The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy (57 page)

BOOK: The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy
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I’m tempted to kick the box to the curb and head inside and for a second can’t believe my own weakness at questioning such a decision. Annoyed at myself, I push the box aside with my foot, shove the door open and escape from all temptation, leaning back against the door for added measure. I last a couple of minutes - give or take, before I crumble.

Yanking the handle inwards I sneak a glance each way up and down the street - no one there - and grab the black box to my chest. Just because I was pissed doesn’t mean to say I wasn’t keen to see what he could possibly think would be enough of a message… this time.

Wading through oodles of tissue paper, I sigh at the scent of roses. I’m actually more of a fan of the tulips, lilies and peonies bouquet I’d received the week before, but I have to admit that the smell of these black roses is intoxicating. This would be the fifth single bud that I’d had in two weeks and like the others, it held a large diamante crystal, in its centre to mark this. I lift the flower and inhale deeply, stroking the velvety petal against my cheek. What I really want to do is smash it hard on the coffee table to my left, causing every petal to fall. I wanted to break it, the beauty of it - the way we were now broken.

Taking a deep breath, I screw my eyes shut and wrestle with my inward voice as I pick up the thick cream envelope. Shaking my head I bite down hard on my lip and hurriedly slip a finger underneath the seal. My eyes scan the bold script font…

… and then I launch the card in the direction of the bin, missing by a country mile. What planet was this guy on that he thought I’d be staying over at his tonight?


“You look divine! Stop fussing.” I hear Suzie command under her breath.

I nod my head at her and take a small sip of my Kir Royale. If I didn’t feel so apprehensive I’d agree wholeheartedly. Even I had to admit that the full-length black Body-con dress I’d selected earlier did my curves justice. The front was simply designed, with thicker satin straps that house shoulder pads, a round necked corset, which nipped in at the waist, allowing the dress to curve softly at the hips and fall slim line to the ankle; not forgetting the discreet split, baring a flash of thigh when walking.

I loved the look but knew that the back would be what grabbed Seb’s attention. It dipped in an extremely low scoop, from the straps to the top of the crack of my arse - it was deliciously obscene really! But what was the pièce de résistance were the eight ropes of pearls that hung, stitched from each strap, and following the curve of my sides and waist, in the shape of a cello. They rested, descending in size, as a strings of necklaces, creating a kind of pearl cowl, at the top of my bottom, where the fabric hugged lovingly to enhance my hourglass figure.

I’d accessorised with an emerald green cocktail ring and my shoes were the black suede Luby Lou’s from Sebastian. I’d drawn my hair back into a messy chignon and fastened small diamond earrings at my lobes. The effect was simple yet seductive. I felt dangerously naughty.

I was not wearing any underwear, due to the constraints of the dress - thank God it had a built in corset bra, a good job as nothing would have worked with this get-up. The thought of my nakedness sent fizzles of excitement all over my body - with one slide, Sebastian could be inside me. Not that that would happen – I was dressed this way purely to get a rise out of him and make him regret his actions with Toni.

That’s right you keep telling yourself that love if it helps protect your heart; shame you’ve forgotten to mention it to your overly-sensitized body.
We’d entered the party a few minutes ago and selected a drink from the large, crisp white linen covered table to the right of the door. The house looked stunning; Sebastian’s Mum, Bitzi Silver had worked her green-fingered magic, sprinkling flower creations, more likened to pure works of art, across every surface. Candles glimmered from secluded nooks, only reminding me of the other night and I swallow my distaste - the remembrance of his indiscretion shrouds me.
You can do this.

The style of the house was very much like Sebastian himself, both traditional and modern, with a cool edge to it, a
money can’t buy
polish. The immense hallway, opened out into another large living area, perfect for the overflow of partygoers. It wrapped around towards the kitchen and had doors leading to three further reception rooms. There was a study to the left as you entered and a huge guest-suite to the back of the house on the lower level with bathroom. The house was light, airy, vast and exuded luxury at every level.

