The Military Mistress (4 page)

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Authors: Melody Prince

BOOK: The Military Mistress
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chapter 6


At work I tell everyone what happened when I picked Jake up from the airport, and everyone starts giving me shit yet again, and asking if I'm going to see him later, and of course I am. Jake texts me at around 7, and I'm not getting off until 9.

              “I'm tired:/”
He says

              “Don't fall asleep before I get off”

              “I won't:) I bought swears at the mall so I want an excuse to wear them tonight so I have to stay up for you:)”
I blush.

“Oh you need an excuse?:P”

              “Yeah, so hurry home:)”

              “Why do you want to see me so bad?;)”

              “Because I enjoy your presence just get off work;)”

              His last text made me laugh, but unfortunately for both of us I still had about 2 hours of work left.


              Nine finally rolls around, and I'm off work so I head home. I'm so excited to see Jake again, and I think he is going to spend the night with me, and that makes me more excited, and nervous as well. I let him know when I'm home, and he says he's heading home from visiting another friend. He comes to my house and picks me up from my house, and we drive right down the street to his house. He tells me to wait outside while he brings the keys back inside, and he will be right out. I stand outside in the cold and just look at his neighbors Christmas decorations. It is a blow up mickey in a jack in the box thing. I watch as it goes up and down and I notice how silent the street is. It is so peaceful. Then I hear his front door open, and he comes outside and we begin walking to my house. He is shivering, so am I, but he should be used to colder weather since he lives in Colorado now. He takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine and slips our intertwined hands into his jacket pocket. We walk like this the whole way to my house which doesn't even take five minutes.

              “So, do you want to go get pizza now then?” I ask because I know how excited he is to get the pizza.

              He doesn't say anything he just walks toward me and puts his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me toward him again as he places his lips on mine. This kiss is more intense. He pushes me against my car and holds me tightly as he deepens the kiss. It's like we forget about everything in that moment. Forget about everything that is keeping us apart, and in that moment it is just him and me. I pull away and I can't help but smile. He doesn't remove his hands from where they stay, “No, I'm not done yet,” He says and pulls me to him and put his lips on mine again. He keeps one hand on my cheek, and the other he slides down to my ass, and squeezes slightly I chuckle against his lips.

              “I've been waiting like a week to do that,” He smiles, and I can't help but smile right back. One thing about Jake that has always drawn me to him is his perfect teeth. They have always been perfectly straight and white, and he's never had braces, and I think it's his best feature, I always have.

              “You've also been waiting like a week to get Barros so do you want to go?” I ask.

              “I've been waiting longer than a week for that, so yeah we can go,” He says. “Can I drive again?”

              I look at him nervously after the experience I had this morning I'm hesitant to let him drive my car again.

              “I'll take that look as a no,” He chuckles.

              “No, it's fine you can drive, just please don't kill me or my car,” I say nervously.

              “I won't! You need to learn to trust me,” He says as he gets in the driver's side. I can't help but laugh a little because trusting him probably isn't the best idea on account of what he's doing right now.

              We pick up the pizza and head back to my house. We go up to my room so we can watch 22 Jump Street like we talked about while we ate the pizza. I put the movie on, and we eat, and one thing about being so comfortable with someone that is nice is I don't have to pretend I don't want any, or eat less than I normally would because he knows me better than that anyway. Once we are both full we lay back on my bed and watch the movie for a little. Then I feel his hand under my chin forcing me to look up at him and he leans down and kisses me. His lips are soft on mine, and it makes me melt into him. I don't know why his kisses make me feel this way I don't remember it being this way before, and Bryan's kisses never do this to me, but for some reason Jake's do. He moves his hand to the back of my neck and pushes me down so I'm on my back and he's almost on top of me. His tongue is at my lips, and I let it in, we explore each other's mouths like we never have before. I feel his hand move down my body stopping at my breast and cupping it, they are bigger than when we were together. His hand continues to move down to my crotch and he begins to rub me over my pants until I grab his arm and tell him to stop.

              “Why?” He asks still hovering over me.

              “I'm nervous,” I say, my heart racing.

              “I am too,” He replies, and I look at him, confused.

              “Why are you nervous?” I ask.

              “Because it's you, and I don't know you make me nervous, why are you?” He wonders.

