The Military Mistress (5 page)

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Authors: Melody Prince

BOOK: The Military Mistress
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              “So when's the movie?” He asks to nonchalantly.

              “Not until 10:30 because Julia isn't off work until 9,” I say simply as I get out of bed as well to put on some real clothes. I go into my dresser and pull out a pair of jeans and then a long sleeve t shirt from my closet.

              “What do you want to do until then?” He wonders as he slips his shirt back on and then lays on my bed again.

              “Well, I was going to say more of that, but you put your clothes back on so I'm going to say that's a no,” I put my shirt on before joining him on my bed, both of us laying on our sides facing each other.

              “I thought we would be going sooner, plus I feel a little weird being naked in your house, I'm paranoid that your dad is going to come home and kick my ass or something,” He says and I laugh, even if  my dad did come he wouldn't do anything to Jake.

              “He's not coming home, believe me he is almost never here,” I say.

              “Want to go get some sushi?” He asks, and I will never turn down the chance to get sushi.

              “I thought you hated sushi?” I question.

              “I used to, but I don't anymore because I actually tried it and it's really good.”

              “Wow, but you wouldn't try it when we were together I see how it is,” I give him  playful shove.

              “People change Maia! Who would've thought I'd join the army and be married,” My smile fades at the mention that he's married. I just want to forget that. I know I can't, but I really want to.

              “Sorry, I almost forgot too,” He said placing his hand on my cheek so I'll look at him.

              As much as I want to believe him saying that, something in the back of my mind doesn't believe him, but I am enjoying my time with him. When it's just him and me I feel like there's no one else in the world but us. I want it to stay this way. 








Chapter 8



We go to my favorite sushi restaurant that he's never been two. Between us we order 3 rolls, an dI overestimated how hungry I was so I don't finish even one of them. Jake is determined to finish them all, but I beg him not to. He tries, but fails, and end up overstuffing himself.

              “Some things may change, but some things clearly never will,” I comment as we get back in my car, and he doesn't want to buckle his seatbelt he's so full.

              “You're ridiculous, you know that?” I say to him as he leans the passenger seat back because he didn't even want to drive he's so full.

              “And yet you're here with me,” He places his hand on my thigh and squeezes.

              “You are making me question that decision even more each second that goes by,” I say placing my hand over his, and giving his hand a reassuring squeeze right back.

              I drive back to my house, Julia should be getting off pretty soon and we go back to my house to just relax and so Jake can digest some of the food he inhaled. We go to my room, and I lay in his arms as we watch some TV while I wait for Julia's text. As if right on time at 9 she text me

              “Hey babe I'm leaving work now, do you want us to drive or do you guys want to?
” She asks.

“Jake can drive, you need to experience his insane driving”
I say, and I notice Jake was reading over my shoulder.

              “My driving is not that bad you just overreact!” He says.

              “Are you kidding? I don't even know why I'm still letting you drive my car you scare me!” I swat his chest, and he wraps his other arm around me and squeezes me a little too tightly. I squirm in his arms.

              “Did I crash your car though?” He asks.

              “That is
the measure you should use about being a good driver,” I comment.

              “Well it is because I've never been in an accident, and how many have you been in?” He brings it up because he knows its a soft spot with me. Back in November when I was rear ended I was so mad, and then when I was 17 I was backing out of a parking spot and some old lady was too and she sped out of her spot so I never saw her until I heard my car hit hers, that was in m old car though I was more scared than mad.

              “That doesn't even matter one was not my fault at all, and the other was barely my fault,” I wave it off like it was no big deal.

              “Still you've been in two, and I've been in none,” He smiles like he's so proud of himself.

              “Oh yeah? Well how many tickets have you gotten?” I question because I've never gotten one and I know he's gotten at least one for speeding.

              “That is irrelevant that has nothing to do with being a good or bad driver that is just if I got caught going a little faster than the speed limit,” He waves me off like I did to him.

              “I'm such a good driver, I don't get caught speeding though, that is the key,” I wink at him.