The stairs however were the objet d’art in my opinion. I remember years ago Sebastian saying that he’d found the staircase he wanted to replicate in his house one day, on a Harry Potter movie and he’d redesigned it, with an additional modern twist to a tee. The steps were nestled towards the back of the hall and curled up majestically, before opening up and arriving on the opposite side of the room, directly above the entrance below. The effect was breathtaking. The balustrade was a deep pewter tone, with black spindles and the steps, they made from white marble, topped with a luxury thick soft grey runner, hemmed with black. Chunky silver stair rods nestled in the crook of each step, tipped with a glass ball, which gleamed brightly underneath the immense bubble chandelier above. The result was luxurious, modern and homely; a difficult feat in interior design.

I’m pleased he’d taken some of my advice though; I could see little creative touches of Lucia here and there. I smile sadly, as I recognise a huge abstract canvas I’d painted and given to Sebastian as a birthday gift some years ago, it was sitting pride of place above the open fireplace in the hallway, its colours working fantastically with the decor, like it had been commissioned for the space - blacks, pewters, grays and white, washed determinedly across the painting. I remember creating this and the exhaustion I’d felt upon completion. My eyes are drawn to where the light from the Chandelier is catching the metallic silver and Latin words inscribed across the oils.

This was a phrase that we had lived by throughout our studying days and continued to this day.

Knowledge itself is power!

For a split second I am touched by the sentimentality, that he has chosen to adorn his walls with my work and not another expensive, more recognised artist but the fleeting memory of Toni in her towel, and the meaning of the words, which relate unquestionably to the sham of our current situation, sharply diminish any nostalgia I may have.

Shaking myself out of it I plaster a fake smile upon my face and try to appear interested in what Suzie is chattering about with Gino and a few others. However that smile becomes genuine as I spot Abby making her way to join us, alongside a very dapper looking Nathan.

“I’ve had my feelers out and no sign of the queen of all bitches… yet!” she whispers into my ear loyally.

“Thanks Hun – what about Seb?”
“He’s chatting with some friends in the lounge, said he’ll join us in a bit. Don’t think he’s realised you were here yet,” she adds protectively.

I’d caught up with her last night about the Toni nightmare and I know she has my rather bare back tonight. I blow my mouth out in a huge calming yoga breath and shake my shoulders, like a boxer getting ready for a fight

“All I need to do is show my face, let them both see it doesn’t bother me and then I’m off.”
“Aren’t you going to talk to him? Get his side to the story?” Abby sips her drink but nods her approval of the question. “I really think you should.”
“Why? I’m not sure what he could say that would make this any better Abs – I was just in a different place to him about monogamy whilst we dallied – obviously!”

My tone is entirely sarcastic and I’m aware that I’m being a little too harsh on her and shrug apologetically and smile lightly at Nathan, who appears to have lost his tongue.

“Sorry Na. Ignore me.”

“Not sure I can in that dress Lu - you look hot. Oh we are in for one interesting night - wait till my bro sees you. I almost feel sorry for him.”

“Na’s right Babe - you look fabby - lurve that dress.” I grin at Abby over the rim of my glass, raising my brows at her.

“Likewise Abs - we owe Dolly’s boutique big time!”

She preens under Nathan’s and my obvious approval, smoothing her hands over her scarlet gown and I wink and add.

“Very Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.”

“So long as it’s the Opera dress you’re referring to, and not the
pick Richard Gere up on Rodeo drive dress

My deep laugh is instinctive and much-needed and I squeeze her arm in silent thanks before chuckling again, as we clink glasses and Nathan toasts us with,” I’m happy with either Abs - I’m all for a working girl - thigh boots and peaked cap - bring it on.”

She wrinkles her nose at him feigning displeasure, which earns her a seductive whisper in her ear, causing her to beam instantly. At her sympathetic wince at their playfulness, I assure her it’s fine, with a wave of my hand and excuse myself from Suzie, Gino, Abby and Nathan, feeling rather the gooseberry and make my way towards the lounge. My heart is beating so fast, I’m certain that its going to combust, as I manoeuvre my way through the guests, stopping and chatting amiably with them, here and there. I recognise a couple of them as family, and a few work colleagues. It’s as I enter the high ceilinged lounge that I hear the shrill-pitch of my nemesis.

BOOK: The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy
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