The Mammoth Book of Threesomes and Moresomes (32 page)

Read The Mammoth Book of Threesomes and Moresomes Online

Authors: Linda Alvarez

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Threesomes and Moresomes
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Neil pulled back, thrusting shallowly just inside my pussy, the head of his cock stroking my sweet spot. I gasped, going tense and still. Then, suddenly, I was coming. Hard. My orgasm rocketed through me like an explosion, causing me to scream out my release. My body, still a moment earlier, went into motion, rocking on Neil’s cock as if I would milk him dry.

Neil’s answering groan as my pussy rippled around him was softer than mine, but the expression on his face told me the pleasure was no less intense. He flexed his hips one last time, his cock throbbing inside me. We stayed like that for a long moment, sweat-slick bodies joined together, until my orgasm subsided. Neil was still breathing hard as he pulled free of my body. I gasped, then giggled self-consciously, feeling suddenly bereft at his absence.

Alex cleared his throat. “You can release your death grip now,” he said gruffly.

My giggle turned into a full-fledged laugh. In my excitement, I had been holding on to Douglas and him for dear life. Now I realized that both were going flaccid, having certainly enjoyed the moment.

“Sorry,” I said.

Douglas stroked my thigh softly. “Don’t be. It was pretty amazing until about five minutes ago when I started considering we might end up eunuchs after all.”

I shifted on the seat, wincing at the stiffness in my thighs from being held apart for so long. “Sorry, sorry,” I said.

I realized Neil hadn’t spoken and I searched his face for what he might be thinking. That smile was back in place – the one that was a little too serious to be amusement.

“You OK?” I asked, as if we were alone in the limo.

He nodded. “Just grand.”

“Thank you.” There didn’t seem to be much more to say except, “You are truly amazing.”

“Back at you, babe,” he said rakishly. “That was a dream come true.”

The driver spoke up before I had time to contemplate the meaning of his words.

“We’ve arrived at the hotel, ma’am.”

I looked out the window and saw the lights of the Bellagio sparkling like an oasis just outside the window. The night had passed and I would be getting married soon. Reality came rushing back like a splash of cold water in the face as I considered all the things I still needed to do. I was hardly in any position to get out at the moment, however.

I watched in drowsy detachment as the boys hurriedly dressed. Now that the party was over, they were anxious to beat a hasty retreat. I giggled. The champagne buzz had worn off, but the sex buzz was still going strong.

“Remember, what happened in the limo stays in the limo,” I said conspiratorially.

“Right,” Alex said. “Good to know.”

Douglas grinned and shook his head at me as he tugged his trousers on. “Only you could get me to do that, lady.”

I smiled. “I know.”

“Aren’t you going to get dressed?” Neil asked.

I nodded. “In a minute. I’ll let you guys get out of here so I can straighten up in peace.”

“I can wait for you,” Neil said, still looking out for my needs.

The driver responded, “I’ll make sure the lady gets to her room.”

The guys exchanged looks, Alex raising an eyebrow at me. “Is that OK with you?”

“I’ll be OK. Find the girls and tell them I’ll be there in about an hour.”

Douglas grinned, as if he knew something. “It looks like the lady’s evening isn’t finished, boys.”

Alex and he laughed, but Neil just stared at me. “You’ve had too much champagne. I’m not leaving you alone with the limo driver.”

I laughed. “It’s OK, Neil.” When he still didn’t budge, I leaned forwards and whispered in his ear, “Trust me. I’m safe with the driver.”

Something in my tone made him turn around and look over the partition. He nodded. “I see.”

Alex gave me a hug and a deep, soulful kiss before opening the limo door. “See you tomorrow, babe.”

“Get some sleep,” Douglas added, giving me an equally intense kiss. “It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow.”

Then they were gone and Neil was still watching me. “I don’t know what to say.”

I kissed his cheek. “Thanks for this memorable night. Truly.”

He started to speak and I could see in his expression what he was going to say, so I kissed his mouth. He pulled me to him as if he would never let go, but after a few moments he did. “See you tomorrow,” he said before slipping out of the limo and closing the door behind him.

I waited until he had disappeared in the same direction Alex and Douglas had gone before saying, “OK, you can come back here now.”

The driver’s door opened and closed and then the door closest to me opened and he settled beside me, his black hat at a jaunty angle. I tossed it on the seat across from us and mussed his wavy brown hair.

