The Night Off (21 page)

Read The Night Off Online

Authors: Meghan O'Brien

Tags: #Fiction, #Escort services, #Romance, #(v5.0), #General, #Lesbian

BOOK: The Night Off
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Emily glanced down at the cleavage she was showing off, lovingly framed by the babydoll, then tilted her head and smiled. “What gave you that idea?”

Nat released her hand and wiped her mouth with her napkin, drawing the moment out. “We can go to bed now, if you’d like. As long as you understand that you’ll need to take your punishment before I can allow you to come.”

Squeezing her thighs together, Emily fought not to squirm on her chair. “I’m ready.” She was more than ready. She’d been fantasizing about this spanking since Nat had threatened it. “Do what you have to. I understand.”

A grin spread across Nat’s face. She stood and walked around the table, offering her hand. “You’re being very brave.”

“Thank you.” Emily allowed Nat to pull her to her feet. “And just so you know, my ‘transgression’ was worth whatever you’re about to do to me.” In truth, she had barely touched herself. She wasn’t about to spoil the pleasure of allowing Nat to release all her pent-up desire. But she’d been happy to let Nat believe that she was shamelessly masturbating, hopeful that Nat would take the role-playing opportunity and run with it. And, thrillingly, she had. “Even if you don’t plan on being as ‘nice’ this time.”

“Be honest, darling. You don’t want me to be nice.” Nat tugged her closer, dropping her hand to grab her ass. “Do you?”

Shivering, Emily whispered, “No.” The threat of a not-so-nice spanking had triggered her darkest, most wanton desires. Nat always gave her exactly what she wanted, and tonight she wanted her limits tested. “What would be the fun in that?”

“I’m glad we agree.” Nat cupped Emily’s breasts, rubbing her nipples through the sheer fabric. “Show me your bedroom, bad girl.”

Biting her lip, Emily led Nat through her apartment by the hand. She’d never brought someone home before. It was strange to have Nat in her space, walking among her things. Strange, but wonderful. It made Nat’s presence in her life feel more real somehow. She took a deep breath, then opened her bedroom door. Allowing Nat to be here was the ultimate show of trust. These four walls enclosed her sanctuary, the one place where she could escape the outside world. Even Colleen rarely entered her bedroom. To let Nat inside meant more than she would ever admit aloud.

“This is awesome.” Nat’s voice rang with affection, drawing Emily’s attention to the way she gazed fondly around the room. “This place is
, Emily.”

She had no idea what specifically Nat was talking about—her collection of math books crammed into the bookcase, the random assortment of unique and whimsical abacuses that she hunted for at flea markets, or the ratty patchwork quilt on her bed that she’d had since she was sixteen—but she didn’t really care. The adoration on Nat’s face made her feel like the most special person in the world. Never had she experienced even a fraction of the warmth and acceptance that Nat gave her so freely. It was a feeling like no other.

“Thank you.” Looking around, Emily tried to decide what the décor would suggest about her. “Are you saying I’m a geek?”

“I’m saying you’re my dream girl. My stunning, geeky,
dream girl.” Nat let go of her hand and walked deeper into the room. She grinned over her shoulder. “I’m glad you invited me over. I’ll be able to imagine you in here the next time you touch yourself when we’re on the phone.”

Emily blushed. “Nat…” She was unsure what to say. She was wet, impatient, anxious, and desperate to receive her punishment, but she didn’t want to beg for it. She wanted Nat to simply know what she needed and give it to her. “I’m glad, too.”

Amusement dancing in her eyes, Nat sat on the edge of the bed. Then, like a mask had dropped over her face, she was all business. “Take off the lingerie.”

Emily’s heart rate accelerated as she bolted into action. She didn’t question, didn’t tease. They both knew what she wanted, and pretending otherwise would only serve to delay the release Emily craved. She yanked the top over her head, then stripped off her skimpy panties and kicked them aside. Once bare, she stood in front of Nat and basked in the now-familiar sensation of having a fully clothed woman stare her down.

“Turn around,” Nat said. “Let me look at you.”

Emily pivoted in a full circle, aware of Nat’s scrutiny the entire time. She remembered the first time Nat had asked her to put her body on display. How hesitant she had been. What a difference a little trust made. Tonight she was willing to do whatever Nat commanded without hesitation. Anything to please her. She was safe with Nat because Nat cared for her deeply. Even with all that remained unspoken between them, Nat wore her devotion on her sleeve.

