The Memory Witch (20 page)

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Authors: Heather Topham Wood

BOOK: The Memory Witch
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He chuckled. “Sure, I can see that.”

Mason went back to teasing my neck with his soft lips. His hands cupped my breasts and my body begged to feel his hands on my bare skin. I shimmied out of my shirt and laid before him only in my silk bra and jeans. His eyes were greedy as he took a minute to look over my body. “You make me feel things for you that I have no business feeling.”

I welcomed Mason back into my arms and shivered as he kissed my exposed skin. He caressed me through my bra and I felt my body responding to him in ways I didn’t think was possible. My lust for him was controlling every move I made. I gripped the bottom of his t-shirt and helped him pull it over his head.

With his body pressed against me, I felt like every nerve ending had come alive. I ran my hands down the hard muscles of his back. As my fingertips made their way down to his lower back, I stopped moving. I snapped my head away from his mouth and stared openly at him.

“Mason?” The question was in my eyes.

The desire melted off his face as he scrambled away from me. I dove after him and spun him around. The movement took him by surprise and he didn’t have enough time to remove my tight hold around his waist.

Time stopped. I sank back onto the bed with a horrified expression on my face. Angry raised scarlet scars covered most of his back. There was no rhyme or reason to the pattern of the markings, which made me guess that they weren’t from a single incidence. A couple of the marks were no larger than a dime while others were long slashes that measured several inches.

“Mason, what happened to you?” I whispered. The anger and lust that had consumed me faded away. I now only felt frightened over what could’ve happened to him.

“I told you we shouldn’t be involved and I meant it. I don’t want this,” he mumbled and picked up his t-shirt off of the floor. Crumbling the fabric into a ball, he placed it in his hand and headed towards my doorway. Humiliated once again, I pulled the blanket to cover my partial nakedness.

Mason snuck a glance at me before he left. His hand froze on the doorknob and I could see the hurt in his face. At that moment, I understood that he hadn’t intended to inflict pain. He was simply too afraid to confide in someone.

Dropping the t-shirt back on the floor, he came back to the bed. He sat with his back facing me. I dropped the sheet and straddled my legs around his waist. I propped my head against his back and waited for him to speak. “My mother…”

I interrupted him. “Mason, you don’t have to tell me anything.”

“I know,” he said hoarsely and I felt the rumble of his deep voice through the bare skin on his back. “My mother was a practicing witch when she met my father. My father was very handsome and successful and was known for his bed hopping ways. No one thought he would settle down, but then he met my mother. They fell in love and were together for about a year before she found out she was pregnant. As my mother gained weight with pregnancy, my father’s eye started to wander. When she suspected him of cheating, she decided to use magic to secure his fidelity. The spell would bind him to her and he would never love another.”

I tensed at the strain in his voice. I was relieved he was able to share his past with me, but I also understood the ache of revisiting the past. I ran my fingertips down the marks on his back. When he straightened, I began to kiss them gently. Mason continued, “She…died while giving birth to me. There were complications and she lost too much blood.”

“Mason, that’s terrible. I’m sorry.”

He turned to look at me and gave a hesitant smile as he watched me kissing the raw skin on his back. “My father was left alone with a broken heart. Since she died during childbirth, he laid blame on me for her death. Since he knew my maternal grandmother was a witch that could hurt him, he never touched me while she was alive. The day after her funeral when I was ten, he beat me until I was unconscious.”

Tears pricked my eyes. The worse thing was hearing his monotone voice. It was cold and clinical and I could see how he was mentally distancing himself from the story. “He beat the shit out of me pretty much on a daily basis. He would use anything he had on hand—his fists, chairs, dishes. He would burn me with cigarettes and whip me with belts. Anything I did in his mind warranted his rage. He hated me for taking away the one woman he could ever love. This went on for about four years until I had enough. I called my Aunt Stella and told her everything. She picked me up that day and I’ve never seen him again.”