“Quite a night you had, Mrs Rhodes,” he said.

“I’m not Mrs yet, Mr Rhodes.”

He angled me sideways on to his lap, brushing my hair from my damp cheeks. “Was it all you wanted it to be?”

I smiled, happy but also a little wistful. “And more. How about you?”

He chuckled. “Fantasy satisfied, though I wish I could have seen a bit more of

I stretched my arms out. “You can see me now.”

His gaze roamed over my body and I was instantly conscious of what a picture I must present. Naked except for my dress bunched around my waist, my hair a tousled mess of blonde curls, my smoky mascara smudged beneath my eyes.

I smiled. “Like what you see?”

He nodded. “You look like one very satisfied woman.”

I wiggled on his lap, feeling that urgency building in my vein again. “Almost. Not quite.”

“You want
?” His mock surprise only made me laugh. “What an insatiable wench you are.”

I slid to my knees and nudged his legs apart. He stared down at me as I unbuckled his belt and worked his zipper down over his heavy erection. I felt my pussy – still tender from earlier, but already wet – tighten in response to his arousal.

“Aren’t you happy you’re marrying me?”

He groaned as I freed his cock from his pants and gave the tip a lick. “You are definitely a dream come true –
dream come true. Are you happy you’re marrying me?”

I thought of Simon indulging my last fling with my three best friends while he fulfilled his fantasy of watching me. It didn’t seem possible that two people could be more perfect for each other. I sighed in blissful abandon. Just before I gave Simon his last single guy blow job, I looked up into his eyes and whispered, “Absolutely.”


The Good Samaritan


“They’re at it again,” Marlene said as Jenny came out on to their deck carrying three beers.

“Fucking or fighting?” asked Marlene.

“They just finished fighting now they’re fucking,” Dan told her.

“Aw, I missed the foreplay fight? Damn,” said Jenny.

From the deck of their place they could see directly into the apartment across the alley. The couple that lived there had never noticed the three housemates spying on them. They never seemed to notice anything but each other and they never seemed to exhibit anything other than lust or anger at each other. This provided Jenny, Marlene and Dan with hours of entertainment.

“I’m so bored of them though,” Marlene announced.

“What are you talking about?” said Dan with a sniff. “They’re like a soap opera and a porn all rolled into one. It’s awesome.”

“They’re so . . . white bread,” complained Marlene.

“They certainly are white,” observed Jenny. The couple next door had classic Aryan good looks, unlike the three of them who came in varying shades of brown.

“Their whole shtick has gotten old,” said Marlene. “They scream and slam doors and if we’re lucky we can make out enough words to know what trivial thing they’re fighting about. Then they go at it, which is fun for sure, but they only ever use the two most standard positions and their sex never gets, you know, interesting.”

“Not everyone can be freaks like us,” stated Jenny, watching the other apartment fixedly, absentmindedly twirling one of her dreadlocks.

“Why not?” asked Marlene. There was a pause as they all gazed at the male neighbour’s thrusting buttocks.

Marlene didn’t know the other two were even contemplating her offhand question until Dan remarked, “Why not indeed?”

Jenny absently rubbed her nipple and said, “Hmmm . . .”

Katie was just arriving home from work when a black girl on a bicycle took a hard fall on the road beside her. The bike fell on top of the girl and blood spurted from her knee. “Oh my God, are you OK?” asked Katie. She seemed in shock.

“I don’t know, I mean, ow,” said the girl. She looked imploringly up at Katie. “Do you have a Band-aid?”

Feeling a rush of Good Samaritian pleasure, Katie said, “This is my place right here, I’ve got Band-Aids and Polysporin, why don’t you come in?” They locked the bike up to the fence surrounding the building and went inside.

As Katie was getting out her first-aid kit the girl’s cell phone rang. “I hurt myself,” she said into it. “I fell. A pretty lady is helping me with my cut but can you come and help me get my bike home? It might be broken.” She covered her mouthpiece and said to Katie, “Can my friends come help me?”

Katie was blushing – she wasn’t used to being called “pretty” by random strangers. “Of course,” said Katie. “Tell them to buzz 106.”

There was a silence as the girl played with one of her dreadlocks. Then Katie remembered her manners and, like a good hostess, offered her guest a drink.

