The Price of Altruism (62 page)

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Authors: Oren Harman

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J. H. Morris, assistant editor at
, letter to Bill Hamilton, April 10, 1970, KPX1_10.6.2; W. D. Hamilton, “Selfishness and Spiteful Behaviour in an Evolutionary Model,”
228 (1970), 1218–20.

George Price letter to J. B. Rhine, September 10, 1971, GPP; George Price letter to Anne Sheffield, December 10, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Edison Price, October 23, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Anne Sheffield, December 10, 1970, GPP. In fact Anne returned to London with her friend Rickie, though George later claimed that she had written the letter in such a way so as to hint that she’d be alone, a fact that had gotten him excited, even though she would claim that he had misinterpreted her.

George Price letter to Dr. Gilfillan, July 1, 1972, GPP; George Price letter to Henry Noel, August 11, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Anne Sheffield, May 27, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Henry Noel, July 13, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Dr. Gilfillan, July 1, 1972, GPP; George Price letter to Anne Sheffield, December 10, 1970.

“A History of All Souls Church at Langham Place,” booklet distributed at the church.

George Price letter to Anne Sheffield, December 10, 1970, GPP.

George Price diary 1970, GPP.

Timothy Dudley-Smith,
John Stott: The Making of a Leader
(Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1999). In a November 30, 2004,
New York Times
editorial, “Who Is John Stott?,” columnist David Brooks cited Michael Cromartie of the Ethics and Public Policy Center as saying that “if evangelicals could elect a pope, Stott is the person they would likely choose.”

When Jim Schwartz spoke with the elderly John Stott in December 1999, he didn’t remember George but said that it was quite possible that he’d forgotten, and that All Souls “got a lot of kooks.” I thank Jim Schwartz for this information.

Class of 1944,
Triennial Report
, Harvard University Archive (HUA), 273–74; Class of 1944,
Ten Year Report
, HUA, 209–10; “Harvard Alumnus Renounces U.S.,”
Boston Traveler
, February 17, 1948; “Citizen of the World Detained by French,”
Plainfield Courier-News
, November 17, 1948; “News Briefs,”
Dallas Times-Herald
, November 18, 1948.

Henry Noel letter to George Price, July 7, 1970, GPP.

Henry Noel letter to George Price, July 16, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Henry Noel, July 27, 1970, GPP.

Henry Noel letter to George Price, July 16, 1970, GPP.

George Price letters to Henry Noel, July 27, August 9, and August 12, 1970, GPP. Henry didn’t particularly appreciate being lectured by George. “Please be so good as to lay off for a while,” he wrote to him in November, and the correspondence broke off temporarily.

George Price letter to Anne Sheffield, December 10, 1970, GPP.

Ibid.; George Price letter to Julia Price, October 13, 1970, GPP.

Ibid.; George Price letter to Henry Noel, August 11, 1970, GPP; George Price letter to Howard Klevens, December 18, 1970, GPP.

Bill Hamilton letter to Edison Price, February 15, 1975, BLWHC, Z1X102_1.1.20; Bill Hamilton letter to Colin Hudson, July 26, 1970. I thank Janet Hamilton for sending me this letter.

Interview with Janet Hamilton, October 24, 2007.

Bill Hamilton letter to George Price, July 2, 1970, BLGPC, BL:KPX1_4.8.

George Price letter to Louis J. Vorhous, December 18, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Caroline Doherety, August 9, 1970, GPP; George Price letter to Marie Lynch, October 14, 1970, GPP; George Price letter to Al Somit, October 19, 1970, GPP. Somit was actually not all that surprised by either development. “I had been expecting the former given the devotedness of your atheism…. As for the latter development, I had perhaps been prepared for it by the strength of your expressed anti-Semitism.” Al Somit letter to George Price, December 2, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Caroline Doherety, August 9, 1970, GPP.

Communication with Kathleen Price, March 8, 2009; “Guest List: Kathy’s 21st Birthday,” GPP.

George Price letter to Rosemarie Hudson, August 29, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Bill Hamilton, September 21, 1970, BLGPC, BL:KPX1_4.9.

Edison Price letter to George Price, September 11, 1970, GPP.

Rosemarie Hudson letter to George Price, November 21, 1968, GPP; George Price letter to Julia Price, October 13, 1970, GPP; George Price letter to Al Somit, October 19, 1970, GPP; George Price letter to Ludwig Luft, November 4, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Rosemarie Hudson, August 29, 1970, GPP; Rosemarie Hudson letter to George, undated (circa end of August 1970), GPP; George Price letters to Rosemarie Hudson, October 23 and 25, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Annamarie and Kathy Price, November 7, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Kathleen Price, November 30, 1970, GPP.

