The Lost Days (20 page)

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Authors: Rob Reger

BOOK: The Lost Days
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Oh Duh. Jakey can’t hear Raven’s thoughts. (That, or Raven doesn’t HAVE thoughts. Whatever.)

I just hope she can follow instructions.


I sent Raven out to Jakey’s trailer with the following note:

Yo Jakey,

Sorry I haven’t been to see you in a while but am very sick with laryngitis. Anyway, how would you like to do me a favor? I will owe you big-time. There’s this dude Schneider who hangs out at City Hall who knows all kinds of stuff about me that he won’t tell. Maybe you can get something interesting out of him. I told Raven to buy you some parrot toys if you want.

Your Friend,

Now I’m making espresso for the regulars while Raven does my dirty work for me. Am crossing my fingers that all goes well.

Three Hours Later

MUCH PROGRESS! Raven is back! She had a letter for me from Jakey, which I’m pasting on the next page.

Hi Earwig,

Sory you are sick. I would come see you but Attikol will have a fit if I get larginitus. Sorry for terribel terrible spelling. Anyway the wierdest thing happened when Raven came here! She and my parrot were totally talking! I mean in bird language not English. I told you she is not like other poeple! Man she is the wierdest person I ever met eccept for you.

Anyway she took me down to city hall and we found Shenider. Yah he has a lot of ideas about you. First off he thinks you are related to this dead frend fiend of his name Emma. And did you know there is this giant picture of you on the wall there. And he thinks you are smarter than him and you will figure him out and be relly mad that he made you go to school and you will tell Emma on him wich seems kind of dum since she is dead and all. And he has a letter from Emma about you that I copied down for you.

That’s pretty much it about you, he also is trying to figure out how to stop Attikol from recking all these buildings in town, so maybe we will be leaving town soon. Also Raven took me to the pet store and bought me a bunch of parrot toys and so, its relly ok that she is so wierd! Also a lot of buildings are looking relly bad like they might fall down. HAHAHA I hope Attikol gets in trouble for it.


And here is the letter from Emma that Jakey apparently pulled out of Schneider’s mind.


My dear Mr. Schneider

As I am writing this, you are thirteen years old; but when you receive it, you will be twenty-six, and I will be long dead. I am arranging with a friend to deliver this at the proper time. When that time comes, a certain great-niece of mine will be arriving in Blackrock with the intention of accomplishing several tasks for me. I suspect that you will have no trouble recognizing her.

I am enclosing a sum of money that you may use to secure yourself a position on the City Council. (I am sure that things will have changed considerably in Blackrock in thirteen years—yet somehow I feel just as sure that the corruption and graft brought in by our Mayor will not have changed one whit. I do wish I had the strength to run him out, but I am old—you have no idea how old—and very, very tired.) In return, I ask that you use your position to assist my great-niece if she should need your aid.

A word of caution. You may assume that she is just as capable and intelligent as you are (if not more so), but she may be operating under certain…shall we say, self-imposed handicaps. Therefore, I am requesting that you interfere with her as little as possible, but provide whatever help she asks of you.

Thank you in advance for your kind assistance. I hope to receive an excellent report of your conduct from my great-niece. You may expect a fitting reward—“from beyond the grave,” as you young people say!


Am in shock.

Am really in shock.

Also, am REALLY hoping the bird-talk episode wasn’t anything Jakey feels he should mention to Attikol. Also, did not realize Jakey’s psychic power was so burly that he can pull entire letters out of people’s minds!! Also, couldn’t Schneider have been a LITTLE more helpful?? Also, have clearly used my quota of capital letters and exclamation points for today, but CRABBING GOLDFRIX!!!!!!!!!! I wish Old Emma (Great-Aunt Emma?) had sent ME a nice explanatory letter!

Well hey now. Who’s to say she didn’t? Maybe I just haven’t found it yet.