              “Shush,” He says bringing his forearm over my mouth as if to make me be quiet. I take his arm in my hands and admire his lighthouse tattoo again.

              “I like that you have tattoos,” I say tracing the lines.

              “I like that you have tattoos too,” He comments as he picks up my arm and examines the two I have on my wrist. One is the word “imagine” written in white ink so it looks like a scar, it's the one I get the most compliments on, and right underneath it I have an arrow, that one is ink the regular black ink.

              “Mine are all little though, yours are cooler,” I say and I move my foot to show the purple scales I have tattooed on my right foot, and then on that ankle I have a paw print with a halo for my dog that passed away a few years ago. That is another thing Jake knew of my dog that passed away, Bryan never met him, and never understood how deep of a connection I had with him.

              “Well I won't deny that,” He stretches like he's so cool and I roll my eyes.

              I begin to stand up so we can go to get Julia and Blake. After I've grabbed my keys and everything we are heading out the door, and Jake takes me by surprise by grabbing the sides of my face and pushing me against the wall right by my front door. His lips land on my urgently, his tongue lingers at my lips, and I let it in. I place my hands on his hips pulling him closer to me. He tangles his fingers in my hair, and deepens the kiss pushing me harder against the wall. Finally he breaks the kiss, and I'm out of breath from my heart pounding so hard in my chest.

              “What was that for?” I ask, giggling.

              “I just couldn't help myself,” He shrugs. “You ready to go?”

              I nod, and he takes my hand as we walk outside together to my car, he drives, and he knows exactly where Julia lives because he used to live right down the street form her. He purposely takes the longer way so that we can pass his old house which now has new people living there. I text Julia to let her know we are almost there, but she said to wait a couple minutes she isn't quite home yet and she still has to change, then my mom calls me, and I ask if she's home, so I say we are coming to see her. Jake has this thing because my mom said he was hot once and he hasn't let it go so he wanted to see if she still thinks he's hot and I think it's funny.

              “Hey mom, we are going to come by and say hi,” I say.

              “Oh...okay...wait isn't Jake married? Why are you with him?” I hear the tone in her voice, but I can't take it too seriously, she's with a guy I can't stand who cheated on his wife with her, what can I say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

              “Mom! Sh, don't worry about it we will be there in about two minutes,” I say and then I hang up.

              She lives right down the street, and we get there in, like I told her, two minutes. We go up to her door and She says hi and for some reason her southern accent is especially strong.

              “Hey Jake, how are youdarlin'?” She asks.

              “Mom, what's with the accent?” I wonder, but she ignores me.

              Jake and my mom's boyfriend start talking about Jake's job as an Apache mechanic, and I guess Brad knows a lot about helicopters because they are chatting away, My mom signals me to go into the kitchen with her, please don't lecture me, I beg in my head.

              “What are y'all up to?” She asks as she continues to do the dishes we clearly interrupted.

              “We are going to see a movie with Julia and I was waiting for her to get off work,” I say casually.

              “And where's his wife?' She asks me quietly, almost like she's whispering.

              I shrug, “Home?”

              “Maia,” She says exasperated.

              “Mother,” I meet her tone.

              “Don't be stupid, okay?”

              “Yeah, yeah,” I wave her off and go into the other room where Jake and Brad are still talking. My mom follows me, and interrupts them once she sees Jake's tattoos, she's never been a fan of mine I can only imagine what she thinks of his.

              “Jake, what are these?” She asks, grabbing his arm, and examining it closely as he's laughing.

              “Sorry for touching you,” She says as she lets go of his arm, and I know he didn't mind it.

              “Well we should probably go I'm sure Julia is home now,” I say so we can get out of here before my mom fully assaults him or brings up the wife.

              “Okay bye y'all” She says. The accent is back, what is that about?

              We walk out the door, and the first thing Jake says doesn't surprise me at all. “she totally still thinks I'm hot.”

              I shove him and shake my head as we get back to my car and drive back over to Julia's house.

              “I can't believe Brad knows that much about helicopters,” He says once we are back on the road.