George Price letter to Rosemarie Hudson, October 25, 1970, GPP.

George Price, “The Twelve Days of Easter,” manuscript dated March 7, 1971, GPP; George Price letter to Dr. Gilfillan, April 4, 1971, GPP.

George Price letter to Dr. Lukas Vischer, April 22, 1971, GPP; George Price letter to the Reverend Alan N. Stibbs, January 18, 1971, GPP; George Price correspondence with Jack Finegan, January–February, October 1971, GPP; George Price letter to F. F. Bruce, July 5, 1971, GPP. A reply from the World Council of Churches arrived in May, promising, somewhat unconvincingly, that the “paschal problem” was “on the agenda.”

Bill Hamilton letter to George Price, April 15, 1971, BLGPC, BL:KPX1_4.10.

George Price letter to Bill Hamilton, May 3, 1971, BLGPC, BL:KPX1_5.9.

Bill Hamilton postcard to George Price, May 5, 1971, GPP.

George Price letter to Bill Hamilton, November 15, 1971, BLGPC, BL:KPX1_5.3.

George Price letter to Bill Hamilton, July 29, 1970, BLGPC, BLKPX1_2.7.

George Price letter to Annamarie Price, July 15, 1971, GPP; ibid.; Revelation 13:18 reads: “this calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.” George mentions a number of times in his letters that he had cracked the true meaning, but not once what it actually was.

George Price letter to Bill Hamilton, op. cit.

Fisher first presented the theorem in his classic 1930 book,
The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection
. But he repeated it in “Average Excess and Average Effect of a Gene Substitution,”
Annals of Eugenics
11 (1941), 53–63, and in the second edition of
The Genetical Theory
, published in 1958.

J. F. Crow and M. Kimura,
An Introduction to Population Genetics Theory
(New York: Harper & Row, 1970); J. R. Turner, “Changes in Mean Fitness Under Natural Selection,” in
Mathematical Topics in Population Genetics
, ed. K. Kujima (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1970); O. Kempthorne,
An Introduction to Genetical Statistics
(London: Champan and Hall, 1957); A. W. F. Edwards, “Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection,”
215 (1967), 537–38.

George R. Price, “Fisher’s ‘Fundamental Theorem’ Made Clear,”
Annals of Human Genetics
36 (1972), 129–40, quote on 140. To see how George’s covariance mathematics prepared him to understand Fisher’s theorem, see Appendix 3.

George Price correspondence with Henry Morris, June–October 1971, GPP; John C. Whitcomb and Henry Morris,
The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications
(Philadelphia: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing, 1961); Matt Schudel, “Obituary: Henry M. Morris, Father of ‘Creation Science,’”
Seattle Times
, March 5, 2006.

George Price letter to Henry Morris, September 10, 1971, GPP.

George Price letter to Henry Morris, October 10, 1971, GPP.

George Price letter to Rosemarie Hudson, undated, circa February 1972, GPP

George Price letter to Ludwig Luft, August 8, 1971, BLGPC, KPX1_1. 6.

This includes gene interaction, for even two respectively “fit” genes (here defined as the “environment” one of the other) may interact so as to produce fitness degrading effects.

George R. Price, “Fisher’s ‘Fundamental Theorem’ Made Clear.”

Warren J. Ewens later published a similar conclusion to George’s: “An Interpretation and Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection,”
Theoretical Population Biology
36 (1989), 167–80. I thank Warren for extended communications over Fisher and the true meaning of his fundamental theorem.

Bill Hamilton letter to George Price, November 28, 1971, BLGPC, BL:KPX1_4. 15.


Ibid. The article Hamilton had read was Richard Levins, “Extinction,” in
Some Mathematical Problems in Biology
, ed. M. Gesternhaber (Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1970), 77–107.

George Price letter to Bill Hamilton, March 14, 1972, BLGPC, BL:KPX1_4. 11.

George Price letters to Joseph Rhine, December 19, 1970, April 4 and September 10, 1971, GPP; George Price correspondence with Hugh Ross, July, 1971–March 1972, GPP.

Joseph Rhine letters to George Price, December 29, 1970, and April 13, 1971, GPP. For a history of the psychic and parapsychological movements see Mauskopf and McVaugh,
The Elusive Science.

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