The Naughty Sins Of A Saint (41 page)

BOOK: The Naughty Sins Of A Saint
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“You see it? That’s your funeral. This is where your hatred will get you. Your own brothers will turn on you for power. You thought if you took me out, you’d rise quickly through the ranks. You wanted to give your boss a little gift, me and my wife in a body bag. For years, I tried to do the right thing,” Saint said as he tried to resist the urge to let Lance burn for real. “I tried to not pursue who was bothering me. I tried to let it go, but then you went and fucked up. You went after the ‘queen,’ the ‘goddess.’ I can’t have that, Lance.” Saint smiled down at him. “I’m only letting you live because of a promise I gave to someone dear. If you or anyone from your camp comes after me or anyone I know again, I’ll be forced to resort to more drastic measures and beg for forgiveness. There will be no more chances. This is it,” Saint said angrily.

Tears ran down Lance’s face as his body teeter-tottered close to the engulfing flames. The image of his dead body in a casket frightened him to the core. “Make it stop!” he screamed out, flailing, his legs kicking in the air. “Make it stop!” Saint looked down at him, trying desperately to feel empathy to no avail. He watched a little while longer before he opened his mouth, allowing cool, blue air to pour out, surround Lance’s body, and extinguish the flames. Lance bucked and coughed. Saint forced him up onto his feet and pushed him into the car, placing him in the driver’s seat. Lance went temporarily unconscious from shock. Saint backhanded him across the face. He blinked his eyes several times, then heard moans coming from the officer in the back seat.

“What the hell is going on? What did you do?” Lance called out as he reached for his gun. Saint smiled and pulled Lance’s gun out of his back pocket and showed it to him. “I have got a nice gun collection now, thanks to you and your partners in hate. Now, would I really allow you to keep this, Lance? I’m many things, but sloppy isn’t one of them.” Saint leisurely took out a piece of gum and popped it into his mouth. “OK, Boys, here’s what’s gonna happen. Ted’s already aborted the operation and won’t be back, so your affiliation with his Black supremacist group is now over. I left him with a little present that he can share with his friends. Officer Monroe back here won’t be walking again soon, and you, dear Lance, the master mind behind this bullshit, the puppet master, won’t get any satisfaction. Now, my initial thought was to blow your brains out with your own guns, but I know deep down that’s not the right way to handle this, so with that said, here’s what we’re gonna do.” Saint noisily chewed his gum.

“You’re gonna sit here with me and wait for further instructions. I have my own army in position. Whatever and whomever you get, I’ll triple. I don’t have to work you mothafuckas alone. You know all those white guys I hang with, the ones with all the money whom you’ve also threatened recently? Well, several of them are government officials. You’ve really fucked up, Lance. These are the type of mothafuckas that can make your ass disappear and dare anyone to mention it. The government, after all, is the biggest mafia on the mothafuckin’ planet. I think you and I can agree on that. There are warrants for your arrests. Your little white supremacist party is over. You’re going to prison. I wish you were dying tonight, but that’s for God to decide, not me. Regardless, you’ll probably get the death penalty for all the murders you planned, as well as the one you carried out yourself two years ago. You’ll have two attempted murder charges from this evening to add to the list. Back to my friends in high places, though,” Saint smiled and blew a bubble. “Two of those rich, white boys, as you called them in your wonderfully well written email, are on their way right now, and they can’t wait to get their hands on you. I dare you to call their ‘queens’ ‘Nigger bitches’ to their faces like you did in the emails you punk-ass pussy. Ah, here they are right now!”

Saint waved as a Rolls Royce pulled up carrying four well dressed men. One got out of the car, his silver temples and dark sunglasses shining as he made his way towards Saint. He patted Saint on the shoulder and peered into the car. The smell of Cuban cigar smoke suddenly permeated the area.

“I’m quite distressed that the morning with my ‘queen’ was disrupted to address such vile creatures,” the man said as he jammed his hand into his coat pocket.

“I’m sure,” Saint said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “It appears, James, I had some uninvited house guests. Thank you for responding to my text so quickly. I appreciate your getting up and helping.”

“No, thank you,” James said with a grin as he surveyed Saint’s handiwork. “This is one of the benefits of being neighbors now. I can show up in a moment’s notice when I’m not in D.C.” Another man exited the car, dressed in a brown business suit.