“Why didn’t anyone report it? I mean someone from school most of noticed…” I said.

“He was particular about where he beat me. Everything was on my back. I was never allowed to take off my shirt, which pretty much kept me from ever going swimming in public. I always thought about telling someone, but I was too afraid. He always threatened to kill me. He said he would first break my dog Tuck’s neck in front of me and then choke me so that I could die slowly,” he said tonelessly.

Big fat tears were falling down my cheeks now. After I began hiccupping, Mason pulled me onto his lap. “What’s this? I didn’t tell you to make you feel sorry from me. Plus, it’s fine. Tuck and me came here to live with Aunt Stella when I was fourteen. He loved it here before passing away a couple of years ago.”

“I hate him,” I said venomously. “How could he do that to his own son?”

“He’s sick. The spell has made him obsessed with my mother. He can’t break his bond to her even in death,” he said with a shrug.

“That’s why you hate witches,” I acknowledged.

“Hey,” he said in protest and smoothed back my hair. “I never said I hate witches.”

“But you would never get involved with one because of what happened between your mother and father,” I deferred.

“I’ve just seen what magic can do to a person and that’s not something I want,” he admitted.

I ran my hand through my thick hair. “I don’t blame you,” I agreed. “But did you ever think of using magic to get back at him? I could find a spell to make him feel the pain that he inflicted upon you.”

He shook his head vehemently. “No need to get revenge on him. My father is in his own personal hell. He’ll never be able to move on from my mother and he no longer has me to take it out on. I changed my last name to Corey when I moved in with my aunt and never looked back.”

“Then, what about healing the scars? Hasn’t your aunt offered to remove them from you? I know she has the ability. She got rid of this woman’s varicose veins a couple of weeks ago,” I chimed in.

“I thought about it, but I can’t for some reason. It’s like I need the physical reminder of what magic can do,” he answered.

His words made me shift my eyes to the floor. I felt like he was disgusted by what was in my blood. No wonder he had kept me at arm’s length for months.

He lifted my chin up and brought my lips to meet his. He stroked the side of my face and said softly, “I’m not comparing you to my mother, and I don’t think less of you for practicing witchcraft.”

“How can that be true, Mason?”

“Because I have faith that you’re a good person,” he said and squeezed my hands.

A knock at the door startled me. I shot Mason an alarmed look as I heard Stella say through the door, “We need to talk about the scene you caused downstairs. You almost cost me a client today.”

I gave Mason a helpless stare before replying, “I’m tired right now. We’ll talk later.”

“Open this door,” Stella said with an edge to her voice. Mason handed me my shirt and pulled his overhead.

I looked panicked as he went to unlock the door. “Don’t worry. I’ll handle it.”

He waited for me to finish dressing before letting in his aunt. She strode by him and stood between us. Looking back and forth between Mason and me, she asked forcibly, “Anyone want to enlighten me as to what’s going on here?”

I remained silent, but was surprised when Mason said dryly, “It’s really none of your business.”

“The hell it isn’t. I warned you about going near her.” Stella’s gray eyes locked onto Mason’s face.

He didn’t cower at her unsettling gaze—instead he gave her a bored look. “You don’t really have a say in the matter.”

“Do you have any idea what I could do to you? I could have her appear disfigured each time you look at her. Or maybe you want to be just like her? I could steal away all of your memories so you won’t even recognize her.”

“Stella…” I started to protest.

Mason put a hand up to silence me. “Do it then. I’m not going to stop seeing her because you threaten me.”

“Then, I’ll do something to her. Will that keep your god damn hands off my protégé?” she threatened.

“Threaten either of us again and I’m leaving and taking her with me. She’s talented enough to do a protective spell that will prevent you from ever finding us.” Stella’s jaw dropped. I suspected Mason had never spoken to her this way. He continued, “I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me, but this isn’t the way to earn my loyalty. Leave it alone.”

