The Patriot (34 page)

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Authors: Dewey Goldsmith

BOOK: The Patriot
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Additionally, the committee shall review all federal tax laws to determine their constitutionality. The constitution establishes specific purposes for which the people can be taxed by the federal government. Our constitution does not grant Washington the authority to tax citizens for the purpose of raising revenues for foreign aid or to aid and support private entities, foreign governments, or corporate entities. This committee shall write a constitutional amendment that insures no federal tax shall be adopted, imposed, or used for purposes not specifically authorized by our constitution. Tax free status for American owned corporations having a foreign address is an unconstitutionally discriminatory policy that is now prohibited.

Existing State, and local tax codes shall likewise be reviewed to determine their constitutionality including all forms of income taxation without representation adopted by municipalities. The practice of granting corporate tax abatements and corporate subsidies to selected entities is a discriminatory practice that shall be prohibited.

It was recommended by this board and ratified by this congress that the following restrictions and limits are immediately adopted for all political contributions. Total corporate contributions to a political party and or political candidates shall not exceed $100 during any four year election period. That same limit applies to so called non profit privately funded political media funds. Total individual citizen contributions to a political party and or political candidates shall not exceed $100 during any four year election period. The receipt of political contributions from foreign governments, foreign owned corporations no matter their location, or foreign citizens, when proven, shall be cause for impeachment from public office. These policies are now federal law. We must never again permit wealth alone to determine who shall lead and determine the direction our nation shall go.

With that in mind the board of governors has recommended, and with the unanimous ratification of this congress the following changes have been made and take effect immediately. It is established, that all persons elected to federal positions, and all who are appointed to serve on the federal bench are limited to serving two terms in office. It also establishes that the salaries of elected members of congress, and federal jurists, shall be determined and ratified by vote of all state legislatures and all increases will be based upon the same cost of living formula all federal pay increases are determined by.

Further, It has been recommended and ratified by congress that the non contributory pensions and medical insurance programs elected members of the congress and certain federal appointees now receive free are abolished. Congressional members shall have the option of contributing to social security and or the federal civil service pension fund, and shall be required to contribute to the cost of medical insurance as do all other civil service personnel. That is now federal law.

Fellow citizens many important changes have already been recommended by this board and ratified by this congress. However the constitutional convention processes and their ratification by the congress on matters of law and taxes will take time to complete, but it shall be done. We ask for your support and your patience during this time of rebuilding our national elective processes and constitutional guarantees. We especially thank those brave citizens who stood firm in the face of tyranny. I want to assure all citizens we will reclaim the sovereignty of our nation, the liberty of our people, and restore peace and economic prosperity to our land. This board of Governors and our congress is determined these issues can and will be ratified by the current session of congress.

Finally : Citizens of America, tonight we want to inform you that all necessary measures are being taken to insure that national election processes and procedures can now proceed. Therefore, with the concurrence of the congress and board of governors, I am now able to make the following announcement: Primary elections to select candidates for all federal, state, and local public offices shall be held on the First Tuesday of May six months from now, and national elections to elect Presidential, Congressional, State, and Local public servants shall be on the First Tuesday of November twelve months from now.

It was the unanimous decision by this congress and concurred with by all members of the supreme court, that federal law require that our primary elections be held on the same date in every state to insure all candidates have equal opportunity unbiased by early elections in another state. Eligibility requirements for voting shall remain the same and be universally established in every state. My friends a free people cannot be forced to use their rights. But let me remind the recent past reflects what happens when free people take their liberties for granted. Today let us pledge we will not fail to exercise the most powerful liberty we share, the right to vote.

Fellow citizens as was the case when our forefathers founded our nation true patriots again have risen to the cause of liberty. Let us promise that we will teach and inspire in our children the love of liberty. So that never again shall a corrupt central government be allowed to abolish the sovereignty of our nation or the liberty our constitution guarantees all citizens. Let us rejoin our friends and families certain in the knowledge that we are once again free. Now my friends, as I leave you, let us pray that He who has authority over all things in heaven and earth, will guide us in the days that follow.

He turned and was greeted by The speaker and Richard who shook his hand and agreed he had with eloquence and sincerity accurately informed the public of the actions of congress and the board. He was given a standing ovation by the congress and as he was escorted from the hall the speaker said, you have given them hope and trust, we will honor your sacrifices by completing the work still to be done. Later after stopping at the Inn he was driven to the airport to board a waiting plane for home. When he arrived at the air base another driver was waiting to take him to his home in Vienna.

Once home he was met by a crowd of friends and family who had watched the news conference. After all had enjoyed refreshments and shared memories of the past two years many remarked that when they first started their fight they never fully expected to see it turn out this way. Goldie told them just prevails over the unjust when the people hold to their beliefs and stand as one. You all have great reason to take pride in what we have won. Teach your little ones the value of liberty and courage and they too will prevail against all odds. After their friends had departed the old man sat with his sons and daughter and Jeffrey’s wife and all the little ones and talked about their hopes for tomorrow.