“Hello, Saint,” he said as he waved and pulled out his cell phone to make a call.

Saint waved. “Good morning, George.”

“We have them down here. Bring the other car,” George said as he hung up and waited on the curb. A few minutes later, a police car pulled up. Saint looked at it and grimaced.

“Saint, this is a friend of ours,” George said. “This is Sergeant Lucas. He’s a member of our organization.” Saint tried to get a read on him while simultaneously checking in on Xenia.

‘Good, she’s still on the computer, completely oblivious,’ Saint thought.

Sergeant Lucas walked up and stuck his hand out to shake Saint’s. Saint hesitated then shook his hand. He immediately got a flash of Sergeant Lucas in pain, sobbing profusely from sorrow of a great loss. Saint relaxed further, feeling the purity of his intentions. “His wife, his ‘queen’ died. She was sick.” Saint realized.

“Saint, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I wish it were under different circumstances. Believe me, this will be handled appropriately.” He and Saint walked over to the car. Officer Monroe was carried out of the vehicle and placed into the back of the police car, then Lance was handcuffed and placed next to him.

“Now that the trash is taken out, we’ll meet about this in a couple of days. In the interim, if anything comes up, please notify us,” George said as both men got back into the car. “We’ve arranged to have their car towed.”

Saint waved as the men pulled away from the curb and drove off into the distance. He walked briskly to his parked car. He got inside, closed his eyes, and breathed heavily. His body shook violently. He tried to calm his nerves, lulling his head back and forth as tranquility slowly took over. He drove the short distance to his house and pulled into the garage.


* * *









Saint sat in his SUV, listening to the electronic components shut down like a slumbering robot. He opened the car door and felt himself transforming as soon as his foot hit the cold concrete. The night’s physical requirements drained him. He needed to be recharged and his body seemed to take care, leading him right to the closest fill-up station. Saint scowled with each step he took. His eyes darted back and forth as he made his way into the house. He felt an insatiable hunger grow as each second passed. He put his hand over his stomach, feeling famished. He walked through the thick darkness of his home, each step feeling more labored than the last. He ripped his leather jacket off of his body and threw it to the floor. Next, he tore off his white, dirty, blood splattered shirt, casting it on the rug. He made his way to the base of the stairs. Only a thin sliver of full moonlight shone, creating a jagged pathway up the winding, black and white marble steps. Before he knew it, he was completely naked, his clothing scattered up and down the staircase, as he breathed harshly. He felt as if the whites of his eyes had turned black and the walls were quickly springing twisted vines. The floor became lumpy and he could smell the earth under his feet. It seemed to transform his feet into lion-like paws, pouncing, running and moving towards hot prey. The one-time eggshell walls in the long hallway bled shades of green, black, and dark brown. The sounds of toucans and rustling wild animals emerged as the King of the Jungle did his evening hunting. Saint’s heart was pumping so fast he was growing dizzy but couldn’t stop his rapid ascent to his final destination. Once at the top of the stairs, he stopped and looked in both directions. Like a heat seeking missile, he gathered his surroundings with his peripheral vision. Hunching down, he contorted his back muscles and rotated his shoulder blades. Saint picked up Xenia’s scent and immediately turned in her direction. He swung the bedroom door open and saw her sitting on the bed half naked with her reading glasses atop her head. The only light in the room came from the computer laptop screen which featured a screensaver of the two of them kissing at a dinner.

“Hey, Baby. You’re home. I hope you had a good flight. I was just working on some stuff here. I have a meeting right before the show tomorrow, so it worked out that I was up.” She looked up at her husband in the doorway, removing her iPod from her ears. To Saint, the entire room went out of focus except for her. She was crystal clear. Her aura glowed purple and blue, transmitting sensual messages. He saw her transform right before his eyes. She was no longer Xenia, she was another wild feline. A common teaching he preached at the conferences came to mind: “We’re all animals.”

Saint inhaled, becoming intoxicated from her familiar perfume. She put her iPod earphones back in her ears and typed quickly as she bobbed her head to muffled music. Unexpectedly she felt her husband’s weight on the bed. The bed squeaked from the pressure as he crawled towards her, dragging his tail close behind. Xenia looked over at him and smiled.

“What are you doing, Baby? You must’ve taken your clothes off downstairs. Were you hot?” she asked with a coy smile. Saint heard her voice echo. All of his senses were in overload. He wanted to touch his teeth to confirm that the fangs he felt were real. She looked like a tasty morsel.

