The Naughty Sins Of A Saint (39 page)

BOOK: The Naughty Sins Of A Saint
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Xenia smiled. “Boy, don’t start. I’m trying to cook me a little dinner.”

“I wish I could eat, but you’re not here,” Saint smiled.

“I wish you could see my face right now. You’re so nasty,” she laughed.

“Come on, Baby. Tell me what you have on,” he insisted as he pulled his dick out.

“I have on the little red silk robe you bought me,” she answered as she continued to chop. “I hope you aren’t beating your meat because I’m chopping a cucumber right now,” she laughed wickedly.

Saint sighed loudly. “Well, fuck this. You killed the mood with that one, just as you’d planned. Chopped cucumbers? OK, Lorena Bobbit.” He smiled as he let go of his cock.

Xenia continued to laugh. “OK, I’ll play. Hold on a sec,” she said as she put the phone down.

Saint sighed impatiently as he stroked his dick slowly up and down, closing his eyes and leaning back on the couch, stretching his long legs out, bunching up the rug in front of him. He heard Xenia pick up the phone again. He listened intently as she rattled plastic and tore something open.

“What are you doing?” he gurgled as he shook from sexual withdrawal, trying desperately to get a small fix to tide him over until he could get back home.

“Taking out that vibrator you got me,” she said as she flipped it in different directions, trying to see where to put the batteries.

“Mmm,” Saint groaned. “Oh, this should be good.” He listened as she placed the batteries inside the toy and positioned herself in the middle of their bed. She put her cell on speakerphone and leaned back. “Are you ready now, Baby?” Saint asked, his voice going deeper.

“Mmm hmmm,” Xenia responded.

“OK. Imagine me coming home and you’re in the bed asleep. You’ve been horny for me all day, and the feeling is mutual. I walk into the bedroom and take off my clothes, walk into the bathroom, and start the water for a shower. You wake up, come into the bathroom with me, take off your red robe, and close the door. I look at you, give you a soft kiss on those big, juicy pretty lips of yours. You take your hand and rub it up and down my chest while I bring you closer to me. I cup your ass cheeks in my hands, squeezing a little as I start to walk backwards, towards the shower. We get inside, and the warm water runs down our bodies. You wash my back, and I wash yours. You look at my ass and pinch it like you’re known to do. I turn around towards you and look into those big, endearing dark-brown eyes. I pin you up against the shower wall and kiss you – in that spot, your spot. You know the one, on the right side of your neck. I start sucking real slow and hard.” Saint paused for a moment as he heard his wife’s breathing increasing. “While I’m sucking your neck, I massage your tits, rubbing them until those nipples pop up. Then I move my head under the stream of water I go down to them, sucking one tit, then the other while my arms are wrapped around your waist.” Saint briefly paused again, listening to her closely. He rubbed his hard cock a little harder. Hearing the vibrator buzzing, he smirked as he continued on. “Does that vibrator feel good on your clit, Baby?” Saint asked.

“Mmm hmmm, but not as good as you,” Xenia said breathily.

“Don’t put it in you until I tell you to,” he said. “Just keep rubbing your clit with it. I slide my hands down to your ass and rub those soft, round cheeks. I want to fuck you so badly, but I wait until I have you good and wet. I drop to my knees, the water falling all over me as I part your thighs and lick all over your pussy. Even with the water coming down, I can feel how wet you’re getting.”

“Mmm,” Xenia moaned, rotating her hips while Saint continued to phone sex her crazy.

“As I’m licking you, I stick my finger inside, going in and out, in and out. I rub your G-spot, faster and faster, saving that soft clit for last. You push my face harder into your pussy. I grab your hips as I lick up and down you.

Xenia grunted, moving all around in the bed with her knees locked as the tip of the vibrator made her climax. Saint quieted while he listened to her cumming. “Do you want another one?” he asked as he continued to stroke himself.

“Mmm hmm. Keep going,” she said as she regained her composure.

“You cum in my mouth, so sweet and juicy. I stand back up and…”

“I get on the shower floor,” Xenia took over. Saint smiled as he handed over the reins.

