The Power (18 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Roberts

Tags: #Retail, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Fiction

BOOK: The Power
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“He was a good man.” Gina said lowly, and then she turned and squatted down next to the coffee table. Lillian watched as Gina lifted the coffin’s lid, careful not to allow the cloth on top to spill off, and then climbed within. “Sleep
, Lillian. We’ve much to learn on the morrow.” Gina’s voice came to her mind just as the lid to the coffin fell closed, air-tight. But sleep that day for Lillian would come with nightmares so strong that they were able to penetrate even her deepest sleep.

“Jax!” she could hear her own strained voice crying out in desperate panic, but she could not save him. As hard as she fought, she could not save him, and in her dreams, she could still see him, still see his handsome face as it had disappeared beneath the dark, choppy ocean waves.























Chapter fourt


Ewan Derringer enjoyed a good hunt even after all of his many years of hunts. His greatest thrill was derived from his masterful trickery of young women, and also of young men. Blessed with a handsome face and a solid form he was able to lure his young prey away alone from bars, restaurants, or wherever he happened to meet them. Promising nights of passion and even love, (He had to laugh at that one.), he was able to successfully lure his prey into darkened alleys to have his way with them. Of course, his way, was never the way his victims had dreamt of.

Laughing out loud, Ewan casually strolled out of the alley where he had just made his latest kill. Inside, on the wet pavement
laid a young man, who had previously thought he was coming with Ewan for a passionate rendezvous. The young man had not as of yet stepped out of his closet so to speak, and had wanted to keep things discreet. Perfect for Ewan, who had taken great pleasure in taunting and tormenting the boy. To think, the lad had thought Ewan to be leaning in for a kiss!

Ewan grinned as he spotted a lovely young lady coming down the sidewalk. He stopped to bow gallantly before her, and she smiled awkwardly in return. How he wished he was as accomplished as Gina, the dark bitch, had been at reading the minds of the mortals, but sadly, mind reading just wasn’t his talent. Oh, he could read a thought here and there, especially in children who were more open to such things, but persuasion, now that was his given talent. He was in fact, very persuasive, able to lead his prey around by their delicate, little noses. He told them to jump, and they asked how high? Oh, how they longed to please him, and he very much enjoyed being pleased!

Two gentlemen, leaning against the glass front of a vacant building looked up as Ewan came to a stop before them. They exchanged glances, and then knowing smiles as the men fell in behind Ewan, and then came abreast of him. Ewan glanced at the white-haired man to his left. Martin had been a faithful follower for over a hundred years. He and Gerald, the vampire to Ewan’s right, were hardly worthy companions, but they did keep things amusing, Ewan thought as he nodded to a handsome elderly couple on their way in from the theater, he presumed.

Suddenly, Ewan found himself thinking of a night not long ago, in this very city. The child, he thought. She had so reminded him of another. Had he given her enough time? Had she grown into a regal beaut
y? Would she even compare to…No,
did not deserve for him to even remember her name! But, he did remember her name, and much, much more.


              Dr. Nicole Harold sat down in her living room, a container of fried rice and shrimp in her lap. On the television an old Lucille Ball movie was playing, but Nicole found it difficult to laugh at the obvious puns. Not tonight. The city was going mad, she thought as she dropped her fork into the food container, and frowned down at the tan rice. Suddenly, she wasn’t very hungry. Six bodies had been discovered and all with incisor marks embedded in their fleshy necks, yet Detective Stone still did not even begin to believe her theory. She was a doctor for Christ’s sake! She wasn’t some loon from off the street! What would old Jack do if she showed him her journal? Nicole’s blue eyes dropped to the leather bound journal on her coffee table.

“He’d laugh it off.” she voiced in disappointment as Mr. Freckles finished his Fancy Feast, and jumped onto the arm of the couch. Nicole frowned over at the cat. “No one believes
me.” she whispered to the cat. “Would I believe myself if it wasn’t for the journal, or the way that my parents died?” she asked herself, deep in wondering thought.

Mr. Freckles mewed as if in answer,
and Nicole rewarded the big cat by stroking his furry head.

“Damn.” she mumbled as she picked up the journal, and thumbed through it. Absently, she wondered what had become of Miss Lillian Saint Rose. Had she survived? Had the evil vampire who had become obsessed with her ever caught back up to her? Nicole didn’t know. The journal only covered a few short months of Lillian Saint Rose’s immortal life. Nicole’s gaze transfixed on a date at the top of the right hand page.


January 14
1843” she read, and she picked up her dinner to eat as she continued to lose herself in the pages she knew so well.


“We had been on board of the Elisabeth II for only three short days when I met, and instantly became enraptured with Lord Ewan. It didn’t take me long to discover that the feeling was mutual. Flirtations were not something that I was accustomed to, but that night fleeting smiles and peals of laughter were easy to come by. Lord Ewan was such a handsome, gallant man with broad shoulders and amazing eyes. He was upper class as I never had been, at least not that I could remember. My father had had money, but I had not known that fact until it was too late. I had grown up in the cellar as a servant girl, and had only witnessed the finer side of life through my aunt and her daughters. I had watched my cousins as they had paraded around the manor in beautiful gowns, had dined with upper-class guests, had danced at cotillions and balls with grace and gaiety. I had watched these things from the sidelines in envy. I knew nothing of etiquette, though Gina had tried to teach me over the last few nights. She told me that etiquette and fine manners, knowing of which fork to use first at dinner would be of great help to me in the years to come. She encouraged me to learn all that I could of every subject imaginable, to use my growing years wisely, and educate myself. I had nothing but time after all, she said. I was eager to learn all.