Completing her turn, Emily stood quietly and awaited the next instruction. She assumed she shouldn’t approach until asked.

Nat planted her hands beside her hips, leaning back slightly. The movement pulled her shirt tighter over her breasts, outlining her hard nipples. “Tell me why you’re being punished, Emily.”

“Because I touched myself when you told me not to.” Emily shifted her weight from one foot to the other, feeling naked in every way. “I disobeyed you.”

Nat raised an eyebrow. “That’s right. You disobeyed me. Why would you do that, darling?”

She gave the first answer that came to mind. “I missed you.”

Nat continued to stare at her, unwavering in her silent censure.

Shifting again, Emily mumbled, “And I was horny.”

“And you enjoy the consequences.”

They wouldn’t be playing this game if she didn’t like it. Yet the accusation embarrassed her slightly. “Maybe.”

Nat smiled. “We both know you like getting taken over my knee and spanked like the naughty slut you are. Don’t we?”

Emily gritted her teeth. “Yes.”

“Rub your pussy. Show me what you thought was worth disobeying me.
make yourself come.”

Fighting to suppress her own smile, Emily set her feet apart and dropped her hand between her legs. She looked straight into Nat’s eyes as she stroked her clit, groaning at the incredible wetness that gathered on her fingertips. Nat dropped her gaze, then grabbed the crotch of her jeans in her fist as though holding back her own orgasm.

“Does that feel good?” Nat’s attention was riveted on her hand.

“Of course.”

Nat’s mouth twitched. “Show me how wet you are.” Emily held out her shiny fingers for inspection, but Nat shook her head. “No, show me your cunt.”

Emily closed her eyes and spread herself open. The heat of Nat’s stare scorched her flesh. “Like this?”

“You’re so beautiful.” The mattress creaked slightly under Nat’s weight. “Look at me, please.” When Emily opened her eyes, Nat said, “Taste yourself for me.”

Emily ran her fingers through her folds, then brought her hand to her mouth. She made a show of licking each digit, murmuring in approval. Though Nat obviously tried hard not to react, Emily delighted at the way her throat tensed and she moved forward on the bed.

Nat beckoned her closer. “Now give me a taste.”

Emily dragged her fingers through her wetness before offering them to Nat. She gasped when Nat lunged and caught her fingers in her mouth, sucking hard. When Nat released her moments later, she wobbled on unsteady legs.

“Get into position, slut.” Nat grasped her forearm, dragging her onto her lap. “Let me see that pretty bottom before I turn it red.”

Emily scrambled to lie over Nat’s thighs, resting her upper body on the mattress so her ass was within easy reach of Nat’s hand. She turned her head toward the door and picked a spot on the doorframe to study, trying not to anticipate the first blow. Nat touched her gently, simply caressing her buttocks, as Emily steadied her breathing and waited.

“This will be a harder spanking than you got last time, only because I think you can handle it.” The first
came as a surprise, forcing a quiet gasp from her mouth despite her best efforts to remain silent. She clamped her lips shut, determined not to give in to the urge to cry out. “How was that?”

“Go harder.”

Nat’s hand glanced off her other cheek, then went back to the first for a slightly harder blow. She knew Nat was taking her time and warming her up. So far the spanking felt no more intense than her first, but Nat had just gotten started. As though confirming that thought, Nat gave her two more slaps, then a third that was loud and painful, landing on already tender flesh with a resounding

Emily cried out in genuine discomfort. At once the spanking stopped and Nat rubbed gentle circles over her abused flesh. “Was that hard enough for you?”

Nodding, Emily braced for more. “Yes, mistress.”

Nat delivered four more licks, alternating cheeks as she increased the force slightly. Emily winced every time Nat’s hand connected, but wiggled her bottom in anticipation of the next blow. Her pussy literally dripped with excitement, pain sharpening her arousal to dizzying heights.

“Ask me for more,” Nat demanded.

“More, please, mistress.” Clawing at the comforter, Emily hung on tight as she awaited the next onslaught. She both dreaded and welcomed the pain and the rising emotion it elicited. “

“Tell me our safe word.” Nat rubbed her bottom again.

Aware that this was simply a formality, Emily answered, “Unicorn.”

“This is going to hurt, darling.”