When Marlene and Dan arrived at apartment 106, just around the corner from their apartment where they’d been waiting for the call, Jenny and Katie were drinking wine in the kitchen. The kitchen was a cute little affair, painted cornflower blue with every available space used to handily house the usual kitchen instruments. Pots hung above the stove, a spice rack topped with a large set of rather phallic salt and pepper shakers was set into the counter, a set of oven mitts decorated to look like piglets hung from a hook by the stove.

“For the pain,” Jenny said as she raised her glass at them and offered a slight tilt of the head in acknowledgment of their Machiavellian plan.

Katie said, “Welcome, welcome, you two! Your friend here took quite a tumble. She was a little shook up so I thought some wine might help her calm down. Well, the bottle’s open now, would you like a glass?” Marlene and Dan accepted and sat down around the kitchen table. Marlene was wearing a shirt that was very low cut, exposing a suggestive bounty of her smooth Sri Lankan skin.

“Jenny was just telling me about your, um, unconventional lifestyle. It’s really interesting! Of course you always hear about things like that but you don’t usually meet people who actually live it.”

“Well, you need to be honest with yourself about what you want out of life and then make that life happen,” stated Marlene. She was unsure which part of their “unconventional lifestyle” Jenny had revealed but was sure that statement was broad enough to cover all bases. She also enjoyed the delicious irony of claiming honesty when the circumstances behind the three of them being in this apartment were entirely falsified.

“Oh, yes, yes, of course. I’m not sure I ever considered, you know, polyamory as an option. I love my boyfriend but a lifetime is a long time to be with just one person. Who knows what I’ll want in ten years?” Katie mused.

The look that passed between Marlene, Jenny and Dan indicated that none of them was willing to wait ten years. Luckily Katie’s blonde head was bowed and she didn’t see their non-verbal exchange.

Katie looked up, confused. “But what I’m not sure of is . . . so which of you is dating the other? Like do you,” she addressed Dan, “just have two girlfriends and they both date you? Ha, I can’t wait to tell my boyfriend, he’d be so jealous! What guy doesn’t want two girls?”

Dan leaned to his left to kiss Marlene, then leaned to his right to kiss Jenny. “Yeah.” He smiled at Katie, a winning, charming smile. “Life doesn’t get much better than this.”

Marlene hoisted herself into Dan’s lap. “But,” she said, “it doesn’t end there. Can’t let Dan have all the fun.” And she leaned over and kissed Jenny.

While Dan’s kisses had been soft and intimate but quick, Marlene meant business. She forced Jenny’s lips open with her own and plunged her tongue deep into Jenny’s mouth, ensuring the angle was right for Katie to see.

Katie was blushing right to the roots of her hair. Her face was scarlet, her eyes bright. She got up to get another bottle of wine. When she turned around from the counter with the opened bottle she couldn’t help but notice all three of them had been looking admiringly at her ass. She almost dropped the bottle but managed to collect herself a bit and sat down. She filled all their glasses and downed most of hers in one gulp.

“So you’re . . .” She trailed off.

“We all are,” Dan stated, his cock stiff, Marlene still in his lap. Katie’s eyes widened and Dan hoped she had meant what he thought she had meant. He knew from their spying that now was about the time of day that Katie’s boyfriend arrived home from work.

“I hope you’re not freaked out,” Jenny said with concern.

“Oh no, not at all!” exclaimed Katie. She reached out to place her hand on top of Jenny’s. “I’ve never encountered it before, but it’s nice, you all seem so normal.”

“We’re not freaks,” said Marlene, flexing her ass muscles against Dan’s cock. “We just like to enjoy life – and to help each other to enjoy life.”

Dan exerted effort to keep his smirk to himself. “Freaks” was exactly what they were and they all knew it. And loved it.

“To help everyone enjoy life,” Jenny said seriously. One of her hands was on the table underneath Katie’s; the other hand she placed lightly on Katie’s thigh underneath the table.

Katie looked down, then up at Jenny. She looked across the table at Dan and Marlene. Marlene smiled and Dan hugged his arms around Marlene’s abdomen, a gesture which happened to also lift her breasts up prominently. Katie couldn’t help but stare at Marlene’s cleavage. As she stared she felt the hand on her thigh move upwards. She turned her head only to end up with her mouth against Jenny’s. Jenny was now out of her seat, kneeling on the floor with her wounded knee, between Katie’s legs. Katie gave up thinking and leaned into the kiss.

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