The Manga Girl (9 page)

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Authors: Lorenzo Marks

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Manga Girl
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Almost as if she was guiding him by mental telepathy, Nick knew exactly what she wanted him to do.

“I’m very disappointed in you, Miss Kimura,” Nick said. He waited for a snigger, even a light shaking of the shoulders, but Lucy remained still, facing the wall.
“After our last punishment session, I thought you might have learned something. Your behavior last night was unacceptable. I will not have you flirting with anyone else, least of all my friends. You belong to me now and you will accord me the proper respect.”

As he spoke, a curiously exhilarating rush coursed through Nick’s body. Even though they were playing a game, he was suddenly aware that there was another aspect to all of this. Lucy was out of control and she needed reigning in, and she knew it too. Whatever was motivating her was so strong that she was willing to submit to him, possibly in every way. This was about far more than sex. It was about domination and control. She was his to do with as he pleased!

“Put your hands against the wall, spread you legs and push out your butt.”

Lucy bent forward and did as she was told. Nick took hold of the narrow waist band of her g-string and slowly slid it over her buttocks and thighs down to her knees, so that it was stretched thin.

In the course of their previous sex sessions, Nick had been so charged up, that he hadn’t had time to take in all the details of Lucy’s wonderful body. It had been frantic and wild, leaving him with disjointed snatches of memory - her firm, rotund breasts, her puffed areolas, her smooth, flat belly, her prominent, hairless pudenda. Now however, he had time to peruse his exquisite prize at his leisure.

He knelt down, placed his hands on her buttocks and pulled them apart. He wanted to examine every detail of her. He doubted if he would ever know the real Lucy, but for now that didn’t matter - her body would hide no secrets from him. He studied her tiny puckered anus, noting that not even the most gossamer hair dwelled around it. Then he put his face forward until his nose was almost touching her pussy and drew in a breath, absorbing her feminine fragrance.

Her cunt was tightly packaged with no protruding lips, and as bare as the rest of her body. Evidently, it was not necessary for her to shave. He put his finger against her opening and ran it down the length of her slit, eliciting a little groan from his willing captive. He let his hand linger on her inner thigh and then ran it down to the tattoo on her ankle, and as he ran it back up the other leg, Lucy’s whole body gave an involuntary shudder.

Nick straightened up and stood to one side. With one hand, he grabbed her left tit, while he brought the other down hard onto her right buttock. Lucy bit her lip but didn’t cry out. Nick repeated the process on her left cheek, whilst simultaneously squeezing her nipple. Two red imprints of his hand materialized on her white ass cheeks and Nick knew it must have stung. Still Lucy remained silent, although she was breathing a lot quicker now. He delivered two more slaps, watching her cheeks quiver, and then he touched her between the legs and discovered that she was already moist there. It was time to crank up the role-play.

“Are you sorry for your behavior?”


“Yes, sir.”

“Will you do it again?’


“Ah! No, sir.”

“Do you want me to fuck you?”


“Ooow! Yes, sir!”

“Then beg for it, you naughty little girl.”

Lucy’s legs were trembling and her buttocks were a deep ruddy color. Nick unzipped himself and placed the head of his penis against her hot vaginal opening.

“Please fuck me, sir!” Lucy cried.

“If I do, you’ll have to be punished again,” Nick said. “Do you know why?”

“Yes, sir,” Lucy whimpered. “Because I am a dirty girl.”

“Then up on your toes and push back. You do the work.”

She didn’t need any further encouragement. Nick gasped as Lucy tensed her thighs and eased herself back onto his rigid member until he was buried to the hilt inside her. She began rotating her buttocks against his stomach while Nick remained still. He reached around and found her nipples, gently tugging down on them while Lucy continued her grinding motion.

It didn’t take long for Nick to explode inside her and Lucy followed with a squeal that turned into a long groan. She arched her back and her legs buckled and she dropped to her knees.

Nick stood above her, his cock still iron-hard and glistening with her juices.

Ordinarily, after ejaculation, Nick would have picked her up and cuddled her but something made him stay in character - maybe it was the memory of her dancing with Jason, but whatever, he still wasn’t done.

“Get up,” he said.

If Lucy had rebelled, he was afraid of what he might have done to her, but she didn’t. Nick wasn’t sure if she was expecting some kind of post-coital intimacy but he felt compelled to continue.

Lucy stood with her back to him.

“Put your hands behind your head and stay facing the wall,” Nick said, “while I decide what your next punishment will be.”