              “I can, he knows a lot of useless shit no one cares about he was probably happy to have someone who would listen to him,” I comment. Jake knows how much I can't stand Brad it's always been that way. We get to Julia's house, and her and Blake are already waiting outside for us. They get in the back, and Julia greets Jake excitedly.

              “Hey Jake long time no see!” Please oh please don't make this super weird, Julia I beg in my head.

              “It has, I can't believe you had a kid,” He says back to her and she just laughs.

              “Expecting number 2!” She replies and chuckles.

              We begin driving and once we get to the freeway and they can see how ridiculous his driving is Julia speaks again.

              “I see what you mean now, Maia, he drives like a crazy man,” I turn to look at her and nod.

              “It's not that bad!” Jake replies.              

              It gets quiet for a second, but Julia is not one for silence.

              “So are you guys, like, together?” She asks and I whip around quickly to give her an evil look.

              Jake answers for both of us, “No we aren't.”

              I didn't really expect a different answer from him, but for some reason it stung more than I thought it would, but I don't let it show.

              We get to the theatre and get our tickets. This place you actually pick your seats and the seats recline it is great and ever since I found out about it I never go anywhere else because the regular seats are too uncomfortable. When you get two seats next to each other and they both reclined it's about the size of a full size bed, it is awesome.

              We go inside and get out seats which unfortunately are in the second row because we got to the theatre so close to 10:30 that all the rest of them were taken. It wasn't too bad we all reclined and Jake puts his arm around my shoulders, and I snuggle into him and into his chest just like when we are in bed together. I hate that he makes me this happy, but I can't help it.

              Before the movie starts I notice Jake has his eyes closed, and I poke his chest and he's jolted awake and looks at me.

              “Sorry,” I said while I'm quietly laughing.

              “No, I'm sorry, I'll try to stay up,” He says, readjusting how he's sitting and pulling me back toward him. He presses his lips to my hair and I snuggle closer to his chest. I love the way he smells. There's something about it that is so distinct, and I love it, it is just him. I love where I am right now, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.








Chapter 9



Once the movie is over, Jake stayed awake through the whole thing, and it was pretty funny, but it was a sequel and the first one was definitely better. We all walk back to my car, and Jake is driving again, but since it's late, and he's tired he doesn't drive as crazy as he normally does which makes me sigh with relief because I don't know how much more of that I can take.

              The drive home is pretty quiet because we all are pretty tired, and Blake is starting to get a cold and wasn't very talkative. Jake and I drop Julia and Black off at their house. We all say our goodbyes. Julia gives both Jake and I a hug and Blake gives me a hug and Jake a handshake before they go inside. Jake and I start driving to my house.

              “So, are you spending the night again?” I ask him, reaching for his hand that is sitting on the gear shift, even though my car is an automatic.

              “I don't know, do you want me to spend the night?” He returns while he intertwines his fingers with mine.

              “Hey, that's up to you, you do whatever you want,” I say giving his hand a little squeeze.

              He chuckles, and brings my hand up to his lips and kisses each of my knuckles. I can't help but smile because I know how those lips feel on mine, and I know how he makes me feel.

              We get back to my house and get out of my car and walk inside. The second we walk inside it's like the air between us changed. Jake pulls me against his body tightly, and crushes his lips with mine. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck as he pulls me closer. This kiss is not sweet, it's urgent and passionate. He pushes me up against the wall and holds me there with his hips while his lips never leave mine. His tongue explores my mouth, and I move my hands to his hips to pull him closer to me. He moves his lips to my neck and kisses me down my neck to my collarbone. While his lips find their way up again he kisses my earlobe and it makes my knees weak. Before I know it his lips are on mine again and I could just fall into him, and I want to. He makes me feel so wanted, like there is no one else in this world he would rather be with right now than me. And I feel the same way. He breaks the kiss for a second, and places his forehead on mine, looking into my green eyes with his brown eyes.

              “I love you,” He says, and I feel like my heart skipped a beat. My breath hitches and I'm in shock.

