 2007,

  4. “Joe Francis with yet another sex charge,” April 26, 2007,
    www.; The Smoking Gun.
    / archive/0419043ggw1.html; “Girls Gone Wild founder gets commu- nity service,” December 14, 2006,

  5. Anything & Everything. “‘Girls Gone Wild’ Cameraman Accused of Raping Minor in Ohio,” October 26, 2006,

  6. Kieran Crowley. “‘Wild’ LI Sex Attack—Video Man Busted,”
    New York Post,
    August 7, 2008.

  7. Bob Dyer. “Witness says crew was wild before,”
    Akron Beacon Journal,
    October 26, 2006.

  8. Claire Hoffman. “‘Baby, Give Me a Kiss,’”
    Los Angeles Times,
    August 6, 2006.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Deidra J. Fleming. “Out, damned error out, I say!”
    Army Lawyer,
    May 2005, http://find

  11. CBS. “Tables Turned On Alleged Rape Victim,” August 28, 2007,

  12. “ABC News on Duke: The ‘Lacrosstitute’ Factor,” April 17, 2006,
    ; Liz Cox Barrett. “Of Duke, and Princ- eton, and Jocks, and Sluts,”
    Columbia Journalism Review,
    April 19, 2006,
    / behind_the_news/of_duke_and_princeton_and_ jock.php.

  13. LAist. “OC Cop Gets Off in Court after Masturbating on Stripper During Questionable Traffic Stop,” February 10, 2007,

  14. Jill Porter. “Hooker raped and robbed—by justice system?”
    Philadelphia Daily News,

    October 12, 2007.

  15. “Kos: Getting harassed? Stop blogging.” April 12, 2007, www.femi-

  16. Jill Filipovic. “Hi, I’m Jill, and scummy law school sleazebags have gone after me, too,”

    March 7, 2007,

  17. The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. “A Portrait of ‘Generation Next,’” January 9, 2007,

  18. Heather Mac Donald. “What campus rape crisis?”
    Los Angeles Times,
    February 24, 2008.

  19. Laura Sessions Stepp. “A New Kind of Date Rape,”
    www.cosmopolitan. com/sex-love/sex.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Beth Slovic. “Trial By Facebook,”
    Willamette Week,
    January 9, 2008.

    jessica valenti

  22. Ibid.

  23. Dahlia Lithwick. “Gag Order: A Nebraska judge bans the word
    from his court- room,”
    June 20, 2007,

  24. Naomi Schaefer Riley. “Ladies, You Should Know Better,”
    Wall Street Journal,
    April 14, 2006.

c h a P t e r 8

beyond manliness

  1. Stephen J. Ducat.
    The Wimp Factor: Gender Gaps, Holy Wars, and the Politics of Anxious Masculinity
    (Boston: Beacon Press, 2004).

  2. Ibid., 5.

  3. Serano.
    Whipping Girl,

  4. CNN. “Arizona criminals find jail too in ‘tents,’” July 27, 1999,

  5. “Report: Boy Forced To Wear Skirt As Punishment,” February 27, 2004,
    Dartmouth Review.
    “Week in Review,” May 14, 2001, http://

  6. Melissa Bruen. “My Spring Weekend Nightmare,”
    Daily Campus,
    May 2, 2008.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Matthew Fitzgerald. “Training Your Girlfriend,”,
    / curtsmith.

  9. Peter Rubin. “Is it OK to Demand Anal Sex?”
    July 9, 2007.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Michael Kimmel.
    Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men
    (New York: HarperCollins, 2008).

12. Ibid., 169–70.

13. Ibid., 219.

  1. Scott Jaschik. “Understanding ‘Guyland,’”
    Inside Higher Ed,
    August 21, 2008.

  2. James C. Dobson, PhD. “Radical Feminism Shortchanges Boys,” Focus on the Family, November 2004,

  3. James C. Dobson.
    Bringing Up Boys: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shap- ing the Next Generation of Men
    (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House, 2001), Chapter 5.

  4. National Review.
    “Hail the Male,” June 13, 2008.

  5. Janice Shaw Crouse. “Feminizing the Nation’s Boys,” Concerned Women for America, May 21, 2004.

  6. Ibid.

  1. 236
    the Purity myth
  2. Harvey C. Mansfield.
    (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006).

  3. Samuel Jacobs. “Mansfield Calls For ‘New Feminism,’”
    Harvard Crimson,
    October 19, 2005.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Douglas Rushkoff. “Picture Perfect,” in
    What Makes a Man: 22 Writers Imagine the Future,
    ed. Rebecca Walker (New York: Riverhead Books, 2004).

  6. Robert Jensen. “The high cost of manliness,”
    September 8, 2006, www.alter-

  7. Ibid.

c h a P ter 9

sex, morals, and t rusting women

1. Miriam Grossman.
Sense & Sexuality: The College Girl’s Guide to Real Protection in a Hooked-Up World
(Herndon, VA: Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, 2008), 13.

2. Ibid., 20.

  1. Katha Pollitt. “Virginity or Death!,”
    May 12, 2005.

  2. Monitoring the Future. Monitoring the Future (1975–2005), www.monitoringthe

  3. Michael Males. “Have ‘Girls Gone Wild’?” in
    Beating Up On Girls: Girls, Violence, Demoni- zation and Denial
    (New York: New York Press, 2009 (at press)).

  4. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. National pregnancy rates for teens, aged 15–19.