Chapter Thirteen


Humiliate me

Well, judging from her reaction, the spanking had only served to excite her, and for some reason, Nick still felt unfulfilled. But what next? What would work for both him and her?

He bounded up the stairs, his still-hard cock bouncing ahead of him as he searched for some kind of inspiration. Lucy’s door was ajar and he went inside and sat at her work table. One of her sketch pads was lying open and Nick thumbed through a few pages of Lucy’s cute little manga cartoon girls. Sitting on the neatly ordered surface was a rack containing several tubes of acrylic paint. He picked one up, checked that it was non-toxic and then took the paints, some brushes, and a wooden palette back downstairs.

Incredibly, Lucy was still facing the wall. Clearly she was willing to see this all the way through.

“Come over here,” Nick said. Lucy turned, and on seeing her paints, her eyes widened.

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

“Make the punishment fit the crime,” Nick said, squeezing globs of paint onto the palette. “Come on.”

Lucy stepped cautiously up to him with a curious expression on her face.

“Kneel,” Nick said, seating himself on the coffee table.

She knelt before him and looked up into his eyes.

“If you want to act like a silly little manga girl, then I’m going to make you look like one,” Nick said. He dabbed a brush into some aquamarine blue paint and raised it to her face. Lucy didn’t recoil when he touched her with the bristles, and she watched him intently as he painted two thick, triangular eyebrows on her.

He dipped a brush into a blob of apple green and said, “Purse those pretty lips.”

Gently, he dabbed at Lucy’s mouth until it had a bright verdant sheen.

“Stand up.”

Lucy wordlessly did as she was told and Nick surveyed his handiwork. The effect was quite surprising. She did look a little absurd, but also as cute as the manga girls she created. He then went to work on her nipples, covering her areolas with glossy white paint. When he painted her hairless vulva purple, shaping it into a heart, Lucy giggled but quickly wiped the smile off her face when Nick slapped her on the ass. Finally, he put a scarlet flower on each of her buttocks. All this time, Lucy had remained quiet and still. Now, seeing that Nick was done, she asked, “May I go upstairs and look at myself?”

Nick nodded his approval and watched the flowers dance on her buns as she walked. He picked up the paints and went upstairs and put them back on her work table. Then he found Lucy in his bedroom standing in front of his wardrobe mirror. He came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, his rigid cock, nestling against her ass cheeks.

“What do you think?” he asked.

Lucy gazed at her reflection for a moment, then said, “I’ve never been painted by anyone before.”

She turned around and slowly sank to her knees and unleashed his penis. Then, looking deeply into his eyes, she parted her green cartoon-lips and gently kissed the tip. Her little pink tongue came out and began tracing circles around his glans, and when it was glistening with her saliva she dabbed the tip of her tongue into his urethral opening, drawing out a sticky line of pre-cum. Then she opened her mouth and Nick watched his cock disappear inside her exotically painted face. He gently moved his pelvis and she bobbed her head to match his thrusts. She put her arms around him and squeezed his ass cheeks and when he came, she made strange animal sounds deep in her throat. Lucy pulled her head back, letting his dick go with a quiet pop. Still looking at him, she opened her mouth and poked out her tongue, briefly showing him a pool of his viscid semen. Then she curled up her tongue, touching the roof of her mouth and swallowed it all.

Nick took her by the arms and gently raised her up and then they lay down on the bed together, and he kissed her lightly on the lips.

“The paint’s still a bit sticky,” he said.

She turned towards him and put her face against his chest and he smoothed her hair with his free arm.

After a while, she said, “I guess I owe you an explanation.”

“About what?”

“About everything. How I got like this.”

Nick didn’t reply. He had figured that if he was patient, she would open up when she was ready.

“My life hasn’t been simple,” Lucy stated, seeming to be having difficulty articulating her thoughts. She rearranged herself so that she was molded to Nick’s body.

“What do you think about me?” she asked.

“I think you’re terrific.”

“No, about the way I behave?”

“Well, you certainly keep me on my toes.”

“Do you think I’m crazy?”

“Everybody’s crazy. Some people just hide it better than others.”

Lucy rolled on top of him and maneuvered her body, and suddenly Nick was inside her and he could feel her clenching her vaginal wall around his cock.

Nick started to move his hips but Lucy said, “Keep still.”

She began to milk him with her pelvic muscles and they both remained absolutely motionless except for Lucy’s gentle gyrations.