              “I love you too,” I say breathlessly.

              His lips are back on mine instantly, but instead of pinning me to the wall he is leading me to my room, we are tripping and stumbling over everything in our way until we reach the stairs. He goes ahead of me, leading me by my hand up to my room. Once we get there it is like we can't get our clothes off fast enough. We are naked in no time and on my bed. He is on top of me, and there is nothing slow or sweet about this time, he's inside me and I gasp from the shock and pleasure I feel. He kisses down to my breast matching his kisses to his thrust. I wrap my legs around him and push him so we roll over so I'm on top. I move my hips rhythmically. I see the pleasure in his eyes and he moans which makes me move my hips faster, once he can't take it anymore he pushes me off him, I land on my stomach on the bed, and he pulls my hips up once he's behind me, and slams into me again. I bury my face into a pillow so my moans are muffled. I feel something beginning to  build inside me, it's a pressure and I can't tell if I like it or not I've never felt it before. Jake increases the speed of his thrusts, and I can't take it anymore I release, and it's like everything in my world exploded, I feel him thrust one more time, and he finds his release as well. We fall onto my bed, both extremely out of breath, he pulls me to him so my head is resting on his chest as he holds me closely.

              “I really do love you,” He says into my hair.

              I look up at him, and he kisses my lips softly, “I really love you too,” I whisper before resting my head back on his chest. I grab the remote from the side of my bed and turn the TV on. There's something unsettling about the quiet for me, and I'm not sure why. With the noise of the TV on I'm not even paying attention to what is playing because within a couple minutes I'm asleep.

              When I wake up the next morning I'm still in Jake's arms. I must not move as much as I thought in my sleep because I swear I thought I kicked and thrashed around a ton, but I must not, that or he can just handle it. I realize how badly I have to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to disturb him. I get up slowly, unwrapping myself from his arms as carefully as I can. I'm unwrapped from him and he hasn't stirred so I stand up and go to the bathroom.

              Once I'm done I go back into my room and Jake is awake and laying back with one arm around the back of his head.

              “I woke up, and you weren't there I got a little nervous,” He said, sitting all the way up.

              “I'm sorry, I tried not to wake you up,” I said, crawling back into bed with him.

              “Do you work today?” He asks and I groan, throwing the blanket over my face. “I'll take that as a yes.”

              “No, actually I don't, I forgot I took it off to have an extra day with you,” I throw the covers back so I can see him again.

              “I must be pretty special then,” He smiles, clearly very proud of himself.

              I sit up, and kiss him lightly, “Nah, I don't see anything special about you.”

              “Oh you don't?” He gives me a fake surprised look, and begins tickling me. I hate being tickled because I hate laughing so hard, which is exactly what happens. It's the hearty laugh that comes from my stomach that almost hurts. I yell at him to stop, and he only does so once he's kissing me again. His kisses make me forgive him for his tickle assault.

              “That wasn't very nice,” I say after breaking our kiss, and nuzzling my head into his chest again.

              “Neither was saying there's nothing special about me,” He replies, raising his eyebrow at me.

              “You are conceded enough, you really don't need me feeding your ego anymore,” I say against his chest.

              “I am not conceded!” He pulls away from me, so I can see another fake surprised look he's giving me.

              “Yeah, okay, I'll believe that...never,” I say, rolling my eyes.

              “Okay, I can be, but that's not important,” He kisses the top of my head.

              “So what do you want to do today?” I ask, but honestly I don't want to leave this position we are in right now.

              “Well later, I have to get a birthday present for my friend McKayla, and swing by her party, will you come with me?” He asks, and I smirk at the sound of McKayla's name. I have only heard limited things about her, but I already don't like her. I can be a pretty jealous person, and I try to blame it on that even though I know I have no right to be jealous.

              “I guess I will, but I won't be happy about it,” I won't look at him.

              “What's wrong?” He moves to look at me.

              “Nothing,” I shrug, and continue to refuse to look at him.