  5. J. S. Santelli et al. “Exploring recent declines in adolescent pregnancy in the United States: the contribution of abstinence and increased contraceptive use,”
    American Journal of Public Health
    97 (2007): 150–56.

  6. Advocates for Youth. “Adolescent Protective Behaviors: Abstinence and Contraceptive Use,”

  7. Advocates for Youth. “Adolescent Pregnancy and Childbearing in the United States,”

  8. Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti.
    Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World Without Rape
    (Berkeley, CA: Seal Press, 2009).

11. Ibid., 38.

  1. Ibid.

  2. Advocates for Youth. “Adolescent Sexual Behavior. I: Demographics,” www.advocates

    jessica valenti

  3. Levy.
    Female Chauvinist Pigs,

  4. Kara Jesella. “Female Chauvinist Pigs,”
    October 3, 2005.

  5. Jennifer Baumgardner. “Feminism Is a Failure, and Other Myths,”
    November 17, 2005,

  6. Natalie Angier.
    Woman: An Intimate Geography
    (New York: Random House, 1999), 366.

  7. George Lakoff. “Metaphor, Morality, and Politics, Or, Why Conservatives Have Left Liberals in the Dust,”
    Social Research,
    summer 1995.

c h a P ter 1 0

post-virgin world

  1. Technorati. “State of the Blogosphere,” 2008,
    of- the-blogosphere.

  2. Family and Youth Services Bureau. Discretionary Grant Awards: FY 2008, www.acf.hh
    s. gov/programs/fysb/content/docs/08_discgrantawards.htm.

  3. Medical Institute. Mission statement,





  8. Right Wing News. “America Has An Obsession With Virginity? And It’s Hurting Young Women? Really?” October 6, 2008,

  9. Network of enlightened Women. “New feminist book: The Purity Myth,” October 8, 2008,

  10. House of Eratosthenes. “Best Sentence XLII,” October 6, 2008, http://mkfreeberg

  11. Cassy Fiano. “Putting out is SO much better for girls than abstinence,” October 6, 2008,

  12. Erika Anderson. “Is Purity a Myth?”
    y- blog/2008/10/09/is-purity-a-myth.


the Purity myth


the following list of resources can also be found at


abortion access Project

The Abortion Access Project advocates access to safe abortion for all women in the United States; looks for gaps in abortion access that no one else is ad- dressing, and seeks to create and support innovative responses to these gaps; and works with local partners to achieve locally driven, locally relevant goals, then introduces these projects to national organizations also interested in ex- panding access. (


american association of university women

This national organization promotes women’s educational equality. Not only does AAUW do terrific advocacy work, it also provides comprehensive re- search materials on young women and education. (

blacK women’s health imPerative

The Black Women’s Health Imperative is the only organization devoted sole- ly to advancing the health and wellness of America’s black women and girls through advocacy, community health and wellness education, and leadership development. (

center for american women and Politics

Housed at Rutgers University in New Jersey, CAWP is the leading source of scholarly research and current data about American women’s political par- ticipation. (

center for reProductive rights

A nonprofit legal-advocacy organization dedicated to promoting and de- fending women’s reproductive rights worldwide. The center works on Capitol Hill and in the courts; its website features information on national legislation affecting women’s reproductive health and rights. (www.repro-

center for women Policy studies

The Center for Women Policy Studies was founded in 1972 as the first feminist-policy analysis and research institution in the United States. Its mis-

the Purity myth

sion is to shape public policy to improve women’s lives and preserve their hu- man rights. (

choice usa

This youth-led organization supports emerging leaders in the reproductive- justice movement; it’s an amazing resource and group for younger women. (

fair fund, inc.

FAIR works globally to engage youth, especially young women, in civil so- ciety. It heightens awareness of human trafficking and domestic violence, informs young people about sexual-assault prevention, and promotes the de- velopment of youth capacity-building programs. (

family violence Prevention fund

This antiviolence organization works both organizationally and in direct ser- vice. FVPF also helped to develop the Violence Against Women Act, passed by Congress in 1994. Its website is a good place to look for statistics and re- sources on intimate-partner violence and rape. (

girls, inc.

This organization for girls and young women promotes self-esteem, confi- dence, and independence through programs that address math and science education, pregnancy and drug abuse prevention, media literacy, economic literacy, adolescent health, violence prevention, and sports participation. The group and its website are also great resources for people doing research about girls. (

jessica valenti

guttmacher institute

The Guttmacher Institute advances sexual and reproductive health worldwide through an interrelated program of social science research, public education, and policy analysis. This is the go-to organization to consult about women’s reproductive health. (

institute for women’s Policy research

IWPR researches poverty and welfare, employment and earnings, work and family issues, health and safety, and women’s civic and political participation. (

naral Pro-choice america

For more than 30 years, NARAL Pro-Choice America has been the nation’s leading advocate for privacy and a woman’s right to choose. With more than one million members and supporters, NARAL is fighting to protect the pro- choice values of freedom and privacy. (

national asian Pacific american women’s forum

NAPAWF is the only national, multi-issue organization dealing with Asian Pacific American women’s issues in the United States. The organization’s mis- sion is to build a movement to advance social justice and human rights for APA women and girls. (

national coalition of women and girls in education
This nonprofit organization is dedicated to improving educational opportu- nities for girls and women. The group also addresses the implementation of Title IX. (

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