Here’s what I
HOPE I know:

  1. If I can believe the above letter, then I’m the great-niece of Emma LeStrande.
  2. I was probably correct in guessing that I’m here in Blackrock to accomplish something, and that something is linked to Great-Aunt Emma.
  3. Great-Aunt Emma seemed to know a lot about things that would be going down 13 years after she died.
  4. There’s a possibility I can communicate with Great-Aunt Emma, if I can only figure out how.
  5. Based on Jakey’s note, he doesn’t seem to recognize that telling the future and communicating from beyond the
    grave are highly…unusual talents. Am feeling glad that he is only nine, and all he knows of the world is the medicine show and the weirdos who run it. Fingers crossed that I’m correct here.
  6. Schneider seems to think Great-Aunt Emma will be pissed to find out that he forced me to go to school.
  7. I kind of wish I COULD get Schneider in trouble, but at least I know I have something to threaten him with.
  8. Schneider is a shameless double-crosser and lives in a world of lies, BUT, he did tell me to check out the library’s collection of Emma LeStrande stuff back on Day 11, so I guess I can just torment him a little, rather than destroying him utterly.
  9. I really do need to visit the library’s collection of Emma LeStrande stuff.
  10. I also should be spending more quality time with my great-aunt’s belongings.
  11. The secret closet and the liquid black rock are linked to some…unusual side effects. Possibly more unusual than not needing to eat or sleep. In other words: I can expect pretty much ANYTHING from Great-Aunt Emma.
  12. I am going to search that secret closet for evidence that Great-Aunt Emma made Raven.
  13. Great-Aunt Emma expected that I would be very smart. I need to live up to that. For my own sake.


Well what do you know? I found a book down in Closet Land called
Secrets of Golem Dominion
. It does not tell you how to make a golem, and seeing as how it was written about a hundred years ago, I wouldn’t expect it to say much about a golem like Raven, who is running some pretty complicated technology. BUT. Here is the cool part, which I’m copying:

“Having completed the rites to animate the golem, you must place it under your command, and once this is accomplished, you may be assured, there is no power on earth that may diverte your golem from carrying out your decrees, nor will the mandates of any other person have effect.”

Isn’t that interesting, I said to myself as I read this, thinking about how I sent Raven out on errands with the Moon Child.


I asked Raven to come out to the back alley with me. Told her to stand on one leg, hop up and down, bark like a dog, and rip a steel panel off the Dumpster.

All of which she immediately did.

Just to test things, I went back inside and asked HamHawk to come try giving her some commands.

All that happened was that they both looked at me really funny.



No point in getting too cocky.

After all, I don’t know how smart I’m really proving myself to be. Lots of leads, very few answers. Nearly thirty days of failure. And you might think it would make me feel better to know that I’m capable of making, programming, and repairing a golem…but in some way Raven is now the hardest person in this whole place for me to be around. Because every time I look at her, I’m reminded that once upon a time, I was smart. Smart enough to make a person out of…whatever I made her out of. I mean, I’m not saying she’s perfect. She may not be great at conversation. Not that I would want her to be. And she really can only make espresso and sandwiches. Although, when it comes down to it, I wouldn’t want to eat much else.


Maybe these are not design flaws.

Maybe I should do a little more investigation on what she can and can’t do.


Am feeling smarter. Here’s why.






Hold a scintillating conversation

Talk to birds


Make pork chops, roast chicken, filet mignon, etc.

Make a killer cheese and avocado sandwich


Tell me what 10 divided by 2 is

Tell me how much 3 double lattes and 2 americanos would be, with tax


Do a somersault

Rip apart a steel dumpster


Ride a bike

Drive a car…or a VAN


Do you SEE that last item?? THAT is why she and I are headed to City Hall to meet Schneider as soon as they’re open.

Day 25

Things are looking up!!!!!

It’s surprising what people will do for you if they think you are smarter than they are. Also, if they feel guilty because of something bad that happened to you. Also, if they think you’ll get them in trouble with a dead lady. Anyway, I didn’t even tell Schneider about my new information—and still, he was like putty in my hands. PUTTY! Within twenty minutes he was telling the officer at the auto impound lot that the van was Raven’s, and it only SEEMED like
the license plate wasn’t registered because Blackrock doesn’t subscribe to the National Registry of Highly Unusual Automobiles, which he clearly just made up, and that he was sure $20 would cover the ticket, the towing, AND the month in the impound…Well, it looked like a Jedi mind trick to me, but maybe the guy just owed him a favor. Whatever! The van is ours! Schneider is OK in my book!

And Oh My Frog, that’s not even the good part. The good part was when the four of us went out to the van and the officer cut off the chains and handed Raven the key, and she opened the driver’s door and got in like she totally knew what she was doing, and then reached down into her cleavage, and took out her driver’s license and the title of the van, which is in her name.


(Her last name, in case you were wondering, because I sure was, is not Dungeon, but Miller. Ha! Ha!)

AND, the GREAT part is that OUR marvelous van is now parked in the alley behind the El Dungeon where the lean-to used to be.

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