              “She isn't that bad,” He tries to hold me closer to comfort him, and no matter how much I love feeling close to him I don't like that he's comforting me on this subject.

              “I didn't say she was, I've never met her,” I shrug.

              “I've known you long enough to know how you're feeling,” He chuckles.

              “I already said I'll go what else do you want from me?” I ask, finally looking at him again

              “I want you to want to make me happy,” He smiles at me with his perfect smile that makes me light headed.

              “I think I've made you very happy, and you now just want to torture me,” He say dramatically.

              He squeezes me, and it makes me squeal. He almost starts tickling me again, but I beg him to stop, and he does. He begins kissing me and running his hand up and down my body feeling every inch of me. He runs his hand up my arm above my head until his hand meets mine, and intertwines his fingers with mine, and pulls away from our kiss.

              “So you'll go?” He asks against my lips.

              “I already said I would, I just won't be happy about it,” I reply, and peck him on the lips before he rolls over, and his holding me against his chest.

              “Will you ever stop being a brat?” He asks jokingly.

              I pretend to think about it for a second, “No probably not.”

              He holds me close, and begins kissing my neck and refusing to let go, and I don't want him to.
































Chapter 10



The rest of the day is spent in bed watching movies, and just relaxing, enjoying being with each other. By the time about 6 o' clock comes around he says we should go find McKayla a present at the mall. I begrudgingly get ready, and purposely take longer which makes Jake laugh and get slightly annoyed with me. We get to the mall, and I follow him inside, not sure where exactly he wants to go.

              “What are you going to get her?” I ask, rolling my eyes.

              “Not sure, she likes books,” He says like he just now realized he wasn't sure what he wanted to get.

              “Did you ask what she wanted?” I ask.

              “Yeah, but it wasn't much help,” He replies.

              “What'd she say?”

              “My face.”

              “Are you fucking kidding me? What a slut!” I shake my head.

              “Says you!” He jokes, but there's a slight pang in my chest from his words because I know what he means.

              “At least I admit when I'm being slutty, that is just gross no wonder Amy doesn't want you talking to her,” I suddenly now have reason to really not like this girl, and I can't wait to just be back home with Jake in my bed.

              We go to a book store, and get her one of the books she finally told him she would want, but I couldn't get over her initial response, and there's so many things I want to say to this bitch, but then I have to remember that I'm not much better. She's up front and saying these things to him when he didn't initiate anything, but I acted on them with a married man. Whoops.

              We drive to McKayla's house, and as we pull up we stay in my car when he texts her that we are here, she comes outside and I see her walk to my car. I automatically take my hairband from around my wrist and start twirling it in my hand. My normal nervous habit is to pick at the skin around my fingernails, but that can hurt so I do something else that doesn't hurt me. She says a quit “hi” to me, and then doesn't acknowledge my presence for the rest of the ten minutes we are there. She invites us inside, but when Jake looks at me, as to ask for permission I shake my head. At one point she looks away because some people were calling to her from her driveway. I sign to him that I don't like her and I want to go. He doesn't understand any sign language, but those signs are pretty obvious to what I'm saying, and I think my facial expressions that express disgust made my message pretty clear. Once she turns back to us Jake tells her we have to go and I breath a sigh of relief, and finally place my hairband back on my wrist once we are driving away.

              “I don't like her at all,” I say sternly, folding my arms across my chest.

              “I can tell,” He replies humorously.

              “I'm serious, she's a slutty little bitch,” I won't look at him, and I mean the words I say.

              “Damn Maia she isn't that bad.”

              “Oh really? 'your face'?” I say mocking what she said earlier.

              “She isn't always like that, she just has a crush on me.”

              “Exactly, which just feeds into your already huge ego,” I roll my eyes, even though I know he can't see it in the dark.

              “If we got back together you wouldn't be okay with me having any girl friends then?” He asks.

              “There's a difference between you having girl friends, and having slutty girls beg for your dick,”I say sternly.

              “So would you?”

              “If I knew them, and I
they would never try anything with you, then obviously I wouldn't care, but her? No way.”

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