              “Because it's you, and you have a lot more experience than me, and I just don't want to disappoint you, I don't know,” I explain. I didn't have any of these feelings until now, but there's not much I can do about it because I do want to do this it just scares me a little.

              “You won't disappoint me, I promise,” He smiles and I can't help but feel a bit at ease with his smile, and he begins kissing me again and I become helpless under his kisses, they just seem to paralyze me, and yet make me want him even more. My hands are on his hips, and I begin to slide them up his chest taking his shirt with them until it is completely over his hear leaving his chest bare and warm under my fingertips. I feel his hands begin to travel up my shirt and soon mine is off too, and I'm just in my leggings and a bra. I fumble with his belt buckle a bit so he chuckles and helps me, and soon his pants are on the floor. He takes my leggings and underwear off with one move and soon I'm just in my bra and he's just in his boxers. He has a little trouble taking off my bra and I laugh because it is one that clasps in the front so I take it off for him, and then soon his boxers come off as well. He's on top of me and he looks into my eyes, “Are you still nervous?” He asks, his voice shaking. I just nod as I run my hands up his chest. “Me too,” He says as he leans down and kisses me again. He positions himself between my legs, and then I feel the pressure at my opening and he's inside me. I gasp with the initial feeling that he's there. He thrusts slowly at first, kissing me at the same speed. It's sweet. I wrap my legs around him as he begins to pick up speed. I moan into his neck as he's kissing my earlobe and down my neck. It sends little shocks with each kiss he places all the way from my ear to my breast where he kisses and sucks before coming back up to my lips and kissing me again. His thrusting is getting faster, and I move my hips to meet each one of his thrusts I begin to kiss down his collarbone, and I feel him groan and the thrusts get even faster. I moan as I feel him go in and out of me. He kisses my lips so intensely as he thrusts one last time, and finishes. We both breathe so heavily, and smile at each other. What were we nervous about in the first place?


              We both lay back, and I lay in his arms with my head resting on his bare chest. I feel his lips press against the top of my head and it sends shivers down my spine. As much as I shouldn't feel this way I don't think I've ever been happier than I am right now in this moment with him.








Chapter 7



Well, it's official. I am the other woman. If it wasn't official before it really is now. I wake up the next morning and I'm still laying on his chest. He's still sleeping peacefully and I smile seeing him here in my bed makes me happier than it should. I keep my window open in the winter because in Arizona it doesn't get too cold and I like the cold and fresh air it bring into my room. Normally I just cuddle underneath the covers move, but Jake has always had a very high body temperature so I just cuddle closer to him, and my movement must've disturbed him enough because he stirs a little, and I try not to move as I look up at his face. I see his eyes begin to open slowly. They open for a second and then I see a smile stretch across his face, and he pulls me closer in his arms. I love that feeling. The feeling that he wants me, and that he likes being here with me it makes me feel so special.

              “Morning,” He says softly.

              “Good morning,  how did you sleep?” I ask as he stretches.

              “Pretty good, I thought I heard some noises and I thought it was your dad coming home though,” He says, his brown eyes are fully open now.

              “Really? I don't think he's home I would've heard him Im sure,” He shrugs, and I get out of bed to go see. I look at the loft where my dad's office is, and he isn't there, and if he isn't there then I know he isn't home. I go to his room and open the door just to make double sure, and I was right he isn't home. I go back to bed and lay on my side next to Jake.

              “The coast is clear you worry for nothing,” I say, and he places a quick kiss on my lips.

              He picks up his phone and for a quick second I see the screen and I see Amy texted him. My smile fades with the reality that as much as I want to believe it is just him and me in our little world, it isn't. He's still married, and I'm still the other woman. He doesn't even bring up the fact that Amy texted him, and I won't dare to either.

              “My mom asked where I spent the night last night,” He chuckles, and I manage to laugh a little with him.

              “What are you telling her?” I ask.

              “I'm just saying I stayed at Cody's” I nod. “Want to come over for breakfast?”

              “At your moms? No, that's so weird, then she will know you stayed here,” I shake my head as he puts his hand on mine, and I see the tattoos on his forearms I forgot were there. Which is hard to do since on one he has a giant lighthouse that takes up his whole forearm. Another thing that I find so attractive is tattoos, especially on him. On the other side of that arm he has “sticks and stones” written, and on his other arm he has some quote about knowledge.

