The Naked Truth About Love (12 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: The Naked Truth About Love
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the reunited lovers made love throughout the night. Immensely enjoying how incredible they made each other feel they vowed to hookup more frequently.  

Chapter 14

Love is Not Rude

was absolutely livid that EJ ended their relationship with a damn text message and abruptly moved to Paris. Still he could not stop praying for her return. He missed her smile and longed for the warmth of her intimate touch.  He missed her, plain and simple. Paul compared every woman he dated to EJ.  Sadly none even came close to being her equal. EJ was exceptional and Paul knew that she was irreplaceable.  Eventually he concluded that fucking an endless assortment of women had done nothing to fill the gigantic hole she left in his heart and the void she left in his life.

to move on and forget her Paul quickly decided that he needed a woman that he could call his own. A woman that was strong enough to hold him down, yet soft enough to never let him forget that he was her man. Most important he needed a woman that could keep his mind off EJ. He grew weary of obsessing over her night after night and he seriously could use a good night’s sleep.

energy, magic and pixie dust filled the room the second they laid eyes on each other.  Everyone else in the room disappeared as Paul spotted her across the crowded library. Jaydan felt it too; she felt his haunting eyes molesting her before she laid eyes on his face. Paul was fine as hell. Those hazel eyes of his hypnotized her and she instantly became moist. Still she refused to go soft and capricious simply because he smiled at her. So, she coldly ignored him and allowed Paul to make the first move to pursue her. 

see Jaydan Jamison was an economics major and she knew her value and her worth. Her mom taught her a long time ago that if you devalue yourself for the affection of a man he would never increase your price. She wanted to make sure her eagerness to be Paul's woman did not devalue her in his eyes. Jaydan was a self made woman who was a twelve on the fineness scale.  Sure she wanted Paul, who wouldn’t want him, he was gorgeous?  But it was important to make sure he wanted her much more than she could ever want him, well at least in his eyes. So, she allowed him to be the hunter although she was not about to be an easy kill, not even for Paul Crown.

his newly adopted cocky, brash, cavalier persona, which he had stolen from a random page of Teddy’s play book, Paul quickly moved in for the slaughter. Grabbing the seat next to Jaydan, he gracefully spun it around and sat in it backwards. Resting his arms on the back of the chair, with his chin in his hand, he just sat there, silently staring at the stunningly attractive woman. Jaydan who was copying notes from a reference book attempted to ignore him, but his gaze was distracting.

to stand his glare another second she closed her book, tossed her pen on the table and asked, “Okay, so what exactly do you want? And before you even bother to ask… No you can’t have my number.”

sexy broad smile magically graced Paul’s sexy face. “Why on earth would I want your number?”

taken back by his response Jaydan replied. “So, you can call me and ask me out, of course. Why else would you be staring at me like I’m a damn lunchable?”

Why would I want to do that?” He grinned as he continued to mentally strip her naked and ravish her right there in the library.”

What ask me out or eat me?” She countered as she felt her body slowly heat up from his unyielding intimate gaze.

chuckled as he watched her slightly squirm in her chair. He knew that he was making her hot. It amused him watching her slowly become wet, soaking her panties. Still he let her cook a little before he reeled her in. “Hi, my name is Paul Crown. I’m the quarterback for FDC. What’s your name?”

I’m Jaydan.” She casually responded. “I know who you are. What I don’t know is what you want, other than to apparently waste my time.”

Okay I’ll be frank. I want to do both… Preferably, as soon as possible.”

I thought your name was Paul, but okay Frank, both what?” Jaydan sarcastically responded, although she knew damn well what he was talking about.

laughed. “You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?”

Why should I? That’s the problem. Too many women make it too easy for men like you to take advantage of them. Getting into my thong is by no stretch of the imagination going to be easy for you. So if you plan to taste what is between my thighs then you should strongly consider pursuing me as a gentleman, not a Neanderthal who has just discovered that he has a dick.  This is a strategic game of chess, not a country game of checkers on the porch. So find me when you figure out your next move!” She said as she quickly gathered her belongings, got up and callously walked away.

the rhythm of Jaydan’s round, ample ass as it walked away from him, Paul instinctively knew that his search for a woman was finally over and the hunt was clearly on. “Well played my lady... Well played!” He smiled as he nodded in agreement.


Tonight would be their seventh date in two weeks and Paul was determined to lay her down and officially make her his woman.  Frankly, Jaydan had been his from the moment that brilliant smile of his flashed upon her beautiful face.  He knew it and she knew it as well. Officially orchestrating and winning a hell of a game of chess, to win her heart, it was now time to finally claim his prize.

what's up for tonight?" Teddy asked as they left the gym after practice.

got a date with Jaydan and hopefully she's finally going to give up some of that nook- nook.  There’s only so much a man can do with his hands.” He joked as he attempted to give Teddy five.

I know you really don’t expect me to touch your hand after you just said that bullshit.” Teddy raised an eyebrow and declined the offer to shake his hand. “You know that more than half the women on this campus would do that for you if you let them? I don’t even remember the last time I rubbed one off without female assistance.”

We’ve already been through this at least twice this week alone. I have a woman. I’m in a relationship and we’ve agreed to take things slow.”

What the hell ever. It’s been two damn weeks. That’s not slow, that’s a damn standstill.”  

Whatever… What's up with you tonight?  You got a date?"

no!  I got three dates?" The brash Teddy laughed.  "Man it's been two damn weeks, a half of a month and you still haven't hit that shit?  You need to move on nigga!  That girl's just playing head games and shit, or she’s fucking somebody else."