“I know.” Emily took a deep breath. She wanted to feel the ache of Nat’s hand on her skin for days, long after she’d gone. And she wanted to know how much she could take, because it wasn’t even close to not being pleasurable anymore. “Do it.”

Nat wasn’t lying—the next round of blows
. Gone was her gentle lover, and in her place was a strict disciplinarian. Nat delivered the licks precisely and efficiently, never striking the same area twice in a row, but never allowing Emily to catch her breath, either. Within moments she was on the verge of tears, which she suppressed valiantly, until finally her entire body trembled with the effort to hold them inside.

The blows ceased and Nat once again soothed her bottom by lightly rubbing her cheeks. “That’s my good girl.” Nat grabbed Emily’s hand, prying her fingers away from the comforter. “Feel how hot your ass is.”

Emily reached blindly for her bottom, cautiously touching her burning skin. She could only imagine what she must look like. The thought made her blush. “Yes, mistress.”

Nat knocked her hand away, then yanked her legs apart. The cool air hit her exposed pussy, making her very aware of just how soaked she was. She jumped slightly when Nat slipped her fingers between her labia, giving her a few vigorous strokes. “Look at how wet and open that pussy is for me.” Nat pushed what felt like two fingers inside as deep as she could go, taking Emily’s breath away. “This is supposed to be a punishment. You could at least
not to like it.”

“I’m sorry, mistress.” Emily held her bottom lip between her teeth, struggling not to moan as Nat wiggled her fingertips and tickled her inner walls. “I can’t help it.”

Withdrawing, Nat placed her free hand on the back of Emily’s neck and used the other to deliver a light slap to her exposed pussy. Emily hissed at the sting of the contact, which swiftly turned into burning pleasure.

“Do you like that, too?”

“Yes, mistress.” Emily whimpered as Nat delivered a harder slap that landed directly on her labia. “I like it, mistress.”

Nat smacked her pussy three more times, just hard enough to make her jump and tense up, never crossing the line into true discomfort. Emily breathed in through her nose and out her mouth, proud of the way she was taking Nat’s punishment. She could feel Nat’s arousal heighten with every blow.

Nat reached beneath her, sliding her fingers up so she could rub soft circles over Emily’s clit. “What do you think, darling? Have you learned your lesson?”

Wiping at the tears that had already gathered in her eyes, Emily considered saying yes only briefly. But she wasn’t ready to concede defeat. She wanted to make Nat proud. “No, give me more.”

Nat chuckled and continued to gently frig her swollen clit. “That’s a lot of bravado for a woman whose ass looks very sore indeed. Are you sure?”

” Determined to withstand as much as Nat was willing to dish out, Emily placed her hands back on the comforter and grasped the material in her fists. “Just a few more. A little harder.”

“All right. I’m going to give you five more licks. The last two will be the hardest.” Sliding her hand from between Emily’s legs, Nat gave her bottom a vigorous rub, easing the lingering ache. “And when I’m done, I’m going to make you come. Can you handle that?”

Emily nodded, finding her focal point on the doorframe. Aware that Nat was about to test her limits in a way she’d never done before, she steeled her nerve and waited. Her control had almost slipped during the last barrage, but she desperately wanted to hold it together now.

“Answer me.” Nat gave her a feather-light swat on the bottom, teasing. “Can you handle that?”

“I can, mistress.”

“Good girl.” Nat pulled back and delivered a sharp swat to red-hot flesh. Emily gritted her teeth and grimaced at the searing pain, then cried out when the second blow came, low on her buttocks and more powerful than the first. She was grateful for her prone position, because her legs had turned to jelly. If she were standing she would have fallen already.


The third blow jolted her and Emily keened loudly, tears spilling from her eyes. Instinct kicked in and she let go of the comforter, reaching behind her to block her ass from Nat’s assault. She’d warned that the last two would be the hardest. All of a sudden Emily wasn’t certain she could take any more.

Nat captured her wrists and dragged them over her head, pinning her down with incredible strength. Tears rolled down Emily’s cheeks as she surrendered with a choking sob. She knew she could call out
and Nat would immediately become the tender lover who would kiss her tears away. But not only would her pride not allow her to give in, it was exhilarating to simply
so much.

“You can do this, baby,” Nat murmured, then walloped her so hard it took her breath away. “My beautiful girl.” Emily’s breath came back in a rush when Nat hit her again, rocking her whole body forward with the force of her hand.

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