The Mammoth Book of Alternate Histories (58 page)

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Authors: Ian Watson,Ian Whates

Tags: #Alternative Histories (Fiction), #Alternative History, #Alternative histories (Fiction); American, #General, #fantasy, #Alternative Histories (Fiction); English, #Fantasy fiction; American, #Fiction, #Fantasy Fiction; English

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I’d imagined Johnny’s guards would simply kill me. I hadn’t counted on the fact that they were sepoys just like I was, and understood that death wasn’t something I’d care that much about—that it was like the face of someone you’re given up trying to love. They knew, as well, that their own chances of survival and the success of this whole mutiny had vanished with Johnny Sponson’s death. They’d probably even seen the bodies of their captured comrades—or, once the Indians had finished, what was left of them.


You can see what Johnny’s sepoys did to me yourself. They had a whole night to work at it before the Indians breached the city walls. And work they did. Then they left me there, destroyed as I was, right there in Johnny’s throne room, laid beside the body of the man I had killed as flames took hold of the rugs and tapestries and licked up the walls. Perhaps they wanted me to be a signal, a sign, although I doubt if they ever imagined I’d have survived for as long as I have.


As you will long ago have noticed, they left me my mouth and tongue after they’d cut away my legs and retwisted my arms. I miss my vanished sight the more, though, because I’d love to have seen what has been made of this newly rebuilt city on the cold northerly fringes of this great Empire. I’d like to believe it’s as beautiful as sometimes, in the right fall of hope or light or darkness, I thought it might become. I can’t hear you, either, kind Sir, Sahib, Brahmin, Begum, Fakir, Lord, Lady, but I do not ask for words, or alms. Just touch here on my chest where the white ash is smeared. Tell me it’s true that this city has been remade into something beautiful—that I’m propped on the marble steps of a fine new temple, filled with light and mosaic and the very breath of Christ, Mohammed, Brahma—that the skies above teem with kites and flags and spires and muezzin towers and the cries of mullahs and the clamor of bells. Touch me here, where the flesh isn’t so burned. Then I’ll know. Then I’ll understand.


And don’t worry about the ash, Sir, Sahib, if your hands are clean or your clothes are smart. It’ll wash off easily enough.




* * * *


O One


Chris Roberson



Tsui stood in the golden morning light of the Ornamental Garden, looking over the still waters of the abacus fishponds and thinking about infinity. Beyond the walls, the Forbidden City already hummed with the activity of innumerable servants, eunuchs, and ministers bustling along in the Emperor’s service, but in the garden itself there was only silence and serenity.


Apart from the Imperial House of Calculation, which Tsui had served as Chief Computator since the death of his predecessor and father years before, the Ornamental Garden was the only place he lingered. The constant susurration of beads shuttling and clacking over oiled rods was the only music he could abide, and as dear to him as the beating of his own heart, but there were times still when the rhythms of that symphony began to wear on him. On these rare occasions the silence of the fishponds and the sculpted grounds surrounding them was the only solace he had found.


His father, when he had been Chief Computator and Tsui not yet an apprentice, had explained that time and resources were the principal enemies of calculation. One man, with one abacus and an unlimited amount of time, could solve every mathematical operation imaginable, just as an unlimited number of men working with an infinite number of abacuses could solve every operation imaginable in an instant, but no man had an infinity in which to work, and no emperor could marshal to his service an infinite number of men. It was the task of the Chief Computator to strike the appropriate balance. The men of the Imperial House of Calculation worked in their hundreds delicately manipulating the beads of their abacuses to provide the answers the Emperor required. That every click of bead on bead was followed a moment of silence, however brief, served only to remind Tsui of the limits this balance demanded. In that brief instant the enemies of calculation were the victors.


As a child Tsui had dreamt of an endless plain, filled with men as far as the eye could see. Every man in his dream was hunched over a small wooden frame, his fingers dancing over cherrywood beads, and together they simultaneously solved every possible operation, a man for each calculation. In his dream, though, Tsui had not heard the same clatter and click he’d found so often at his father’s side, with an endless number of permutations, every potential silence was filled with the noise of another bead striking bead somewhere else. The resulting sound was steady and even, a constant hum, no instant distinguishable from any other.


Only in pure silence had Tsui ever found another sensation quite like that, and the only silence he had found pure enough was that of the Ornamental Garden. Without speaking or moving, he could stand with eyes closed at the water’s edge and imagine himself on that infinite plain, the answer to every problem close at hand.


The sound of feet scuffing on flagstone broke Tsui from his reverie, and he looked up to see Royal Inspector Bai walking leisurely through the garden’s gate. Like Tsui, the Royal Inspector seemed to find comfort within the walls of silence, and the two men frequently exchanged a word of pleasantry on their chance encounters.


“A good morning, Chief Computator?” Bai asked. He approached the fishponds, a package of waxed paper in his hands. He stopped opposite Tsui at the water’s edge of the southernmost of the two ponds and, unwrapping his package with deft maneuvers, revealed a slab of cold pork between two slices of bread. A concept imported from the cold and distant England on the far side of the world, it was a dish that had never appealed to Tsui, more traditional in his tastes than the adventurous Inspector.


“As good as I might deserve, Inspector,” Tsui answered, inclining his head a fraction. As he was responsible for the work of hundreds, Tsui technically ranked above the Inspector in the hierarchy of palace life, but considering the extensive influence and latitude granted the latter by imperial decree, the Chief Computator always displayed respect shading into submissiveness as a matter of course.