“Your big dick is hanging in my face, and I put my hands around it and lick the tip. I push the head in my wet mouth, sucking on it, hard, just like you like it.” Saint sighed, his hips now rotating and bucking as he listened.

“I put more in my mouth, moving it to the side just like you taught me, so I can get every inch of your thickness in my mouth, ball deep. It’s getting even bigger while I suck and lick all over it. I stop and lick your balls, then take one in my mouth and suck it, then the other.”

“Mmm! Ahhh, yes, Baby,” Saint said loudly. “Then I grab you up from the floor and turn you around, pushing your titties into the glass shower wall. You put your arms up, like you’re being frisked, while I open your legs real wide and push my stomach against your back. I push my hard cock deep inside your wet pussy. Put the vibrator inside yourself now, Baby.” Saint sucked air as his legs moved up and down on the couch. “I’m going in and out of you now, real slow. I raise one of your legs while you’re still leaning into the glass. Now I can go in even deeper. I’m working that pussy like it’s paying me overtime. You’re clenching down on my dick, contracting as you cum again. I reach in front of you and rub your clit while I drill you harder and harder.”

“Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh!” Xenia yelled as her body rose and fell from the bed. Her juice ran down her legs as Saint continued to talk.

“Don’t stop, Xenia. Don’t take the vibrator out just yet. I pull out of you, turn you around, and pick you up, pushing your back against the wall. We’re getting drenched from the warm shower water. I start kissing you. I slide my tongue inside your mouth as I push my dick back inside your tight pussy.”

“Fuck me harder,” Xenia yelled out as she felt another orgasm building.

“You want me to beat that pussy up, Baby?” Saint asked as he felt his own climax growing.

“Yes, yes, do it harder,” Xenia pleaded, the bed sheets now completely drenched.

“I fuck you harder, you’re holding my neck, bracing yourself while I fuck you so hard. You’re moaning in my ear and digging those long nails into my skin, scratching me,” Saint panted. “My nuts are slamming loud against your ass each time I move in and out.”

“I wanna hear you cum, Saint, let me hear it. Let’s do it together,” Xenia pleaded as she twisted her waist around and pushed the pink vibrator deep inside herself.

“Ahhh! Uhhh! I’m banging the shit out of that wet pussy. I look down and see your cream all over my cock! Goddamn! Uhhh! Uhhh! Uhhh! I push my dick in so deep, Baby. I start – to – cum! I’m cumming. I’m cumming, Baby!” Saint screamed as he ejaculated. He breathed heavily, his eyes closed while he listened to Xenia cumming as well.

He listened as Xenia’s breathing slowed down. “And it’d be at this point, we’d start all over again,” Saint said annoyed and frustrated as he stood up and walked into the kitchen to wash his hands. He ran his fingers through his hair and walked back to the couch and sat down in the dark. “I have to get home. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow afternoon. That’s the thing about traveling now – I’m used to getting some from someone I love on a regular basis, and once that pattern is broken, I feel like a drug addict who needs a fix. You spoiled me,” he said as he lie back against the couch again.

“Awww,” Xenia smiled and teased. “You’ll be back soon. I’m going to make your favorite dinner, too. Matter of fact, I’m leaving right after the show tomorrow so I can get home and cook it for you. I’ve already got all the ingredients,” she said proudly.

“That’s nice of you, Honey. Do you still have that duck and noodle recipe, or do you need me to email you again?” Saint reflected on his Korean favorite dish, introduced to him by his mother. “She would’ve liked you,” Saint said.

“Who? Who would’ve liked me?” Xenia asked as she sat up in the bed.

“My mother, especially since you make me happy.”

“You make me happy too, Baby. Contrary to how my mother acts, she likes you too.” Xenia laughed.

“I believe it. OK, Baby, I’m gonna let you get some sleep. It’s late. Sweet dreams, and thank you for humoring me this evening. You were awesome,” Saint laughed.

“Ha! You’re a nut,” she grinned.

“No, but I busted one – thanks to you!” Saint cracked up.

“You’re just amusing yourself to no end tonight,” she said. “OK, Baby, good night. Muah! I love you.”