Stella seemed too flabbergasted to respond. Mason gave me a reassuring smile after he saw my worried expression. I stilled as he crossed the room and gave me a kiss on the forehead. “Everything’s going to be fine. I’ll see you tonight at dinner.”

After Mason departed, Stella looked at me as if I had two heads. “Is Mason the reason for your erratic behavior?”

“That woman was a soulless poor excuse for a mother. She deserved to be called out on it,” I retorted.

“So, you attack one of my clients and then sneak around with my nephew? I don’t remember this being part of the deal,” she said.

“Look,” I said reasonably, “I’ve worked my tail off for you since I arrived. This thing with Mason…” I stumbled over my words before finishing, “won’t get in the way of my training.”

“What about when he breaks your heart? I love my nephew, but I know his flaws better than anyone. He’s unable to be in a relationship, especially with a witch.”

“No matter what happens, I’ll be here until the year is out, but I would like something in return from you.” I took a cue from Mason and refused to bow down anymore to her unreasonable demands.

“And what would that be?”

“I want you to lift the amnesia spell,” I requested.

I could see the wheels turning inside her mind. Mason and I had the advantage right now. He wasn’t bluffing. I saw it in his eyes and I knew she did as well. Mason would disappear with me and she would lose both her caretaker and her apprentice in a single swoop.

“You won’t leave? I’ll have your full attention despite any romantic feelings you have for Mason?” she questioned.

“I swear it,” I said.

“Then, I’ll give you what you want,” she conceded, but frowned as I grinned at her, “but be warned Quinn, you asked me to do this. I want you to know that I’m not dead set against this because of your mother’s wishes. I’m against it because your memories will only bring you pain.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

“There you are,” Mason said and gathered me into his arms, bringing me into the cottage.

We were frantically kissing before the door was even closed. He led me over to the couch and it was a good twenty minutes before we came up for breath.

Months had passed since Stella had discovered our involvement. She had kept her word and I had kept mine. I never let my time with Mason interfere with my casting with Stella. I had mastered the basic spells and she was satisfied with my progress on the more difficult enchantments.

My relationship with Mason had taken us both by surprise. His closed off nature had kept him from ever getting seriously involved with anyone. Yet, somehow he had come to trust me and talk about his past. Now, the only girl he took home from the Marksmith was me.

Despite Mason’s reputation, he turned out to be everything Tanner wasn’t. Mason respected me and I never felt pressured into sex. He submitted control to me and I chose how far I was comfortable going with him. Whenever I expressed worry over our level of intimacy, he would reassure me that our connection was more than just physical. We also enjoyed each other company and could spend hours playing chess or lying side by side in his bed talking.

He ran his fingers over my bare arm as I laid my head in his lap. He leaned down and kissed the side of my face. A few stray hairs tickled my face and I smiled. I loved Sundays. It was the one day we got to spend completely alone. “Today is the first day of June,” I ventured.

“I’ve noticed,” he said lightly. His tone didn’t let on if he was as anxious as I was that my year of servitude would be over the next month.

“I mean do you want to…” I trailed off, suddenly feeling shy. I tried again. “Do you want to still see each other?”

Hoisting me up onto his lap, he gave me an affectionate look. He twirled a strand of my hair in his hands. “I think we’ll figure something out.”

“Really?” I asked happily.

His answer was to kiss me deeply. His tongue danced with mine and he ran his fingers through my hair. I fell back against the couch cushions and giggled at his enthusiasm once we were able to come up for air.

“You’re not getting away from me that easily. Especially when you’ve completely bewitched me,” he breathed.

The laughter died in my throat. I pushed him back roughly and wiggled out from under him. I glared at him, as I questioned, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Mason reached for my hand. “Quinn, what’s wrong?”

“What do you mean I bewitched you? Do you think I put a spell on you?”

Mason’s expression turned contrite. “Don’t be offended. I wasn’t trying to suggest…”

I gave him a skeptical look. “It was certainly an odd choice of words then.”

