The Neighbor (32 page)

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Authors: Lisa Gardner

BOOK: The Neighbor
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Next thing I know, I’ve dropped the shattered whiskey bottle and
I’m hopping up and down in the middle of the street, trying to suffocate the embers smoldering in my melted hair.

“Shit. Oh shit, shit, shit.” My turn to be the doofus. I pat frantically at my head until it feels like the worst of the heat has subsided. Then, breathing ragged, as moment passes into moment, I realize the full extent of my crime spree. I’m drunk. I’ve singed off most of my hair. My arms are riddled with black soot and fresh burn blisters. My whole body hurts like hell.

The black heap on the sidewalk is finally groaning his way back to life.

I cross to the man, roll him over onto his back.

And meet my neighbor, Jason Jones.

“What the fuck are you doing out this time of night?” I demand to know ten minutes later. I’ve managed to drag Jones inside my apartment, where I got him propped up on Mrs. H.’s floral love seat with one ice pack on his head and another against his left ribs.

Guy’s left eye is already half-swollen and there’s a bandage that suggests tonight hasn’t been his first beating of the day.

“Are you a fucking idiot?” I want to know. I’m coming down off my adrenaline high. I pace back and forth in front of the tiny kitchenette, snapping at the green elastic and wishing I could crawl out of my own skin.

“What the hell did you do to your hair?” Jones croaks out.

“Forget my fucking hair. What the hell are you doing skulking around the neighborhood dressed like a suburban ninja? Isn’t the freak show at your house enough for you?”

“You mean the media?”


“Given that I’m one of them, and they’re clearly feeding off me, an apt analogy.”

I scowl harder. In my current mood, I don’t give a rat’s ass for
apt analogies.
“What the hell are you doing?” I try again.

“Looking for you.”


“You said you saw something the night my wife disappeared. I want to know what you saw.”

“Like you couldn’t just pick up a damn phone and give me a call?”

“Like I couldn’t read your face to see if you were lying while you answered.”

“Please, you can stare me in the eye all you want; you still won’t know if I’m lying.”

“Try me,” he says softly, and there is something in his half-swollen eye then that worries me more than the three bruisers who’d jumped him on the sidewalk.

“Oh yeah?” I try to sound macho. “If you’re so big and tough, why was
the one chasing away the goon squad, then scraping
sorry ass off the pavement?”

“Jumped me from behind,” he says ruefully, adjusting the ice packet. “Who were they, friends of yours?”

“Oh, just a couple of locals who found out there was a registered sex offender in the neighborhood. Come back tomorrow night. Same time, same place, you can probably catch the same show.”

“Feeling sorry for yourself?” he asks quietly.


“That explains the whiskey.”

“I got a whole ’nother bottle. Want some?”

“I don’t drink.”

For some reason, that pisses me off.
“Don’t drink, don’t smoke, what do you do? … Goody two, goody two, goody goody two shoes.”

Jones stares at me funny.

“Jesus,” I explode, “it’s Adam Ant. From the eighties? Where’d you grow up, under a rock?”

“In a basement, technically. And you’re too young to remember the eighties.”

Now I shrug uncomfortably, realizing too late how much I’ve given away. “I knew this girl,” I mumble. “Big Adam Ant fan.”

“This the one you raped?” he asks levelly.

“Oh shut up! Just shut the fuck up. I’m so sick and tired of everyone pretending to know all about me and my goddamn sex life. It wasn’t like that. It. Was not. Like.

“I looked you up,” he continues, monotone man. “You had sex with a fourteen-year-old girl. That’s statutory rape. So yes, it was like that.”

“I loved her!” I explode.

He stares at me.

“We had something special. It wasn’t all sex. I needed her. She needed me. We were the only two people who cared about each other. That’s special, dammit. That’s

He stares at me.

“Well, it is! You can’t help who you fall in love with. Plain and simple.”

He finally speaks. “Do you know that among hard-core pedophiles, the single largest common denominator is having had their first sexual experience be with an adult while they were under the age of fifteen?”