“I love you too, Baby.” They both hit ‘end’ on their cell phones. Saint sat on the couch in the dark, his mind racing. He tried in vain to fall asleep until rising a while later and walking down the hall to his bedroom. He opened the door, feeling the coldness of the room. All that remained was the bed, two nightstands, a dresser, and a handful of clothes in the closet. He stood by the bed and unbuttoned his shirt, laying it on the nightstand. The rest of his clothing followed until he was completely naked. He walked into the bathroom and unwrapped a bar of Coast before turning on the shower. He waited until it was steaming hot, then stood under it, lathering his entire body from head to toe. He sorted out the next topic in his mind for the following month’s Men’s Conference in Miami.

‘I think I need to address religious differences down there,’ he thought. ‘I’ve gotten so many questions about religious differences lately, especially from the Bible belt, but Miami could stand the topic too. I’ll have to figure that one out.’

He rinsed off and stepped out the shower. He grabbed a towel he kept neatly folded in the cabinet and dried off. He brushed his teeth as he looked at himself in the mirror, admiring himself from various angles. “You’re a sexy mothafucka,” he said and laughed. ‘You’d have to be to get someone like Xenia. She’s sexier than you though – way sexier,’ he thought with pride. ‘Your wife is a banga, and I can’t wait to bang her.’ He laughed out loud, sleepiness taking over, causing his silliness to rise to an all-time high. He stumbled to the bed, barely able to keep his heavy eyelids open. He slumped down and curled up in a fetal position, immediately drifting away into a fog of dreams. His eyes began to move rapidly under his eyelids. He felt his body becoming warmer as dream segments flashed before him at lightning speed. Images in black and white and bright tones of yellow, nonsensically woven together, made a tapestry of confusion and mystery. His toes curled as his muscles contracted, and he gasped at times for air. His chest rose and fell violently as if his heart were about to explode. His eyes suddenly flew open, revealing dilated pupils. Still dreaming, he sat up. In a cloud of blinding white light, he saw the outline of his mother. He fell back down onto the bed, breathing erratically as he gripped his heart.

“Saint,” the voice said softly. Saint’s eyes closed again, as if someone had knocked him out cold. He lost control over his body and became limp, his breathing and heart rate slowed as peacefulness surrounded him. His eye color returned to normal and his energy was restored.

“Son, I can’t stay long,” the voice echoed. Glistening sweat beads covered his pores. “Listen to me. You need to go to her. Go home. The men are almost there. They think you’re both in the house. You know what to do. I love you.” Seconds later, she vanished.

Saint opened his eyes and looked around his bedroom, blinking and swallowing hard. He rose from the bed and snatched his clothing off the nightstand. He hurriedly got dressed and picked up his cell phone. “I need a red eye to California from LaGuardia. This is an emergency, I’ll take whatever seat you have.”


* * *









“Hi, Baby,” Saint said as he moved through the airport as fast as his feet could take him without making Security nervous. He wheeled his black suitcase behind him, the wheels turning quickly with each twist and turn his body made as he approached the gate.

“Saint, my God. It’s 1:00 in the morning.” Xenia rubbed her eyes. “Why are you calling me this late – or early, I mean? This better not be for more phone sex. You OK?”

Saint muffled the phone briefly as a boarding announcement came over the P.A. system. “I just miss you. I wanted to hear your voice. Everything’s OK. Are you OK?” he asked as he waited to board. He had tried several times to pick up her energy to no avail.

“Yeah, just asleep. What was that noise?” she asked.

“I’m trying to get an earlier flight out because I miss you. Did you set the alarm?” Saint anxiously fidgeted in the line.

“You’re hilarious. Yes, Honey, I set the alarm. Are you sure you’re OK?”

“I just wanted to hear your voice. Do me a favor, OK. Stay awake.”

“OK, I’ll try,” she yawned again.

“No, you need to do more than try. I need you to be awake when I get there.” Saint tried to calm down so she wouldn’t detect the urgency. “It would just be nice is all. I want to talk to you when I get there.”

“I knew I married a strange person, and conversations like this remind me. Sometimes I forget about it when you act normal for a week or two. Thanks for snapping me back into reality,” she said sarcastically.

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