The Mane Event (18 page)

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Authors: Shelly Laurenston

BOOK: The Mane Event
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Dez sighed. “Would you focus.”

“What did I say to you? This stuff works itself out.”

“I don’t know about that. When I was with Sissy, I saw him. He was talking to Anne Marie Brutale. I don’t know how all the politics work with you people, but that don’t seem too good to me.”

Mace shook his head, “Yeah. That’s not good.”

“So what do we do?”

don’t do anything.
will call my sister.” He pulled out his cell phone. “Now, just stand there and, ya know, look cute.”

She growled in exasperation as Crush walked out of the bar. He nodded toward Mace, raising an eyebrow at Dez. “You and a lion? All right, MacDermot.” Then he walked off.

She turned to Mace. “Crush?”

Mace nodded. “Bear.”

She watched Mace walk toward her SUV, telling his sister to shut up and listen.

There are bears


ez walked into her house, Mace behind her. He hadn’t said much of anything on the ride back to Brooklyn. She asked questions about a bunch of different things, including the Doogans, but she got no more than one-or two-word answers back.

Once inside, Dez heard her front door close. She turned to ask Mace if he wanted a drink or something when Mace’s big hands grabbed her leather jacket and yanked her to him. His mouth on hers, her jacket pulled off her shoulders and snatched from her back.

“I thought we’d never get here,” he growled against her neck.

“City traffic. Blows, doesn’t it?”

He walked her back until her ankles hit the stairs, then he pushed her down. Dez watched as he pulled off her sneakers, her jeans. No smooth or controlled moves from Mace this time. She could actually feel his desperation and she loved it. He wanted her and he wasn’t going to be happy until he had her.

Her panties were the last to go, then Mace dropped to his knees, burying his head between her legs. His dry, rough tongue gliding along the wet folds of her pussy. Dez’s eyes crossed as her entire body arched. She didn’t know anything could feel so good.

His big hands slid under her ass, lifting her up so he had better access to her. He continued to lick, until he sucked her clit into his mouth.

Dez reached up and grabbed the staircase handrails, pulling her body off the floor. “
Fuck! Fuck!
” She really couldn’t think of anything more eloquent to say. She was lost. Deserted in this place that Mace took her. The place where he
taking her. Again. And again. And again.


Mace never meant to be so rough with her. He never meant to grab her and fuck her on her own damn staircase. But dammit, he couldn’t help himself. The whole trip in from the city had been absolute hell. He kept smelling her, kept hearing that damn voice as she asked him questions. He couldn’t even remember what she asked him. Not with that voice of hers rasping over every word. The way her left hand sat on the steering wheel and her right kept brushing her hair off her face.

Eventually all he could manage was monosyllabic answers to all her questions, and he had no idea if what he told her was even remotely true. He’d never wanted anything or anyone as badly as he wanted her. He had no idea finally fucking Dez would make him want her more. He thought it would be the exact opposite. He’d been so damn wrong.

“Fuck! Fuck!” He really did love hearing her come. She became that tough Bronx girl he knew so well. Not that well-educated detective who knew how to hide herself behind her badge. When she came, her whole body and soul became his. Add in that voice and he was in absolute heaven.

She grabbed the shoulders of his sweater and yanked him up her body. She still had on her Marines sweatshirt. He wanted to pull it off her so he could get a mouth full of tit, but she seemed equally as anxious. Her body writhing under him as she reached up and kissed him hard. She unbuttoned his jeans, pushing the denim past his hips. He lifted himself up and pushed his jeans down as far as necessary while taking the condom out of his back pocket. He whipped it on his painfully hard cock and buried himself inside her.

“God, Mace!”

He gripped her hips hard, pulling himself out, then slamming back in. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her teeth on his throat. There were no more words between them, just the sounds of their fucking. The sounds of him taking her body over and over. She let him, holding him tight and urging him on with her growls.

His orgasm began to come on fast, but he wouldn’t let it explode. Not until he got Dez there too. Luckily, she left herself completely open to him. So damn ready for his cock she started coming so suddenly they both seemed surprised. One second she merely hung on for dear life, the next she screamed and sobbed into his neck. He let go then. Let his body come hard, knowing he’d be back inside her tonight as many times as he could manage.

It took him a second to realize he roared. Like a lion that had nailed the lead female of the Pride. He roared and she gripped him tighter. When he crashed on top of her, she wrapped her arms and legs tight around his body and sighed.