I close my eyes. “Oh fuck you, too!” I say tiredly. I find the surviving Maker’s Mark on the counter and go to work on the cap, though I’m starting to feel so nauseous that my heart isn’t in it.

“You shouldn’t have touched her,” he continues. “Restraint would’ve been love. Letting her grow up would’ve been love. Not taking advantage of a lonely and vulnerable junior high student would’ve been love. Being friends would’ve been love.”

“You know, you’re welcome to go lay back down on that sidewalk,” I tell him. “I’m sure someone else will come along to rescue you shortly.” But apparently, he isn’t done yet.

“You seduced her. How’d you do it? Drugs, alcohol, pretty words? You thought about it, you planned it. Because you were older, you had maturity and patience on your side. Maybe you waited, picked the right moment. She was sad and lonely about something, and there you were. You offered to rub her back. Maybe you poured her a drink. ‘Just a little drink,’ you told her. ‘It’ll help you relax.’ And maybe she was uncomfortable, maybe she tried to tell you to stop—”

“Shut up,” I tell him, words hard, warning.

He merely nods. “Yep, she definitely asked you to stop. She absolutely asked you to stop, and you didn’t listen. You kept touching and petting, pressing the advantage. What can she do? She’s only fourteen, she doesn’t understand everything she’s feeling, that she
wants you to stop, that she wants you to continue, that this isn’t right, that she’s awkward and embarrassed—”

I cross the room in three strides and backhand him across the face. The crack is surprisingly loud. His head snaps to the side. The ice pack falls on top of a doily. He turns back slowly, rubs his chin almost thoughtfully, then picks up the ice pack and returns it to his forehead.

He looks me right in the eye, and I shiver at what I see there. He doesn’t move a muscle. Neither do I.

“Tell me what you saw Wednesday night,” he states quietly.

“A car, driving down the street.”

“What kind of car?”

“The kind with a lot of antennas. Maybe a limo service; it looked like a dark sedan.”

“What did you tell the police?”

“That you’re a homicidal motherfucker,” I spit out. “Trying to offer me up on a serving platter to save your sorry hide.”

He glances at my head, my hands, my forearms. “What did you burn this evening?”

“Anything I wanted to.”

“Do you collect porn, Aidan Brewster?”

“None of your business!”

Jones sets down the ice pack. He stands up in front of me. I fall back. I can’t help it. Those deep dark eyes, rimmed in blood and bruises and God knows what. I have a sense of déjà vu, that I have seen eyes like that before. Maybe in prison. Maybe the first guy who dropped me in a bloody heap and banged the hell out of me. I realize for the first time that something about my neighbor isn’t quite human.

Jones steps forward.

“No,” I hear myself gasp. “I burned love letters, dammit. My own personal notes. I’m telling you, I’m not a pervert!”

His gaze sweeps the room. “Got a computer, Aidan?”

“No, dammit. I’m not allowed. Terms of my parole!”

“Stay off the Internet,” he says. “I’m telling you: One visit to one chat room to say one word to one teenage girl, and I will break you. You will swallow your own tongue just to get away from me.”

“Who the fuck are you?”

He leans down over me. “I’m the one who knows you raped your own stepsister, Aidan. I’m the one who knows exactly why you pay your stepfather a hundred bucks a week. And I’m the one who knows just how much your
will cost your now anorexic victim, for the rest of her sorry life.”

“But you can’t know,” I say stupidly. “Nobody knows. I passed the lie detector test. I tell you, I passed the lie detector test!”

He smiles now, but something about that look, combined with his flat eyes, sends shivers down my spine. He turns, walks down the hall.

“She loved me,” I call out weakly behind him.

“If she loved you, she would’ve returned to you by now, don’t you think?”

Jones shuts the door behind himself. I stand alone in my apartment, burned hands fisted by my sides, and think how much I hate his guts. Then I uncap the second bottle of Maker’s Mark and get down to business.