              “Oh, I forgot to say happy birthday yesterday, so happy birthday,” I say running my hand up his tattoos.

              “Thank you, I don't think you actually mean it unless you come over for breakfast though,” He smiles, and I look away from him.

              “I'm not coming over to your moms, I'll see you later,” I let go of his arm.

              “Want to come to the gym with me?” He asks. I cringe. I hate going to the gym, but getting a chance to see him work out. I have a slight arm fetish and to see him work them out I don't think I can turn down.

              “Fine, oh and would you want to go to the movies with Julia and Blake tonight?” I ask, and I see the look on his face says he doesn't really want to.

              “Or we could just hang out here and have a repeat of last night,” He smiles, and leans down to kiss me again. I love how his lips feel on mine, there's a connection there that I have never felt before, not even when we were together three years ago, and I'm really not sure why this is.

              “Or we could go to the movies with them, and then have a repeat of last night,” I smile before kissing him again. I feel his hands on my cheek, holding me there, and if I never had to move I wouldn't want to.

              “Fine, we can do that,” He says, but I can tell he would rather have me all to himself tonight, but that is too bad.

              “I am going to go to my mom's house though, I'll be back in about an hour and we can go to the gym,” He says as he's getting up and putting his clothes back on. I admire him, he isn't fairytale hot, he doesn't have a six pack or bulging muscles or anything, but it would just look weird on him. He's attractive in his own way, but I think that it's his personality that makes him more appealing to me.

              I walk downstairs with him to say goodbye. He gives me a quick kiss before leaving. I go back to my room and look at my phone that I haven't looked at since I woke up and I saw a text from Julia.

“Hey love! How was seeing Jake?”
I can't believe I forgot to tell her about yesterday.

“It was great! And he said we all can go to the movies later:)”
I say.

“Yay! Okay cool can you look up times I'm at work:( Oh and if you're bored today go to my house and visit Blake and Avery,”
She's so strange sometimes, but it could be a good chance for Jake and Blake and meet so it isn't super awkward later. Plus Jake can meet Avery so he can see why I'm always bragging about her.

“Okay we will swing by on the way to the gym”
I say as I open my computer to check times for the new comedy that came out yesterday that I know everyone will want to see.

“The gym?! Since when do you go to the gym?”
I can hear her tone through the text.

“I know right? He wants to go and I said I would too because I'm an idiot”
It's true. I really do hate going to the gym, my job gives me enough of a workout.

              “Have fun;)”
She says and I set my phone down.

              I look at the times there is one at 10:30 that should work the best because Julia doesn't usually get off until 9 or so.

              I get dressed in some work out gear. Or at least what I would think work out gear is. I put on some capri leggings and an oversized shirt that hangs off my shoulder. Then, I put on my pink Nike's as well and I get on my computer and mindlessly surf the internet until he texts or calls me.

              About an hour later I get a text from him saying he is on his way back over here. I go downstairs to unlock the door again. Then I go to the fridge and grab two water bottles because I doubt he brought one. Not even five minutes later I hear the front door opening and my dogs are barking at him, but this time it doesn't last as long because they recognize that he was just here. He comes into the kitchen, and he's in basketball shorts and a normal t shirt and his Nike tennis shoes.

              “Hey,” I say once I see him.

              “Hey, are you ready to go?” He asks as I throw one of the water bottles at him.

              “Yup! Can we stop by Julia's house first, she wanted us to see Blake and Avery.” I say, and I realize how odd it sounds, but he could read the texts if he really wanted to.

              “Okay, but aren't we seeing them later?” He questions.

              “Yeah, but you won't get to meet Avery later,” I say.

              “That's true, can I drive again?” He asks, and I give a look from the corner of my eye. Seriously? “Please?”

              I nod, and I know I'm going to regret it, my poor car is getting so abused.

              We go to Julia's house and see Blake and Avery for only a couple of minutes. Avery is always so happy to see me, calling my name and giving me hugs and kisses. She even said hi to Jake, but she gets embarrassed which is so cute. I love that little girl. I let Blake know when the movie is later, and then Jake and I head off to the gym.

              We get there, and go straight to the elliptical. I'm dead after like 5 minutes on the machine, but I push through the full 10 minutes. He has south park playing on his phone, and I have my iPod on. The song Make It Work by Christina Grimme comes on, and it's 0h-so-fitting right now I can't help but laugh to myself, and I don't want him to ask why I'm laughing.