After a few minutes, he lifted himself up on his elbow. He looked down at her face. Her eyes closed, a faint smile on her lips. She looked absolutely stunning.

“Should I apologize?”

Her eyes opened and those gray beauties focused on him. “What the hell for?”

“For not trying to get you into an actual bed.”

“Don’t you dare.”

She ran her hands through his hair. Before he knew it, she had him purring. No woman had ever made him purr before simply by stroking his hair.

Dez kissed his cheek. Nipped his ear. “Besides,” she whispered, “beds are overrated.”


Dez listened to her cell phone messages while Mace scooped out into two bowls the gourmet dark chocolate ice cream he’d bought that morning. After a few minutes, she closed her phone and grabbed a bowl and spoon.

“Everything okay?”

To enjoy a more leisurely fuck on the couch, they’d finally gotten their clothes off. Her jeans, sweater, sneakers were scattered around her house. But Dez’s gun, cuffs, and badge were safely on the metal island she now leaned against. Her position allowing her the absolute joy of watching Mace walk around her house naked.

“Yeah. Three messages from Vinny and the guys. They feel guilty.”

“You have protective friends.”

“We used to watch out for each other when we were in Japan.”

“Did you date one of them?”

Dez almost choked on her ice cream she started laughing so hard. “Are you kidding?”

The look he gave her over his spoon told her no, he wasn’t kidding. She cleared her throat. “Not sure why it should matter to you, Mace.”

“Because I made them a job offer today and I’d hate to rescind it because one of them fucked you.”

“A job offer for what?”

“Smitty and I are starting a business.”

“Something in high-level personal and business security or are you two just going to be bounty hunters?”

Mace straightened up in surprise. “How did you know?”

“Come on, Mace. You’ve wanted to save the world since I’ve known you. I mean, it makes sense. You milk the rich and famous, which will let you help those who normally couldn’t afford you. People cops can’t help. Unless you really are planning on becoming a bounty hunter.”

“I don’t see me being a bounty hunter. Having criminals tied up in my trunk would bother me. Cause really I’d rather shoot them in the head.”

“It certainly will be fun watching you transition back into normal society.” Dez thought about that for a minute. “You know, this could really work for you two. With your family’s connections and Smitty’s charm—you two could make a lot of money.”

“His charm? What about mine?”

She knew he wouldn’t appreciate her burst of hysterical laughter, but who the hell was he kidding? The man’s charm was in his
of charm.

She cleared her throat again. “Sorry.”

“You never answered my question.”

“About the guys? No, Mace. I never dated them.” She didn’t date at all while in the military. She had too many male friends. She knew what all of them were up to with women, and she made it her mission never to end up on the bad side of that situation. So she worked hard and kept her legs closed for four years. A lonely life, but she got used to it.


“I’m glad I brought you such joy.”

Dez glanced around. She’d put her dogs’ food out and they still hadn’t shown up to eat. “Where the hell are Sig and Sauer?”

“Under the table,” Mace muttered, focusing on his ice cream.

With a frown, she crouched down and looked under her kitchen table. And there they were—cowering.

Poor things.

“At this rate they’re going to starve to death.”

“They’ll get used to me.” Dez chose to ignore that statement and what it implied. Instead, she stood up and finally asked him the question she’d wanted to ask him for a few hours now.

She took another spoonful of ice cream. “Smitty’s like you, too, isn’t he?”

Mace glanced at her. “Why would you say that?”

“Lots of reasons. But mostly because he has a happy spot.”

“Every man has a happy spot. Some of us have several.”

“Not that happy spot.” She glanced down at the rest of her ice cream. Already full, she handed it to Mace. The man had a killer appetite. “He has one on the back of his neck. If you scratch it, his leg shakes.”

Mace slammed the bowl down on the countertop. For some unknown reason, she didn’t jump. She did, however, look at him like he’d lost his mind. “Is there something going on between you and Smitty?”

Ah. He
lost his mind
“Of course not. It just feels very comfortable with him. Kind of like with my dogs.” She grabbed Mace’s arm. “Oh my God. Is he a dog?”

“Wolf. And if you want to go out with him, you can, you know.”


“You know what? I’m lying. No, you can’t.”