In the beginning, I worried about two things: how to ask my questions of Ethan Hastings without giving away too much and how to plot against my husband given my extremely limited free time. The solution to both problems turned out to be surprisingly simple.

I met with Ethan every day during my free period. I told him I was creating a sixth grade teaching module for Internet navigation. Under the guise of crafting a class project, Ethan answered all of my questions and more.

I started with online security. We couldn’t have sixth-graders visiting porn sites, right? Ethan demonstrated for me how to manage account and browser permissions to limit where users could go.

That night after Ree went to bed, I booted up the family computer and went to work. I opened the security window in AOL and busily “permissioned” away. Of course, after I went to bed, it occurred to me that Jason might not use AOL to surf the web. Maybe he used Internet Explorer or another browser.

I returned to Ethan the next day.

“Is there any way to see exactly which websites have been visited by each computer? You know, that way I can check and see if each student
is going where he or she is supposed to be going and that our network security protocols are working.”

Ethan explained to me that each time a user clicks on a website, a cookie is created by that website and temporary copies of the web pages are saved in the computer’s cache file. The computer also stores a browser history, so that by glancing at the right files, I could tell exactly where that computer had been on the World Wide Web.

I had to wait five more nights, until Ree was asleep and Jason was at work. Ethan had showed me how I could click on the pull-down menu of the Internet search bar, and it would show me the websites most recently visited by the computer. I selected the search bar, got the pull-down menu, and saw three options,
, and

Right away, this struck me as not enough options, because when Ethan had done it in the computer lab, we’d easily gotten twelve to fifteen sites. So I booted up Internet Explorer, and tried its browser history, which gave me the exact same results.

I was stumped.

I monitored the browser history for a bit after that. Every few days, random times, when I thought I could quickly call it up without Jason noticing. Always I found the same three sites, which didn’t make any sense to me. Jason spent hours at a time hunched over the computer. No way he was simply reading the news.

Three weeks later, inspiration hit. I constructed a civics question to research for my social studies class regarding the five freedoms guaranteed under the First Amendment. Then I merrily Google-searched away. I found history sites, I found government sites, Wikipedia, all sorts of good stuff. I hit them all, and by the time I was done that evening, the pull-down menu showed a nice robust list of recently visited websites.

I went to school the next day and gave my class an impromptu lecture on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom to peacefully assemble, and freedom to petition.

Then I raced home, barely able to contain myself until Ree went to bed and I could check the browser history of Internet Explorer once more.

You know what I found? Three websites: Drudge Report
Today, New York Times.
Every site I had visited just twenty-four hours before was gone. Wiped out.

Somehow, some way, my husband was covering his online tracks.

The following day, I hit Ethan with my question the second he walked into the computer lab.

“I was talking to another teacher after school yesterday, and she implied that checking the computer’s browser history isn’t enough. That there are ways of tampering with the browser history, or something like that?”

I shrugged helplessly and Ethan immediately sat down at the nearest computer and fired it to life.

“Oh sure, Mrs. Jones. You can purge the cache file after going online. That will make it appear like that web visit never happened. Here, I’ll show you.”

Ethan logged on to the National Geographic website, then exited and showed me the options for clearing the cache on the computer. I was crestfallen.

“So I can’t really track what the kids are doing at all, can I? I mean, if any of them figure out how to clear the cache—which is just a click away—then they can visit all sorts of places when I’m not looking and I’ll never figure it out.”

“Well you have the basic security functions,” Ethan tried to assure me.

“But they’re not foolproof either. You demonstrated that the first time we set them up. It seems to me I can’t really control where the students go or what they do. Maybe a teaching module on Internet navigation isn’t such a good idea.”

Ethan was thoughtful for a bit. He is a bright kid. Earnest, but lonely. I had the feeling his parents loved him but had no idea what to do with him. He is too smart, intimidating even for adults. The kind of kid who is meant to suffer for the first twenty years or so, but then would take his software company public at age twenty-one and wind up married to a supermodel and driving a Ferrari.

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