Xenia tilted her head to the side and grinned. “Oh, I know what’s going on here,” she said. “You’re being awfully quiet. I know what you want,” she laughed. Saint’s head dropped to her mid-drift T-shirt and little black-and-pink panties. He quickly lit candles and incense and turned on music. Xenia watched in amazement as he set the mood for his pending conquest. She sighed and turned her computer off, removing the earphones from her ears. She opened her nightstand drawer and took out a box of Magnums, setting them beside her. Saint was now back on the bed, hovering possessively over her.

“Here you go,” she said as she pulled her top over her head, exposing her soft breasts to him. Saint immediately buried his face in between them, shaking his head vigorously, causing Xenia to laugh hysterically.

“What’s gotten into you?” she cracked up. She opened the box of condoms, but before she could remove one, he snatched the box out of her hands, pulled out the trashcan from under her nightstand, and threw them away.

“We won’t be needing those anymore,” he said hoarsely as he nestled his head in the cradle of her shoulder, licking and sucking her special erogenous zone while he slid her panties down her legs and tossed them to the side.

‘She’s so ready, so ripe. Sweet heat, damn. It’s prime time. You want this. I’m going to give it to you. It’s mating season,’ Saint thought as he picked her up and moved her towards the middle of the bed. Xenia closed her eyes as he caressed her temple. His intense affection lulled her into a place she hadn’t been before. He was so in need, she dared to look him in the eye. He inhaled her again, his body trembling from her sweetness. She focused on the flickering candle light and the nasty lyrics coming out of rapper Plies mouth to the song “Feel Like Fuckin.”

“You like Plies?” Xenia asked, almost afraid to speak and too turned on to not embrace the moment.

“It’s baby-making music,” Saint said, his deep voice vibrating close to her ear. Xenia’s pussy throbbed as he touched her. She could tell in the eerie darkness that he didn’t come in the room just to make love. He came to claim, tame, reign, and not leave her body quite the same. He turned her onto her stomach, delicately manhandling her. He reached around her waist and hoisted her ass up in the air, pushing her chest down firmly to the bed and her ass into his groin. Saint straddled her from behind, aggressively pressing against her as she buried her face deep into the shiny black pillow. She bit into it, bracing herself with a fist full of sheet.

‘Oh, my God. He’s gonna tear my ass up,’ she thought with anticipation and a smile. She firmly closed her eyes, moaning loudly as he pushed his finger inside her, twisting it around. Satisfied with her wetness, he grabbed the base of his shaft and entered her. He hunched over her back, pinning her body with his as he lightly bit her neck and caressed her shoulders with his fingertips, plunging in and out of her.

“I’ve got something for you, Baby, something you’ve been wanting,” he slurred as he thrust with reckless abandon. Tears ran out of Xenia’s eyes, his movements so intense, so loving, so dominating all at once.

“I’m about to give you my seed. You wanna have my baby? Well, here he comes.” Saint breathed deeply as he continued to move in and out of her. Xenia smiled, her body convulsing repeatedly as he ravished her. He held her tightly around her waist as he rushed to his destination, not caring to be sexy. This was about his carnal desire to procreate and give her what she desired. He was in a primitive mood, prisoner to animalistic craving. She cried out, tears of joy and ecstasy pouring from her eyes. His body heat consumed her. She felt him speed up, her body rocking with his as he moaned and grunted loudly. Waiting with great anticipation, she screamed out with him as she felt him release his abundant, warm liquid inside her. She wailed as she felt his teeth lightly sink into the back of her neck and shoulder as he continued to jerk, leaving his final drops as. He growled and panted heavily, covered in sweat as he cradled her ass closely between his thighs. He laid his head on her back, closed his eyes, feeling her slickness mix with his. After a few moments, he slid down and kissed the small of her back. The room became precipitously cool, as if a fan had been turned on. The whites of Saint’s eyes returned to their normal shade. He lost his fangs, returning to the man he originally was. He felt as if he had awakened from a strange dream. He looked around the room in a state of temporary confusion, then smiled as he saw Xenia sleeping soundly beneath him. He rose the rest of the way up and pulled the covers tenderly over her naked body. He caressed the side of her sleeping face and looked at her dreamily.

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