“Quinn, I’m honestly not trying to be an asshole,” he said with contrition, “it just slipped out. I meant it as a compliment.”

My eyebrows pulled together in concentration. “But it has crossed your mind.”

He ran his hand along his defined jawline. I could see his internal debate. He was mentally evaluating his words to decide on what to say that wouldn’t offend. “Quinn, it doesn’t matter to me if I’m under your spell. I’m just happy that I feel this way. I don’t want it to ever stop…”

His words were sweet. However, his sentiment made me sick to my stomach. Mason had no trust in his own feelings. He could never be certain that I wasn’t enchanting him to feel this way. I wanted him to believe in me and to have faith that I would never manipulate him in that manner. Yet, the wounds from his parents were too deeply imbedded to erase in a few short months.

I gave him a shaky smile. “I just remembered I have some things I wanted to get done today. I’ll see you later.”

Mason gave me a questioning look. “Quinn, please don’t leave. I haven’t been this happy since...” He gave me a sad smile before adding, “probably ever. If there’s anything magical about it, then so be it.”

I brushed my lips against his. “I have something important to do. I’ll be back here for dinner.”

Mason attempted to protest, but I hurried before he could utter another word.


The spell had been easy to find. The selection of my offering took much longer. I realized for the enchantment to work, I had to choose wisely. With a frown, I foraged through all of my belongings that I had brought to Stella’s a year ago. The trinkets I held onto seemed to belong to a different girl from a completely different life. I knew none of my mementos from high school would be enough for the cast.

I froze when I saw a chain sticking out of the side of my jewelry box. I gently tugged on the chain until the locket slipped into my palm. I closed my hand around it and I acknowledged that this would be what I needed to sacrifice.

It was the only real gift I had from my father. It was a child size locket with his photo and my mother’s. It was something I treasured for years and years. The thought of giving it up recalled the pain I felt during my time with him on the spiritual plane. The girl who had revered her father was long gone. I had immortalized him for so many years in my mind—it was torturous to come to the realization that my father was real and flawed.

For the first time in my life, I was looking more to the future than to the past. In my future, I wanted Mason more than a trinket that only aroused pain in the cloudy recesses of my mind. I hurried out of my room before I could have second thoughts and break my resolve.

I hurried out of the house carrying only my messenger bag. A couple of miles from the Chadwick House were a private lake surrounded by woods. It would be the perfect spot to perform the spell. Besides providing privacy, I could toss the sacrifice into the water.

Perspiration soaked through my tank top by the time I arrived at the lake. I traveled along the shore of the lake until I found a secluded spot. The threat of danger gave me pause as I unloaded my bag. Stella still supervised my spells and the last time I casted alone, a dozen birds lay dead at my feet.

I shook the thoughts away. I was confident that my abilities were stronger than months earlier and I would not make the same mistakes. I pulled out the ring that I had unearthed in Stella’s workshop. The black tourmaline set on the ring had the power to deflect magical energies. I was unsure if the jewelry piece would fit Mason, but he could always wear it on a chain or have it resized.

I had secured the locket to my wrist before leaving the house. Unraveling the chain, I tried to let go of the hurt and loss of my father’s betrayal. Along with a protection spell, maybe this could be a cleansing ritual as well. With a strangled cry, I launched the locket into the murky depths of the lake. Within seconds, it had disappeared from sight.

I visualized Mason in my head. I pictured how he scratched the back of his neck when he was nervous. The way he always let his black hair grow a little too long until he finally made his way to the barbershop. I could see the secret smile that was reserved only for me. I saw in my mind the terrible beauty of his scarred back and how much it made me wish that I could heal all of the pain that he had experienced as a kid.

“I offer protection for thee, from the highest powers and from my heart, so shall it be.” I lent my power to the words and put my heart into the spell. I repeated the words until I felt the familiar rush of power circulate through my body. As the magic faded, I smiled as I thought about how much Mason had seized my heart.

“What are you doing?”