Dez stared at Mace.
Holy shit, the man is jealous.
“First off, I don’t wanna go out with Smitty. He talks too slow. I’d have to kill him. And second, what do you mean I
go out with him? I can go out with anybody I want to.”

This had to be the stupidest argument two grown people could have but, clearly, Mace didn’t care. And apparently neither did she.

Mace stepped in front of her. He placed both of his arms on either side of her, the island at her back.

“Let’s get this straight now, woman. You and me—we’re a couple.”

“I didn’t agree to that.”

“Don’t care.”

Dez let out an exasperated sigh and went to run her hands through her hair, but Mace grabbed her wrists.

She tried to pull her arms out of his grasp, but he held tight. “Mace, it doesn’t work that way. We’re not together because you say we are.”

“Yeah, but if we fall in—”

With strength she had no idea she possessed, Dez snatched one arm away and slapped her hand over Mace’s mouth. Hard.

“Don’t. You. Dare.”

Gold eyes stared at her. Few people knew how to read Mace’s eyes. Mostly they simply freaked everybody out. But she always knew Mace’s feelings from what she saw in his eyes. Like right now, she knew she’d hurt him.

“Aw, Mace, don’t be hurt. Please. We’re just not…we just can’t…no.”

Heaving a heavy sigh, Mace took her hand off his mouth and kissed her fingers. He took both her arms and dropped them down by her side as he pulled her close. He lowered his forehead until it touched hers.

“I understand.”

“You do? Really?”

“Yeah. Really.”

Then she heard metal click as Mace stepped away from her. She tugged her arms and realized the son of a bitch had locked her to one of the thick metal supports attached to the kitchen island.

“I understand I need to convince you we’re meant to be together.”

“Mace Llewellyn. You let me go!
” Her dogs bolted from under the table and ran up the stairs.

” she bellowed after them.


Mace watched Dez try to figure out how to get herself out of her handcuffs. The woman simply continued to confuse him. One second it seemed like she couldn’t live without his touch, the next he expected her to toss his ass out of the front door as soon as she came.

Full-humans were so freakin’ difficult to read.

“When I get loose I’m gonna kick your
ass all
this fuckin’ kitchen!” Well that Bronx girl sure had come back with a vengeance.

Mace reached out and lightly brushed her breast with his fingertips. The woman’s knees buckled. He caught her around the waist, worried she might hit the floor.

She growled at him. “Get off me, Mace. And stop starin’ at me!”

“So confusing,” he muttered more to himself than to her.

He reached down and slipped two fingers inside her tight pussy. Her head dropped against his chest.

“Dammit, Mace!”

He ignored her and instead said, “Christ, Dez. You’re so wet.”

“I am not.” Except she moaned that statement. He pulled out of her and this time she moaned in disappointment. He slid his two fingers across one of her nipples.

“You tasted so good earlier.” He lowered his head to her breast and, before he even touched her, heard Dez’s sharp intake of breath.

“Don’t,” she whispered. “Don’t, Mace.”

“Come on, Dez. Just a little taste.” He sucked her nipple into his mouth. Her whole body jerked and he had to wrap one arm under her ass to keep her from dropping to the floor.

Immediately Dez’s body responded. Her breath coming out in short, hard pants. Her chest rising to give him better access to her nipples while her juices flowed down her thighs and across the free hand he had between her legs.

“Tricky damn cat.”

Smiling around the hard flesh sitting comfortably in his mouth, he brought his free hand up and squeezed the other nipple. He didn’t have to get it hard, it already was.

“Shit, Mace!” that brutal voice cried out, and he realized he needed to be inside her again. He might as well have himself surgically implanted, because he couldn’t think of anywhere else he’d ever want to be again. Not if Dez wasn’t there with him.

“Still want me to stop, Dez?”

“God, don’t stop, Mace. Don’t—” He sucked harder and she began to break around him. “Don’t ever stop,” she begged. Then her whole body convulsed and she came hard, almost knocking him across the room. He held on to her, though. Kept sucking and tugging her nipples until she came again.

He released her and she sagged against him. He grabbed the handcuff keys lying with her badge. He unlocked her and held her sagging body against his. Dez’s arms looped around his neck and he easily lifted her up, urging her legs to wrap around his waist.

With that, he turned and headed up the stairs.


“Don’t you dare fall asleep on me, Dez,” he whispered against her ear. “We’re not even close to done.”

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