  Because she didn't fall for my bullshit and sleep with me the first night we met.  I like this girl.  She has values and shit and I think that's cool. She wants to wait so I’m gonna wait."

my ass! Jaydan knows the value of gold and an NFL contract. I know a gold digger when I see one and that girl has dirty fingernails, gold dust in her teeth and a damn shovel strapped to her ass.  You need to trust me on this one and find somebody else. She’s not girlfriend material. Fuck her you must, but leave her ass alone when you are done."

I'm not trying to hear that yah- dah yah- dah bullshit that you spitting tonight.  This girl is bad!  She’s feeling my shit and I'm definitely feeling hers.  Hell she could be the one.  Gold digger or not, tonight I'm going to ask her to be my woman.  You don't have to like it or even like her for that matter.  All I'm asking you to do is respect it and her.  I'm not like you, Bear.  I like having a girl.  I tried it your way and it didn't work for me.  So, I'm going to go with what I know.  If that's okay with you Mr. Davine or should I say Captain of the Teddy Bear Express?"

it’s fine by me Captain Save a Hoe! You do you and I'm going to continue to do whoever will let me." Teddy laughed.  "And FYI, tonight I have three passengers just dying to ride the Teddy Bear Express. Think about that when you’re jerking off in the fucking shower tonight."

that! I’m getting some pussy tonight. Now, I know I shouldn't even bother to ask, but I have to ask anyway..."


Bear three women at one time? A foursome, that’s got to be a personal record even for you."

no!  I have a date at eight, one at ten and another at twelve.  I did that orgy bullshit before.  Them bitches spent more time getting each other off than they did getting me off, although they all claimed to be straight.  Fuck that!  This is my world and as far as I'm concerned they're just a bunch of silly ass squirrels trying to get a nut!"

one day Karma is going to come along and kick you straight in the fuckin nuts.  You are going to meet a woman who's just as big a hoe as you are. She’s going to be exactly like you except with tits and a clit.” 

What the fuck ever!” Teddy quickly dismissed the thought.

Trust me, it’s going to happen. This woman is going to just straight fuck your shit completely up!"  Paul laughed.  "And there's not going to be a damn thing that you can do about it but take it.  Mark my damn words, you going to get all of this shit you’re doing back ten maybe even twenty fold."

like I said before, what the fuck ever!  There ain't a trick on this campus that can turn my ass out like that.  So, Karma and her bitch ass sister Fate and her gold digging momma Destiny can all suck my big damn dick!"  Teddy laughed as they reached Paul's Escalade.

say that I didn't warn you!" Paul laughed.


Paul and Teddy arrived home to find Jaydan waiting on their porch.

shit!  It is on tonight!" Paul grinned.  "Get the spackle ready because I'm going to put a crack in her damn back tonight!" He joked although Teddy was not amused.

mean another crack." He mumbled as he looked away.

did you say?" Paul asked as he maneuvered the truck on the carport next to Teddy's Lincoln Navigator.

didn't say anything." He lied.

I heard you.  Leave her alone.  Don't even start that shit tonight."

didn't respond.  The second the truck stopped he got out and went to the house without even a casual glance in Jaydan's general direction.

to you too Teddy, with your rude ass self." Jaydan snorted as he passed her without speaking, unlocked and opened the front door.

YOU!" He growled as he entered the house and slammed the door behind him.

this is a pleasant surprise." Paul grinned as he slowly approached. "What are you doing here?  I thought I was supposed to pick you up at eight for dinner."

quickly rose to greet him with a big hug and a hot passionate kiss. "I know, but I couldn't wait.  Change of plans we're staying in tonight."

that's the best news I've heard all week." Paul grinned as he lifted her tiny frame off the ground and kissed her with all the passion and heat of a whorehouse on fire.

wrapped her legs around his torso as the two shamelessly made out on the front porch.  Paul instantly got hard and he didn't give a damn if Jaydan felt it.

want you so damn much I can't even think about nothing else." He confessed.

as much as I want you.  I think I failed my exam today daydreaming about what I was going to do to you tonight."

sampled her lips.  "Don't worry about that shit!  I plan on making more than enough money for the both of us.  You'll never have to work a day in your life not unless you want to."

yeah and why is that?" Jaydan challenged.

you're going to be the wife of an NFL Super Star." He teased as he sucked her lips into his mouth and gauged her face for a reaction.

eyes brightened at the mere thought of being Mrs. Paul Crown, although she said not a word.  She allowed Paul to nibble on her neck and rub his hard dick against her kitty kat until she couldn't stand it a second longer.

do you think that we can finish this in your room?"

thought you'd never fucking ask." Paul grinned as he threw her over his shoulders and carried her into the house.


Paul led Jaydan towards the stairs and immediately pulled her into his strong, lean, muscular arms.  Towering over like a gigantic redwood tree he grabbed her tight by her round ass and lifted her up into his arms as he stuck his tongue deep into her mouth.  Jaydan instinctively wrapped her thighs around his waist as she engaged him in a battle of the tongues.  Their passion for each other was undeniable and their unbridled desire had them smoldering hot. 

immediately began to strip her clothes off right there in the foyer.  He had waited all but patiently for almost two weeks for a chance to taste Jaydan's tasty cake.  He was ravenous and couldn't wait another second.  Intuitively realizing that they would never make it to his bedroom he quickly headed for the overstuffed sofa in the living room.  Totally oblivious to their surroundings the two turned out lovers immediately stripped without shame the second Paul reached the sofa.

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