They finally had time to talk and share their grief over the loss of their mother and brother Jeffrey. He asked his family their feelings about selecting a final resting place for them and a proper service to honor their memory. Difficult as it was to think of disturbing them all finally agreed it was best to give them a final resting place that could be maintained properly, a place where they could go to share their thoughts with them. He told them of his fear that he did not believe he could handle the steps that would have to be done. After the family had all departed Goldie and his daughter watched television well into the night until at last he fell asleep on the sofa.

The next morning after having breakfast he called Tim and asked him to come over. After explaining his agonizing over the need to care for Grace and Jeffrey, Tim volunteered to handle the arrangements and they will be given a final farewell at a place of your choosing. Goldie told Tim, you are a true friend, I would like to see them rest here in the village cemetery close by where I can spend time with them. Tim said If you want we can go now to see the caretakers and select a resting place for them. Tim called the trustees then said they will meet us at the cemetery. They walked the short distance from his home and met with the trustees and after spending some time He selected a shady location under a large oak tree where a family plot for five was available. After returning to his home Tim told his old friend, he knew how painful this must be, you rest now and let us prepare a place for Grace and Jeffrey.

That evening Tim assured Goldie that he and his wife would observe their removal to the funeral home where they would be taken care of then returned for burial three days from now at 1 pm Sunday afternoon. Richard is coming and bringing a chaplain to conduct the service. Goldie thanked him then After Tim left he called James, Joshua, and Jeffrey’s widow he would like for them all to come by Saturday for lunch. Saturday found the family all together where he could let them know of the plans. I would like for all of you to meet here tomorrow morning then we can all walk to the cemetery together for the services. He said Grace would want to keep this simple and casual for her and Jeffrey.

Sunday morning he awoke and was having coffee when Tim called to let him know all was prepared at the grave site, the funeral director would be there at ten o clock. Richard called, I explained you and the family wanted to walk together to the services, He understands and said He and the others will meet you at the cemetery. All would be ready for the family when you arrive. Goldie thanked Tim for his families help and said we’ll see you tomorrow.

Sunday morning all the kids and grandchildren arrived at his home early. Then two sedans arrived and Richard and others stepped out. Richard said we didn’t want you to make this walk alone friend. He said I believe you know everyone but may I introduce my friends to your family. With him were the chaplain, Wilson, and Randolph. It was sunny and warm for fall as they walked together to the cemetery. They found everything was arranged and an army honor guard was standing by.

A little one asked is this where my daddy and granny are? Goldie took her hand then asked the other children all to come with him. He walked over and placed his granddaughters hands on the casket then asked the others to do so also. He softly told them, your daddy and granny are resting here for now, but their hearts are with Jesus because they loved Him and He loves them. Always remember , if you love Jesus you will never be alone. Come now let us find a nice place for you to sit.

By then thousands of fellow patriots were gathering to pay their respects. Finally Richard rose and walked to the front to address the gathering. We have come here today to honor Jeffrey our brother patriot, and Grace, the wife and mother of this family of patriots. Many others of you who are here today we honor also for your sacrifices and we honor all those who gave their lives that we might be free. Words cannot adequately express the debt we owe this man’s wife and son. They honored him with their own lives. Today we honor them.

When the chaplain rose he started by saying, a few moments ago I heard this man tell his grandchild, those who love Jesus will never be alone. There is a hymn that promises us that. How beautiful it is. Now as we prepare a home for our departed let us rejoice for our Lord has already prepared a heavenly home where they shall abide with Him now and forever more.

After the service was completed Goldie and his family thanked all for coming then Richard and the others joined them for the walk back to his home. Once there they enjoyed coffee and companionship for a time then Richard said friend we shall leave you now but only for a time. We have almost completed our work with the congress and state legislators. Once all is done we shall ask you one more time to share our thoughts with the American people. Goldie nodded and said he would be honored to get the call.

Life was returning to normal for many in the weeks that followed. Government once again was working for the people and as the illegal immigrants were removed Americans were finding jobs. Schools began to reopen, health care once again became available, and those existing in the shadows began to reclaim their lives. Goldie and his family too were able to put the sadness behind and look towards the future.

The May primary elections were held without complications then in November national elections were held and all across the nation the newly elected, many of whom were currently serving as appointees, prepared to assume their elected positions in the national, state, and local offices.

While waiting to take the oath of office the president elect met numerous times with the board of governors and current congress discussing the constitutional amendments still to be finalized. Several members of the board were asked, but declined to accept federal cabinet positions. Richard did agree to accept the position as presidential chief of staff. Then one day shortly after the new president was sworn in and the new congress was seated Richard called and once again Goldie found himself on the way to Washington. This time he was greeted by his friend Richard in his white house offices serving as chief of staff. Richard advised it has been decided that our president himself should address the nation however he wanted to insure you would be in attendance. Goldie said that is as it should be so the people hear from the president himself the state of our nation.

The day of the scheduled new conference he was taken to the capital building. All the former board of governors board members were there and they spent some time discussing the changes that had taken place. Then they were told the congress is seated and they were escorted into the hall and seated next to the speakers platform. The house speaker and vice president were also seated behind the podium. Then the Sgt. at arms announced the president and escorted him to the stage where he was then introduced by the speaker. After the applause finally subsided He began to speak.

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