Bai nodded in reply and, tearing pieces of bread from either slice, dropped them onto the water before him. The abacus fish in the southern pond, of a precise but slow strain, moved in a languid dance to nibble the crumbs floating on the water’s surface. The brilliant gold hue of their scales, iridescent in the shifting light, prismed through the slowly shifting water’s surface, sparkling from below like prized gems. The fish, the result of a failed experiment years before to remove man from the process of calculation, had been bred from ornamentals chosen for their instinct of swimming in schools of close formation. In tests of the system, though, with a single agent flashing a series of lights at the water’s edge representing a string of digits and the appropriate operation, it was found that while accurate to a high degree, the slowness of their movements made them no more effective than any apprentice of the House of Calculation. The biological and chemical agents used in breeding them from true, however, had left the scales of the languid abacus fish and their descendants much more striking that those of the base stock, and so a place was found for the failed experiment in the gardens.


“Your pardon, O Chief Computator,” Bai remarked, shaking the last dusty crumbs from the pork and moving to the northern pond. “But it seems to me, at such times, that the movements of these poor doomed creatures still suggest the motions of your beads over rods, for even in their feeding, the fish arrange themselves in columns and rows of varying number.”


Tearing off strips of pork, the Inspector tossed them onto the water, which frothed and bubbled the instant the meat hit the surface. Silt, kicked up by the force of the sudden circulation, colored the water a dusty gray.


“I can only agree, of course,” Tsui answered, drawing alongside the Inspector and looking down on the erratic dance beneath the surface of the pond. This strain of abacus fish was, in contrast to its languid neighbor, much swifter but likewise far less consistent. They had been mutated from a breed of carnivorous fish from the Western Hemisphere’s southern continent, the instinct of hunger incarnate. The operations they performed, cued by motions in the air above and enticed by offerings of raw flesh, were done faster than any but the most accomplished human operator could match, but with an unacceptably high degree of error. Like their languid cousins before them these fierce creatures were highly prized for their appearance, their strangely iridescent scales offset by razor teeth and jagged fins, and so they were relocated from the Imperial Ministry of Experimentation into the garden when Tsui was only a child. “They mimic the process of calculation as a mynah bird does that of human speech. Ignorant, and without any comprehension. Man does not, as yet, have any replacement.”


“Hmm,” the Inspector hummed, tossing the last of the pork into the water. “But what does the abacus bead know of its use? Is it not the computator only who must understand the greater meaning?”


“Perhaps, O Inspector, this may be how the Emperor himself, the-equal-of-heaven and may-he-reign-ten-thousand-years, rules over the lives and destinies of men. Each of us need not know how we work in the grander scheme, so long as the Emperor’s hand guides us.” It was not a precise representation of Tsui’s thoughts on the matter, but a more politic answer than that which immediately suggested itself, and one better fit for the ears of the Emperor’s justice.


The Inspector hummed again, and wiped his fingers clean on the hems of his sleeves. Looking past Tsui’s shoulder at the garden’s entrance, Bai raised his eyebrows a fraction and nodded.


“You may be right, Chief Computator,” the Inspector answered, grinning slightly. “I believe either of two beads, you or I, will in short order be guided from here. Can you guess which?”


Tsui turned his chin over his shoulder, and saw the approach of the Imperial page.


“Neither can I,” the Inspector said before Tsui could answer. When the page presented the parchment summons to the Chief Computator with an abbreviated bow, Bai smiled and nodded again, and turned his attention back to the abacus fish. The last of the pork was gone, but white foam still frothed over the silty gray waters.


* * * *


Within the hall they waited, ministers and courtiers, eunuchs and servants, the Empress Dowager behind her screens, her ladies with faces made painted masks, and the Emperor himself upon the Golden Dragon Throne. All watching the still form of the infernal machine, squatting oily and threatening like a venomous toad on the lacquered wooden floor, its foreign devil master standing nervously to one side.


Tsui was met in the antechamber by the Lord Chamberlain. With a look of stern reproach for the Chief Computator’s late arrival, the Chamberlain led Tsui into the hall, where they both knelt and kowtowed to the Emperor, touching foreheads to cold floor twice before waiting to be received.


“The Emperor does not like to be kept waiting,” said the Emperor, lazily running his fingers along the surface of the scarlet and gold object in his hands. “Begin.”


As the Emperor leaned forward, elbows resting on the carved arms of the ancient Manchurian throne, Tsui could see that the object in his hand was a representation in miniature of the proposed Imperial Space Craft. A much larger version, at fifty per cent scale, hung from the rafters of the hall overhead. It presented an imposing image of lacquered red cherrywood and finely wrought gold, with delicately sweeping fins and the imperial seal worked into the bulkheads above the forward viewing ports. That the Emperor did not like to be kept waiting was no secret. Since he’d first ascended to the Dragon Throne a decade before, he’d wanted nothing more than to travel to the heavens and had dedicated the resources of the world’s most powerful nation to that end. His ancestors had conquered three-quarters of the world centuries before, his grandfather and then his father had gone on to bring the remaining rogue states under the red banner of China, and now the Emperor of the Earth would conquer the stars.


In the years of the Emperor’s reign, four out of every five mathematical operations sent to the Imperial House of Calculation had been generated by the Ministry of Celestial Excursion, the bureau established to develop and perfect the art of flying into the heavens. Tsui had never given it a great deal of thought. When reviewing the produced solutions, approving the quality of each before affixing his chop and the ideogram that represented both “Completion” and “Satisfaction”, he had never paused to wonder why the scientists, sages and alchemists might need these answers. The work of the Chief Computator was the calculation, and the use to which the results were put the concern of someone else.


Now, called for the first time to appear before his Emperor, it occurred to Tsui that he might, at last, be that someone else.


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