              We use a couple other machines, he teaches me how they work and what they work out, and he can lift a lot more than me, he has to put it basically on the lightest for me to even attempt it. Lastly, we go to bench press and this is what I've been excited to see him do. He tells me to go first and he will spot me. He makes it so it weighs 50 pounds I think. I do a couple of reps, and I think my arms are fairly strong from lifting and holding up dogs all the time. Next it's his turn, he lays down and I tell him that I don't think I'll be able to spot him if he goes too heavy he just laughs and doesn't expect me to. I watch as he brings the bar down to his chest and then back up again. I watch his biceps bulge, and the only thought I have in my mind is how I love when those arms hold me and I can't wait for them to be holding me again tonight. I try to shake the thoughts away, but it's really hard.

              He helps me bench two more times, making it heavier each time, and he goes two more times as well before we leave. We head back to my house.

              “I'm going to go home and take a shower and a nap then I'll be back later.” He says. I'm a little disappointed that he doesn't want to shower with me, but I let him go. Plus I could use a nap as well.

              Once he leaves I go up and take a shower myself, and I don't even change before I fall onto bed and fall asleep. I wake up a couple hours later, I'm not even sure how long I was asleep. I look at my phone and it is 6:30. I text Jake to see if he is up yet. I stretch, and instantly regret sleeping on my wet hair its always a mess. I go to the bathroom and brush it out, but that just makes it more frizzy. Dammit Maia. I could straighten it again, but that just sounds like too much work right now. I go back to my room and I see Jake texted me back

              “Yeah I just woke up can I come over?”

“Of course”
I reply and decide I should get dressed before he gets here. I think about it for a second and I'm not going to get into regular clothes yet.

              I go into my dresser drawer and grab my red lacy bra, and put it on Then I grab some boy-short underwear from Victoria's Secret. Lastly, I put on my little purple silk robe. I hear the front door open, and I go downstairs as he's walking in the door. He pets my dogs before looking up and seeing me standing by the stairs.

              “Whatcha doing?” He asks with a joking tone to his voice.

              “I don't know,” I shrug, meeting his joking tone.

              “Why're you wearing that?” He asks.

              “Oh, you don't like it? Okay I'll go change then,” I try to sound disappointed as I turn to go up the stairs, but I feel him grab me and turn me around and then place his lips on mine.

              “I never said to do that it just seems like you are expecting something,” He says against my lips. I feel his breath on me and my knees feel weak.

              “Nope, not expecting anything, I'll go chance,” I say again, and I somehow manage to pull away from him and begin my ascend up the stairs. I feel him follow closely behind me, and I feel him place his hand on my butt and squeeze I laugh, and it kind of turns into a race up the stairs. I get to my room first, but he's not far behind. I feel him grab my waist and turn me around and crush his lips against mine. He pulls the string from my robe and lets it fall to the floor. His lips move from mine down my neck, my collarbone until they are at my breast and I feel his hands behind me as they unclasp my bra and that joins my robe on the floor. He brings his lips back to mine. I take his shirt off so it can join my clothes on the floor. Then, I do the same with his pants, and soon he's naked and he doesn't waste much time for my underwear to be off and on the floor. He pushes me onto my bed and gets on top of me hovering there for a second. His lips fall onto mine again, and again I'm paralyzed by how he makes me feel. Then he's in me, and thrusting in and out. I moan, but then he whispers in my ear between kisses “How about you be on top?” I nod, though it makes me nervous I hate the view he gets when I'm top, but I do it anyway. He rolls on his back and I straddle him I lower myself onto him slowly until I feel him completely inside me, and he thrusts his hips against mine. I mimic the movement and I feel him. I watch his eyes fill with this need, the need for me, it's sexy. We both thrust a couple times, and then he pushes me down so I'm on my back again and he's on top of me. He slams into me hard I yelp from the mixture of pain and pleasure. My hips move to meet his a couple more times until he pushes into me, and lingers there for a second. I know he finished. I kiss his neck and collarbone before he slides off of me, and off of my bed to put his clothes back on. I look at him, and I can't help but think of the feelings he gives me, the connection I feel with us, it's something that's never happened with Bryan, and I can't help but look at Jake and think that I love him. There's just something about him that I can't let go of.

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