I almost lost my balance as a voice sounded behind me. The ring slipped out of my fingers and fell to the ground. A leathery hand reached down and picked it up. I tore my eyes away from the hand clasping the enchanted ring and lifted my gaze to the face of the speaker.

The man was most likely in his early fifties and dressed for a day out fishing. A pole was set on the ground beside him and he was dressed in waders. With his eyebrows knitted together, he took a hesitant step towards me. His eyes regarded me. My cheeks burned as his stare stayed on my chest. The humidity of the day caused the fabric to stick to my skin and make every curve visible.

“Drop something?”

I reached for the ring and was shocked when his hand moved it out of my reach. “What are you doing?” I asked heatedly.

“You’re one of those witches I heard about in town. This man came into the bar a few weeks ago talking about how he went to see the two witches that live at the Chadwick House and how they helped him win back his wife.” He leered at me before asking, “So, what can you do for me witch girl?”

“Call Stella if you want to set up an appointment to see us.” I tried to cover up the fear. I felt like a deer in headlights as he invaded my space inch by inch. The powerful witch was fading and a scared little girl was taking her place.

“But you’re here now,” he hissed. His hand lashed out in front of him and he grabbed my forearm roughly. As he dragged me closer to him, I could feel something splintering inside of me. The fear and revulsion that Mason had worked so hard to vanquish was making an unwanted reappearance. A part of me wanted to crawl inside myself and hide. The stronger and magical side of me decided to fight back.

I snatched my arm out of his grasp. “You will get your hands off of me.” He laughed and lunged forward.

I imagined fire in the same way I did that day of the accident in Stella’s workshop. I conjured up a picture of the fire forming a ball and launching out in front of me. The heat shot through my appendages and I placed my fingers on the man’s hand.

“Shit,” he cursed and lost his hold on the ring. I picked it up and dropped it into the safety of my knapsack. The man was examining his hand, a horror-struck expression fixed on his face. The skin was bright red and raw. Yet, if I held his hand instead of merely brushing it with my fingers, the damage would’ve been much worse.

A light-headed sensation suddenly plagued me and I knew it was payment for the cast. It was time for me to go. I gave the man a warning look before I headed away from the lake. I wanted to provoke fear in him to ensure he wouldn’t track me down to enact some form of revenge.

Adrenaline from the near attack allowed me to make the hike back to the estate. As soon as Mason opened the door to his cottage, I collapsed in his arms. Suspiciously, he looked me over before leading me to his couch. “Quinn, what happened?”

I made a decision to keep him out of my altercation at the lake. It would just worry him and I had proven capable of taking care of myself. I appreciated Mason’s protectiveness, but I had magical reserves that I could tap into. I would rather use them than ask him to resort to physical violence.

“I did a spell and it took a lot out of me.”

I sensed his disapproval without him uttering a word. I hurriedly added, “Don’t worry, it was nothing like last time. I made an offering…I’m just tired.”

Mason’s hands moved to my shoulders and he began to massage the tension out of them. I breathed out a sigh of relief. These moments with Mason felt perfect. I wished I could push away the sense that these times with him were temporary and tune out the warnings inside of my head that told me not to get attached. Murmurs in the back of my mind whispered the threat that in a month this would all end. Whether the demise of our relationship would occur because of my apprenticeship ending or the return of my memories, I had no idea.

“What was the spell?”

I reached for my bag and retrieved the ring. Running my fingers over the black tourmaline, I turned towards him. “I have a gift for you.”

I pressed the ring into his palm. He squinted at the ring before looking at me with an unspoken question in his eyes. I said softly, “What you said this morning…” I paused as I noted his guilty expression. Squeezing his knee for reassurance, I continued, “made me think about the obstacles of us staying together. I can’t be with you if you always have suspicions about your true feelings.”

“Quinn…” he started in a warning tone.

“Listen to me, I’m not angry about your reservations,” I insisted. “It would be ridiculous of me to not expect you to have qualms about being with me after what happened with your parents.”

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