“Wait,” she whispered, but her exquisite touch was too much for Nick and he came inside her. Lucy closed her eyes, bit on her lower lip and squeezed his shoulders. Her whole body shook and she looked as if she was about to cry. Finally, she opened her eyes and pressed her green lips against his.

“Are you okay?” Nick asked.

Lucy nodded and smiled. She leaned her face against his neck and he could feel her hot breath and her heart beating against his chest. Nick had never before felt so connected to another human being, as he did right now. All of Lucy’s energy and emotions, her past and present, seemed to be flowing into him.

Eventually, Lucy said, “My mom left when I was three. I don’t remember much about her. My dad tried to raise me, but he found it difficult. I was a bit of a rebel.”

“I can imagine,” Nick said, reaching over to turn out the bedside lamp.

“I started running around with the wrong people,” Lucy went on. “Staying out late, skipping school. When I was eighteen, I fell in love with this guy. Well, not love really. I thought it was at the time but I guess it was more of an infatuation. His name was Johnny Hosokawa. Everyone called him Johnny Ho. He was Japanese-American, about ten years older than me, and very handsome. I was just a girl and when he first asked me out on a date, I was totally swept away.”

To his chagrin, while Lucy was confiding in him, Nick felt his penis growing hard again. She must have felt it too, but she didn’t comment.

“He was very well respected,” she continued, “but I also sensed a lot of people were afraid of him. He had this way, you know? Super cool and confident. Eventually, I found out why - he was a yakuza assassin.”

“Wow. That didn’t put you off?”

“Not at first. I told you, I was running wild. Even though he was a dangerous man to know, I found it exciting and glamorous, and when he chose me I felt important.”

While she spoke, Lucy had started to gently rock her hips again, and realizing it, she rolled off him, onto her back. She took his hand and they stared up at the ceiling side by side.

“He was the one that took your virginity?”

“Uh-huh. For a few weeks, it was really good. People I didn’t know would come up and pay their respects, and Johnny was always buying me stuff - jewelry, clothes - I felt like royalty.”

“But?” Nick prompted.

“Yeah, ‘but’. He used to drink hard with his yakuza buddies and when he was drunk he became verbally abusive. I was surprised that I put up with it, but I did. But the first time he actually hit me, I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do. I mean, I was totally into this guy, and I couldn’t believe that he would do something like that.”

“You didn’t walk out?”

“Not then. I was really pissed and I physically fought with him, but he just found that funny. He was much stronger than me and he wrestled me to the ground and pulled up my skirt. The next thing, my panties were ripped off and he forced himself into me.”

“Lucy,” Nick said, “you don’t have to…”

“No, it’s important that you understand. While he was fucking me, the strangest thing was happening to me. I mean, I was crying, and I felt humiliated, but my pussy was soaked. We’d had sex before but it was nothing like this. He was pulling my hair and calling me a dirty little slut and I just kept coming over and over. When he was done, he pulled out of me and went to the bathroom and I just lay there with my skirt bunched up around my waist, wondering what the hell had come over me. That’s how it all started. Every time we had sex, it had to start with some kind of abuse. I don’t know how to describe it. I hated it, but I was addicted to it. I even started to deliberately annoy him, which was kind of crazy with a guy like that, but our fights always ended up with the most intense sex imaginable.”

Lucy went quiet and Nick asked, “So what happened?”

“It was a fucked-up relationship,” said Lucy. “He started drawing me in deeper and deeper. He liked to tie me up or hang me by the wrists and beat me with leather straps or pieces of wood. Then came the public humiliations. He started making me the ‘entertainment’ for his drinking parties. He would force me to strip in front of his friends and serve their drinks naked, and once he was drunk he would beat me while they watched. It was like I was stuck in some erotic nightmare. It just got weirder and weirder.”

“Why did you put up with all this?” Nick asked, horrified.

“I couldn’t see a way out. I knew this was all bad for me, but it was like he had become my whole world. I was overwhelmed by him and I started going a bit nuts. I couldn’t concentrate on anything and my grades at school went to shit.”

Lucy turned onto her side, took Nick’s left nipple between her thumb and index finger, and gently squeezed it.

“Didn’t your father know anything about this?” Nick asked.

Lucy yawned. “My father and I don’t have a very good relationship. I’ve been a disappointment to him, I guess. He’s old school and he’s embarrassed by my lifestyle. I mean, he takes care of my education and stuff, but we hardly ever talk, and when we do, we fight. Anyway, there was no way I was going to tell him what was going on.”

“Why didn’t you just leave?” Nick asked.

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