Lord Ewan did not seem to notice, or to mind that I was not up to snuff in the etiquette department. His eyes shined brightly when he looked upon me as if I were a rare jewel, and I could not help the pleasure that brought me. His smiles were like gifts from the gods. I wanted him. From the first moment I met him, I wanted him.

After a fine night of conversation in the ship’s dining hall, Lord Ewan escorted Gina and I back to our room. We were traveling under the ruse of cousins heading for an adventure with more cousins in America. I did not notice that all through dinner, Gina had appeared uncomfortable.

It wasn’t until we were back behind the doors of our room, that she grabbed me by the arm and squeezed tight. “Stay away from that man, Lillian!” She warned through gritted teeth.

“But why?” I had asked, not understanding, and more than a little disappointed that she would order me to do so.

“Because he isn’t a man at all.” Gina had warned. “He is one of us, but he is not a good man, Lillian. I have dealt with his kind before.”

“His kind? You mean our kind? He is a vampire?” It was indeed frightening to discover, for Ewan had looked very much human, and had had kind, beautiful eyes. 

“Yes, but not like us. I warn you, stay away from him.” Gina hissed, and she turned to undress for the evening.

My thoughts swam with thoughts of Lord Ewan. I could not help myself it seemed, and I could only hope that Gina was not tuning into those betraying thoughts. I could see his handsome face in my mind’s eye. My stomach tightened at the thought of his beaming smile of his eyes a light upon me. I could not wait to see him again, despite what Gina had warned. I wanted to see Lord Ewan again more than anything. As young as I was, I had not yet had much experience with men. Gail and I had read romance novels that delved into the fanciful world of finding love, and we had gushed and cooed about finding love for ourselves some day. Gail would never have that chance now, I thought sadly, but perhaps, I still could!

Over the next week, Gina did her best to avoid Lord Ewan and his gentlemen friends, but one evening when Gina and I were walking on deck, two handsome men stepped before us to block our path. Gina’s back stiffened, and she stepped in front of me, backing us away from these men as if they frightened her. It took me a moment to realize that these men were friends of Lord Ewan’s. I had seen Lord Ewan not thirty minutes before in the dining hall. We had not spoken, but just being near the man did things to me that I could not explain. All I knew was that I wanted him, more than anything, even that I would defy Gina to have him if I had to.

“Are you going somewhere, Gina?” The man with the shock of white blonde hair smiled broadly.

“As far away from the likes of you and your kind as I can get.” Gina returned, and she continued to back me away from the men.

“My kind? Don’t you mean our kind?” The man’s bright blue eyes lit with amusement.

“We are not the same!” Gina hissed, and she turned only to come up short at the sight of Lord Ewan standing there in his evening attire looking as handsome as sin. I sucked in my breath though I did not need to. I couldn’t seem to help it.

“Good evening, Ladies.” Lord Ewan bowed before us, and he smiled especially to me. If my heart could find a beat I knew that it would be beating out of my chest in that moment. I smiled shyly in return as Lord Ewan’s gaze left mine, and met Gina’s.

“What do you want?” she asked crossly, and I squeezed the hand she had placed in mine to guide me away from them. She didn’t have to be so rude, I thought. These men were our kind! They were vampires like Gina, like me!

“To talk.” Lord Ewan said, and he held out his hand for Gina or myself. Which, I wasn’t sure. Gina shrank back, and collided with the men behind us. We were trapped. I could tell that Gina was upset over the matter, but I was overjoyed. I wanted to be trapped. I wanted to be caught. This man, this so handsome man with the amazing eyes, with the exceptional manners and the full, tempting lips wanted me.  I could read it in his eyes, and I wondered if I was as transparent in my desire for him?

“There is nothing to say. Leave us be!” Gina roared, and she barreled through Lord Ewan. But as we passed, Lord Ewan grabbed my elbow in a soft hold that halted me all the same. I looked back over my shoulder at him, and he nodded as his eyes bore into mine. I knew then that I had to see him again. I had to get past Gina somehow so that I might be with him.

Gina was in a rage when we made it back to our room.

“You desire him!” She accused hotly, and I lowered my chin guiltily. I did not want to lie to her, but she had warned me to stay away from the man.

“Foolish girl! Don’t you see? It is his power! He’s using it against you, to draw you in!” she rushed forward in a gush of wind, and she grabbed me by my upper arms, squeezing so hard that the bones felt as if they may snap. “You are young, so young and naïve, but I beg you, Lillian, do not allow him to do this to you!”

“To do what?” I asked meekly, and Gina shook me before setting me away from her. “He will use you, and he will spit you out when he is done, that is if he doesn’t dispose of you first!”

“How do you know this?” I demanded, suddenly angry because she was speaking of the man I had fantasized about spending the rest of my nights with! It would work after all. He was a vampire and so was I. It was meant to be, I had convinced myself!

“Silly girl!” Gina scoffed. “Meant to be?” she laughed out, having read my mind. I felt suddenly violated, and I lashed out at her.

“I am not yet as cold nor as unfeeling as you, my Dark Mother.” I hissed. “I still have emotions running through my veins. I still have a heart, and though it can no longer beat I can feel. How long has it been since you have felt anything, anything at all?”

Gina’s eyes flashed white, and I shrank back a moment in alarm, but then she stormed from the room so quickly that it was difficult even for my vampire eyes to witness her exit. I stood there a moment as guilt sank deep into my belly. Gina had saved my life in more ways than one. She had taken care of me when no one else had wanted to. Had I just betrayed her? But then suddenly, it occurred to me; I was free!

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